Master Power BI with AI | @PavanLalwani

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foreign [Music] bi artificial intelligence in business intelligence welcome to this video in Microsoft power bi here AI was introduced in Microsoft power Bia three years back and very few people were aware about it now in this video we'll try to understand how artificial intelligence can be used inside business intelligence tool which is power PR let's try to decode now there might be a person in your company or you might be the person who keeps on sitting and finding out the answers the root cause analysis of any data for example if I give your data and ask you like why the profit went down why the sales went down what was the reason of that thing so the reason can be different parameters it can be a city it can be location it can be a person it can be anything which is related to that data set so reasons can be many to get the answers people spend minimum four to five hours on this particular activity to get the answers in this video we'll try to decode and bring down that time four to five hours to let's say five minutes and you can say less than five minutes so this is possible using AI feature already present in power bi let's try to understand let's try to do the Practical what I can do is I'll just bring some data in this particular file I'll just go to techno at sales data it's a simple Excel file which has kind of information about the customers location about the quantity profit and seats so let me introduce that data set to you if I go to this data tab on the left hand side it has different data types different columns and things over here so it contains date data type which is order date and shipping date when was the order received and when was the shipping done it also contains the textual data type like the shipping mode was it a fast delivery or slow Delivery Express mode customer ID customer name and the segment on the right hand side it contains some geographical data type like country city state postal code or region it contains some textual data type like category subcategory and so on on the right hand side it contains some numerical fields which is sales quantity discount and profit so let's try to understand first the problem statement here I will just create a simple column chart which contains the order date and the second part will contain the sales since and now I'll just try to increase the height okay and the width as well now I'll just click on the fourth button to expand one level down and this gives me years and quarters I have to increase the size of this text and because it looks very small customize current theme in the text I'll try to make it 15 so it is visible to everyone and I'll just minimize the other two tabs now just need to add the data label now here comes the problem statement so if You observe here the sales are visible here based on years and quarters so if you see there's a pattern going on the first few quarters having the low sales and the last quarters having a good sales you see that's a pattern given kit now the question here is now the company has found some problem here that because in 2020 quarter four please observe 2020 quarter four the sales was 236 000. now in the next quarter the sales has come down to 123 000. what can be the problem what can be the issue why the sales have decreased in that particular one quarter here so now different answers can be there okay let me show you on the right hand side it can be maybe one category did not sell well it can be because the customers didn't come back it can be because of the product didn't go well or maybe some region did not perform well something the reasons can't be many so to do this activity to find out the root cause answers for this particular thing people spend minimum three to four hours in the organization what they do is they create pivot table pivot table pivot table they create different different visuals and then get the answers now in this video you'll understand how to get those answers in less than five minutes in fact in one minute you can get the answers it is possible let's try to decode so from 236 000 to 123 000 if the sales have come down whom should we ask Will directly ask this particular quarter one why did you decrease so I can right click on this place I can say as analyze and explain the decrease don't ask the other person directly ask that particular quarter explain the decrease so less than 60 seconds you will get the answers okay so here is the first thing it says it has decreased by 47.84 percentage now try to understand if I ask you to write this calculation to get the answers we have to spend one function find out the answers it takes lot of time so this is the first reason it has given the order ID okay and if I scroll down if you see 20 different visuals approximately have been created telling you that why the sales have decreased in that one quarter let's try to understand the first question so it says by category this is sum of sales by year and quarter and category so 236 000 has decreased to 123 000 what is the major reason here the major reason is the furniture if you see minus 57 000 how much time it took me to understand less than 60 seconds so second reason is this one office supplies and third one is technology this was because of category furniture second if I scroll down and try to find the simple one if now I want to find out which region there was a lower sales in this looking at the visual less than one minute I'll take to understand that each region was responsible because of lower profit the first main region okay all the regions are responsible but the major region is the east region if I scroll down and find out the major segment which is the corporate segment I'm reading from here is the corporate segment is the major reason because of decline in the sales here so what it has done is it gave me all the answers now imagine if you are not a power pair user if you are a simple Excel user pause the video and see and understand how much time this will take to get the answers lot of time so people spend lot of time to get the answers they don't think about taking the decision now if I know that the corporate segment has huge decline in the profit I will just quickly call the corporate person your department sales are very low find doubt what went wrong to your department so this visuals help us to take a quick decision so rather than spending hours together to get the answer now coming back so it says it is also so decent it is explaining that corporate accounted for majority of decrease among segment it is explaining it's peacefully explaining me corporate accounted for majority of decrease the relative contribution made by corporate change the most this was a major reason if I scroll up again it says East and Central accounted for majority of decrease among region okay so this is the East and Central Region so it gives me the answer here so now I can just click outside and come back here okay this was AI in bi artificial intelligence in business intelligence now let's see the other scenario the company had a sales of 144 000 in quarter 3 of 2020 and the sales have increased to 236 000 okay so in 2020 quarter three the sales was 144 000 and in quarter four it came to 236 000. now there's an increase in the profit or increase in the sales okay maybe it can be an also profit now the company wants to distribute the profit with all the people in the form of maybe incentive maybe salary high maybe some perks or maybe some gift it can be to a customer it can be to a region manager it can be a to a product manager anyone but they do not have the clear idea whom should we distribute okay they have a difficult understanding right now so let's try to get the answer in less than 60 seconds trust me with button clicks so if the profit or the sales have increased which is 236 000 why did it increase don't ask here and there other people just ask directly this quarter for right click analyze you tell me why did you increase explain the increase now less than 60 seconds it told me that the first thing is 64.20 is the increment from the previous quarter and you see all the answers it has given so let's try to find out the first simple answer I can say if I scroll down here corporate segment was a responsible because of 50 000 in the term of amount the sales have increased then it was consumer segment then it was home office segment so this was the first reason it says corporate accounted majority of increase among segment so now as a decision maker I can call the corporate segment appreciate that person because of you there's a huge increment in the sales I want to give you in the form of incentives maybe a party maybe a discount or whatever you can think of so helping me the end user to take a quick decision that's one example second if I scroll down it says because of the standard class standard class accounted for the majority of increase in the shipping okay and if I can scroll and get the answers so this is the beauty of AI in bi artificial intelligence in business intelligence business intelligence this power bi is a business intelligent software now that's the third example I'm giving you suppose I want to compare any quarter with any quarter you call as a qnq analysis quarter on quarter analysis if I want to compare quarter one of 2019 maybe with quarter 2 of 2021 any quarter with any quarter so when we selected this particular quarter it was comparing with the previous quarter right when we selected 123 it was comparing with the previous quarter if I want to randomly compare one quarter with the other quarter okay q1 of this place with Q2 of the other place how do I do that select both the bars using control click then you can just right click and say analyze explain the increase compare both the quarters and say explain the increase so you see 2019 q1 is compared with 2021 Q2 okay and I can just quickly get the answers any quarter with any quarter it is possible and here if I click on this place it will go to the month level and now I can compare any month data with any month data previous month next month and so on and quickly get the answers so spend less time on the manual activity try to use AI in bi feature now that's not a new feature this feature was there in power bi from minimum three years back okay AI in bi you can see I've recorded one of the video three years back as well so AI in bi feature already is available now finally suppose if I like this particular visual analyze explain the increase if I like this particular Visual and I want to include in this particular report I can just click on this particular link which is plus icon you can click on this plus icon after 15 days okay so when I click on this particular button after 15 days this visual would be added at the back end okay and you can see that's a waterfall chart added at the back end now I can go for a presentation and explain the reason why this particular sales have increased or decrease and I can and give the answers here now why to add after 15 days because you do a lot of effort you do a lot of work but your manager does not appreciate so what you can do is you can tell to your manager that sir I've spent almost 15 nights and 15 days to get the answer on that and this is what I've got it okay so manager will appreciate because if you do a hard work they appreciate only for one or two or three minutes and then the next work comes to you so that's on a lighter note give them immediately don't give them after 15 days this is the AI in bi feature help everyone with this feature not only your company but everyone whoever you can find it don't add after 15 days add it immediately depending upon your you know relation with your boss and manager you can add it great so that's it for this particular video I hope you have understood the AI feature in Microsoft power bi and how it can help you there are 10 more examples you can Google out and find out and it can help you in your day-to-day activities I wish you all the best and thank you for watching this video foreign
Channel: Pavan Lalwani
Views: 13,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai, power bi, power bi tutorial, Pavan lalwani, bi jobs, microsoft copilot, github copilot, ai in bi, ai in excel, ai tools, artificial intelligence, best ai tools, chatgpt, chatgpt tutorial, pavan lalwani power bi, excel, google bard, data science, data analyst, how to become a data analyst, data analyst job, ai in data analyst, data analytics, openai, google, power bi jobs, power bi jobs salary, power bi dashboard, power bi tutorial for beginners, microsoft, ai in power bi
Id: nip-gRWHoIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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