Mastering Enums in Flutter: Simplify Your Development

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Today, we're diving into one of the  fundamental concepts in Dart development:   enums. You might be wondering, "What exactly are enums,   and how can I use them to level up my development  skills?" Well, stick around because we've got you. In this video, we'll start with the basics,  explaining what enums are and how to use them.   Then, we'll add some extra functionalities to  our enums, making them a little bit more usable. Lastly, we'll touch on Dart's enhanced enums, and  we'll do all of this by modifying this app screen.  Starter code linked in the description  below to ensure all our constant values,   from the color to the order  state, the state description,   as well as the icons, are all  stored as part of a single enum. Let's get to it. I'm pretty sure many of you might have noticed  that if you wanted to store a list of constant   strings, you could just do something like this:  create a class and store them like that. But   stop! Let's use enums for that. An enum, short for enumeration,   is a way to define a set of constant values. It's super handy when you have a fixed set of   options or states in your app. Let's look at some basic code. As mentioned before, the link to the starter  code can be found in the description down below.  What you will find in there are some files,  and one of those files is this file right here   called "enums." In here, you will find a custom  widget that takes in a couple of parameters:   it takes in color, title, subtitle, icon, whether  to show the line, and whether it's active or not.   This is to display the status of our order.  So, let's get to writing some enum code. To get started, you will have to declare your  enum. To do that, you type the word "enum" in   small letters, followed by the name of your enum.  In this instance, it's "orderStatus" because we   are dealing with the status of the order, and it  can have multiple values: processing, in transit,   and delivered. Let's do that. The first value  will be "processing," and the last one will   be "delivered." There you go; you have your  first enum. You can try to use it like this:   you type the enum name followed by a dot  and the value that you're trying to access.   But this does not return a string value; it  returns an instance of the "orderStatus." So,   since our widget is expecting a string value,  we will convert this to a string, and we get   something that looks like this. This is not pretty.  The `toString` method returns the actual  string representation of our enum, but we   want the string representation of our enum value.  To do that, Dart provides a getter on the values;   one of the getters is called "name." We use that  and save, and this is what we get. Let's make that   uppercase, just for good measure. We can try  and do the same for the rest of the values,   so we do that for "in transit," name, and we  save, and we see our next problem. We want   this string representation to be proper, in this  format, meaning there needs to be a space between   the "in" and the "transit." How do we actually  achieve that? Let's jump into our next topic. In Dart, you can actually add methods  to your enums. So, what we're going to   do is add a method getter "humanReadable," and  we're going to switch on the `this` variable,   meaning we are switching on the actual  "orderStatus" itself. We get this error.   What this error is saying is that we need  to specify all the cases. We specify our   cases for "processing," "in transit," and  "delivered," and we still now get this error,   meaning this cannot be static. Now we save that,  and now we have another getter on our enums. Let's   use that instead of "name": "humanReadable." And  there you go. We can do that for "in transit"   as well. There you go, and we can do the  same for "delivered" as well. There you go. Now, this is great, but suppose we wanted to  associate our enum values with more values.   For instance, we wanted to associate each enum  value with a color, a description, a subtitle,   or an icon. Now, we would pretty much have  to do this again and again for the color,   for the subtitle, for everything that we have.  So, I don't think this is going to work. Now,   let's jump on to the next topic that Dart 2.17  introduced: enhanced enums, which makes enums   behave more like classes. We can declare our  enums with fields, static or instance members,   methods, and all of that. So, let's declare some  fields. For this one, we'll declare the fields for   "title," "description," "icon," and I think we'll  do one more for the color as well. One more trick   that I like doing here is converting my enum to a  class so that I can have VS Code do the heavy work   of creating the constructor for me. I will make  all of these fields required and change this back   to an enum. After doing this, you will see that  our enum constructor now needs to be constant,   so we'll do that, and our enum values now need  to be declared with the given fields. So, let's   do that for "processing." We'll give it the color  of "Colors.amber," we'll also give it the title,   the description, and we'll also give it the  icon as well. We will then go ahead and do   the same for the other values: "in transit" and  "delivered." We will pass the values as needed   and end it with a semicolon. You see that we're  passing all the values: the color, the title,   description, and the icon. Now that we have this,  we can go ahead and try to use it. Let's go ahead   and do that. Instead of passing it like this,  we can simply call the title for the titles,   and we'll pass the description as the subtitle.  We'll do the same thing for the icon by saying   "orderStatus.processing.icon," and we  will do the same thing for the color:   "orderStatus.processing.color." Then, I will  restart just to show you that it's maintaining   the state, and I will change the color, save, and  you will see that it's actually very responsive. Now that we have that, I think we will do the  same thing for the other statuses as well. We'll   copy the first one, duplicate it around, change  that to "in transit," copy that, change that to   "delivered," and also change the "show line"  to false. And we are back where we started,   but as you can see, we are kind of repeating the  same code again and again. There should be an   easier way to do this. In a real application, you  will have this as a field inside an order class   or something like that, which you will get from  a database or something. So, let's do that. Let's   create a class; call it "MyOrder." We will give it  the field of the "orderID," and we'll also give it a final "orderStatus enum" name that our "status."  This will hold the status of our order. So, we'll   create the constructor for that, and we'll also  create an instance of this class right in here.   We will create another field inside here. I think  we'll implement the "copyWith" method right there,   and I think for now, that's about it. Let's see  how we can use this in our widget. We'll create   an instance of the "Order," which I realize  now is very redundant, and then we'll use this   to just replace our "orderID," for instance, and  we'll also track our "orderStatus" based on that   order as well. Let's just make this look nice.  Awesome. Do a hot restart, and that's what we get.   I think we'll move our order inside to the build  method so we can get that on hot reload as well. Let's now deal with the active state of our  cards right here. So, these cards represent   our statuses. That means that the order can only  be active if our "orderStatus" is equal to that   status. For instance, we'll do "orderStatus is  equal to processing" for processing to do the   check. And right now, the status is processing,  so we get processing. So, let's do a "copyWith"   method and change our status to something like  "in transit," and we get it active. But now,   the new problem is that the previous statuses  are now not active. How do we then deal with   this? Firstly, we will comment this out because I  don't think this is the most efficient way. What   we will do is we will spread over the values of  our "orderStatus enum." We get that as an array,   and then we will map each one of the values to an  "OrderStatusItemView," which is our "orderStatus"   card. All of these will be: `e.color` will be  `e.title` and `e.description` for that, and the   icon will be `e.icon`. Show line, we'll deal with  that in a little bit. For now, let's make that   true. Whether or not it is active, to get back  to the last point, we'll just copy that and paste   that there, and we'll compare that to the current  iteration value, which in this case is `e`. To   deal with "show line," I think it's the easier  one to deal with, but I think we will need an   index because we will need to just check if this  is the last item in our list. To do that, we will   have to convert our map to an indexed map because  we need an index value. The map index comes from   the collection package in Dart; that's already  in there, and it's very handy in situations   like this. We will check if our index is less  than the "orderStatus" enum values' length,   meaning the length of our array minus one. As  you can see, that is looking pretty good so far. But we're still dealing with the active state.  How do we then solve this one? In my case,   it's a little bit of an easy fix because the way  my states or my values are stored in our enum,   they are arranged in a way that the app will  actually flow. So, I can easily find the index   of my "orderStatus" and compare it to the current  index. If it is greater than or equal to the   current index, then we want this to be active;  otherwise, we have not reached that status yet,   so it will be inactive. And that seems  to be working perfectly fine. And yeah,   this is how I would do it. I hope you guys  have found this video very insightful, and   we've mitigated a lot of code; we've got rid of a  lot of code. In fact, we can add another status in   here. Let's call that "packaging" or something,  and we will change the color to something like   an indigo or something like that, change the  title to "Packaging," and the description to   "Your order is being packaged." Change the icon  to whatever icon you want to change that to,   and it's already active because our status is  "delivered," and we didn't have to touch any UI   code; we just messed with our enum. The order  of our values matters. And there you have it,   folks, a quick overview of enums in Flutter  development. We covered the basics; we added   some additional functionalities; we hinted  a little bit about enhanced enums. Remember,   enums can simplify your code and make your  app development process way easier. If you   found this video helpful, don't forget  to like, share, and subscribe for more   Flutter development tips and tricks. And let us know in the comment section   which method you prefer using. The getters in your enums or do you   like using the enhanced enums definition. Thanks for tuning in to Creative Blaq,   where development meets Creativity.  Until next time, stay creative!
Channel: Creative Blaq Studios
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Id: U-je0dH3HZs
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Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2023
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