Master Microsoft Exchange online in Just 30mins (June 23)

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in this episode we're going to take a look at how to administer Microsoft Exchange online from The Beginner's perspective so everything that you need to know to get you up and running so you're ready to learn thank you [Music] hey everyone welcome to the channel Andy Malone Microsoft MVP so nice to see you now please excuse the audio and video uh here I'm currently on vacation so I'm not in my regular studio so please forgive me for that now um in this episode I thought I would take a look at Microsoft Exchange online and I've just been thinking you know this is something that I've not looked at for quite some time and there's quite a few changes now in this episode I thought it would be really from The Beginner's perspective so if you're going to be responsible for administering exchange online then I thought this would be the perfect guide to take you through everything that you need to know in order to get you up and running and ultimately Master this great technology now um if you've not subscribed to the channel we'd love subscribers so bom that subscribe button up there ring that Bell and come and join our great learning community and if you enjoy the video then please bump the like button it really does make a difference to the channel now questions and comments of course as ever just get those down below and I I will always do my best to answer them for you so I think without any further Ado let's jump in and I've got some cool demos here so I hope you enjoy so just before I get started it's super important first of all that you make sure that you're on the correct plan for Microsoft Exchange online now this all really starts when you come into produ you know choosing your Microsoft 365 plan now please note that you can choose and Microsoft are very clever at marketing this you can obviously just purchase Microsoft Exchange online plans but typically you're more likely to purchase an Office 365 or a Microsoft 365 plan now you can see here I get so many questions from people saying you know there's features that are available that are not available so it's really important that you understand this so we have business basic which is really super basic it's just basically a mailbox it does have a number of limitations now with all business plans you are limited to to 300 users so that's super important to know with business standard again the thing about this is you get the 50 gig mailbox you do get some features um you get things like registration reporting tools managing appointments and things like that and with business premium you do get some of the advanced security features you get access and data control and again you get the security so the kind of endpoint security stuff um now if I just scroll down here um and compare this to the various Enterprise plans the key thing to note that from the E3 and above um this is actually giving you exchange plan two now exchange plan two includes an uh basically the difference is exchange plan one you really only get a 50 gig mailbox and and it says Microsoft are quite clever here messages you can send messages up to 150 Meg although by default you should know that it's set to 35 Meg but you can update that if you want to if you have exchange plan two some of the key things here you also get a enhanced archiving capabilities you get a hundred gig mailbox for each user and the the key thing is you also get some enhanced voicemail okay capabilities now of course you do need to have an E5 plan for that or a voice subscription for Microsoft teams for that key things as well you also get data loss prevention and you can also with a plan two you can actually put this account on legal hold as well all right now so that's the exchange plan the difference between plan one and plan two so the key thing here is you can place users on legal hold and again these are all included in the e3s and The Bobs there as well so those being the plans let's dig in to exchange online so kicking off here in the Microsoft 365 admin Center there are really two portals that are important to us the first one is the Microsoft 365 admin tools so users and teams in groups and ultimately of course we're going to scroll down and we're going to go in to Microsoft Exchange online so here we have a number of these cards and they give you general information about what's happening in your Microsoft Exchange environment at the moment and of course you can customize these as well to provide different reports you just simply drag and drop these if you want to you can of course go into Dart mode or you can go into light mode whichever you prefer so the first Port of Call that I'm going to come and look at then are recipients and you can see that we have a number of recipients in Microsoft 365. you've got mailboxes you've got groups resources and you've got contacts now contacts are typically what we call mail enabled users that means that there are mail enabled but not necessarily mailbox enabled in your environment so if I go into mailboxes here these are typically user accounts and if I go back into 365 to just show you this if I come into my users and active users these are my users that are currently licensed and your users who are licensed will of course receive a mailbox so I've got a user here called Adele now one of the first questions I normally get is Andy how do I create a mailbox well you'll notice here that in Microsoft Exchange online you can't create a mailbox you have to create users and once you create a user you can then create a mailbox so for example I'm going to go ahead I'm going to create a new user here and I'm of course A Game of Thrones fan so I'm going to create a user called Jon Snow now Jon Snow of course um just put in a username for him so snow W sorry snow J I should say and you can see there it says hey okay here is the account I'm going to create a password for him and I'll just click next now at this point it's asking me hey do you want to go ahead and create a license for this now of course a mailbox requires a license so I'm going to come in I'm going to say yeah I want to create an E5 license I'm going to do em and S because this provides all the mobility and the security I'm also going to go ahead and assign John a Windows license as well I'm going to click next and again like in here I'm going to say I don't want to create um an admin access for John I can put in a department of course I'll put him in sales I'm going to say okay which city is John ins I'll say he's in Oslo and I'm going to click on next okay now that I've done that I'm going to click on ADD there now what this will now start to do is it will now go off and it will start to create a mailbox for John so if I scroll down here you can see that I've now created a user account for John John is now licensed and if I click into here you can now see that John has a mail Tab and you can see here that it does take a little bit of time so we'll come back and you'll see those exchange settings later so going back into exchange online if I just refresh this page it can take a little bit of time for that mailbox to appear so typically um you know it doesn't it takes about 10 minutes or something not to it's not too long now um one type of mailbox that you can create in the exchange admin Center is something called a shared mailbox now please note that you can create a shared mailbox in a number of ways so for example if I have a user here called Christy and if I go into Christie's mailbox here I can scroll down here and you can see it's giving me some details about this user account um it you know shows me the type of account that she's got and you can see this is all being picked up from Microsoft 365. again you've got the organization tab you've got the delegation tab here which I'll come back to in a second and you've also got the mailbox information here as well so for example you can set message size restrictions so just at the beginning of the video I mentioned that you can have messages up to 150 Meg you can see that here but by default check it out it's actually set um with the attachments or the mail messages um to 35 Meg so one of the things that you might want to do is you might want to increase that to 150 Meg um so that's quite sneaky how they do that now in addition to that in the just go back into Christie's properties the other thing that you can do here is you can hide the user's mailbox um now there are a number of reasons why you might want to do this maybe the user hasn't quite joined the company yet or the changing departments or they're just not ready or maybe it could be like a Senior Management that doesn't want to be part of a of an entire corporate mailing list um you can also forward so I can set up email forwarding here so if this user is moving department or changing location you can forward that email to somebody else we also have a permission here called send on behalf of and you can get access to the same thing here in the delegation tab so we in the delegation tab you've got three options so you can choose send as so if you are an assistant to somebody I can come in here and I can actually add a member and the key thing is that when your assistant sends messages from here they actually send it as you so it looks like it's actually coming from you send on behalf of so again if I added a member here and let's say I brought in Adele then Adele was an assistant she's my assistant but when she sends messages it would send from Adele on behalf of Andy get the idea so that's what send on behalf of is and again it can take a little bit of time to load up this you've also got read and manage full access so full access also includes the rights to change permissions so again that means that they can delegate the mailbox they've got full access to the mailbox so those are three super important settings um in the mailbox tab here you can also see that we have a number of different options I mentioned the message size restrictions You've Got Mail forwarding here which is the same as up here you've also got delivery restrictions again the thing about delivery restrictions is for example you know you might be in a school and so do you want the kids to be able to send to everybody or only selected users within the organization yeah get the idea and you can also block messages from certain senders as well so you as I said you've got this allow and block list there and this is a very simple form of message rules now in addition um if I scroll down you can see that we have some sharing policies and role assignment policies I'll come back to that in a little while we also have something called the retention policy so for more detail on retention policies uh check out my playlist on Exchange online and you'll see that there um we also have some other tabs here as well um for example if you want to add custom attributes if you want to set up automated replies so you know when anybody sends a message to a mailbox it will send up an automated reply so these are important features here and you can see that this particular user of course she's got an exchange plan too so again I can place her account on what we call litigation hold and litigation hold I mean this could be for operational reasons or it could be the fact that you're doing it's part of a legal investigation and essentially this litigation hole prevents the user from deleting any items from that mailbox now the one thing that you can also have is you can and create what we call an archive and this is particularly useful in parts of plan two business users can also have this and this is sometimes a little add-on that you can purchase but it's I mean it's pennies it's not much and essentially you see it create you can create a folder and um it's a you can basically users can store additional uh content within that folder and it's available for them so those are some of the the mailbox properties so now I come to the topic of shared mailboxes and these are super useful for collaboration purposes however before you begin you should know that there are a number of limitations to the shared mailboxes so first of all licenses if your mailbox or your shared mailbox is unlicensed then you can have a 50 gig storage limit and if you want more than that you need to assign a license or have a user within the mailbox that is licensed and in that case you can have a hundred gig limit and you can then also use In-Place archiving and in addition you can place the mailbox on legal hold so just really really important again there are a number of limitations subscription requirements so I would check out this document on okay so how do we create a share dead mailbox you can do this in one of two ways so here you can see I've got a user called Debra and I can either do one of two things I can either convert her mailbox so as I select her account you can see it says convert shared mailbox and it says are you sure you want to do this yes I am so I can now convert from a regular type of mailbox to a shed now you can also do this in the Microsoft 365 admin Center in addition you can also use Powershell here as well and if I go into Debra's properties now and go into her mailbox you can see that this is now a shared mailbox and you can also see the same thing here as well now converting it back is super simple again you can either use the various admin centers you can use Powershell and you can click onto this little ellipse up here click onto that and you can see convert back to a regular mailbox so I simply go ahead and I'll confirm that and it's now converted back so again super simple so shared mailboxes really useful um for basic email collaboration now as well as creating or converting a mailbox as I said you can also create a mailbox as well so let's have a quick look now at creating a shared mailbox so I'm going to create a shared mailbox and we'll simply call this sales we'll put in our basic domain at the moment again you can put in a an alias you can change this Anytime by the way any email address any group email address you can change this anytime and you can see that this is now added a shared mailbox now do remember go to that to learn all about the various limitations of shared mailboxes for example the number that you can have and how many you know how many members and so on now here you can see I've now created the details I can now add in some users so do I want to add in some members for this mailbox so I'm going to add in a Dell I'm going to add in Alex and I'm going to add in Alan here and again I'm going to just say yep that's fine I'm going to save that and I'm going to confirm that now and those users will now be added to my shared mailbox so if anybody emails sales any of those users will now receive that message right the next thing that I'd like to talk about then are groups so in groups here you have got the option of course to create different types of groups and this is one that's slightly different to Microsoft 365 if I go into groups here and teams in groups you can see that we have four options here so in Microsoft 365 it's all about how much collaboration do you want so you can have a security group which of course doesn't have any collaboration it's just purely for permissions assigning permissions you can have a mail enabled Security Group so this is just a security group that's part of a mailing list a distribution list it doesn't have a mailbox you can have a distribution list a contact list and for the ultimate form of collaboration you can create a Microsoft 365 group now please note that I just showed you shared mailboxes a shared mailbox is the most minimum type of collaboration and it's just for a mailbox but if you want a fully collaborative experience then you can create a Microsoft 365 group and this gives you the benefit of not only having a shared mailbox but you also get a shared calendar SharePoint site SharePoint document Library which is like your own OneDrive as well as various other Microsoft components so for here I'm going to call this this is my Sterling Sales and in here I'm going to click on next you can also add an owner to the group here as well so the owner I can add in a admin if I want to the owner can add in other members to the group and I can also add in members here as well so for example I'm just going to add in a few members here and I'm going to click on ADD so click on next and again you can change the uh the name of the group as well if you want to you can change the email address of the group so um again I'm going to what did I call this I call it Sterling Sales so I'm just going to put in here the group address of Sterling Sales and as I said you can change this anytime that you want by the way now one thing that we can can do is because the plan that I'm using is an E5 plan and I've also got labeling and classification here so I can assign a sensitivity label and I can also choose if I want to make the group discoverable so remember users can also create groups from within Microsoft Outlook so public means that anybody can discover those groups whereas private means it's only for the members of the group so for the purpose of this demo I'm going to create public now you can see here it's saying do you want to extend the group to basically make it a Microsoft team so what this I mentioned that the Microsoft 365 group just has Microsoft apps but you can extend this to become a Microsoft team and get access to tools like chat and so on so I'm go ahead and I'm going to create that group or team now so there you have it Sterling Sales is now creation so the next thing I want to take a look at then are resources now resources in Microsoft Exchange and Microsoft Outlook are super useful now these are a special type of resource that can either be a room or a piece of equipment and particularly useful in Microsoft teams because you can schedule the meeting room for example so again you can see here's some that I've made earlier so if I go into conference room atoms here you can see you get the same kind of exchange properties but in addition you also get a booking tab here so you can book delegate settings so for example who is allowed to book so I can come in here and I can say accept or decline all the requests automatically or select an attendee or a certain delegate that can actually accept the requests so for example if there's an assistant or somebody like that in addition you can also control the booking options so things like whether you want to allow repeated meetings or allow scheduling only during working hours again you can put in a booking window which the default is six months and you can also what's the maximum duration for the booking so again it's 24 hour period you can put some notes and a little message here that the the booking person or the recipient will receive um so as I said you can book that super useful you can do this for both resources and you can also do this for equipment as well so for example a projector or something like that so the resources super useful now the final type of resource or recipient I should say is a contact and there are potentially two types of contact so a male contact is essentially a not a mailbox user so this is somebody external to the organization could be a supplier could be a partner or something like that and essentially they're external to your organization so they have no mailbox within your organization so again just an external contact the other type is something called a male user now this is somebody that's within your organization so again you can assign a license to this user but the key difference is that they have an external mail address so they've not got a mailbox within your organization so again you may want to assign for example one of the F plans or a license that doesn't need a mailbox and it could be a contractor or or somebody like that so that's the differences between those two types of contacts so what's next then let's take a look so next we have something called mail flow and this is super important so here this controls how male flows in and out of your organization and it contains a number of different elements so you can see that message Trace we have a tool here called message trace and essentially this is a querying tool and so for example if you're having a problem sending a message to A A recipient you can test it here you can create queries so if the method is sent from your organization if they get stuck or if something goes wrong so if a sender is having a particular problem you can say Hey you know what's causing that problem it could be a routing problem or something like that um remote then we've got rules here so with rules um a rule is essentially you know in Microsoft Outlook if you receive a piece of junk mail you know you can right click it and you can choose to send it to your deleted items container and things like that or reject it well this is similar to that except on an Enterprise scale so this basically affects every single user so for example do you want to apply a disclaimer to your emails do you want to create a new custom rule do you want to reply assign Office 365 message encryption policies and rights protection so if you've got a plan to exchange you can assign that um you can forward messages send messages through a moderator for example there's lots of different rules and they're really easy to kind of configure um in terms of controlling the flow of mail the default you can see is an asterisk so that means you can send messages basically to anyone anywhere but if you didn't want that if you wanted to say hey you know if you were in a school and you only wanted to Route the mail through a specific domain so then you could add that in and in other words it won't route through any other organization and then it won't route through any other means likewise you've also got accepted domains as well so our little company here basically it's accepting mail from anyone but if you want to again customize that you can do how do you customize it well you can add a connector and a connector is particularly useful if you've got internal email systems so for example on-premises systems such as Microsoft Exchange or other third-party Solutions so you can add connectors that will essentially either connect to other Microsoft 365 your Microsoft exchange mail server or maybe even a partner organization um what else have we got you can set up alerts as well so if there are any kind of issues going through here it will alert you and you can then investigate those and you create those alerts through something called alert policy so the alert policy basically is a set of rules and you can see that we have a number of kind of default ones here so I can simply go in I can you can see what this policy actually does and I can click on the settings and then essentially it says send notifications on a daily basis so for example if I receive an email from somebody then send an alert now um one what's next okay so the next thing that we have here is uh roles and you have got these admin roles in Microsoft 365 as well as Microsoft Azure as well now typically exchange has a number of specific admin roles so you can have an administrator who's responsible for managing your Microsoft Exchange infrastructure now in addition you can see that we also have other roles so for example if you need somebody to be a compliance admin or a discovery somebody who deals with e-discovery you can add them either in here or through the roles and admins in either the Azure admin Center on Microsoft 365 admin Center what else have we got that's really crucial well you've got the migration tab here and essentially the migration tab is your means of migrating content either in or out now to be honest I don't have a migration here at the moment but just to quickly talk about these different solutions so I can give this migration a name and I can determine am I going to migrate in or out of Exchange so if I'm migrating into exchange online I simply click on next and there are a number of options that you can choose so a remote move migration is essentially exchange hybrid and that means that you have a hybrid server on premises and this hybrid server essentially acts as a Gateway so when you're migrating users to the cloud it almost acts like an additional server on the network and it makes Microsoft 365 an exchange online appear as if it's just another server on your network and it's great for moving large numbers of users you can also do what we call a staged migration and this is quite useful if you're migrating users and batches a cut over migration is for small business so if you've got a small number of users that you want to migrate over a weekend for example you click you click on start and it migrates everything across it creates the user accounts in 365 and it also migrates all the content now if you've got things like multiple tenants you can also do a cross-tenant migration and this is something I'm going to look at in the not too distant future by the way in addition you've also got third-party Solutions and these can either be Gmail or what we call an IMAP migration an IMAP migration just brings email across it doesn't bring things like Diaries or anything like that across and for that you could use something called a PST migration or personal store migration anyway for more details on this subject then definitely check out as it's super useful um what else have we got you've got mobility of course again mobile device access I've covered this previously in a number of sessions check out my exchange playlist for that we've also got a number of reports that you can go in and view these include things like migration reports mail flow reports and again you can have a look at those various reports there um insights is quite nice it gives you an idea of how heavily your users are using your systems of course in this example I'm not using anything this is not live at the moment public folders these are a uh something that was used in the 1990s and the early 90s typically you don't really get those now but one thing that you can do if you were migrating these into 365 you can convert these into Microsoft 365 groups by the way I'm often asked Andy how can I share my calendars with partner organizations and this is where you would do it this is called organizational sharing and this is brilliant for things like sharing calendars here again check out about interoperate inter-organization calendar sharing we also have a number of add-ins as well these can be through the Microsoft third-party providers here so you can add in and you'll notice by the way that some of these interfaces are Legacy so again some of these have been moved into the add-ins page in Microsoft 365. so there you have it Microsoft Exchange online I hope that you're a little bit wiser now and that you really enjoyed that session now if you did bump the like button of course it really does make a difference and questions and comments of course as ever just get those down below now if you've not subscribed well hell come on on board we love subscribers so bump the Subscribe button ring that Bell and come and join my uh great Learning Community all right that's it for this time you stay safe and I'll see you soon take care hey thanks so much for dropping by today here's a couple of videos that you may enjoy and while you're here go ahead click on the Subscribe button and you won't miss out [Music]
Channel: Andy Malone MVP
Views: 19,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Master Microsoft Exchange Online in just 30mins, Microsoft Exchange online for beginers, Microsoft Exchange for beginers, Get started with Microsoft exchange Online, Microsoft 365 for beginers, Andy Malone MVP
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 6sec (2166 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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