Build a Flutter App with Gemini AI

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in this video I will walk you through creating a basic flutter app that utilizes Google's Gemini AI for a simple text generation task to code along with me you need flutter development environment set up and Google AI Studio project link to your Google account first of all obtain your Gemini API key visit ai. gooogle dodev and sign in with your Google account click on get Gemini API key in Google AI Studio from the left side barar click on get API key click on create a Pi key and copy the generated key now create a new flutter project in your terminal navigate to the project directory first install the Google generative AI package to install the package run the command flutter poob at Google generative AI in your terminal to add your API key in Project create env. Json file in the root folder and add Json with key API key you can give it any name you want now let's create a screen I am giving it a name home screen for now just return the scaffold and set the size box and body to start with implementation first import and initialize Gemini then import the Google generative AI package in your code initialize the generative model using your API key and desired task type here we use text generation using Gemini pro model Implement chat session as well using start chat method in AIT State build some UI of the screen now add list VI Builder to display messages and for message we will create a separate widget create a file name message widget and add some properties like message text and flag to check the message from the user or Gemini and the widget and then create a widget UI we are using flutter markdown package for Rich Text representation of the message text also set different color for user message box now add message widget and list view Builder get a plain text representation of a Content object from the chat history and then extract the text from it and we can get role of the user from the content object to create an II set the alignments of the column and add some padding to it now let's add the text field and send button at the end of the screen we need text editing controller to get the user input add some decoration to the text field to make it prettier add method to send chat message on unsubmitted ADD loading variable to handle loading while waiting for the response and disable the send button in this method we are sending a request to Gemini using send message method and handle the response we will show an error if the response is null also scroll the screen to the bottom after getting the response for that we need to add scroll controller in the list view let's run the app now and see is it working as expected use this command to launch your app on a connected device or emulator oops I forgot to add the item count in the list view Builder now it looks fine it is time to chat now let's write something oh we have to update the message widget add main AIS alignment and some padding and margin as well now it should look good perfect let's try to send some more messages yep it works fine now go and create your own chatbot app using gini this is a basic example and you can further customize it by adding features like multi-turn conversations image-based generation and error handling refer to the official documentation of the Google generative AI package for more details and advanced usage thank you for watching and don't forget to hit the like button and subscribe for more such content
Channel: Open Source
Views: 5,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Flutter, BuildWithGemini, GeminiAI, AI, AppDevelopment, TextGeneration, Tutorial, GoogleAI
Id: 4sCa4ekLB5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 2sec (242 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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