Master Guide For Learning Wattson NOOB To PRO Tips On Apex Legends Season 11

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hey everybody and welcome back to the channel  so this is going to be a little bit different   of a video normally i'm in the test range but  what i decided to do is take my wattson guide   up to the next level and constantly spawn in and  teach you in game how to utilize watts and how to   we're going to cover how to fence a building  how to cover a choke point how to play wattson   aggressively we're going to cover how to do  patterns we might have to go into the test   range to show various patterns and how to  fence but we're going to cover all of that   now i'm going to segue and cut in just a moment  once i get the footage and we're going to fence   off this building because it's a very common one  we're going to fence off one of the open ones here   i'll showcase how to fence off a choke point  now the reason why i'm covering storm's point   is that this is actually one of her weaker maps  especially for wattson because there's less areas   to specifically cover specifically around ship  fall it's very open an antenna has a very open   area there's buildings around which are really  great to fence off which i can showcase later   if i don't get third partied or push barometer  is very open c note cave as well is has a very   open area and then the mill the areas that you  really succeed in is going to be command center   check point storm catcher is really good around  that building specifically and i'll showcase some   gameplay as well where i'll really highlight  why she's so good on that portion of the map   anything we can't cover i'm going to go into the  test range and showcase some of the patterns so i   don't necessarily get third partied once i get my  ultimate i'm going to cover all of this specific   area and how you fence it off because these  buildings are pretty common and i want to showcase   how you zigzag and that's going to be a common  thing i'm going to say specifically over and   over in this guide you're going to see the diamond  shape pattern that happens with wattson zigzagging   fences and posting them up around chokes and  kind of getting a pattern in some of the weak   points that happen with their fences especially  with her buffs and everything so we'll cover in   just a moment okay we got our gen now the reason i  chose these buildings in the hopes that i would be   left alone this is not necessarily going to  be the best place to play unless the zone   is closing especially because this is on the  pretty far end of the map so when we place a gen   we want it to be and the reason i put it here is  that this is an area that it can easily get fired   off at if you look on the outside of the building  when i just showcase it you can see the gen from   there and if somebody's in a other building you  see the angle that you can see the gen still it's   not the most ideal spot so when you're placing  the gen you want to be smarter about where you're   going to position it within the building you want  to think about your blind spots just as you would   trying to cover an area this building specifically  is pretty difficult you can probably put it around   the center here but you got to remember if it's  there then you're not going to block grenades   so you have to think of where the enemy team is  located if there's no team here then of course and   yeah this further part right here is going to be  a better spot so it doesn't get shot out but if a   team is located over here then know that they're  going to shoot at the gen potentially there   a good spot might be in the center here and maybe  play around the center area instead because this   is a good spot because it might catch an aid you  might want to take out this door here specifically   you can use a fence to do that and take out  the fence or take out the door let me showcase   that real quick this is also the downside of the  fences you move them and it blasts out the door   so that's another idea that you can have so you  can put the gen here and play a little bit smart   another spot would be right here and then of  course you know you see all the windows and   you see the problem that you have and of course  the other area this is an issue i would say in   storm points a lot of the buildings and this is  why i'm using them you'll notice over there that   there's a lot of open spots so you have to think  specifically and i can tell that they thought   about this specifically for wattson because  there's not a whole lot of uh blind spots in safe   areas so if i happen to cut around to different  locations of the map it's because i got eliminated   but i'm gonna showcase how you fence now here's  one of the downsides to fencing on storm's point   is that the fences are a lot snappier which  is it and you'll you'll see how they like   snap to the walls way more than they they did  in prior seasons which you would think would   be a buff but the downside is that it really  isn't anymore the reason why whenever you snap   you'll notice that when you try to uh fence off on  the other side of the wall you can't do it this is   i would it's such a weird thing to think that the  geometry on the wall would actually be detrimental   so when you're playing world's edge and you're  playing kings canyon and you're trying to fence   the door you're gonna have to be very precise  on storm's point excuse me storm point just   to make sure that you're fencing appropriately  because this technically these little lips and   these little areas because they snap so clean are  going to be your your ultimate downfall now what   you can do on these doors because remember there  also is a slight i guess you can call it quote   unquote nerf to her fences when she's at the door  is that if somebody's in front of you blocking the   doors they act as blockage so what you can do  is make a triangular shape but don't make it as   sharp as i did there and you can tell the  issue that you have you kind of have to make it like that and this is probably the biggest problem  with their fences now that i've experienced and   i'm highlighting this early because as we do the  guide i'm going to go in the test range to show   what happens when you have those little areas it  can be really hard to fence so essentially when   you're covering the doorways like this you want  them to be covered like so but remember the doors   do get blasted out and that becomes a problem so  you want to tr and this is this is going to take   practice specifically in these buildings on storm  point so if you want a fence you want to try to   get towards that angle and then try to stretch  it as far as possible as you can and the reason   why is that when somebody's entering they would  have to come as close as possible to shoot it out   and technically the one that they can't  hit is going to be on the one on the right   so when these buildings are designed technically  they're designed to you could guess you could say   counteract wattson so whenever you're zigzagging  you're gonna have to keep that in mind as you're   fencing off an area and you keep pushing each of  these fences all the way through let me charge up   my fences so you see how the pattern is that you  want to zigzag them all the way across you have a   total of 12 fences and you can see on the deploy  on the bottom right there you can see how many   i have remaining and the beauty of now is that  the gen lasts forever so it's able to constantly   have these up and the reason you why you want  to constantly zigzag them and put them as much   through the building let's say you your team has  decided to hold the top area here is that you   want to ideally block off as much as possible and  you can zigzag this back up and get more creative   or even just put it right right here and then go  back let's see how many fences we've used so far   and then we can kind of take a look so we still  have a few more left here so whenever you're   fencing off and these buildings are relatively new  still and then you can at that point boom you're   you're pretty much done with what you have now the  reason why you want to push as much as possible   like if you know teams are if you're going to  hang out more in this portion then of course you   can hold this area but the idea is this whenever  you're fencing off a building the reason why you   don't want to put all your fences in one area is  because you create ways to fall back and run back   so if a Gibraltar throws the bubble down let's  say one fence they take one out here let's say   they're most likely going to take this one out  right here if that one disappears and they push   through the building you'll notice as you push  in that you still at least have these fences   to fall back to and like i'm getting shot from a  distance so i'll have to cover this pretty quick   and then as these get taken out you continue to  fall back but at least you can still fence off   and make more zigzags to hold different parts  of the building right that's the whole plan   and idea so if they keep pushing through you  still have areas to fall back in to continue   to put pressure the the problem with wattson  that you're going to find is that it's easier to   cover maybe let's say spider web up let's say your  team wanted to hunker down in just one section of   the building then you wanted to make it make  it look like an absolute mess you want it to   look overwhelming so if i were to i know they're  shooting at the gen there and i'm going to put at   this angle so they can't shoot it anywhere except  for this building right here so what i would do   just so it's a lot more intimidating and remember  that your gen is going to block as well so   it's kind of a decent spot but essentially you  just want to move these around as much as possible oh and then they go and they come pushing through  that's a good example so i'll just keep fencing   it off trying to give him a hard time i don't  even have a gun and then at this point it looks   overwhelming they're not pushing through look how  long it takes him to get through give it a second   they think there's three people in here  and they get a fence there look at that   and there's there's another fellow watts and we  see how long it took him to realistically push   through and how much difficulty they're having  and these this side of the of the door is actually   much easier to fence off than the other side  oh there they go so if i fence off right there   and hold the door and then they're going to  kill me all right and so we'll land now on   the upper side which has different buildings  but i think this was a really great example   already for a first go-around teaching how to  fence off and then we're going to go into the   test range and cover it but notice how long  it took them to kind of just push through   and how overwhelming it looked so it actually  worked out in our favor to kind of teach this and   i i know i'm starting a little bit more advanced  and trying to go a little bit more granular   i just wanted to do something a little different  for this guide so when we go into the test   range i want to showcase it again but i'm least  giving you more realistic examples specifically   okay we go again and i'm going to go on the  upper left side of the map where there's a bit   more structures and different set of buildings  just to fence off and i figured we'd do this   and i'll showcase just fencing off a choke as  well and then we're gonna go into the test range   and then i'm gonna showcase how to play wattson  aggressively as well especially i'll cover some   of the footage where it really worked out using  her ultimate ability as well then we'll break   down each of the buildings from the bare basics  and we'll kind of go from there so you're really   getting i've posted a lot of these guys before  so i'll have them all in the description down   below is reference material that we covered so  for those that are watching the channel doesn't   feel like you're getting rehashed content  that this is something a bit more fresh and   new and something that will help you out but for  those that are brand new you know that you have   a full library of wattson content and resources  here on the channel this is a legend i play a lot   i really like her i know she hasn't been meta for  quite a while but you know we we press onwards   okay i got really unlucky with finding an alt  excel or i alluded this whole area and couldn't   find one but the plus side is my ultimate just  popped and i'm going to teach you how to fence off   to a different set of buildings these resemble  a little bit more of what you would find more in   kings canyon and world's edge they are definitely  their own unique structures but the plus side is   we'll get defenses off the zone may close so  i apologize you're probably going to see a bit   of the orange zone so if that's a little bit not  easy on the eyes i apologize so ideally what you   want to do is place the gen somewhere where it can  be not hit by everything now you got to remember   the windows if somebody's here they're going to be  able to shoot the gen they're going to shield the   gen so you're going to have to keep in mind what  you're going to cover but you also want to block   it from from nades so you gotta they've designed  these buildings so anywhere they're breaching that   a wattson old is going to be shot from so just  remember where you're going to place your gen   if you want to place it maybe on the more northern  side here because you got this side more protected   that would be ideal or if you want to cover  it right in the center but just remember that   if they open this door well you're going to  get shot at if they're going to shoot from   this window well that's going to be covered  but at least you'll have the coverage from   that window so you've got to figure out what  angles you're going to hold as a wattson and   just think about those angles because you're  going to be able to push them in a certain   area to better predict how to push so let's go  ahead and place this down just in the center   just for fence sake no pun intended there but  again you'll notice that the snappiness is kind of   the the downside to this so what you want to do is  continue to zigzag it but if you put it too close   you run into the same problem that you did  before depending on where you place it so you   got to be a little careful about where you place  it on the doors and it causes that weird little   as you can call a bug you can put these at the far  end the further you put them down the harder they   are to hit and just zigzag it back and forth back  and forth and continue to push these all around   the building now if you have a certain number of  fences and you can push the next couple down below   let's say i were to take one of these away and  leave it but i wanted to fence the bottom area   you can leave this it'll be less overwhelming and  the most common phrase that i have is daunting   so if you wanted to at least cover this section  as well to have the bottom area let's say   everyone was going to be located in the bottom  area you got two down below and you got one person   up but they're going to have the gen up here and  a lot more fences for coverage you have to decide   as a team where you're going to push that and  what you're going to do so let's cover one of   the other buildings really really quick and then  we'll segue to covering a chokepoint on this map   so let's cover one of the smaller ones here it's  very similar but that's ideally how you want to   cover now whenever you're spawning another quick  tip and i'm sure i'm going to mention again later   is to use your fences they come up off cooldown  way faster than they did before so utilize them   this is only one floor that you're gonna have  here and the best thing that i should probably   should have put the gen over here instead this  is a great building to place them because to be   honest they can come through here yes but if you  put the gen specifically here and you know that   it'll come through here then they can't really  see it or it's harder to hit or they're forced   to come at certain doorways which is a what  you want to do is what you want to try to get   your enemies to do back and forth so every time  you're doing you kind of want to pattern them out   try to be a little bit more unpredictable so then  whenever you get another fence up here in a second   i'm going to zigzag it back over here and then  we're going to put another one here at the door   and then we're going to bounce it back you can  push it all the way back here you can leave this   open if you would like but remember how much  you're going to hold and how much space that   you realistically have and that's going to be  one of the bigger things just to be mindful of   so as much as it's ideal to put as many fences  down into cover as much as humanly possible   you have to be conscientious of how much space  you're trying to cover with your team if you're   covering too much then your fences are going to be  pretty ineffective if you're covering too little   then you're going to be prone to getting grenaded  out and for your pylon to be absolutely decimated   and destroyed so just be mindful of that and also  be mindful if your team is playing super aggro   because if you're trying to cover too much then  by the time you believe that you have the amount   of right amount of fences then well it's kind of  a bit of a moot point right and then of course all   we need is just one more and you have a fenced off  just be mindful of the pattern that you have here   so you'll notice that that fence is pretty out  in the open but at least it blocks the door   a little bit but you know that's the uh here nor  there plus side of it and there you go now you   have a nice room fenced off you can be a little  bit more predictable you can fence off a door   a little bit harder than others if that is ideal  for you and what we're going to do next unless i   get eliminated is we're going to go fence off a  chokepoint so i'll cover that in just a second   here okay let's see how lucky we get here where  i'm going to fence off a really large chokepoint   i'm going to showcase how you also fence off  a doorway and also some of these areas that   you see here i didn't get as lucky with the zone  someone had to spawn back in and do it all over   let's see how lucky we get all right so what you  want to do now the the downside of fencing off a   choke point with a lot of this geometry but at  least you can funnel people in is that they're   going to be able to jump around your fences now  what you need to do is try to get at least to   the biggest focal point that you can and what  we're going to do is just keep pushing this   all the way through now i always talk about  the infamous diamond pattern that you have   with the fence what we're going to do is we're  going to make a giant diamond pattern here   and we're going to fence off this choke point as  much as possible i pray that i don't get shot at   which i am ultimately going to most likely  so when you're fencing off the choke point i   always try to do a diamond pattern and the reason  for that so let's see how many fences we got left   we're just going to keep fencing i think i left  the other ones up so what we're going to do   is now we're going to create another  pattern through if it'll let me there we go and then i should have one more you  want to always try to keep count   or try to remove your other fences so then  you have have the the number so that's a   little good reminder so we got one two three four  five six seven eight nine ten so we got two more   so at this point with two more you can  just kind of like just zigzag them through   and then just kind of leave them so if i'm  looking from a high end i broke one of them   unfortunately oh that's the team never mind i  didn't break them do you see how i fenced off   the choke point here and look they did exactly  what i said they're going to go right over here   look at that that's interesting let's see if  we could take a shot at him headshot not bad   but notice how you're funneling them in that's  literally your overall goal that you're trying   to have here and if you're playing aggressively  might as well teach that over here i'm probably   gonna die though cause i'm not really ready for  this oh hello nice to see you all right well you   want to place your gen down aggressively to your  angle so then you can heal up i wasn't necessarily   ready to fight there but unless you see where they  funneled in and they saw the whole choke point   they're all ready for you and i think that's  already a great example if your team is holding   while you're fencing i thought one of them blew  up because i miscounted but at least we could tell   that somebody came through so there you go that's  a good representation in the guide and then how   you you play aggressively at that point where i  could have done to be smarter about it is put some   fences up really really quick but in the guide i  mean i guess you can just call this a bonus value   for just adding it in and there you go looks like  i really screwed up this team let's see let's see   if they actually make it okay they do they made  it just in time but nonetheless there you go all   right guys let's go into the next portion okay now  in this portion what we're gonna do is i'm gonna   fence off a doorway just heavily in front of  the building here which is a very common area   and then we're gonna fence off also the Jurassic  park portion of the map here where you fence off   that other section as well so remember that these  are examples the more creative that you can try   to get as a wattson and place fences to i guess  it's like corralling sheep or cattle essentially   you want to make people move in predictable  patterns and if you can get them to move in   a certain area just like we did earlier and you  have a full team then your job get just gets way   easier so i may need to cut here just because  if i don't find an ult accelerant which i highly   dominate in this area because i wasn't as lucky as  i was earlier and there's less loot in this area   then we're just going to chill and wait until the  ultimate shows up and i'm going to fence off one   of these doorways as much as possible we're going  to pretend the zone is behind us and we're going   to fence the area in front it looks like i didn't  get lucky with ultimate accelerant so let's uh   segue here in just a second and cut ahead until my  generate or Gen shows up all right now let's fence   off this door let me show you how to zigzag it and  create a i guess you can call it an ultimate choke   point where nobody can pretty much pass through  don't forget to leave a like to show your support   leave a like that i don't get pushed randomly  as i'm recording this so the best place to put   the gen is going to be right behind here because  it's going to be ultimately impossible for them to   well need you out there's two different ways  you can put it at a far angle so then you're   100 going to block whatever nade comes through if  you're confident that you can fence it off very   well then you can put it behind this area so  then when they throw the nades it'll still hit   them but it you know it's going to be pretty much  protected right now i'm going to put it right here   just in case i do get pushed so what you want to  do you can create the diamond shape as well here   i like to do the and just kind of bounce them  back and forth back and forth back and forth   because then what what this presents is a very  very difficult pattern for them to look at when   they come through the doorway now the the  theory here that i'm going to pose at you   is that let's say the zone is pulling towards us  i guess it would be better if we fenced off the   other end but let's just pretend like the the  prior round that we had that a team is pushing   from this point on to this point because they  have to get to the zone to us well the more   of a choke that you create and make it much more  difficult for them to push through the much more   of a hard time that you're going to give towards  this enemy team remember the downside like i said   is the snappiness to this which you can complete  the notes here if you'd like that's an option but   just remember that plus side and gets downside to  it i have one more fence but let me showcase what   that looks like whenever they're coming through  again let's pray i don't get pushed now if a team   decides to come through here it's virtually  impossible for them to push because when they see   this and they have the option to throw the nades  this is why i present the option to you you can   either put the gen here to it or here and like a  little crevice to ensure you block every single   nade that comes through or you can put it further  back if you're confident that you're gonna stand   near their fences now whenever you come through  the first thing they're gonna do is try to shoot   the ones out closest but then they still have this  in front they're gonna shoot this one out they   still have the the fence in front keep tearing it  apart you keep moving it down and you'll notice   that there's still a blockade no matter how much  they shoot and if they're busy with the fences   and they're preoccupied with all of that  then remember that you are going to have free   game to shoot them as much as you can if your  gen is nearby look how fast you can continue to   zigzag these across to continue that quick pattern  you want it to be quick but the downside again   with the fences is that with with how snappy  they are it makes it a lot more difficult to   to fence off and that can be a bit of a burden  especially if you got teammates in front of you   but look how fast you can do that now if you were  going to do the fast version of this you you were   being pushed here's an example of what you would  probably do on the opposite end of it so let me   pick up two of these real quick now if you're  being pushed you could go and just kind of fence   it off just kind of like a like as you can call it  like a psychopath it's not ideal because sometimes   you're going to make mistakes because the faster  you go no matter how fast it's going to you know   cause a problem so let's close the store let's  say they were there and you were just trying to   zigzag it now the reason you do a zigzag pattern  is that even if they take one of them out   you still have a little bit of a few of them in  front of you still so zigzag zigzag and let's say   you're being pushed right behind and i'll showcase  this again in the test range and kind of recap   since i know this is a lot of information let's  say that you're being chased it's okay because   you don't really lose any momentum anymore with  your with your fences you still have the ability   to have these fences out just as if you would  with your fist out you'll see it's 299 velocity   and if i have my fences out it's 297. so what you  can do is have them out and then zigzag them and   just keep running and not lose any momentum so  that's the plus side to it so let's say you're   trying to fence off the Jurassic park spot this  might be a good example to do since there's a team   over there maybe make it a little overwhelming  for them so they don't want to push us so if you   were in the Jurassic park area over here and you  were holding this as a common area i know people   have seen it on my stream i'm getting shot at so  you want to do if you have the multiple doors you   you gotta have to choose a door fencing off too  much of an area to hold can be very difficult   but again it's the same premise just zigzag or  you can create the diamonds spectrum as well   just make it so it is undeniably and this  is why i dislike the new snappiness it just   you want to put it like right there but  it just will not let you sometimes and   it's really really annoying but you know i  digress so if you were to continue defense   and ping-pong it back and forth then whenever 70  comes through and get creative you know it's not   the end-all be-all you can get kind of creative  with the shapes if you want and they come through   they're going to look at this mess and they're  going to have to continue to take it out so if   i were to shoot that one shoot that one it's still  in front of me still in front of me just in front   of me and you have that little mess it's just if  you put them too close like this you you want to   capitalize as much distance that you can possibly  have that's what you ideally want to do and let's   say that you were to hold off here's another  good example a choke point and a team was in the   opposite end of this and you wanted to create some  space and not necessarily just hold the whole area   because they're pushing through because there is a  Gibraltar bubble there is the crypto alts that do   pose a problem so if you wanted to kind of build  a little bit from there you can definitely do so   and create some additional space if it'll let me  there we go and then you'll have an additional   fence here and create like a little bit of a choke  point you know especially if you're being pushed   here's another example of what you can do let's  grab this let's say somebody already pushed her   hello there they go well then here's a good  example you wanted to just kind of cover all   your bases as much as possible i like to do the  little square pattern you know create a little   little fence for yourself a little area for you  to to cover and if you have your gen down then   you're going to have even more coverage so i  don't think i'm probably going to survive this   and i'll segue now to actually being in the in the  test range now and we'll talk about breaking down   some of these basic concepts and placing the gen  and we'll kind of get some coverage see if i can   get this real quick actually i'm going to put  myself on the open and kind of bait them out   because i kind of want to fight and this is the  plus side also about wattson's passive i wanted   to add this little tip here is that you'll see i'm  fine with pushing out and necessarily having to   heal every bit of hp just because i have the plus  side of um let's do bat instead the plus side of   oh hello i don't even know if you're  part of the same squad he's the same guy my aim is a little rusty right now i should get this there we go all right so there you  go so the plus side of having the um   the passive is that if there's a slither of  health you don't necessarily you can still have   it and play a little aggressively i think people  sleep on the passive especially with a slither of   health or if somebody has armor that needs to gen  and you're rotating and you can save a cell just   remember with the passive that it's it's really  not that fast but at the same time it's still   ever ever present all right so let's see if  there's anything else we can cover on the map   and then i'll cut to that segment in just a moment  another quick tip here that i might as well add   while we're here at the gravity cannons is that  if somebody's pushing through and chasing you   there's no harm in creating yourself a little  box or a little area so then you can fight if   you know that somebody's pushing you already  just a little quick tip place some fences down   create some space especially if you know they're  coming through you have you have two options you   can create some fences or you can shoot them as  they come down so if you want to buy yourself   some time and some space you can throw as many  down as humanly possible but that's just another   quick tip that i can provide there for you guys  so while i have you here in this portion of the   video remember that wattson does better to get to  the zone sooner because then she can gate teams   so in this scenario where i'm at right with  wattson there's a difference between playing   an edge comp and a team that is most likely going  to run to zone so pairing with a Valkyrie to get   you to center the zone is going to be a lot more  ideal than playing a comp that plays edge unless   it's a really strong comp that plays edge but then  you're kind of sleeping on some of the abilities   that wattson has that can provide to you so  this scenario i have a team here and i have   a team here the ideal situation is that i push  over to the left and i can find myself a chuck   point to kind of hold and wait so what i could  do there's several options here is since there's   only four teams remaining is that i can actually  just fence off this choke and use this rock here   and just kind of chill and wait for the rotation  to push in if i go too close to the center because   i'm only one person i'm gonna run into the  problem of getting pretty much sandwiched in   so there's several things that you can do here  i think in this example if i were to showcase   let's say there's too many teams up here in this  example and i'll show you kind of how to fence   off an area i could third party this but that's  not the point of the guide right here right now   is that if you would like to because there's  probably let's say there was a team up there   you can put the gen here and then start to fence  off this area for your liking just to kind of help   you out and you gotta push the fences a little  better there we go and then just start to fence   off this whole little little section if it'll  let me there you go snappiness drives me crazy   that it has now and just kind of ping-ponging back  and forth back and forth back and forth you'll see   if you ping-pong it too much that there's an open  space it did that on purpose so i could showcase   it to you you could double back or you could  just be mindful and put an additional fence there   so you want to be mindful of the space and the  geometry that you have and just continue to   to zigzag so if the team that was  down here if they were to push or   were to rotate at least you can hold an area  and you can back up and fence off a spot that is   stronger suited for you you see how now you have  all the space and then you can continue to fence   off this is better for competitive especially  if you're trying to create space where it does   not exist the only downside is that if a team was  up here then they have ultimate height on you and   this is a really hard area to hold but at least  the only area that you're focusing if you have   snipers is to get them off height and what you  would hope that would happen is that there would   be another team over here pestering them or there  would be another team pushing from behind them   so if you do not have an option of where you're  going to hold then at least you have an option   like this to to give you some options so let's  continue to fence off and hold as the zone closes   hopefully if not then i'll segue to the test range  okay now in this portion i want to cover some of   the basics and kind of hit on some reminders  that you can utilize especially with wattson   we're going to talk about some of her fencing  patterns and then we're going to talk about   where you can put her gen i'm going to use various  geometry here in the test range and cover that and   then we're going to talk about how to play wattson  aggressively and then if you're being chased   and what you can do pretty much what we did and  covered in the first portion of the guide i know   it's a little bit backwards but i know there's a  lot of people who watch my channel and i wanted to   have the guide feel a little bit more fresh rather  than starting with the basics at the start where   it was a lot less interesting and then kind of  kick it up as we kept going so the biggest thing   to remember with the gen is that whenever you  get damaged that it heals up two full red shields   so if i'm putting the gen down if you know because  the red shields have 125 hp this heals up 120.   now the biggest thing is that this does stack  along your passive so you're going to have faster   healing that you would compare to your fellow  teammates also to keep in mind that's really   really important to highlight is that this is a  very big tool that to use aggressively considering   how fast you can heal up you can get almost a free  cell down but still have the mobility and fighting   in the moments if i were to get rid of my shield  again and throw this down and run back in i'm   going to highlight also as you're using grenades  near the pylon as well remember you only can have   one of these pylons up at a time this was changed  i guess you can call it a a nerf to wattson   but the plus side is that the gen stays up forever  so what we're going to do is we're going to throw   nades as our shields do pop up so the plus that if  you throw these nades above and you have the angle   is that you do have the ability still to nade the  only downside is whenever you're throwing them   fur too far down it gets a little a little higher  than two red shields a little mistaken i'll have   to double check that so i'll apologize for that  i know it's supposed to be two red shield 250 hp   oh it's because my passive huh big smart brain on  me so i guess you can tell how much the wattson   passive uh healed up let's see if i can do a  little little damage to myself i didn't think   about that in a moment her her passive obviously  is going to count towards it at least saves a   little bit as you're healing up and let's just get  that to deplete and there you go because we have   the the wattson passive that's kicking in during  but just remember that that if you have the gen   and the area that it works a lot better than it  did before especially the blocking needs if you're   the one throwing them outwards just remember that  if you have an enemy team doing the same thing   what it's going to do but if you throw them pretty  much down on the ground you throw them this way it   should block even your stuff that's coming through  even if they're throwing at your feet but just   try to make sure whenever you're throwing them  that you do have this plus side and this angle   to use nades so pick up nades is wattson i know  before this wasn't as forgiving so i'm just   highlighting it now because you have that plus  side but of course if you throw it right at it   now there is a bug if you were to throw it at  a certain angle especially like the thermites   that it won't pick up on so you kind of have  to like time it i've seen it happen before but   it doesn't happen as much it's kind of an angle  which you throw it at to kind of throw off the um   the ultimate but again if you throw it over it  like this then you're pretty much in the clear   that's really really important to highlight it'll  last forever so be really really smart of where   you throw these ultimate's down and we're going  to talk about that actually now let's go ahead   and talk about where to place your ultimate down  in a firefight so just as we did before you want   to make sure that you have the angle so if you  were to place it let's say you're holding height   you don't want to place it on the right because  then you have the full frontal view you don't want   to place on the left because you have it there  you want to place it right in the center here   so then you can fence off the the choke point  create yourself a little the little diamond   pattern that i talked about and then you can  fence off the other area as well and push   that over here and the fences they come up much  faster than they did before so that's a plus side and then there you go and you tack team and now  you have two focal points fenced off and you   have a few more depending on where you want to put  them if you can predict where the enemy's going to   come and you think they're going to come on this  side but you want the other side still fenced off   then you can put another segment in there and then  you create that infamous diamond pattern that i'm   talking about that looks a lot more overwhelming  that when somebody looks at they don't know what   to think and that's the goal that's that's  what you want to do to throw off an enemy   so the pylon whenever you put them put it in a  spot that you believe is going to provide you   cover there's a few more spots of geometry that  i'm going to highlight specifically with this so   let's go take a look at that there we're going  to put a pile on here and we're going to put a   pylon over here around the corner just be mindful  of your angles and where it's going to be shot at   and hills are encountered in that and you should  well you should factor them in when you're pushing   so let's say you know the let's say the zone is  closing here and there's nobody up there but you   know that the team is hiding right around here  right around here well this is a free spot to put   a gen so you start fencing off kind of building a  spot for yourself to build an angle here because   realistically they're not gonna be able to hit  it unless they're up top up here that's a plus   side there because if you're looking at from this  angle and they're throwing nades or they throw a   Bangalore alt or they throw a Gibraltar alt well  then it's going to pretty much stop whatever comes   through which is a plus side let's say you were on  the opposite spectrum of this right let's say you   were on this angle over here and you put a gen  down well your best spot to place it is going   to be on the opposite end so you want to build  as much space just to be mindful if the team is   already there shooting that you don't necessarily  want to run out all the way in the open and you   want to create some space that does not exist  that's where wattson excels is creating space and depending on how much space you want  to make is going to be where you find your   strengths and so if an enemy team  on the opposite spectrum was pushing   and they they know that they can't  necessarily Gibraltar ultra push through   they can't necessarily jump pad in or do anything  else that's really especially like a revenant alt   and they're just trying to push as fast as humanly  possible then you know that the fences are going   to stop them there depending on where the zone  is going to pull and where it's going to tug so   let's talk about where you're fencing again in  a enclosed space we're just going to cover that   again real quick let's grab ourselves some  more accelerants and we're going to use the   building over here you can do the same thing  we'll talk about whenever putting a gen   on height so let's cover that now so  let's use the bottom portion here first   whenever you're fencing off a building again so  you just want to make sure you're covering as   many angles and you're pushing it through and  you do have 12 fences so that is the plus side   about wattson this one would be easier let's  pretend there's a wall here and there's a   wall here and there's only a doorway here  and there's only a doorway here your best   spot to put it would be right here because  at least if they come to the doorway it   would take him a second before they would  be able to see it they would be able to   see it here so you want to tuck it a bin a  little bit further in actually around here   so if i were to fence this off and the plus side  of this the downside of the snappiness of this and just keep ping-ponging  it back and forth to create   that space that you're looking  for so i'm gonna double back and what i like to do sometimes is just do a  straight shot through so then it really overwhelms   them and so it looks daunting overwhelming i know  if you watch my previous guys is what you would   hear me say and there you go so now it's it's  harder at a first glance because if the pattern   looks immediately predictable left right left  right you want to put some through and throw it   off so it's not just left right left right left  right left right so then at least there's another   one in between to throw them off so let's  just look at the raw diamond pattern again   as well and then we're gonna also fence off from  height from height if you have an open area let's   talk about fencing off an opener i was thinking  about doing it whenever i was in the other round   a second ago let's say you're in in height here  and you're trying to fence off notice how it's   still sticky don't like the stickiness of the  fences that they've added but i apologize if i'm   repeating that too much in the video but again the  the plus side is that at least it kind of stops at   the angle for you but this would be how you hold  off and you have a gen the only downside of this   would be if a team is located here then you're  pretty much exposed but at least if somebody was   running up then they can't just immediately move  up here for mobility they can't fly over here   and if they were to zip over that at least they  would need to take everything out before they   push so you're creating a little bit more  space and a little bit more angles there   so now let's take a look at the diamond pattern  what it looks like when you have all 12 fences up   so you can see that there so say you put the  gen down let's create the the diamond pattern there's zigzag diamond and i guess if you want to   throw people off outside of the diamond  then you have that option there as well   so i'm going to showcase what this looks  like initially and then we're going to cover why it's so good okay let's set this up and  then we're gonna go from height   all right i think i did too many alright so  let's go up on height let's take a look at that and if you see that diamond it looks like  it looks like a giant star at this point   but you don't really know exactly what to shoot  and what to look at especially if three people   are walking around and you got scoped in you're  trying to shoot them visual clutter is a very   real thing in apex legends and if you can make  the visual clutter into their zone and you're   trying to see it just it's it's it's a headache  so how do you do the diamond pattern so let's   talk about that now that you've seen what it looks  like from above and why it's so good well whenever   you have the diamond pattern you want to start  with one kind of create a little triangular shape   and then boom you have yourself a little diamond  now the reason why i like to create the diamond   pattern is that you can start at a different  angle and bounce it and create a little zigzag   in between if you want and you can create  another one in between and you can start to   bounce it and it becomes from a diamond into a  star shape when you keep bouncing it back and   forth and then there you go so the plus side of  creating such a robust pattern that if somebody   were to push even from the low ground here and  somebody were to take one away take one away take   one away you'll notice that you still even if you  were at this other end you still have a barrier so   the barrier is where you create your strength and  you have your angles so then you can put people in   as we've been saying many many times in this video  a predictable pattern so if you're being chased   i'll showcase i'm going to cut right now to  some gameplay real quick when i was being chased   and we'll talk about that then i'm gonna  showcase gameplay whenever i use my gen   and i was playing offensively so let's segue  to those two clips and i'm gonna timestamp them   like as long as there's one i'm i'm genuinely  okay with that i just don't want there to be   so many people that can just read your locations  that it becomes an issue dude there's no guns here   i hate my life i got guns come up here come  over here being chased come to me friend i'm good are they trying to fred jump on me  or something is that what's going on that guy got absolutely destroyed i'm shooting into your butt status that Gen is so  broken look at that i used this cover is broken   he's now dead nice yo you see this is how you  use it Gen you see that free cover out of nowhere that's how you play wattson baby 45 seconds until something closes i need to move is eliminated is good they're judging my shields just topping off my shoes i'm recharging thinking i should have covered this with the ultimate is  is is so vital because it because somebody asked   me why i was placing down my gen in a fire fight  and this is more for pubs and you guess you can   do it in rank but when you're playing pubs you're  giving your enemy a forced option to shoot let's   say that they're they haven't cut the corner yet  let's say they're like right around here and they   haven't cut yet that corner and you're right here  and you want to pull you want to give the enemy   a forced option now you could do one of  two things you could put the gen down here   and force them to shoot the gen if they're  shooting the gen they're not shooting you   meaning that hp is going into the gen itself which  is the most important thing that you can you can   do in a scenario because if they're shooting  that then it's free shots and if they're shooting   it well you created cover this is also good for  wattson because wattson especially in pubs in the   south side of the map has literally no cover  whatsoever like she doesn't have an out so   her out can be her gen so she can hide behind it  and so you can heal and duck and weave and so if   you're looking it from the opposite spectrum let's  put in front of this guy here so you can see it   you can dance around it so they're  going to shoot your legs which do   less damage to you and your legs are going  to be a lot harder to hit because they're   thinner so if i were to pull out let's just say  the rampage because it shoots a little slower   let's say you were dancing around this  right and you're trying to shoot them   you can't hit their body and especially if  it's a Gibraltar it's a little harder to hit   but you're gonna have to shoot their legs instead  and hit them and knock them that way which is why   whenever you have this dance around it it it'll  help you it's almost like a small bubble dance   that you have in front of it and i do this with  lobo lobos ult as well and i'm not even sure if   i covered it in that guide when i mentioned it but  it's really really effective to making sure that   you can stave off a team so there's just options  get creative especially in pubs and do things that   are kind of unorthodox to kind of throw them off  so if i'm pushing a team especially if we have   the low ground and i need an angle sometimes i'll  literally put a gen right here at this angle just   so i'm healing while i'm fighting let's just think  of unique ways to fight as wattson because her gen   does provide a lot of power and utility and every  bit of hp that you heal even if it's just a little   bit and let's look at the gen again let's say  if i were to take some nade damage real quick jen is working better than i remember back so if  i take a little damage here and i cut the corner   look how much hp that's at least a bullet or  two already before i get all the way up here   and i already have one cell popped i literally  right as i was running up have one cell kind of   in the corner let's cut around the corner and  push and i have one cell ready to fight already   which is a big big variance for for wattson it  almost acts as a as if you're fortifying her so   that's a plus side to that okay let's wrap up  with a few tips and tricks with other legends   and the plus side to it some of the biggest  things whenever you're playing let's say with a   with the rafe specifically is that you provide the  wraith especially even with ash is that if you're   being chased to be sure to fence off the opposite  end of her ultimate so this accounts for both ash   and wraith whenever they put a port down remember  that wattson pairs better with mobility legends   rather than defensive legends it's great to have  let's say a caustic or what have you on the team   but the downside is if you're a wattson that you  want to be able to have the offensive ability so   then you would fence off here and i believe if  i switch legends yeah it disappears the portal   but just remember if the port was there then  boom you would fence it off so whenever they   came through they take the additional damage  because they do take 20 damage now instead of   15 which is really really important to highlight  and i cover that in the buff as well so any sort   of legend that has a mobility even if it's a  pathfinder that puts a zip up for you an octane   to provide mobility to get out wattson pairs best  with mobility now when it comes to things that   wattson will block wattson will block Gibraltar's  ultimate which is his defensive bombardment   he will also the downside with wattson is that  if the dome of protection is placed near a wall i don't have fences in front of me and  i don't have a person here at the moment   so if let's say there was fences up here and they  placed their bubble and this is one of her biggest   weaknesses is that if this was placed here switch  back and forth place that a bit better there   those fences it breaks them which is why  i highly recommend the zigzag pattern   if there was fences right here and there was  fences connecting their connection would be   severed because the wattson fences can't go  through the Gibraltar bubble she does well with   bloodhound they provide at least information  for you so you know where to fence off and where   the teams are going to be coming from lifeline  and wattson provide a very nice combo as well   in terms of making sure you have both your  shields healed up with her ultimate as well as the   drone from dock pathfinder is there for the  mobility to get wattson out from low ground   to height with the ultimate wraith is there to get  in and out as well she will block Bangalore smoke   as well as her ultimate so Bangalore's if you're  running with a watts it'd be mindful when you're   throwing down your smokes if you hit the ground it  will block them classic ultimate does have a bug   at the moment where it doesn't always block i've  seen it block but it doesn't always do especially   when it's on the ground or it's thrown at an angle  if it's thrown directly then i've seen it block   but otherwise it seems to bug out it does block  gas traps as well and if you have too many of   these remember if you place the fences on top of  the gas barrels and they tend to get blocked off   and they will destroy the gas barrel's defenses so  you have to be mindful when you're playing costco   wattson together especially with how snappy her  fences are now there's not too much synergy with   mirage and wattson just outside of having mirage  throw even more visual clutter at the screen   especially if you use his ultimate while you have  a million fences down that can be really strong   octane for throwing jump pads down and being able  to provide him just a place to run to a defensive   angle crypto is one of the biggest counters to  wattson just to be mindful of with the drone   emp when those go off that will pretty much  take everything down so you if you're playing   competitive and you know that you're trying to  hunker down have some accelerants on hand because   the minute that happens you're going to need  to fence off and throw a gen down immediately   so you're going to need to have those down and  be mindful of whenever crypto's going to push a   revenant is pretty strong with the wattson because  if they get totem back at least if they have a   safe area to play at that's a really big strength  the lobo bracelet does get cancelled out as well   as revenants tactical with silence as well as  let's see if i miss anything with these guys nope   and with the black market at least you have a very  safe spot an additional trophy system to provide   some cover and leverage she does play pretty  well with rampart you're never going to see these   paired up in competitive because mobility is king  especially so wattson i don't think we're going to   see her in comp initially but i think we will see  a few teams every once in a while play her because   her ability to hold angles with the right comp and  the right team is really really really effective   horizon able to give wattson height whenever she  doesn't have it her black hole and gravity lift   do get stopped by her ultimate that's going to be  mindful of she's a massive counter to fuse and as   we see more fuse and we see more legends like this  then she provides a lot more utility she'll block   the mother lode she'll block the knuckle cluster  and of course a passive for grenades valkyrie's   tactical missile swarm will get 100 blocked  unless she's the one throwing it from the angle   that we've seen before and she provides great  utility for wattson though so the biggest thing   if you're playing with a valkyrie i know i played  with valkyries and i frustrate them when i put my   gen down and playing offensively is that your  missile swarm is going to be 100 blocked by her   now seer just provides information i don't think  you're going to see these pair too often because   i think bloodhound they provide a lot more  utility ash is fantastic to run with wattson   with the instant phase breach to get her out if  you're playing next to your ash and of course   the mark for death to be able to predict where  enemies are at and the additional arc snare if   you have a million fences in front of the door  and you have an arc snare and then that's going   to be one of the strongest things that you can  pair together i look at ash pretty much like a   i almost want to say it's a little bit better at  times with wattson if you're playing aggressively   this is like a fence area you know if they run  through then they're essentially going to get   slowed and fenced and take a bit of damage now  her fences do more damage but if you do smack them   with the with the arc snare then it's going to do  the same amount of damage so i look at her as like   if not better or budget wattson when it  comes to that because she can play a lot   more offensively and instantly hold the door  so you imagine her cue you have to be pretty   fast as a wattson defense off and be effective  at it so i just recommend if you're practicing   with the fences just practicing placing  them down getting used to the momentum   because the speed can feel a bit limiting as  well if you go too fast you know then it doesn't   it doesn't do exactly what you want it to do if  you go too fast so you have to kind of create that   consistency in the momentum otherwise it doesn't  seem like it it works so cover that in the prior   guide as well and again i'll have all those  in the link down description down below   so i think that covers everything  there's this is a really long video   i'll timestamp everything i mean wattson is really  strong this is the best that she's ever been   we covered her healing we covered the pylon with  grenades we covered the basics we covered fencing   fencing offensively fencing defensively what  it looks like when you're being chased when   you're not being chased recovered fencing off  in buildings we covered as well tips with other   legends and teaching in-game we covered from  height from low ground where to place our   ultimate i mean we pretty much covered it all  i think ladies and gentlemen so don't forget   to leave a like for this guide i'm happy happier  the place that she's in she could use a few things   i think her weakest map is storm point today  world's edge is coming out and i'm excited to   play her on the new map to see how she does so  again i appreciate all of you guys for watching   don't forget to leave a like comment subscribe  and i'll see you guys all in the next video
Channel: Dazs
Views: 49,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apex legends wattson guide, wattson guide, wattson, how to play wattson, wattson buff, how to play wattson aggressively, how to play wattson in ranked, wattson apex, apex wattson, apex legends wattson guide season 11, apex legends ultimate wattson guide, guide wattson, wattson for noobs, is wattson good?, wattson best guide, best wattson, best wattson gameplay, apex legends, apex legends season 11, apex legends wattson, how to wattson, how play wattson apex, wattson tips
Id: O5jneilICyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 7sec (3127 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 09 2021
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