Master logo animation in After Effects: No plugins needed!

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[Music] hey guys welcome back to my channel AG motion designs and in today's video we are going to create this adidas logo reveal animation inside of After Effects without using any third party plugin but with the help of Adobe Photoshop and Adobe After Effects and if you want to learn more about logo animation in depth then don't forget to check out my ymi course on Logo animation Master Class link is available in the description and if you're new to this channel then please consider to subscribe this Channel and also hit the Bell IC to get more updates so without wasting any more time let's get [Music] [Applause] started so first of all here we are in Adobe Photoshop now I have this logo file over here and you can choose whatever logo you want also for this animation just you need to tweak a little bit but this time I'm going going to choose this aras's logo and now we want this alphabets on separate layer and this three portions also on the separate layers so I'm going to select my rectangle selection tool first and then first of all I'll separate this part over here so I'll create this kind of selection like this and then I'll hitr X to cut it out I'll create a new layer and I'll press control shift V to paste in place this and let's hide this alphabet now as you guys can see we are getting this kind of stuff then I'm going to to press L on my keyboard to select lasso tool and I'll select this much portion over here hit CR X create a new layer and press control shift V to paste in place like this then I'm going to select this layer again I'll select this much portion over here uh hit control D to deselect Let's select this again hitr X create a new layer and press control shift V2 paste in place so as you guys can see these three stuffs are on separate layer so let's hide this and now we will focus on our alphabets so now I'm going to select my rectangle selection tool again and I'll select this a I'll hitr X create a new layer press control shift V to paste in place and we will hide this same procedure we will follow for this alphabets also like this simply select the selection hit contr X to cut it out create new lay press control shift we paste in place same procedure for this remaining alphabets so I'll do this a little bit faster yep so as you guys can see our logo is ready for animation so I'll save this Photoshop file now I'll go to the Adobe After Effects I'll create a new composition I'm going to name it as main animation like this width is 1920 height is 180 frame rate is 30 second and duration is also 30 second and background color is white color and simply hit okay like this now go to choose grid and guide option and simply hit on title section over here then press contr I on your keyboard to import our a Photoshop file I'll select this file first and in import as instead of footage I'm going to choose composition return layers and sizes and simply hit import and hit okay now double click to open this select all of this Photoshop layers hit contrl C to copy go to the main animation and hit control V and then try to adjust this properly at the center right click new and create one null object select all of them and make it parent with this null one select this null one press s and let's decrease the size a little bit let's make it 50 and we will delete this null object we don't need that now first of all we will animate this uh three uh stuff over here simply select all of them and press control shift C and we will call it as uh let's say upper part and hit okay then we will select our rectangle selection tool I mean rectangle tool and we will create one simple mask on it like this okay now go inside this select all of them press P4 position create one key frame go to around 1 second create another key frame and go to the start then press controlr to bring our ruler and we will bring one line over here now select this over portion over here and we will bring this over here make sure that it should go out of this or hit contrl Z simply select all of them and we will bring them downwards like this then this one should be over here this one should be over here select those key frames and hit F9 go to the graph editor right click and make sure that you are in edit speed graph select this graph by holding shift move one handle over here and move one handle over here so we'll get something like this now I want them to be animated one by one so I'll take a distance of 10 frames and I'll select this one and with the help of open square bracket I'll move this over here then I'll select this one and with the help of open square bracket I'll move this over here so if you see we will get this kind of Animation then press F4 and over here we have to enable the motion blur so it will create some awesome effect and if you see this animation over here because we have this mask we will get something like this let's hide this and we will lock this now we will focus on this one so initially I want to focus on this one this one and this a over here so I'll bring them at the top and I'll hide this remaining alphabets okay so why we are doing that let's see now let's select this uh alphabets and press P for position select this right click choose separate Dimension select this right click choose separate Dimensions select this right click choose separate Dimensions okay select all of them create one key frame at X and one key frame at y then zoom in a little bit go to around 2 second again create one key frame at X and one key frame at y then go somewhere around over here again create one key frame at y only okay and in middle of that I'll select this and I'll bring this a little bit upward okay so at this point we will get this kind of bounciness then initially at this point they should be over here okay so we'll get something like this now at 1 second I'm going to create one key frame at y position sorry only on y position so make sure to create one key frame at y position now at this point I'll select all of them and I'll change the Y position over here then at this point again I'll change the Y position over here okay if you want then you can move this a little bit up also it's totally up to you then you have to change the Y value of this one over here also like this now we our this basic animation is ready now we have to adjust the graph so it will look like a proper bouncing animation so let's select all of these layers and in search option I'm Type only y so it will show me only y position key frames now we will select those y position key frames and I'll hit F9 then I'll go to the graph editor I'll select this graph first of all make sure to hit F9 then I'll select this middle one over here let's move one handle over here and this handle shift it over here go to the start select this move this like this and move it like this okay then again we will select this we will move this over here move this over here select this and move this over here and move this one over here then we will select this move this one over here select this move this one over here okay then go to the start press R for rotation create one key frame hit U go somewhere around last one and let's make this one complete rotation so if you see we will get something like this or let's move this rotation okayy frame over here so if you see this now we will get something like this okay now hit U now we need to create shape elements so let's select our rectangle tool and stroke width I'm going to choose 20 and now over here let's make this full resolution and we are going to create one rectangle which should cover this a select this press control alt home and let's hide this and let's see where is a first of all we will select this let's hit enter and let's call it as a d and hit enter and call it as a so now this shape layer is for a so I'll select this hit enter and let's call it as a and let's make it apparent with this a and we will move this over here also now for this one over here I'm going to make this ellipse so I'll make it ellipse press control Al home select this and let's move this over here let's call it as D she move this over here and make it apparent with this D and now for this last one we need rectangles so not rectangle but triangle so we'll s our star tool we will create one star go to the Polish star polish star path and points let's reduce to three then select this press control Al home and let's move this over here press s and let's decrease the size a little bit okay and move this over here and make it apparent with this a select this hit enter and let's call it as a okay so now what will happen that this shapes are also moving with this one so now hit U over here now at this point somewhere around at this point I want this shapes convert should be converted into this alphabet so what I'm going to do I'll select this shape press alt close bracket to trim this over here simply select all of them and hold alt close bracket like this let's select those shape layers and let's try to move them over here then select this alphabetical layers which is our Photoshop layers hold alt Open Bracket to trim this over here so if you see we will get this transition phas over here so if I see this now I'll get this and then this now press F4 and simply select all of them and enable motion blur so if you see this now we will get this kind of transition which is quite smooth now I'm going to select this a press control shift C to precompose this and let's call it as a so it would be better for us to move them if they want if we want to just call it as D let's call it as a also now uh these are the remaining stuff so let's do one thing I'll select this a uh then I'll go to around five frames or let's say 10 10 frames then I'll select this D over here go to around 20 frames select this and move this over here so if you see this now we will get something like this now uh animation of this one should be depend on the bouncing time for this one so what I'm going to do let's move this time indicator and let's see when this rectangle is going to hit the ground at this point this rectangle is hitting this ground so I'll select my first alphabet which is s I'll move this over here press P for position create one key frame then press s create one key frame then press R create one key frame and then hit U so you can see all the key frames then uh go somewhere around 25 frames and create another key frames then go to the start uh and let's move this uh sorry let's move this at this point and let's make the scale zero over here and let's make the scale rotation one so we will get something like this or instead of that let's make this minus one or let's say minus 2 I think min-2 is quite too much so let's make this minus one only okay now let's go few frame forward uh the O is bouncing at this point so I'll select this D I'll move this over here press P create one key frame r s and hit U go somewhere around over here create another key frames go to the start and let's move this over here let's make this zero and let's make this minus one then go somewhere around over here this rectang triangle is touching at this point move this over here p s r and hit you go somewhere around over here create another key frames go to the start and let's move this over here let's make this zero and let's make this minus one okay so if you see this now we will getting something like this now select those key frames and hit F9 go to the graph editor select this graph and by holding shift move one handle over here and move one handle over here and if you see this animation now you will get something like this okay so if you see this let's enable this upper part over here because this should start to animate somewhere around when the animation is going to end okay so this is how you will get this animation select all of them press control shift C to precompose this I'll call it as final animation hit control D to duplicate it press s minus let's make this minus 100 press P4 position and let's bring this downward words like this okay then press t for opacity let's make this 20 or let's say 15 select your rectangle tool create one mask sorry uh let's create mask over here only and go to the mask option and choose mask feathers so if you see this now you will get something like this let's select this mask and let's move this point somewhere and here okay like this and then you can press control y to create one solid background bring this backward right click new and create one adjustment layer like this and then if you want then you can apply tint effect on it you can either Swap this col colors or instead of white you can choose somewhere around like this and instead of black you can choose white also so uh if you say this now you will get something like this so it's totally depend on you you can choose whatever color you want you can play around with the different stuff it's totally up to you so Yep this is how you can create this kind of Aras logo Ral animation [Music]
Views: 6,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: logo animation in after effects, text animation in after effects, after effects logo animation, logo animation after effects, shine logo animation in after effects, logo animation, after effects, after effects tutorial, after effects tutorial logo animation, after effects animation, logo animation after effects tutorial, after effects text animation, adobe after effects tutorial, how to animate text in after effects, nike vs adidas, adidas superstar, fear of god adidas on foot
Id: oFzg-VzZwgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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