How To Get Better Positioning On Apex Legends Guide & Tips

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hey everybody welcome back to the channel so today we're going to be discussing is how you have better positioning apex legends this is a highly requested video from you guys what i'm going to do is timestamp everything and i have sarah here who's going to be helping out into today's video discussing the positioning what we're going to start off first with is high ground versus low ground you see i'm on the low ground and she is on the high ground so let's segue into that now a common occurrence is everybody will be holding the high ground position but what i would like to show you first of what it looks like when you're on the low ground so sarah here is on the height and you see that her hitbox is really small this is a common thing that you hear pro say is that the disadvantage here is that i have a larger hitbox which i'm going to switch povs in just a second and i'm going to highlight why it's such an advantageous position to have the high ground realistically all i can see from here is her head and even if i take different angles my whole frontal body is going to be apparent so in this next cut here we're going to switch positions and we like to show that case showcase that to you now that we've switched povs having the high ground this is what it looks like so you see you have even more of an advantage here from before you saw my hitbox was really small and only realistically all you can see was the head of well your enemy opponent so when you have the high ground here the best thing to do is really duck and weave and poke at different angles so if you're going to keep this advantageous position you can peek here you can slide across and peek at a different angle never peak the same area twice you're going to hear me repeat that consistently throughout today's videos never peak the same angle so if you're going to take a different angle in position because this does happen where you have height and the enemy does manage to nail a very strong shot and push up so what i'm going to do again is we're going to switch angles and talk about how you can keep the low ground and how to keep it as a strong advantageous positioning now when you're on the low ground realistically you're not going to be put in any sort of good positioning so the best thing you can do besides you're standing out in the open is take an angle here and make your hitbox equally as small now the downside when you're down here is that you can get grenaded out and push to a different position so the best thing you can do is utilize your abilities let's say you were to take a shot and you see them right above and you see them and you take a shot and you manage to get a kill there in that situation well then at that point now you're in a 3v2 situation and you can push the best thing you can do if you are an octane well you can utilize this jump pad or let's say you're low but you can queue up to a higher position and take an angle so that's definitely a plus side of what you can do in this scenario is utilize your utility so i'm going to do is i'm going to break away to a clip where i got completely decimated and destroyed despite having the high ground so let's take a look at that clip look how scared they are to open up hello hello oh my god oh my god now let's discuss the more difficult part about holding high ground when you're holding high ground the most uncomfortable thing is actually shooting towards a low ground positioning because it's such an awkward spin let's say you're up top and they're directly below you sarah if you will can you land or move yourself right here over here in this scenario this is a little bit easier to hit if they let's say they were right there but when they're directly below you the way the camera moves left and right because you there's only so far down that you can look where this starts to become a bit of a disadvantage compared to somebody who's looking up so if you were looking straight up and they were right there it's much easier to hit them and garner at least some movement compared to being all the way from above looking down below so remember your positioning is important and whenever you're holding these angles height is most likely always going to be the best positioning that you can have and the only way to counter is by utilizing abilities or taking various angles at the same time to overthrow your enemy and their positioning especially if the positioning from high ground has different areas so if i look at the area over here and we see this climb height you realize that your weak spots are going to be here where they can climb and of course here most of the time high ground is always generally a more flat aerial surface so you want to make sure that your angles are covered to ensure that you do not get run up on but the same thing when you're taking low ground the downside also can be the geometry in the limited areas to being exposed to grenades now another form of interesting positioning is where technically this would be considered the high ground now this is an advantageous position whenever you have the high ground here but the downside to it is once the enemy is pushed up your hitbox is much smaller than your enemies notice how all she can do is really strafe back and forth and let's switch povs for a second if you will sarah go right there you'll notice that the hitbox is much smaller compared to my hitbox she has more of an area to duck and weave and i have less of an advantage here all i can do is really take a different angle or cut another angle but it's still no matter what my hip box is going to be strategically much larger than herswell so you never really want to be in this scenario you would think that this is a disadvantage fighting your stairs or high ground i'm going to showcase another example where you're running up on a hill and this scenario happens a ton so you got to make sure to fend off your enemies to make sure they do not utilize the smaller hitbox if you realize that your hitbox is much larger than the enemies your best course of action is to reposition like as quickly as possible this happens all the time i made this mistake i'm gonna show you an example of a clip where i made the mistake and i'm gonna showcase that for you now here crack oh my god oh my god i'm pushing this oh right here oh my god i'm so dead i'm sorry now in terms of positioning whenever you're holding a hill you would think that again high ground is the most advantageous positioning here now somebody's running up sarah's going to move just up a little further here on this hill she's but she's making her hitbox as small as possible my hitbox is still fully exposed here so we're going to swap povs here i'm going to show you see how using this her hitbox is much larger and mine was much smaller you're still using the hill as cover and you would think that you're camping but you're realistically not so what happens if you are in this negative scenario so sarah if you can stand here for just two seconds we'll find something good here now the best thing you can do and this happens a lot notice how i'm now using this hill and crevice right here and making my hitbox infinitely smaller and for her to push up so let's say she pushes up and tries to ego push just a little bit i am now instantly harder to hit at this angle now the opposite way to get somebody out of this sort of crevice is to grenade them out so sarah if you will hide in that crevice right there and see how much smaller that is now the plus side is that you will have an easier shot in terms of a headshot but the downside is that my hitbox is infinitely larger so remember that is the key whenever you're trying to find positioning and your overall goal so we're going to showcase another one when you're utilizing a ramp rather than hills and overall geometry here's another great example in terms of holding various geometry so yes you have cover and you're holding here but the minute you side peek your whole body has to be exposed realize where she is standing here and also how small her hitbox is now if you have a sniper yes this will be a little bit easier to hit but realize if she's using a full automatic weapon how much easier it is to definitely fry me here so we're gonna swap places she's gonna stand behind this geometry right here leave a like for every time i say geometry or if i talk about various height areas now here you'll see where you can pop up from different angles never peak the same area twice so if i go back and let's say this is your only course of action of really all you can do is your best thing that you can do is peek here and throw them off and try to peek at the other angle and if you're just getting just absolutely destroyed and obliterated you need to take a reposition utilize your rafe's tactical ability and take now equal footing across over here so i'm going to showcase next is what happens when you're in the scenario and it just cleaned 1v1 but now you see if sarah peeks her head out if you will real quick that we are now on equal footing our bodies showcase the same amount exposed and realistically it's up to who has a better p precision and once a knock does happen that is when you can engage on the enemy now what i'm showcasing here is what every pro player practices whenever they are in a 1v1 encounter why is this such good practices because well you're practicing on keeping your hip fire or your shots right above the waist instead of just doing a 1v1 where let's say you're standing right in front of each other let's have sarah stand here there's so much more that you can hit and less room for error it's helpful but realistically your 1v1s if everyone's taking appropriate geometry and cover is going to be utilized right in front of them this way this is why a lot of pros will use this angle because you're having to shoot from the waist up and land those head shots to really secure that quick fight and dub now the next big advice that i can provide to you guys is whenever you're in a common fight let's say you're fighting around a car let's say you're fighting around a rock anything of that nature the best thing to really do is really fight and try to find your hitbox and angle the biggest thing individual players will do is they'll jump and try to take height immediately but you have to be also mindful of if the enemy is holding their position and angle immediately this is more or less like a game of chess and a game of it's a mind game essentially you want the enemy to make the first mistake so if you peek and you get your first shot and you're now damaged you now can pretty much full send and push so this is all about have you been able to get any entry level shots have you do you have more damage in are they passive are they tentative can you see them moving left and right if the enemy is pretty much standing still it gives the opponent more room to get more angles and move left and right so you need to keep ducking and weaving and taking various angles this is where that super jump whenever you hit this is so beneficial that i didn't nail right there but also tap strafing and moving around your geometry to overthrow your enemy to throw them off when they're under pressure they start to get really really nervous and remember while everyone wants to climb up height immediately remember that you have to go through an animation so if the enemy is prepped for it they could simply let's say if sarah were to climb this geometry right here and climb it and i had a shotgun out while they're still in their animation i will pretty much get burst damage right off the rip so be mindful of when you climb and when you don't climb and feel out the pressure of the situation you have to cut out me coughing so this is really difficult to read this is really hard to teach but the best thing to do is hop into a 1v1 scenario here and every opponent that you're going to face is going to have a little bit of a different tactic sometimes i've used a tactic of just holding waiting with the master shot and then jumping the minute they try to get up height and do that burst damage and then slide around to the right so again a game of chess a game of wits and it's a mind game essentially to try to juke them and get them to make a fatal mistake and that's the overall goal now every pro player tells you to hold the high ground i said it many times already in this video another point and example whenever you're holding height of how bad of positioning this realistically is you need to make sure that you are closer to the wall that you have an angle because if you're just holding out an open area or an open cliff you can see even if i have better cover why my positioning is much easier to hold i can duck and weave and she has absolutely nowhere to go go from here she can have a better positioning up higher to knowing that her back is secured or she could get third if she's on the lower part but you have to make sure even if you have height that it's more or less significant height and that the way up is harder to get up to because remember if i need to push this and she has this ultimate height in this position here this makes it much harder for me to push essentially i could get shot all the way in and even if i come up these stairs and angles by the time i come up here if she's holding this spot right here this is a full frontal view so if you will sarah stand right here let's say you make the mistake and the enemy does push up completely at least you can hold here and make your hitbox as small as possible ideally and land your shots now if you are coming up the stairs and they are not holding this yet let's say if sarah is holding this spot and this is a common mistake new players will make is if they are standing right here notice how my hitbox is now smaller this is much harder for her to hit than it is for me to hit here so that is a positioning device or you can use your abilities you can use a horizon tactical you can use an octane jump pad to get equal footing but realize whenever you push you don't always just want to land let's say if i'm pushing right now you do not want to just land on equal footing and just start 1v1 this can work if you're trying to overthrow an enemy that does not know what they're doing and feels very uncomfortable in apex legends but if this is talking masters diamond and you know pred level ranked you're most likely going to just trade and it's not going to the most ideal because they're all coming up one at a time and if all three of them are up here ready for you pretty much they got you're getting shot on the way up and they don't have positioning if they're smart they're going to be covering these angles so we're going to talk about next is how to breach a building and why pro players as they're moving upwards seem like they always have cover and angles when they're actually playing extremely smart now you've probably seen a lot of pro players push as a gibraltar i'm gonna use him as he has a lot of pushing power here in this example remember this was a really strong positioning that was there before right so what we're going to do is we're going to work our way in so you probably see a lot of pro teams really push and they don't necessarily just take the route like this and they just barrel in this never happens every casual player really feels like this is the most what they see but this is not what they're actually doing so what they're going to do is when they make their push is that they'll do a little bit of damage take their shots you know put some cover down make them nervous get a crack and they'll instantly move up now they have this little spot here to put some cover on and then they'll come around this quarter do a little bit more damage they'll take some shots and they'll keep moving up and they'll move to the next spot over here now if they have an open field and they want to push forward and make a play you'll probably see them throw the bubble right forward and they'll push as a group and now they're pretty much equal footing you'll see them just start lasering and taking angles and completely overwhelm their opponent so this is really really important as you see pro players push you can use this example in so many different scenarios is that they don't always take the direct courses that they're constantly doing pick damage and the minute there's damage taken know that they have to heal and if they have to heal it means they do not have their gun out and if they don't have their gun out it means you are free to push and rotate remember if there's an open field between you and the enemy that is when you utilize your utility that is when you use your bubble that is when you use your octane jump pad that is when you use your utility to push in to try to get an angle it's when you use your horizon cue to get some damage in now remember the downside to using a horizon cue every time whenever you push is that you are just flying up in the air and free so if they're all right there this is the mistake horizons make is that all three of them have the visibility to shoot you out of the air so while this seems like it would be the best way to push it's not always going to be the case if everyone is focused on you now it can be a smart tactic to send your horizon up it's pretty much a big hail mary while the other two make a push forward the biggest thing whenever you're pushing in terms of positioning if somebody has such a strong angle because this is a very powerful angle to hold when all you see is their head now realistically how you're going to achieve that is by giving your enemy options so let's say the enemy lifeline is peaking around this corner so let's say she's peaking her head right and the gibraltar and the enemy are both barreling forward too and you have the horizon in the air you have now given your opponents if they are not calming a split amount of damage between the two in front and the one up in the sky the one up in the sky is going to be doing the most damage which is the horizon and you realize that this team now has the most amount of pressure now another thing pro players will utilize is grenades you use grenades and you try to get a stick and you throw it up in the air if you get damaged you know immediately to push because even though this is an open field this positioning would be horrible absolutely horrible to push on but if they are all cracked and even if they were to peek over the angle a good player will instantly know that they can land all of those shots and it'll be a deficit of 100 hp versus my full armor at 200 hp so you have to use the timing and the openings because remember a battery takes significantly less amount of time to just fully heal compared to a med kit so just be mindful of their armors and how much hp you have versus your armors so let's say you're in the scenario where you're getting pushed and you realize that all the information you're getting if you have purple arm if you have low arms let's say we only have whites or blues and they have reds and purples if they get a crack and they know that they're in an advantage in terms of hp rest assured that they're going to be pushing at that point the best thing you can do is reposition with the gibby bubble and try to back up and have them make a mistake getting one of them caught out in the open you can put a zip line to get away over to height somewhere you can use a jump pad to take a different position perhaps behind this wall over here so if you had the jump pad and you were trying to get away and get to different positioning retreating to different positioning does not necessarily mean that you're at a disadvantage it will be a disadvantage if you take positioning and you get yourself completely stuck at a back angle so just try to be smart with your positioning and know when you retreat it's definitely a big sign that you're not confident even if you have a strong stronger ankle and that they're going to keep pushing forward so it's not a sign of weakness know that just a simple reposition can really cause your enemies to make a mistake this happens all the time with players who are extremely confident with their aim and their positioning to get them caught out now remember do not camp i repeat do not camp when you have these angles all you're doing is giving your enemy more time to formulate a plan of how they're going to push you this is what pro players and whenever especially when i see enemies that are hunkered down let's say there's a rampart watson fences all you're giving time is to break down the structure you'll see them take various angles trying to make the geometry small and they will instantly bat and heal but if they are cracked and somebody is rotating over to the left and taking height and taking a different angle you'll see them do this you'll see everybody taking various angles and now this positioning which was a power play is now a complete weakness if this person did a little bit of damage to find an opening here and i took height i can now snag a frag and it's now a 3v2 this person healed up and we push in and we secure the squad wipes now a common mistake whenever you have the angle unless you get a little bit of damage and let's say you realize they're flush so let's say i shoot and i'm like oh my god the 25 in you'll see them instantly start cutting this angle this way this happens a lot for new players you once had the advantage here once you move out this way you are now at the disadvantage so if we look at that pov and we'll switch places here yes i'm scared because i have low hp and i'm i'm scared but you saw before how small the hitbox was before and they peek out this is an easy shot this is an easy shot unless the enemy is so confident landing every single shot is still a disadvantage and something you should not do so what should you do if you get them flush let's say you get the additional hit and they come around the corner and not miss your shot and you get that flush there you go you come around you take this angle in height now you're now in a clean 1v1 you can now cut this angle slide forward and now you're right in their face because you know you have the health advantage to do so now remember if you're doing that that you're most likely going to be taking damage you want to take the safest approach to minimize as much health loss as humanly possible so remember even if you have the advantage and you're wide swinging and they are flush this happens so many times to me especially at a high tier level that what you could do if they're flush and you wanted to reposition let's say if you were octane you were to stem and go at the reposition is take this angle and now cut here if you saw them healing and trying to heal up so that is where octane is extremely powerful when you're trying to reposition and take an angle is if you're trying just to slide jump and remember you're exposed for just a moment and now you now have this cross what you need to do is have your opponent take this other angle and slowly breach up on top of them now this is also an extremely horrible position to take now the downside if you ask you do have them at a disadvantage is if you are here and the two enemies are here and here this positioning is now extremely weak because now you have three targets hitting you instead of one the reason i'm highlighting this positioning is that most players always make this mistake on pushing on one person which is the ideal goal to isolate somebody but remember to always keep track of your enemies in terms of positioning because it will make what would be a strategic positioning right here a complete weakness when you know your whole body if you stand up there for me real quick sarah is now a disadvantage they get the full hit box and they're right here swinging back back and forth and they're going to lose that fight let's highlight some unique geometry together here geometry is set again got to be sure to leave a like so what we're seeing here is that this is going to be your best spot if you're taking an open field and let's say the zone is closing and they have height over here now the best positioning is to have multiple team members hold different angles all of them holding the same angles going to spell death see how small their hitbox is here and also how small mine is this is pretty much equal footing despite having the higher ground so if i switch places i want her to want you to showcase just how small the hitbox is remember showcasing the hill this is a common thing that will happen let's say you're ending around stairs and there you go you see now the downside here just remember that it's much easier to duck and weave out of the bottom area that if i'm up top remember do not peek the same area twice i cannot stress that enough if you take a shot here and all you do is wide swing and you pick the same area i promise you're going to get absolutely obliterated now one thing to do is make sure that you do not take the same area with your teammates because while you have ultimate height up here you do not have as many options let's see notice how her hitbox is much bigger but the downside for the top end is that there's less for you to peek from now if there's two people up here this is whenever things get really bad do not share the same positioning as your fellow teammates take different angles take different approaches so if i'm here and there's somebody at this angle on the right over here and there's the person in the front right here you have so many angles and positioning so while you may have optimal positioning remember that your teammates are also what holds you back in terms of holding optimal positioning as well because if you're all trying to hold this little spot up top there's just not enough real estate space up here it's free real estate for you to all find your spots and angles otherwise when you're peeking and i'm gonna have sarah switch places with me just so you can see it because let's say the zone is closing and you have minimal spots and minimal positioning and she is up top there at least you got the clean 1v1 here but if they're up top there look how little they have from to peak from there and they can peek from the right which then exposes their full body positioning on their right so i made sure i got that right from left to right we're looking at the angles because this here if they peak here is going to be a lot of damage and what most likely they're going to do whenever they get hit is they'll immediately drop to the space right behind them which gives the positioning at that point if nobody is here and everyone's bunched up over here for you to immediately take the height from them and now you are at the advantage immediately if they jump down to heal this happens all of the time and just realize while you believe that you have that height advantage how much it can turn into a disadvantage knowing that if you get hit you need your teammates to provide crossfire to provide cover so if somebody is instantly cracked you know that the enemy is going to push you need to instantly provide cover to them so if you see that jump pad go out or you see the octane push you need to make sure to provide the crossfire now how do you know when it's appropriate to push well all your teammates need to push in with you so what you need to do whenever you're pushing is if this person does fully expose themselves to provide cover fire and try to take out the jump pad this person is now taken out of commission if that person is taken out of commission and two of you are pushing and you absolutely fry this person this is an isolated engagement and fight of a 2v1 scenario and now all you need to do is take this positioning here and now you have a strong fight yet again and you just keep holding it the things that change up the encounter are the grenades the utility that you can provide the wraith port the jump pad the zip the pathfinder grapple if you need to get the positioning and fly up there as fast as possible and just start destroying the team that is at that angle it's where you see tsm roll up with you know their pathfinder it's where you see a lot of pro teams start to capitalize on that utility and catch enemy teammates out of position now i've technically already done a video called slicing the pie whenever you cut the corner especially when it comes to building this is very popular within games like valorant cs go it has some applicable to apex legends but realistically you don't use it as much especially whenever you're pushing a building so sarah if you will if you can stand inside this imaginary building here pretend there are walls i'm going to put a fence here just to set up the stage of an imaginary building so whenever you're pushing a building where the strategic advantage comes in if you're slicing the pie and cutting the angle and you see the enemy located right in front of you the best thing you can do is cut the corner until you find that one target or enemy you can decide to bounce a grenade off for entry damage there you can slide jump in especially if you have a close quarters weapon realize that burst damage is more important so you need to equip yourself a mastiff an eva eight anything of that nature you can utilize your bubble to push forward in the scenario to break a bunch of fences so sarah if you will can you put a bunch of fences down as watson in here and i'll push forward and showcase the power of a gibraltar bubble and this is where you see the bubble fights become extremely popular this is why gibraltar bubble is great to provide that space because it creates space where it does not exist if you throw a gibraltar right at the door you instantly have the fences broken and if the enemy was here just as you saw sarah you'll realize that they cannot cover the door you can instantly bust down the door and push through and now you have the space to bubble dance and once it's gone you gotta make sure because you remember that the fences are there just to be sure you don't get caught at a position so when you're breaching a building and everyone is located in here remember that it's a very powerful and strategic place to fight but can also be your ultimate downfall if you're not smart with your angles and your positioning you do not want everyone inside the building it's good to have one person keeping watch and putting pressure this is where everyone tends to make a mistake in terms of camping and building you don't necessarily camp you're holding for optimal positioning so let's say you're here you need somebody even like a scout up top taking an angle taking positioning to keep enemy teams at bay making their hitbox as small as possible let's say they managed to do 50 damage in there's somebody at the doorway here otherwise you're going to have literally a gibraltar or let's say a caustic gas just thrown right at the door to push you right immediately and buy them some space where it does not exist so you want to use those angles in terms of positioning and not be huddled up in one spot because the building can be extremely powerful but remember that third parties are just around the corner let's say that their their push does fail and i covered this about my third party video which will have a link in the description down below that if they're pushing and their push fails and let's say they just jump pad away and there's a bunch of people who heard the gun fire the next team will roll up and start harassing your building you'll be low in resources and you'll have a hard time resetting so that's the biggest tips i can provide just remember to slice the pie and remember slicing the pie just means your radius in front of you so if i'm cutting this angle i see this i see this i see this i have the doorway i cut the pie slice it slice it slice it slice it slice it slice slice slice i see the what's in there and she turns around and looks adorable at you so what you need to do and make sure that when you're slicing the pie are the angles that the enemy could be taking so if there is a crate in this angle here's an example that most players will make mistakes because there's a lot of little nooks and crannies that you can hide between in the building is try to be unique rather than just standing out in the open so sarah if you will pretend you're breaching this building and coming through and let's say i'm sitting on a box i'll have you come in through this way right here i also have a link to sarah's channel the description down below she's been so patient just helping me out and they slide through well then boom that now you have the advantage to just flank them from from right behind this is a mistake because there's a lot of boxes and stuff that are located in the building that if you're located in various boxes and holding different angles it can really throw off your enemy and that's what i mean by taking better angles and better positioning all right the last one tip in terms of position that we're going to touch upon is what if all you have in terms of cover is a wall well remember to check your angles check your corners especially when you're running around there could be somebody hiding in this corner when you cut around there could be somebody hiding in that angle all the way over there and that corner and then you bubble and decide to push them just above provide your team some cover check your angles and check your corners so let's say you're in the position where you're just fighting somebody right behind a wall and you're literally going back and forth between the wall remember whenever you climb up while this could be an advantage is now a disadvantage so remember that even though you're cutting that corner and to check your angles and slice the pie when you're cutting a wall where they could be located you could try to get the advantage but remember every time you climb there's a second where you cannot do anything because you're pulling out your weapon so if there's a wall here you could try to get a different angle on the wall and now they're at a complete disadvantage and wait for the enemy to make a mistake that is going to be the biggest tip that i'm going to provide you at the end of the day here as we depart the video so if you found any of this helpful don't forget to leave a like comment and subscribe because a realistic thing is wait for your enemy to make the mistake because what could be an advantageous position let's say they were right there waiting and holding the angle is that you could be bouncing back and forth back and forth and you finally hear them and then you just fry them as they fly right over the wall and then boom you know you get your hp and they're low and now you're at a health advantage and that is when you push that is whenever you take height and take the positioning and put the pressure but until that moment you're waiting for the positioning so what could happen as you cut around the corner and let's say i were to be shot so i'll have sarah just do a few shots and i were to be shot and i fall back now this is a position for her to continue to fly above the high ground and run right towards me there's two things i could do i could be popping a heel and then or i could just wait for her to try to make the mistake and push and see if i can land enough damage in you have to kind of feel out and that's going to be the hardest takeaway of today's video to really showcase at different tiers of lobbies that everyone plays a little differently so while it would be make the most sense where if i were damaged for them to push immediately and for me to hold what if the player is not as skilled and you hold and they wait a really long time and you could have gotten a battery off so it's a game of chess it's a mind game and feel out what you believe your enemy is going to do try to have your your teammates scout out and say are they pushing me are they pushing you know what do you have time to do and keep your comps fast and clean and use your utility to reposition if needed if i got hit immediately i would probably raise q and reposition and then pop a bat back over here and wait that my teammates could then cover from here from here from anywhere realistically to stop this watson from pushing but the minute the watson pushes and makes a mistake and overextends and gets absolutely shredded that's whenever i can come right back in at full hp from a battery and continue the encounter so all these scenarios are going to have variables you can have the x the y every variable can realistically change from how much height from how much your hitbox is and how much can be really beneficial to you as well you're trying to win as many encounters it gets a lot more complicated when you put more squad members into the equation but i hope this really sets you up for success we provided a lot of different examples and discuss hitboxes and why you're probably losing a lot of encounters i provided two examples when i made mistakes just last night on this and even though i know these things sometimes you just push in you get a little overconfident and your confidence can be your biggest beneficiary to you because you know you're going to land your shots but can also be your biggest downfall pushing in thinking that you're going to land every single shot when you could run into a 2v1 scenario again thank you sarah for being so helpful for today don't forget to leave a like comment to subscribe and i'll see you guys all in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Dazs
Views: 77,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apex legends tips, apex legends season 10, apex legends, apex legends guide, apex legends positioning tips, apex legends positioning guide, apex legends positioning, how to get better at apex legends, how to get better guide apex legends, how to, apex legends guide for positioning, how to get better positioning in apex, apex how to get better positioning, How To Get Better Positioning On Apex Legends Guide & Tips, apex tips, how to improve at apex legends
Id: YvbFpgC2wDI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 37sec (1897 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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