"He's Preparing Me" 11 year old๏ฟผ| Min. Hilton Rawls III| The Upper Room Conference 2022

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Pastor if we is are we presenting the preacher I want y'all listen he like a Talk Back Church y'all y'all not gonna be quiet as you amen now if he tell a lie don't you say nothing but when he tell the truth y'all cut the fool in here right amen I want you to stand to your feet and I just want you to point your right hand toward the pulpit and say Lord I've come tonight to this conference to hear from you Speak Lord Speak Lord Speak Lord for your servants are listening congregation Master Hilton Rawls III Master Hilton rolls third The Waiting congregation praise the Lord everybody I said praise the Lord everybody will you help me give God the glory tonight if he's worthy of your praise help me give God the glory come on I want you to think of one thing that the Lord has done for you that could nobody else do for you come on open your mouth and rejoice if he's been a little God give him little praise if he's been a medium and a decent God give him decent praise but if he's been a great if he's been Obed if he's been an awesome God somebody in here open your mouth and give God the glory whoa [Music] you're making me don't make me don't make me start preaching like that just yet you may be seated oh [Music] [Music] look at your neighbor and say I owe him this praise because when I think of the goodness of Jesus [Applause] he's done for me I owe him this point sit down [Music] thank you y'all calm down here down a notch it is an honor to be here with you tonight give God praise for all of you have pressed your way out tonight I give God praise for the angel of this house come on let's give God praise for him Pastor Fleming thank you so much opportunity [Music] I give God praise for my father who is here with me my mother in her absence she watching online hey Mom I give God praise for all of the young people here and I want to give God praise for my uncle the bishop James means and for all of the young people here tonight I'm not gonna be long but I believe I have a word from the Lord I would like for you to stand up with your Bibles the person next to you doesn't have a Bible shared with that person but keep your social distance and repeat after me I pledge allegiance to the Bible God's holy word I will make it a lamp unto my feet and the light unto my path I will hide God's word in my heart that I might not sin against God scripture will be coming from Romans 5 verse 1 through 6. I'm gonna ask my father to read it so have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand and rejoice in Hope of the glory of God and not only so but with glory in Tribulation knowing that tribulation worketh patience patience experience experience hope and hope maketh not a shame because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us for when we were yet without strength in due time Christ died for the ungodly for scarcely for a righteous man will one die yet per adventure for a good man some would even Dare To Die last verse in this reading but God commendeth his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us in the presence of the Lord I'm not gonna be long but I believe I have a word from the Lord my subject tonight is he's preparing me look at your neighbor and say neighbor God is preparing me this ball hits forward of Prayer God we thank you for this day we thank you for your grace and mercy thank you that you died first while we were yet sinners I pray God that the people will not hear a word from Master Hill and Ross III but they will hear a word from you let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in my side oh Lord my strength and my redeemer God bless the heroes God keep us all safe and well and under your wing and the message mighty name of Jesus we pray and the people of God said amen and amen once again my subject is he's preparing me I saw an advertisement today that y'all said I was 15 years old I'm only 11 years old I'm an 11 year old boy I'm just entering Junior High School in puberty is kicking in real hard excuse me but y'all pray for me please sometimes it seems like it was just a few days ago that I was in my mom's arms or on my dad's shoulders we talk often off in our family about how fast time is moving and as I grow up the future is exciting but sometimes it can be a little scary a lot of times we are not really sure about what the future holds I see adults Under Pressure all the time to figure everything out or to have a plan with all of the details worked out but young people every time I hear my parents pray they remind me that Hilton you do not have to have all of the answers I do not have to figure out the next 10 years on my own because God is in control Jeremiah 29 verse 11 he says he's got a plan for my life he says that there are plans of good and not of evil he says to me son there are plans to give you hope for your future you see God's plan is much better than any plan we could make out on our own we do not need to fear our future because God promised to be with us every state single step of the way Philippians 1 verse 6 says being confident of this one thing that he that began at the good work in you shall perform it until the day of Jesus Christ look at your neighbor and say neighbor whatever God is doing in your life he's not through with you yet now tell somebody else hold on because there's more for you your eyes have not seen and your ears have not heard neither has it entered into the hearts of man the things that God prepared for them who love them I came to tell you tonight that God is about to blow your mind and that's exactly why the devil has been acting crazy to you because he knows that you've got the goods he knows that you've got a purpose and listen dogs do not bark at Park cars and thieves do not break into empty houses you've got an inheritance and that's exactly why the devil does not like you he knows that God made a deposit in you a long time ago and he can't take what God gave you but he is trying to kill you before you discover what God has placed in your life look at somebody and say don't give up you've got everything you need to win it was already yours before the foundation of the world it's already done it's already fixed it's already settled and it's already paid in full somebody's asking in your head right now well Hilton Ross III if what you say is what you say is true then why don't I have it yet why don't I see it yet why can't I see the manifestation why can't I feel it on the way here is my answer for you that's because the miracle and the promise of God is waiting on you it's been prepared for you since the beginning but now God has got to prepare you for your promise he he's getting you ready for what you can't handle right now that's why drugs didn't kill you that's why you didn't take your life that's why you didn't that's why you didn't lose your mind because God had his hand on you through many dangers toils and snares he kept you through it all look people misunderstood your potential but all When God says you're ready the Bible says that promotion does not come from the East or the west but it comes from God the devil had it set up that you would never win the devil in hell had it set up that you would never survive again he had it set up that you would never rise again but God had the last word over your life he said I will let the weapon form but it shall not work somebody here tonight is having a rough time somebody here tonight is going through depression somebody here tonight is having a rough season and I know the devil is working with fear and intimidation he wants to push you out of the will of God and make you feel defeated when you mess up with God but I've got a word of encouragement for somebody in here tonight John 14 says let not your heart be troubled because if you believe in God you believe also in me since everything the devil throws at you is being controlled by God job God told Satan that he could mess with everything around him but he could not touch his life tell somebody that God has got the last word over your life so when the devil starts acting up you've got to let your hope rise up inside of you and shall now Faith is the substance of things hoped for at all and the evidence of Things Not Seen second Timothy 1 verse 7 says for God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power a separate of power and love and a sound mind prophesy to your neighbor and tell them to hold on you're one step closer to your destiny you're one step closer to what God has promised you what shall we say it into these things if God before me oh no no no let me change that if God before us who can be against us I feel like preaching in this foreign tell somebody don't lose your faith he's preparing you there is purpose in your pain God is making you ready he's providing you with what you'll need for the next level he's providing you with what you'll need for the promotion and that's why you've got the praise him for what he's already done then he can lead you to what he's already repaired for you that's why you've got to say I don't have the house yet I don't have the promotion yet I don't have the car yet I don't have the tuition money yet but let me sir notice on you and the devil it's on the way it's already settled in heaven it's my inheritance ah God ordained it it's mine and the devil in hell he can't do nothing about it that Joy is mine that peace it's mine that power is mine I don't know how and I don't know when and I don't know where but I do know that if I'm gonna send it off my face says it's coming to pass so tell somebody you've been down too much to quit you've cried Too Many Tears to give up now stay faithful you am the father stay available in the sun stay filled with the Holy Ghost in the air for Dream well God gave you in every Vision that God showed you is coming to pass if God said it my God he gonna do it if God's spoken look it's got to come to pass I don't care how the devil tries to come against your dreams the Bible says be steadfast and unmovable always opouting him more of the Lord for as much as you know of your labor is not in vain everything is working for your God God's preparing you he's preparing you he's preparing you what he's getting you ready or somebody shout oh God prepare me to be a sanctuary pure and holy try that true and everything you've been through every tear you've cried every lie they turn on you every time they saw you fall it was making you better go ahead on through cause the next time you come out of you're coming out [Applause] this light Affliction is the glory with the glory that shall be revealed in you Romans April 28 says and we know that all things work together for the good of them who love God who love God and to them who are called according to his purpose oh preacher give him a glory god is not true of using you all the ladder self be greater so keep pushing keep praying keep praise and uh keep brushing toward the mark to the prize of the High Calling of God which is in Christ Jesus if you know you've been living hope you you know what you've been reading your Bible huh if you know you've been fasting and praying hold your head up oh God he got everything that you need I'm about to go to New Jersey but the Earth is the Lord and the fullness they're all the world and they that toilets are in for he has founded it upon the season and he's established it upon the he's established there upon the floor so who shall Ascend into the hill of the Lord who shall stand in his holy place he that hath Clean Hands and a pure heart and does not sworn deceitfully nor lifted up his soul on the vanity he shall receive he shall receive the blessing of the Lord and righteousness from the god of his salvation lift up your head oh you against the Everlasting doors and the king and the king of glory shall come here who is this king of glory I can't hear you oh yes Now Praise Him help me pray praise him for he is proficient praise him for his preparation for his power for his purpose for his possibility for his potential for his promise for his promotion let everything let everybody let [Music] Praise Him the Lord is cool because the Lord is cool don't y'all stop there you got a reason to pray [Music] wait a minute wait a minute [Music] no stay right there stay right there just take it down a little bit y'all ain't praising him right let me tell you why this 11 and a half year old boy is giving God praise [Music] three days ago three days ago my family and myself were involved in a horrible car accident okay slam to the side of the passenger seat the call was totaled but I made it all the way to Atlanta Georgia tonight to let somebody know what the devil meant for bad time he turned it around for my good oh let me leave you with this be mad this male whatever be tired [Music] [Music] I won't be here but I made it [Music] he had the last word he's preparing me one two one two three [Music] lift your hands up in point [Music] foreign [Music] you want a poison in here [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] you may have been through some stuff I don't know what's going on in your life but you may be going through some stuff right now that all you need to do is kill Ed [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's done [Music] yes sir you ought to put your hands on it come on everybody listen isn't it funny in 2022 you still got folk that look at you funny when you break out in the praise they look at you like you got a man in your nose but I dare you to get an attitude in Upper Room conference 2022 and look at somebody and tell them if you knew y'all ain't talking to nobody find somebody else tell them if you knew the hell I've been through you wouldn't be funny when I praise him but when I lift my hand you lift your hands to where my praise is at tonight where the worshipers at tonight that no he's preparingly praise him like you're crazy [Music] Lord I wish I had Good Feet tonight [Music] I've seen him do and I know they're working out for me now y'all said come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my God one more time put it in the devil's face Shout again [Applause] see them [Music] hey you're working come on let's go now we're the point right tell your neighbors don't play with it I like all these fellas in this corner y'all be quiet come on just let me hear y'all one two one two come on foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] my my mama I got my God God has sent us a preacher 11 years old 11 years old preaching like that you know that has to be gone God called God ordained to preached like some 60 year old man you can't see a miracle there are born preaching and let your children see what they can be Young you don't know what they thinking when they're six years old you have no idea who's influencing them on TV and on the internet and that is why I wanted him to come so that your children will be inspired be somebody [Music] if you know you're somebody but you got to know you're somebody and know you are Dame and a powerful father behind him and her mother encouraging me because I know what he's going to go through I know jealous preachers with a gift that y'all but in the world he gonna sound like when he gets 16. years ago I brought an 11 year old preacher here his name was Watson Dr Sampson said most board preachers end up as dope addicts and alcoholics this study shows that I understand what he's talking about you're on a man's shoe as a child and you don't have no fun and the fact when they isolate me when I tried to even play ball with kids they said look at God getting that preacher power I said we got praying God Did It for I know that pain you know you can't play with other kids like others hey man you're a preacher you can't say that I know that loneliness between an old and a child and isolated girls didn't want to date me because I was a preacher I know that loneliness of a boy preacher and no wonder some grow up when they never had fun never did anything they turned to something that's tempting and it gets the best pray for him I used to hear old folks say when I was a child you got a long ways to go and for any boy preacher that steps out called by God not him called it and what Temptation and at least a little can take them over the devil wants them you want to kill them early and I know that pain so pray for him because they do turn out when they get grown into something else they never had fun and don't know and they ain't even can plant that thing in you so quickly you can be so powerful when you're young and get to be a teenager and fade off the scene because they never had a youth and God just grabbed them amen that is why a young man that powerful need a lot of prayer and praying that God guide them because the enemy know how powerful you are and when you young and don't know life yet it's so much can trick you and stumble you that most folks don't know nothing about your child in a man's shoe worst thing about it you didn't pick it it picked you and you can't do nothing about it that's why I'm looking at him thinking about I preached my first trial sermon at 11 years old and I was told by some people he'd been watching me all his life and can compare his childhood and that's a god-given anointing on this little young man to be grown really young I want us to do something nice because we didn't want to be this long because I know kids got to go to school I want to take up an offering for it and support of this young man and his father I flew them both in put him on a hotel bring him got him some Busy Bee chicken everybody come here want soul food so I want you to as they leave in the morning and go back traveling around the country this is incredible to see him even handle his notes and not get off balance like that he can handle his notes and not lose his equilibrium hey and can come back to it I don't tell you that's a gift he may be another Martin Luther King never know all right now I want you to give the great big offering and I want you to put some in your children's hand for blessings on them and I want you to give it to them say I want you to give an offering come on down Junior Deacon where's my Junior Deacon where's my junior dick Ware come on out here Junior Deacon on the camera well come on out here anyhow get off the camera come down here and let my members see why I give them a little job get out of here Darnell yeah I know who you are and this young man I called out he's been here since he was a baby by his Grandmama I called him out the other night and told him what he's going to be amen this young man watched him grow up one time he was playing in the game room and he's always been a big boy and he hit something in that wall and last time I saw him he was like this I say boy you bought my wall he said yes sir I was just playing is it better I ain't gonna do it no more and to see him growing and Mama came and said pastor don't worry just playing and look how he's come never thought he'd be one of my camera operators I just went off laughing and having fun laughing about it because I want to let him know he was forgiven and he was shocked and this these young men some have gone on off to college now and I do things for some of them they don't tell you that I do out of my own heart and my pocket so I pray for their future go on to school finish your education prove to the world that a black man is not lazy amen and that he will stand out so I want you all to come down here and stand right here young fellas and people are going to come down and give an offering for your youth night David don't have to stand come down here at this moment Stan let's let's give something most time I take a fresh offered up for the support of this revival then I give her often up for the pastor so whatever you can give let's see you Mr Wilson I think I see my old friend my there he is Mr Wilson he he's the church like he's he's a he's a real man that's the that's a that's herself made millionaire amen got businesses all over the world and he's our CPA for the church he helped a lot of churches amen if a pastor need needs somebody to help him out of some trouble that's the man Mr Ronald Wilson from New Jersey and here in Atlanta he called and wanted to see this young man because he's from New Jersey glad to see you tonight all right you're already a good Deacon young man you know how to come up there and get it from the preacher hey man can you give one of the greatest bands in Atlanta a great big hand [Music] good gotta get to him huh now see what what they mean say oh I'm so high how you doing happy to see you your wife with you man you got to admit these some bad Jokers aren't they and they know how to work together don't miss Friday [Music] it wasn't no hit me one note just come on both of you give me a give me another mic hit a little bit just a little bit well do a little ranch whatever [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] he's worth it now let's make a four quiet come on [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] somebody help me call them we pray [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] somebody say yeah somebody say yeah [Applause] that's just a sample for what you're going to hear Friday night [Music] I'm telling you let us all stand and let's pray over it off and father bless the offering continue to bless it as we often ask you and bless the man of God bless our children as they go back to school tomorrow give them safe travel on the buses and back home in Jesus name don't miss this preacher tomorrow he wanted the baddest in the nation preacher's gonna be here I don't have to tell you and if you love some good Baptist preacher you're going to hear that tomorrow night what are the best see you tomorrow you want to start at seven o'clock let's come on time so I can get you out a little after nine
Channel: Praise Move
Views: 1,816,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Timothy Flemming Sr, MCBCATL, ATLANTA CHURCH, PREACH, AMEN, Standing Series, Praise Move, God's Strength Records
Id: Yvlbd0NkpPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 50sec (2750 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 12 2022
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