Mastering Editing Normals in Anime Models in Blender

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hey guys welcome to another incredible tutorial here on our Channel today we're going to explore a fundamental aspect of modeling anime characters and blender editing normals if you've ever wondered how to give your models that extra touch this video is for you so without further Ado let's dive into this fascinating Universe of normal [Music] editing firstly it is essential to understand what normal is normals are vectors perpendicular to the surfaces of a 3D model they play a crucial role in rendering directly affecting the lighting and shading of the object in the context of anime models careful manipulation of these normals can highlight details and bring characters to life in a unique way before we begin make sure you have blender installed and your anime template project open if you don't have one yet feel free to use an example template available aable online or create your own from scratch we will need to make some cuts to create a triangle the cropping tool and blender is one of the fundamental features for 3D modeling this tool allows users to efficiently and accurately split cut and adjust geometries it can be accessed by pressing the K key or found in the context menu right Mouse button during modeling the cutting tool has different usage modes it can be used to create free cuts by hand cut along existing edges or follow specific lines in free mode mod you can draw directly on the surface of the object just click on the desired points and press enter to complete the cut to cut along existing edges simply select the desired Edge and use the cut tool this is useful for creating accurate Cuts following the topology of the object while cutting you can add additional cutting points by clicking where necessary the tools Behavior can be adjusted through options in the tool panel such as the option to cut completely through the object an important advantage of the cropping tool and blender is the ability to create Cuts without destroying the original geometry this is particularly useful for a non-destructive workflow allowing for future adjustments and modifications select all Mark Sharp and seam edges select the center edges of the face and Mark Sharp by marking an edge is sharp you are indicating to blender that you want to preserve the sharpness of that edge when calculating normals this is crucial for objects where some edges must maintain a sharp appearance While others can be softened commas arrest is Cici Nas pression Control Plus e par omuda edges arrest is e Escala Mark Sharp alternativ am V in Contra estao menu Toto dioro do mouse over it as AR rest cian Aus Mark the seams too marking the seams will help us more easily select the areas where we will later edit the normal separately also cut around the drawn triangle this will ensure you have a perfect Shadow and an observation to be made is that with a surface subdivis The Marked edges may be crooked it will be necessary to set the mean crease value to the maximum mean crease and blender is a property associated with edges that is often used in conjunction with the surface subdivision modifier it plays a crucial role in controlling the smoothing of the edges of a 3D model here are some reasons why mean crease is important in blender in summary mean crease is a valuable tool for controlling the smoothing of edges in 3D models and blender by using it effectively you can achieve accurate visual results and maintain control over your models Aesthetics whether in hard surface or organic modeling environments for the next step you need to install the abnormal app you can find the ad and download here in the video description download the addin in a blender compatible format usually zip in the top right corner of the screen click edit and select preferences from the drop down menu in preferences click the add-ons tab in the left sidebar click the install button in the upper right corner of the preferences window navigate to the location where you downloaded the ADD and zip file and select it after installation you will see the add-in listed in the preferences window make sure to check the box next to the name to activate it click the save preferences button to ensure the add-in is activated every time you launch blender the next step now is to use the abnormal addin to edit the normals in a simpler way and at the same time achieve the quality shown at the beginning of this video before opening the admin let's select all the areas marked with stitching as we will do the spherical editing first follow the steps shown in this video the first is to turn all the normals outwards and the second it is to edit in the form of the sphere do not change any value and confirm to exit the ADD and interface and apply the edit now select the areas as shown in the video open the addin interface again check the box corresponding to the x-axis so that edits made on the right side are mirrored on the right side when aligning let's align on the Y AIS the direction of the normals must all be facing forward now let's rotate the z-axis to have a tilt confirm the changes to exit the adding with everything done we have the final test result to maintain perfect normals even with the deformation of shape keys a duplicate of the body is necessary without shape keys and facial bone influence weights to use in the data transfer modifier and here we conclude our tutorial on editing normals in anime character models and blender I hope you found this video useful and inspiring for your own Creations if you liked it don't forget to leave a like subscribe to the channel and share it with other 3D modeling enthusiasts feel free to leave your comments with suggestions for future tutorials and until next time happy model
Channel: AnimeXD channel
Views: 3,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AnimeXD channel, Anime, アニメ, blender 2.8, blender 2.9, personagens 3D, 3D characters, 3D, garota anime 3D, 3d anime girl, como fazer anime, how to make anime, clip studio paint, arte digital, digital art, addon, normals edit, editing normals, anime models, BlenderTips, AnimeDesign, Blender3D, 3DAnimation, AnimeStyle, BlenderRendering
Id: KB0B9Hz46UM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 9sec (369 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2023
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