Master Lock 5400EURD Key Safe Decoded

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hello again it's lock noob and here we have a master lock lock box and it's quite a beast it's really big and unlike a lot of these which you screw in to a wall this one actually has a shackle on it now i have on good authority from a locksmith who said to me that there are multiple versions of this box so certain attacks will work on some some not some others apparently um again i i don't know for sure but uh i do trust their opinion anyway how does this work well obviously this would probably attach your hasp or a door handle or something secure you put in your code this happens all be all zeros you pull down the latch and it opens up and you can see the mechanism here opening closing you can release the shackle by pulling this little again latch and pulling up and they go and you can put whatever you want inside here usually keys and then lock it back up and you're good to go now one of my issues with one of these is if you have this hanging out the front of your house or on your caravan or whatever it is you know if in the us uh these are like called reel to boxes or reel to lock boxes i think and quite often keys left in here you're advertising really that you got something valuable in here and these shackles are you know relatively thick but prone to physical attacks too so i would also say if you're going to use one of these and sometimes you might not have a choice but to try and put that in a place where it's not easily visible anyway how do we attack this well the first thing i'd try to do of course is pull this latch down and you can see this is on zero zero seven zero so i'm just gonna pull that really firmly down i'm going to go to the correct number and well it didn't unlock why listen when i let go hear that and then it'll open oddly enough i can't feel um i can't feel by pulling this down any of the um the gates or at least not easily that it's very subtle and when you don't have all of the numbers in position you literally cannot feel and go in and even when it's all there you need to let go of that tension a little bit to allow the mechanism to go in so i can't decode these via that method at least not on this model of this lockbox another attack could be to try and do muscle 175 attack so go in with a tool like this downside you try to push up the mechanism but actually on the lock like this the mechanism does not work like that that isn't how this mechanism works so by doing that you're doing nothing at all you might also want to try to see if you can run this downside of the wheels and see if you can feel on an unshielded wheel whether you can feel the gate from the side and on this again i can't it doesn't mean on other models or with a slightly adapted tool you couldn't but as per standard none of those attacks work so how do you attack a lock like this well um i have made a tool like the one lock picking lawyer made and i don't know if he was the first person to make a tool like this but certainly that's how i heard of it which is just a notched decoding tool the idea is you go in and you grab so say that's a gate at the back of a wheel and that's the blocking mechanism they need to mesh this actually grabs hold the locking mechanism and pulls it towards the wheel pack and you can see that in action if i just put this down inside here turn this dial forwards a little bit so it's just outside of the uh true gate and then pull back you'll see the by pushing or pulling the the locking bar into the gate it'll turn this dial around like that so this does work on this model so yeah i think that lopping lawyer sells a tool just like this on his covert instruments um site i made this out of some peeler gauge which i cut with a pair of scissors it's only um 5 000 of an inch it's so flexible a hole punch to make the notch and um the handle is made out of really big thick 13 millimeter cable tie and it makes an excellent handle material it really does right let's have a go at decoding this the first thing you need to do turn it around so i can't see anything reset scramble make sure every position is actually in the right place you don't like halfway between a number let go um close up then scramble and then we can do a bit more scrambling if we want there we go and start there right so um some of these types of lock boxes are easier to do this method on than others this one i tend to try to work between pairs by um say starting on this one and then moving this tool between the wheels so i'm going to start downside of this i'm going to go in grab and then try to feel and hear which i think it's that it could be a zero actually so i'm gonna leave it there i'm gonna try the other wheels but i don't think i'm gonna get them straight away on this side oh that no way could i've got two zeros by scrambling possible though okay i'm gonna swap between and go down the side of this wheel if i can maybe here and grab there we go and try this one that seems to be a bit quick so um try this wheel now okay that's one i believe that's right possibly that one i'm going to swap over now to this side if i can and try the third wheel which i'm failing to do i'm not grabbing that very easily i don't think that's a number so um obviously i haven't grabbed the locking mechanism very tightly there so that's one eight five six i'll try that again just make sure i've got that number at the back yeah it's definitely six that one should be five let's try that again at 75 that's one i think so let's i think that's one so i think it's probably just this with the second wheel here which isn't right still so go in grab the mechanism it's binding very heavily and i think that's a number 1956 i think there we go got it open you could tell because when you get that last number you can feel the the bar like move towards you at that point it's very distinct so yeah there we go that's it decoded very cool indeed and then you can reset it back to whatever you want which as ever i always set back to zeros because i have a terrible habit of forgetting with all my um combination locks if i don't what the numbers are so i always reset everything to zero if i can at the end so that i then can remember what my code is there you go so i hope you enjoyed that video you can see the technique really works um it really doesn't take long to make a tool like this although like i said you can buy them commercially as well really good fun technique to try if you like this video please leave a like if you comment below i read all the comments i try to reply to as many as i can and of course if you haven't subscribed i would really appreciate you subscribing it all helps thank you for watching i'll see you all next time you
Channel: Lock Noob
Views: 38,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lock box, Key safe, Safe, Realtor, Door, Door key, Lock, Locking, Combination, Dial, Lockpicking, Decode, Find code, Unknown, No code, Locksmith, LockPickingLawyer, Lock picking lawyer, Locksport
Id: tgh4UTEczaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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