MasterChef Season 03 Episode 11

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last time on masterchef becky took control of the elimination challenge and turned the masterchef kitchen upside down look at the mess with explosive results have a little respect that is a disaster see this in the end mike was eliminated the time is done in masterchef but in a shocking turn of events there was a double elimination what as tanya became the second casualty your time is done tonight a menacing sea urchin takes center stage the catch of the day sends a tidal wave through the master chef kitchen it's master chef not master bait everyone can go home as far as i'm concerned and one more mastership hopeful sinks i hope that fish doesn't take you down today being in top nine i really can't believe that i'm in this position right now welcome welcome welcome the competition is so tight right now but i totally belong here it's time for another mystery box challenge as with all mystery boxes we will be watching your every move and tasting your dishes as you cook we will select three dishes to taste and the person with the best dish will get a monumental advantage in the next challenge whoever wins the mystery box gets the sickest advantage it's always like oh you can cook with chocolate and they'll have to cook with okay on the count of three you'll lift your boxes one two gently three oh my god i start hearing like clicking noises christine do not start feeling your box okay i'm mesmerized look at you moving around there it looks beautiful kind of represents just me in this moment right now right in front of you you have the most amazing sea urchin you've got to be very careful breaking this thing down some of those spines are poisonous so all of you come down here and i'll show you how to do it let's go i'm like thank god i came here to win not to die from a sea urchin first and foremost important like any ingredient trust me you gotta get comfortable with it do not get intimidated by it in every sea urchin there's five beautiful bright orange we call them tongues of coral that is the sea urchin uni you can actually eat it raw from the shell now this is the most humane way of dispatching the uh uni we're gonna nip the top basically what we're doing is just cutting a nice smooth round hole watching chef ramsay work is just zen-like his method is just perfect now take that out very carefully christine just give me your finger please darling okay first of all just the size of the hole okay and then the coral is just on there now okay there it is there from there the spoon underneath once the core is exposed the oxygen it decomposes so when you take them out you have to really get ready to use them the flavor is extraordinary creamy incredibly salted so use your imagination in the demonstration chef ramsay made it look super easy and i'm thinking to myself uh yeah mine's not gonna look that way at all since sea urchin is the only ingredient in the mystery box we're giving you a limited pantry of other ingredients to complement that amazing sea urchin you've all got 60 minutes to make one stunning sea urchin dish are you ready yes yes your time starts now the winner of this challenge is being decided right now by choosing the right ingredients the right pairing and the right way to showcase the unity but they've got to understand the strength of the creaminess the saltiness and what a sea urchin can do to a dish what would you do with it i would do the most amazing fresh pasta and do a roasted lobster half the sea action running through the pasta and the other half from the sauce nice i might just do a couple simple marinated vegetables take a scallop sear it slice it and then froth up some of the rooney just over the top here yeah today i'm making a pasta with a creamy uni sauce and i'm going to put some uni fillets on top but i think it's pretty early to be working with the urchin dave is more of a pork and beef kind of guy i don't think he's um going to do well today at all hi tommy how are you feeling good chef i'm making a uni shooter i'm going to uni shooter yeah why this looks so pretty and i'm going to put a little bit of tequila in there you're one brave man you know that you know good luck i have my india it's in here looking creamy with some butter and make this babe into it risotto and i'm feeling pretty good just coming up to 20 minutes to go what i'm just gonna do this real fast ma'am forgive me oh my god dude i hope that's not your brain look frank is using gloves becky's going in no gloves you know the got a lot of confidence she's cooking with a lot of confidence love the idea of stacy she's doing a california role that's bold yeah felix risotto it's almost like a little mix of japan via italy it's very complicated thinking about a chef in a restaurant would be taking a big risk putting a dish like that together let's see if you can do it okay guys just over 10 minutes left christine hi chef who's gonna be in the bottom three with a sea urchin tonight uh i think monty will be thanks christine so becky you've been in the top three more than anyone else you're on everyone's hit list as being the number one they need to take out who would you love to see go down uh i want to see monty go home next i question her as a master chef i mean she's a pretty good like recipe user and stuff but i think that she is a stick that has lasted her quite a while wow that's what i think okay screw people that think i'm going to be in the bottom i'm going to win this this isn't who's the best home cook that cooks on a budget it's who wants to be a master chef you know what people look at me like i'm going to struggle at everything and anyone who does think i'm a fluke can kiss my puerto rican ass just under two minutes to go guys start plating please tonight's mystery box challenge contained a masterchef first sea urchin forgive me oh my god dude i hope that's not your brain as always the home cook with the winning dish will take control of the competition 10 9 8 seven six five four three two one and stop hands in the air having carefully tasted everything throughout the challenge the judges now take one final look to identify three standout dishes we've now chosen three dishes that stood out really stood out the first person would like to invite down felix let's go felix whatever i know that i'm better than her okay explain to us what is it please it's a uni risotto a little bit of ginger some pearl onions sake and snow peas so visually the uni's gone has disappeared why nothing on top at the end i did a uni cream sauce what else is in there uh uzu to give it a little bit of citric citrus brightness i mean it's breathtaking i mean absolutely bloody delicious tough just doing a risotto let alone a siege in risotto bold move but well done thank you i love the fresh grading of citrus over the top with the zest you know it makes it you get those essential oils it's just a really really complex technique driven dish that showcases the uni great dish thank you i haven't seen you up here since the first mystery box right welcome back thank you this is amazing thank you joe this is really taking it to another level this is what we want to see you're back in this competition big time because you're kind of pulling on it from all levels now and then nailing it good job congratulations the second home cook that has made it into the top three the dish was plated to where it looked like it came out of a restaurant and this person has never been in the top three please come down josh josh seriously there's no innovation i didn't see anyone with my type of dish because it's never been done looks beautiful thank you you got some rock shrimp in there yes some rock shrimp i whisked in about three corals from the sea urchin into the sauce i just topped it off with a couple honey fillets on top the cream sauce is really good i think that the flavor of the urchin is incorporated throughout and then you have some of that extra goodies on top you know that's one thing that that i love is being able to see the actual ingredient in front of me you know that this cut of pasta is called i want to say linguine but i'm not sure it's called tayarini italiarini taliarini thailani taliarini tayanin italia taganini you need to learn to say it if you're going to cook it yes sir now you know what's brilliant about this this is the exact pasta that i serve this dish with in my restaurant wow did you know that this would be the kind of pasta you would use to make a sea urchin pasta with well my visual is to cook something delicate fettuccine or tagliatelle you've just been too much for this dish you have those kind of instincts yes i do if you really do you could win this thing that's the plan that's why i came here thanks thank you great job josh so joe tells me you got the instinct of a winner and i've been thinking that's what i'm gonna try to show you from the audition days okay we're gonna only taste one more dish this home cook put a unique twist on a asian concept get up here stacy welcome i was surprised when i hear stacy's name called i didn't think that she was gonna come up with anything amazing i went straight forward with a rock shrimp and sushi roll and i made a uni aioli it's beautiful you're quite a dark horse in this competition but you've got to start understanding your own capabilities yes i look at the effort that's on that plate and they look at some of the efforts that are behind you and it's just like they've had 15 minutes and you've had three hours it's quite extraordinary thank you so much is this something you've seen before you just kind of came up with it i just came up with it wow you really kind of went at it like someone who has a lot of experience creating sushi dishes good job thank you okay well done i mean three stunning dishes and we're delighted to have three dishes so close only one of you can have a huge advantage in the next stage of this competition i need to shoot straight to the top and not dance around anymore i need to just win felix and stacy they're nowhere near me this is really my time to shine trust me it was tough come on say my name if he says stacy's name i would shoot myself in the head the winning dish of the most amazing mystery box challenge tonight belongs to congratulations the person with the best dish will get a monumental advantage in the next challenge in this mystery box challenge the home cooks had just one hour to prepare one amazing dish with a unique ingredient sea urchin the winning dish of the most amazing mystery box challenge tonight belongs to congratulations felix this is exactly what i needed it just reassured that i still have what it takes and i can win this felix are you ready to see what your colossal advantage is i'm ready let's go congratulations great job thank you great job welcome please this is monty's what did she make it's a giant bowl of pasta with everything in the world in there nothing's on fire that's good as the winner of the mystery box felix is now in control of the elimination test where at least one person will leave the competition i'm ready good because it's time to go fishing beautiful the pick of the ocean what'd you think of that that's amazing you're looking at nine completely different fish from fresh water to salt water your enormous advantage is that you get to hand select each and every fish that you and your competitors will be cooking oh my god i'm like wow this is getting really personal i mean from a chef's point of view rockfish a nightmare to phillips full of bones john dory so difficult with those spines work that needs to go into making a catfish delicious is extraordinary yellowtail good enough to eat raw fresh salmon a dream for anyone cooking in this competition first of all what fish for yourself you have to think smart the easiest fish would be the salmon i think i'm going to go with the halibut the halibut wow that's quite difficult to fill it you are up for elimination felix i understand well you want to put yourself under pressure now the secret of winning masterchef is getting rid of your competition so the most difficult fish is the john dory coupled with the rock fish who is your biggest competition right now um i would say becky is my biggest competition i'm gonna give her a hard fish so i give her the rockfish it's a very smart move who is next on your hit list i would say frank i'll give frankie the catfish well played he's probably never seen a catfish before can i just say i mean you've got two very difficult fish to master there who's leaving the competition tonight is she competition for you yeah because she memorizes recipes i don't think she's that creative so what fish do you give to trip her up the john dory so which fish do you give the weakest person the arctic char probably the easiest fish it could be his downfall i give david the yellow tail so you're gonna give him the most expensive fish on the table yeah is that like handing him a big present with a bow on it i don't really take david as competition last one i'm gonna give christine the salmon you'll make it easy for i love her that is a dream all right felix you baited the hook ready i'm ready wow look at that smile on her face that says it all right there yes beaming from ear to ear we revealed to felix nine very different fish we give phoenix the opportunity to choose which fish each of you will cook all right guys when you get into the pantry you'll see what your fish of the day is you'll have five minutes to shop for all the ingredients to make an amazing dish out of the fish you've been given are you ready yes let's go what holy crap he's huge what the hell the only thing up there that i would be nervous about and that's what she gave me catfish she would give me the smallest fish in here cindy you put that right in my face nice i don't entirely know what rockfish even is look at these guys oh it's gonna hurt me i see my name next to another name john dore but it's not a dude it's a fish with big lips and a huge tongue you've all got 60 minutes to cook an amazing fish entree for one of you this is going to be your last 60 minutes in the mustard kitchen the end of the road trust me right now it's sink or swim your 60 minutes starts now let's see what's going on inside this thing i'm feeling really happy with my choices some are probably kind of pissed i think felix wants all of us out of here man tough luck man you know i'm here to win i think felix was pretty smart today i think she did a great job strategizing i'm definitely swimming with sharks right now for winning the mystery box challenge felix had the advantage of selecting which type of fish each person had to cook at the end of the day one or more of the remaining home cooks will be eliminated i'm nervous just because i don't want to mess this up nine fish left man and i think we're all underwater a little bit i think felix is pretty smart today i think she did a great job strategizing and doing what she had to do i picked the halibut i was wanting to challenge myself you know kind of heading off to a rough start for me why did i pick the stupid flat let's talk about felix's strategy she seized her advantage to send frank or becky home our number one or two competitors may be followed closely by monty those three people i would really keep an eye on today because one of them could go home clearly becky is her number one competition right she's announced that to everyone by giving her the rock fish that's got to be the worst to cook with it's so meaty it's hard to get right one piece down and then close behind is frank with the catfish i mean she knows that he comes from long island you don't see a lot of cats right now monty john dory and he's so difficult he's already been 10 minutes dancing around that john dory she hasn't even put a knife into it yet so she can't get her head around the filet john dory could send monty home we'll figure it out charlie hey chef arthur charles you lucky lucky man lucky man look at it it's a dream what's the dish what are you doing uh well i'm gonna sous videus sous vide yeah and i'm going to finish it on the skillet it's an oily fish yeah why would you eat that it cooks it in its own juices and it keeps that flavor locked in i'm going to make also some green lentils you know with a little bit of bacon fat it's going to be a nice mellow dish i'm going to use like a mustard sauce a mustard sauce yeah it's a very powerful taste with something as sweet and as delicate he's so sweet and delicate that the fish is going to speak for itself good luck thank you chef so felix which one is gonna go home monty's going home she doesn't have that cooking passion that the rest of us do here i'm hearing a lot of people talking which is my favorite part of the day felix talley everyone can go home as far as i'm concerned i'm going to win this thing just to prove a point keep underestimating top nine i'm still here am i going against the bone you see it right exactly 20 minutes to go come on okay david yellowfin california tuna what do you do with it i'm gonna make it in a deviled sauce like a hot spicy sauce have you tasted that yeah why would you douse it in such a incredibly hot sauce i mean that's gonna blow you back off woof i feel like i need a fire extinguisher in my mouth hi christine it's joe i'm doing great are we eating today what are you making i'm making a like a panko crusted salmon and um serving it with some rice on top of some stir-fried vegetables seems like a pretty pedestrian dish for you christine not up to your high level of palate you've never been on the bottom three in elimination test no i haven't could today be that day um i sure hope not 10 minutes okay i can do this originally i was thinking that i might make stock with bedrock fish but i ended up not having enough time for that so my strategy is just to make some really contrasting sauces creamy and acidic to really not leave it hanging there by itself coated right i need a melt butter christine i think she's panicking a little bit her dishes very very simple yeah not a lot of technique not a lot of flavor profile becky's trying to saute the rock fish she didn't use the head or the carcass didn't make a broth could be really tough for her tally again with the sous vide completely unnecessary arctic char is certainly the easiest fish here today you could steam it grill it saute it it's always going to be buttery and perfect you do everything he can to take the flavor out of it i mean he's serving green lentils with it bacon mustard all those flavors are gonna obliterate it i mean that's stuff that you would serve with like a nice roasted piece of meat but the big surprise for me is how well monty has filleted john dory yeah beautifully done could you imagine if monty comes out on top and felix comes out on the bottom yeah stranger things have happened on masterchef five minutes left taste everything make this count right charlie how'd it taste this is just a trial run trial run yeah now you rub the arctic charr and dijon mustard they put a little too much so the plan b is to have the beautiful sous-vide fillet to finish it on the skillet i might i might just serve it like this you can serve it like that yeah i might do that it looks good it's stone cold charlie is ice cold i'm going to warm it up right now it's going to be so fast it doesn't even need that much because it's a delicate fish right now okay three minutes to go you got it shot maybe you lost it's time for me to make a move in this competition it's frustrating when chef ramsay interrupts me in the middle of my creative genius explosion it's kind of like interrupting a master artist like picasso talia's all over the place he doused one side of the artichan in muscle it tasted dreadful just mustard mustard mustard okay now he's taking out a souvenir it's stone cold 90 seconds to go come on here we go 20 seconds to go it's all coming together trust me each of the nine remaining home cooks is rushing to complete the latest elimination challenge 60 seconds to go come on start plating guys oh my god tidy those plates get them looking stunning here we go ten nine eight seven six five four three two one and stop all of you hands in the air wow nine stunning fish dishes i hope felix's strategy i honestly think she's trying to make it easy for me by giving me the salmon but i don't know i just really screwed it up felix really wants me to go down in flames but my fish is perfect as you know for one of you it should last 60 minutes in the master jeff kitchen the judges will now taste each fish entree then the three worst dishes will be singled out and at least one of those home cooks will leave the competition let's start off the girl that dictated the strength of this challenge felix with the californian halibuts i poached the halibut it's served on a bamboo rice and some asparagus the sausage uh lemon uh green apple and you're playing to win right so you're gonna give the hard fish to becky and to frank knock one of them out give an easy fish to david martinez something much more forgiving like even the charred that you gave to tally it's so even if they nail it it doesn't really matter because you know you can beat them you have the advantage for yourself and you pick a fish that's medium to difficult are you here to win i'm here to win totally overcooked the fish more importantly i don't understand how you can let an opportunity like that slide by you um slightly dry so it's not your best i think you could have rose to the top unfortunately you're sort of halfway at this level now there's less than 10 of you when does it start getting really serious i don't know i wanted to challenge myself with a halibut how how badly do you want to win do you feel good that well at least i challenged myself and i made a pretty crappy halibut thank you monty bring it up please i made a fillet of john dore over a bed of baby asparagus and our roasted almond sauce so felix gave you the john dory um i don't think felix thinks i can cook she thinks i memorize recipes the dory is perfectly cooked with great technique finesse not overcooked still moist thank you she tried to trip you up didn't work sorry felix but your plan backfired because she did nail it and i don't give a how many books you read i just want to see you at your best in this competition on a daily basis good job thank you i think that she got lucky cooking it so good for her felix better luck next time okay next is frank this is an indian fried catfish with eggplant garam masala and a coconut leek sauce catfish fresh water you know it's almost muddy tasting yeah i love the flavors i never would have thought you could get that out of catfish this is really good good job great thank you i gave frank the catfish because i thought that it's probably something that he hadn't really worked with before but it definitely backfired becky let's go please i did a pan-fried filet celery root puree and then i did a sauce with shallot and chardonnay and emulsified egg yolks i think you and monty will dealt the most dysfunctional cards in terms of be giving those fish and it's delicious i mean you've nailed a very difficult fish great finesse and it shows yeah i'm very happy there great job thank you thank you next dish we'll taste is david martinez david talks a big game and he never ever backs it up yellowtail is kind of a gimme it should be a gimme i made deviled tuna steak with garlic aioli potatoes and red cabbage coleslaw with red onion it's completely raw yes sir is that what you wanted no sir i thought that it would have more of a ring around the top it's like cold from the ice still in the middle you could have simply drizzled olive oil and a squirt of lemon on it you would have probably had the most winning dish here yes sir you chose to complicate this dish i hope that fish doesn't take you down today didn't fully understand the ingredient obviously i mean you know someone's leaving today right is this what you go home on yeah i don't know what else to say okay tally hey chef it's a sous-vide arctic char over green lentils i wanted to sous-vide my fish today so i can kind of produce those the name of the show is master chef okay what do chefs do chefs cook right so it's not master orator or master tell me about what my intention is about cooking it's master chef you think you're going to impress us with things like suvi emulsify no so at the end of the day what you have here is basically destroyed lentils because i can see they're all exploded and overcooked you have a bunch of herb scraps with no dressing on them you got a piece of fatty nasty looking bacon on top of some poorly conceived cooked arctic char you've consistently disappointed us the point of sous-vide is to lock in those flavors yes and i watch you cook and i just get so pissed off with you around you're misinterpreting the competition it's master chef not master bait there's no flavor tarly it's badly seasoned it's just a mess i think the judges struggled with understanding my flavors maybe they're just a little too old school and they can't see the beauty and the genius that is my food it's master chef not master bait just one more tasting remains after which at least one home cook will be leaving the masterchef kitchen okay christine let's go please i cook salmon with a panko breadcrumb layer it's served with rice and some stir-fried vegetables wow the breadcrumbs are raw they're not even crispy and everything's dry how ironic is this we first met you with a catfish and the dish was mind-blowing amazing broth we still talk about it today and then this it's like there's two different christines this dish in front of you is your worst performance in this competition the salmon is well done and it's almost as if the panko and the salmon are nearly the same color all the way through and then of course that's served with this little mound of white rice next to it sadly i can easily say this is the least visually appealing dish that you've put up yeah it's too bad this is really just kind of sloppy it is like cooked through like they would come if you bought salmon in a can literally the technique's not there like poorly thought out you know i've always thought of you as kind of being a smart cook and i'm not seeing that i felix trying to help you it's not working you may be going home i've never seen christine do anything that isn't perfect and i'm freaking out for her because i really have mad respect for that lady as you know this is a elimination challenge at least one of you will be leaving masterchef shortly i'm so pissed that i second-guessed myself interesting christine's was dreadful i'm such an idiot i'm such an idiot every monster was shocking block a spicy raw tuna everyone that felix picked like the easy ones too he's a big ball buster yeah whatever man it's good cooking with you guys okay before we deliver the bad news here's the good news there were two outstanding highlights the second best dish and this is a close one congratulations to monty what well done oh my god thank you the dish of the day belongs to frank great job i definitely put myself in the top of the competition i stepped out of the comfort zone and made the best dish in the room frank monty both of you become team captains in the next challenge i'm so disappointed and i can't believe that monty's dish was better than mine now for the bad news it is an elimination test and you know at least one of you will be leaving this competition the first dish in the bottom three showed disrespect and in many ways ignorance david martinez let's go the next person used the wrong technique the wrong ingredient and the wrong flavors that person is tally and the final person we need to see down here has really disappointed me christine okay all three of you know why you're here i want to stay in this competition so bad but the yellow tail just threw me for a loop i'm so pissed off right now why why don't they see the genius that is right in front of them if i go home today i'm still i should still be really proud of myself and i i totally am but i'm not here to just just be an inspiration you know i want to be taken seriously christine please step forward you shocked us all i mean that was a big blow for all of us several weeks ago you walked in to masterchef you blew us away you showed that there was no awkwardness with the disability you sort of nailed every dish every challenge and you took it your strides but in a very inspirational way you should be incredibly proud christine yeah sure your time in masterchef it's not over please step back to your station thank you chef i'm really relieved but i know i really need to step up my game because it's getting down to the nitty-gritty and everyone's really good i'm nervous about how i compare to everyone else david martinez i've never seen such a big disappointment in the history of yellowtail shocking it's just a lack of understanding of the ingredient not excusable at this level all three of us we've got a belly full we get a little bit fed up with excuse after excuse after excuse absolutely charlie we cling on to the hope of something just blowing us away you've done it but more wrong than right based on their performance with one of the most amazing stunning jewels of the sea the person leaving masterchef is tarly the time is done in masterchef put your apron on your station and leave the masterchef kitchen thank you there is a silver lining during this competition i learned so much taking all the information from chef ramsay and chef elliott and joe it's priceless i can't wait to take all this knowledge and experience back to the real world next week on masterchef it's home cooks on the range as the contestants rustle up grub for a posse of cowboys it's a lot of freaking cowboy egos clash we need more sweet potatoes immediately if this fails it's on her they are big time and christine's station fire goes up in flames can you help me oh my god and when it all comes down to the pressure test it's a heartbreaking elimination one potato
Channel: Tarik Labbassi
Views: 74,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MasterChef, Season, 03, Episode, 11, complet
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 52sec (2512 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 21 2012
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