Master the Flip Cup - Acrylic pouring flip cup tutorial

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welcome back pouring nation today we're going to talk about flip cups i'm going to do two paintings of two of the styles that i like best with flip cups we are going to mix our own paints and we're going to talk about the do's and don'ts of flip cups so that you get the best results possible going forward so the paint that i'm going to use today i have this acrylic titanium white um artist level artist loft permanent magenta liquitex basics cadmium yellow and simply acrylic dark blue and the palette that we're going to work on is this one so first we're going to do a little palette work here just to figure out what color what i need to make the colors that i want and then we'll get to the pouring [Music] do [Music] so my camera credit out there but this is the darker orange that i'm looking for so we have these four colors the uh dark aqua tealy looking could be a little greener but i'm fine with this kind of an a burnt sienna type color and a mustard type color and we're going to use these in our pour and again i i've mixed each of these together i know what they're going to make they're not going to make really ugly colors um i probably want to go easy on this color because it's the one that's gonna muddy up the rest of them the most so let's get to that so as you guys know i like to measure everything and so i'm making up my own colors so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna make up the colors and then i'm going to put the pouring medium in this time i'm going to use my glue pouring medium which is 70 glue 30 water and i'm going to do two parts pouring medium to one part paint since all of these are kind of medium body paints so i'm gonna make up the the paint first get my right colors and then double put two parts pouring medium once i'm there [Music] do [Music] how many of you guys tell me in the comments below how many of you guys cut your paint can your paint bottles open and grab every last drop that you can get out of them i totally do that okay so there are my colors i think they look quite good together then we're gonna have a little bit of white too all right so i've mixed all of these up these are too thick when you're doing a flip cut pour if your paints are too thick you'll never get any pretty colors mixing together so this is slightly more than my regular mix and if you haven't watched my video about acrylic pour consistency i will link that in the uh bubble above and on my i got a little doobie there you see that definitely don't want that in there and in the description below so i'm going to add a little water to each of these to get them what we want is medium thin to thin if it's too thick again you won't get your colors like you want so i'll probably go with medium thin on this one [Music] so one word to the wise if you do mix your glue and water together make sure you are shaking this or mixing this up before you use it glue and water will tend to separate and this is what it looks like and i poured that into my first thing of paint and had to pour it out because obviously that won't work and i won't get the same consistency between my paints now i'm going to cover these uh with a paper towel a damp paper towel leave them for about an hour so hopefully i get rid of all of those bubbles all right my paints have sat for a couple of hours most of those bubbles are gone i'm just gonna a little bit of a stir to check my consistency again again i'm just just under regular consistency so here we're going to do two things we're going to make two cups one of them is going to be a layered cup with some white on the bottom one's going to be a dirty pore and on the dirty pore i'm going to put silicone maybe one drop per two ounces of silicone in on the dirty pore the flip cup can be done a couple different ways one way is to get a flat object put it on flip it and then pull it off another way is just to lift up your canvas put it on top you want to hold right on the container or around the container so that when you turn it it doesn't come off but we're just going to flip again flip cup and some people just like to take their cup and quickly flip it some comes out but most of it stays right there the nice part about a flip cup is the the heavier paints if we stack them at the bottom of the cup when the flip cup turns over those heavier paints are at the top and they will gradually work their way down a lot of people use titanium white which i'm going to do today they will gradually fall through the other paint and kind of pick up undertones of that paint to help give like ribbons of color and different effects same thing happens with the um silicone but in opposite when i flip this over the silicone at the bottom gradually moves its way up and as it does it's collecting pieces of different colors of paint that's why i get those cells that have different hues of paint all the way or different colors of paint all around them or it looks like it has halos of paint in them the other thing about a dirty pore or a flip cup is i like to fill the cup that i'm using in this case i'm gonna use a five ounce cup really i only need about four ounces for a uh eight by ten canvas 98 square inches if you include the sides sorry divide that by 25 that gives us 4 ounces i'm going to use a little bit more and probably dump off a little bit if you don't fill the cup if i used a big cup like this and i just did 4 ounces you know 16 ounce or a 12 ounce cup and i just use 4 ounces when i turn it all that paint is going to move so much that it's going to it's going to mix way more you'll get way more mud the more the paint moves the more muddy or mixed colors you're going to get also if you use really thin paints the more it's going to mix and the more muddy not necessarily muddied because some colors mix together well but the more mixed the colors are going to be that's why i like to use medium thick not medium thick medium thin or regular consistency so again we're going to do one regular just stacked do a flip cup of that and the other one we're going to do a dirty pour which means i'm going to put some colors in and then drop the other color so it kind of mixes in as it goes in so first on this one i want a little bit of white and i think i want this dark i'm just i'm not pouring in too too thick because i want it to stay on one on top of the other [Music] fill that all the way up and then like i said i have maybe a half an ounce here so i'm only going to put silicon or silicone and i barely open my bottle otherwise i always get too much i just want one one drop in there one drop in there one drop in there that should be plenty i don't like to use a lot of silicone because when you do this is a painting i did the other day but when you use a lot of silicone you get these tons and tons and tons of of cells and also which i'll show you later see these big cells right here and then they have little cells right here that is part of when i torch a flip cup or anything with silicone so it's got silicone so i mix that up so with this one also i'm going to start out with the white because i'm doing a dirty pour here i actually want to pour from really high up so it actually rather than sits on the top like this i did it it goes down into the paint see if i had done it way down here it just sits on top i don't want that [Music] all right so i'm going to show both methods with this cup i'm gonna put my flat surface on lift that up flop it over and this one i'm going to put on and flip now with both of these i want to give them a little bit of time to let the lighter colors and the silicone for that one to come up to the surface in this one and allow the heavier paint or the titanium white to kind of filter down through and see if we can't get some of those nice effects last thing on a flip cup obviously you can pull the cup off any way you want the cup actually makes a seal so you have to give it a little force you know i'm actually lifting it up here so you can do a flip and drag which is i flip it and i drag it to this side you can do a straight up flip if you flip it straight up the paint on the edge of the cup here is going to come out on the sides and just kind of come down in a circle so a lot of times you get kind of a circle looking thing if you pull it like this into the side it kind of makes an alluvial fan like you've seen when rivers go into the ocean it makes an alluvial fan and then this this color is almost like the river going in lots of different ways you'll have to experiment on your own in this case i'm going to pull this one off i'm going to do a flip and drag so i'm just turning over here and one thing i like to do not everybody does i like ribbons in mine now this one didn't have any silicone those are just the normal bubbles that we get [Music] so next we're going to do this side with the silicone and i'm just going to go straight up to kind of show you what happens when you go straight up on a flip cup see how it's pulling the now one thing i highly recommend is not torching immediately when you have silicone otherwise you get big huge cells and they distort as you move the paint off wait till halfway through and then torch and i think you'll be better pleased with the cells and the cells keeping their shape so in this case when i tilt i usually try and tilt the place that i want to keep first so i actually really like this section so i'm going to tilt to these three corners first and then i can push all that off if if that's what i decide i don't want [Music] let's see how the bubble the bubbles the cells are coming up now they're gonna slowly get bigger and bigger but if i had done that earlier when i when i tilt they would really dis disfigure themselves [Music] [Applause] [Music] so now we're just going to give these a few minutes and we'll be right back i'm going to get a close-up in just a second i am really loving this one i'm loving how the the cells are forming i'm loving the color combination just a really airy um kind of natural ocean type vibe this one not as much like at all so every port can't be perfect i make mistakes too there are some things i really like here but you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna try to do a balloon smash and see if this one can't look a little bit better with a balloon splash i'm just taking a balloon that isn't quite all the way pumped up this one's been sitting for a bit so it probably doesn't have enough air i'm just going to squeeze it a little bit and put it put it in roll it around a little and pull it up and see what we can't get so wow that brought a lot of the darker colors to the forefront and i'm liking that one a lot better than what it was before so now let's get in for a close-up so let's first look at the layered flip cup that i did that i balloon dipped on to hopefully try and save it one thing i didn't like about it is the colors did not mix enough so i either needed to go slightly heavier so that they stayed together more or i needed to go slightly thinner so that they mixed a little bit more otherwise you get that kind of half coloring that i really didn't like but i do think that the balloon dip really brought some character to kind of a bland pore before and i love that some of this darker orange came out especially over here i really love how that one looks overall not my favorite painting but not bad at all so on this side i really love how this one turned out just beautiful colors got some really nice cells they didn't get distended too much uh this one we have here is really big there but i don't think it detracts too much from it um i kind of got that brownish color i either need to use more of the darker orange that i had or a whole lot less just to keep that from kind of overwhelming everything else that is probably going to be one that i put up for sale here once it's dry cured and i have a top coat on it so if you're having trouble with your flip cups most of the advice that i give people is one make it a little bit thinner than you would if you use silicone don't torch until at least halfway through so that your cells don't get huge and when you finish look at it walk away for two minutes come back and then from there you can objectively decide if something needs to be done like i did with the balloon poor there otherwise us as artists we always try to be perfectionist and we work it and work it and work it and generally for me that means i ruin it [Music] you [Music]
Channel: LeftBrainedArtist
Views: 14,256
Rating: 4.9578452 out of 5
Keywords: flip cup painting tutorial, acrylic pouring flip cup tutorial, acrylic pour for beginners flip cup, flip cup acrylic pour, flip cup painting, flip cup pour painting, acrylic pour flip cup, flip cup acrylic pour tutorial, flip cup acrylic pour painting, acrylic flip cup dirty pour, flip and drag acrylic pour for beginners, acrylic flip pour, acrylic fluid painting flip cup technique, acrylic flip cup pour painting, flip cup pour, acrylic fluid painting dirty pour flip cup
Id: iFL2hbjVrpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 26sec (1166 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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