Master Chief 2.0... He’s much better... but...

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hi welcome to all the ranch this episode is sponsored by our friends simply safe simply safe is incredibly reliable and effective home security you order it online it is shipped directly to your door and then you you install it in your own home in under an hour with just simple tools or just sticky tape most of it you don't even need tools they have devices and sensors to cover every window and door and room in your house they have cameras this is your home base this is a smart door lock a key fob where you can control it all easily smoke detectors either window door sensors motion detectors glass break sensors water detectors freeze sensors panic button what does that do oh my video doorbell just to name a few it's a home security system so of course if an intruder breaks a window it's going to set off the alarm it's going to call the authorities and let them know that there is a problem at your house but when i first got the system a couple years ago i had little kids my youngest was four at the time and i wanted to make sure they didn't go outside without me knowing this alarm is set and then a door is opened this thing says uh something happens and it gives you a little countdown and then it sets off the alarm and lets me know matt your four-year-old just got up out of bed and he went outside while you were asleep in your bed that situation never actually happened but as a parent you worry about those things and having simply safe at my home made me sleep easy it's super easy to connect all your devices and check that they work for more information visit off the ranch we appreciate simply safe for sponsoring this episode of the fire truck build welcome to off the ranch today we're going to be messing with this fire truck because you guys are awesome as you know and you gave me some really good ideas with this i got emails i got tons of there's a bird flying i got don't poop them on fire don't i see you i don't know if they can see you but i can see you oh i s we see you yeah and if you poop on my fire truck well there's not really much i could do but i won't be happy so thank you for the comments some of the stuff you guys said was stuff i was already thinking some of it i hadn't even thought of so i i appreciate you guys especially all the firefighters out there or the people who have worked at fire stations or seeing these rigs who know more about them than i do i appreciate all your comments telling me hey you know what really benefit you this so basically the general consensus is not bad not bad for my first attempt we had a big tank it's the right kind of tank i mean it's a good enough kind of tank it goes to the right kind of hose to the right kind of pump and it does work it would work to put out fires and so i could leave it exactly how it is but some helpful hints that you guys added which i'm gonna try to figure out how to do this is the hose it comes from the pump to my nozzle just peeing over here um and this is a good hose it will work the problem is it's a hundred feet long and it kinks easy and it's a it's in a big knotted mess right now the consensus is keep this hose it's good and i can use it in case i ever need to get further away from the truck but keep this thing folded up in a certain way that you can like unfold it or unroll it really easily i like that great idea and instead we'll replace it with a rubber hose that won't kink and stays on a hose reel and the cool thing about that is you can get a 100 foot long rubber hose and you can only unroll it three feet and i could be standing up here on the top just watering with it or i can roll it out 10 feet and i could be shooting water far away with my 10 foot hose or if i'm like man i want to go further away i can unroll that whole hose reel and have a hundred feet of hose with my rubber hose they also said this was too big this is a one and a half inch hose everybody just kind of said get a one inch rubber hose so my plan is to order a hose reel with a one inch 100 foot long rubber hose what are your thoughts on that another thing i mentioned is i wish i didn't have to climb up here to start my pump like it's it's right here like the pump starts at like five feet and goes up to like six and a half feet and so like to fill it with gasoline to connect any of the hoses to pull the pull starter like it it's really not really possible to do from the ground so i have to climb up this truck every time i want to do it which isn't a big deal but i was like i wish there was a way i could not do that and i could get like a remote start engine but those are just a lot more expensive you got to make sure the batteries are good and i decided uh to just go with my pull start engine and then one of you guys had a great idea that i hadn't thought of they said build a platform down here that i could set the the pump on which is a good idea the problem is if i backed into something the first thing that would crush would be the pump so then i was like there's a lot of room under this truck for instance right in front of the back tire there's all this room you can see we have our diesel tank hanging down here so all this space in between the tank and the mud flap and under these boxes is all fair game to put my pump watch this imagine this without the fan that's holding it up look how perfect that thing just tucks in there why did i not think of that i'll tell you why because it takes more effort than setting it on top of this and bolting it down i'm gonna have to build some kind of bracket that hangs it but this thing's already on a little cage frame so i can literally just hang it from there or i can get fancier and build something down here that goes to the bottom to where this would sit on a shelf which is probably what i should do in the future and the things you need to be able to reach on this are the on off switch totally can reach that the pull which is this is the perfect place for the pull pull it right out this way and then i have throttle control here i have my choke i have my fuel cut off here filling the gas tank might be tricky if this wasn't here i can easily just keep a little funnel here where i can put a funnel in there open up my gas tank fill her up from right here i even could remove this this part is part of the frame supporting the bed i can't remove those but i could remove this door but i might as well just leave it on there it looks nice so i can get to that i can get to my air filter only problem is my pump is shooting straight at that frame which i actually don't think is a big problem these fittings come off i put these on there and so i think i could have elbows right away that go up and over so if i had an elbow here it would already be going up right here would clear this big frame here so that pump has an inlet and an outlet the water in needs to come from this tank so i started thinking what if i turn this tank sideways the problem is it brings way more weight up here but i don't think we're overloading this truck this truck seems fine i think i haven't actually filled the tank up all the way what if we turned it sideways and that outlet could come out here but then we have a bunch of piping going around but i was thinking what if that outlet on the tank went the other way and went that way okay hear me out this tank i'm pretty sure will fit sideways here that outlet will be pointing out right here right so then it would just come out go down this panel is on the other side of where that thing is so i could either cut holes in this because i don't use this thing anymore or i could just go under and go around and then there's a clear shot over the truck frame between the bed rail frames all the way over right above our pump so i could just hard pipe it all the way over there i think with some schedule 80 schedule 40 probably worked that's not high pressure line well the other one would be hyper i don't know where my high pressure line is going to go i'm not sure i think first i need to see if this tank will turn sideways i probably should fill it up too and turn it sideways and see how way down that is it's probably fine the only thing i don't love is the pipes coming out here because if i ran into something it would just rip my pipes off i don't think i'm gonna run into anything this thing driving through brush or something like a tree could snag it so i could just cut a hole in the deck here and have pipe going down into there that's a possibility don't know what to do but we're getting close i love that pump placement i don't know i need to figure out where i want my hose reel to hose real hanging off the back would probably be nice i don't know it could come up right through the floor too i guess that thing's let's move that thing right now let's figure out where that thing's gonna go and if i can turn it sideways i love it okay so that hose easily makes it all the way around there eventually if this is where i want to leave it i'll hard pipe it all but for now i think this will work i need to go get some elbows a couple two inch elbows so that that isn't directed straight at the frame and then i need to probably try it out that thing weighs 4 500 pounds when it's full this bed is meant to carry 5 000 pounds that's its payload capacity and we're going to be carrying less because i don't have 500 pounds worth of pumps and pipes and hoses and stuff but it's all right there and it probably should be more over the back axle but i really like it right there i think it looks cool but also i can still use 75 of this bed for other things i'm going to go find some elbows go fill this thing up see how it kind of looks when it's squatting now with the you know 4 500 extra pounds there i hope it works i don't know if it's going to the bed will be strong enough right there i just don't know if all that weight over the front axle is is good it's probably it's probably not man i already like this setup twice as much i told you guys in the first video where i was outfitting this fire truck it would probably go through multiple iterations we are on to iteration too and i already like it like a million times more it's gonna be so i mean i guess worst case i leave the pump there and just scoot the tank up over this back axle and i still have all that room i just really like how it's nice and clean like right there i don't have to get in here to change it anytime i want to change hoses or change if i'm doing suction or pumping like anything like that i can have that all piped to somewhere else it's convenient i can have those outlets right here so i just come plug in or i can have it piped all the way to a hose reel right here so i can literally do everything from the ground which is so good i walk over here i'll turn my valve on so that there is water in the system the pump is below the tank now so gravity will feed water into the pump priming the pump which it already kind of did because the pump was right here in the tank should have water higher than it but now it's always if there's water in the tank it will flow downhill and self-prime this thing plus it'll have a little pressure on it because this thing is two or three feet below the lowest level of the tank so it'll help this thing work more efficiently and then we'll pump pressure to wherever i want it to pump pressure to and i can start everything from here too everything on the ground flip flip flip pull good to go i don't have to climb a five foot ladder this is a big deal okay let me show you what we got so they didn't have schedule 80s stuff when the sizes i needed so i got the schedule 40 pvc pipe which i looked it up online it can hold like 400 and something psi for the the high side the non-pressure side no problem i think that's even good for the other side i don't know but i figured if it explodes then it explodes and i'll get something better but for now we're doing regular pvc i can also always make it out of metal i got some pipe glue i got some fittings and some tape and then i saw these look what the heck is that man dude it's like two cans put together i didn't even need any paint but i just thought i'm buying that because this is freaking awesome just kidding i actually need to paint but i did buy it because it's freaking awesome i'm gonna use those things to paint this this is where they had their tank when it was a fire truck so they put a big tank on here and then they painted the whole fire truck and they didn't move the tank to do it so that's the original tan paint that the truck the whole truck was originally with rust coming through so you want to make sure when you paint anything you want to first of all strip it down to get all the rust you want to get all the rust down to bare clean metal that is not rusty and then you want to also just strip all the oil and grease off all the dirt so you have a nice clean surface for your paint to adhere to ain't nobody got time for that [Music] dang that's the coolest thing i've seen all day look at that nozzle it sprays in a huge fan that one can which is about twice the size of a normal spray paint can totally covered the bed it's still wet and it's glossy and it kind of looks a little less glossy than this because that's been worn this was all painted in gloss paint as well probably a better paint job than what i just did but it's gonna probably be walked on and scratched up and i'm not worried about what the bottom of that flatbed looks like but it looks a bazillion times better now on to this okay so i need to take this off and this off and replace those two things with elbows that's the plan should be easy oh i forgot to tell you it this actually this is not an elbow uh they didn't have any elbows that were threaded so i got this which is a t and i got a cap to put on one side so it might be good to have a tee anyway because this would be on the fill line here and then you'll be able to drain it it'd be nice to have a drain down there in case the freeze is coming you just open up a valve and drain whatever you know all the lines or anything from the tank so take that off put that here and i do have an elbow that will fit this this is a one and a half that is a two [Music] [Music] money worm here's what i came up with so my plan was this thing was coming out this way and i was going to tee off just like i was teeing off it was going to elbow off just like i was going to do down there but then i realized these four bolts come out and you can just turn this head any direction you want so i just turn this one so it's exactly the same just now it's turned 90 degrees from where it was this one i put the t in and i left enough pipe here this is just a cap texas i don't know if you know but like a month and a half ago texas froze over and busted all the pipes in texas and it is still slim pickings here so i was like piecing together things that would work but i got it i mean they didn't have an elbow so they had a t made it work capped it off and i left this long enough in case i want to do two things either just put a valve on there for dumping or i actually think i could probably dump from right here actually that that probably with that thing for or i could put a valve on there that i could hook another suction hose to in the case of sucking water out of like a lake or something like i could have the suction pulling from here and the end of the suction hose i'm pointing right there there's a lake right there and it sucks it up in here pumps it up here flip it around into my tank to fill my tank it's a possibility don't worry about that now right now it's just a blind ended pipe it is capped off so this is the only one we'll be using so the tank will flow down into here with our green hose that'll cam lock into that pumping there i think it's gonna work i'm going to rig it right now like it is i'm not gonna build like a whole thing cause i'm not 100 sure that i'm gonna love where this thing is so i'm just gonna go rig it and hang it with some some duct tape and bale and wire probably in place and see if i like it there you thought i was joking that ain't going nowhere all right our pump is permanently super well hooked up to the truck now basically professional that's that's what i am so you can actually probably fill that tank here it's lower than what i probably would mount it it doesn't really need to be any higher though because the diesel tank is lower than my pump so i think we're good okay i need to go back up under here and hook in oh this is gonna be a two-hand job i gotta hook in this camera all right definitely need definitely needs some elbow in here eventually but it'll work for now all right that is hooked in there i think we're ready to freaking try it out i'm actually take this thing to the ranch because that's where it's going to stay that's where it's going to live so i'll take it to the ranch fill it up with rain water because we have a 1 000 gallon tank behind the demo hq which is always full because we don't live there at the demo hq so we don't use a ton of water we just use it for washing the motorcycles washing our hands that kind of thing sometimes spraying mayonnaise off my body that one's a long story but we have that tank it's always full and so my plan is to keep this tank always full as well off the rain tank so there's probably a thousand gallons in it right now i'm assuming it's totally focused right a few days ago and so i'll fill this thing up dropping it down to 500 gallons in that main tank and then the next time it rains it'll fill it right back up and we'll have that tank 500 gallons plus a thousand other gallons sitting there next to the range at the ready in case you know we played with napalm or something not saying that would happen meredith it's just a possibility it's not no it's not even possible that was a joke home sweet home fire truck this is what you'll be protecting this is the reason we have you here we want you to keep these trees safe from fire because it's pretty thick right now it's you know springtime all the leaves are brand new we've been getting a lot of rain so everything's super green this kind of stuff won't burn but come fall or a really hot drought this summer a lot more dead stuff and it's so thick that fire would just spread through all of this the whole reason we have a fire truck and because it's totally awesome there's my tank 1000 gallons and that means it is completely full totally topped off full of water so hook up this hose it has a little pump in the bottom of that so hook up this hose fill that thing now in the future what would be much faster is using this pump to fill that because i could fill it through a one and a half inch pipe instead of this like three quarter inch pipe but for now i don't have all that ready to go so for now we're just gonna see how long it takes this thing to fill up 500 gallons hose is on it's 4 20 uh and the date is also 420 which means nothing to me guys so we're just gonna fill a tank i just i just found it humorous so we'll see how long it takes for this thing to be full and then we'll see how overloaded it is when all the okay that's actually pretty centered between the wheels so the weight of the tank is centered between those two wheels the problem is there's a lot more weight there the whole engine is over that axle so that's what i'm worried about i'm gonna fill it all the way up and then we'll see be back in hopefully 10 minutes hello it has been 10 minutes and you can see where the water level is in there and you might be thinking that looks about 20 full but it's not because the bottom is angled the middle is the widest part so like it's going to slowly fill the middle part so the bottom is going to look like it fills up faster on the outside line and then it's going to slow down in the middle and it'll speed up at the very top we are less than 20 full and it's been 10 minutes 4 30. for ease of calculations let's assume that that thing is 20 full and it took 10 minutes that means it takes 50 minutes to fill this thing with the water hose but in reality probably more i don't we're not 20 full so it takes an hour one hour to fill this freaking tank up with a water hose okay so that tells us clearly that the water hose is not going to be our method of filling because i want to be able to fill this thing up quickly in case there's like a fire going and we dump 500 gallons and we need more i don't want to have to wait for an hour for this thing to fill up so we'll have to figure out a different method which is easy i just need some more pipes and stuff and we can plumb off of that and have a hose that goes straight into the top of this tank i think and then actually probably just would not fill up here we can use this thing to fill it up when there's not a fire and we have an hour that we're hanging out doing work in the hq or shooting a video we can just have this thing filling there are two wells on this property one way over there on the lower part and then one way up at the big house on the hill we have a well as well well as well and we could plumb something so we can hook up fast we probably could plumb that here too but it's probably 20 now and it's been 12 minutes i don't have an hour it's 4 30 lincoln has boxing practice at 5 30 today hmm we may not fill it all the way up i'll fill it halfway up i'll drive it around and do some testing and see how it feels with 250 gallons and then i'll i'll do some further testing later 450. oh my gosh seriously come on man what the heck all right we're gonna go ahead and do it now because i gotta go let's let's drive it see how it drives change plans meredith just called me and said that i forgot i had something else i have to do today too so i'm gonna just just wait on this we're gonna have to come back out here tonight and do it that's fine hey fill yourself up i might as well just leave that thing running i'll be back in five hours and it'll it'll maybe be full by the stupid try all right uh be back in five hours hello five hours later it's not dark but it's getting there this thing i actually i didn't leave it running the whole time i turned it off and then i came back and i did a little bit more work out here let it run for like another 30 minutes and so we have over half the tank full so it is around i don't know two maybe 275 something like that 250 would be half so i'm going to say it's it's 275 wait no it's a 550 tank 250 b8 275 being it's a lot it's it's got a lot of gallons all in there 550 500 400 there's our 300 marks we're above that so about 320 gallons-ish look at this little jeep people be like i got a snorkel on my jeep you ain't got a snorkel i got a snorkel so my plan is to drive around and see if i can tell a difference having 320 pounds on the truck i want to kind of turn i want to stop and start and see if there's a difference i said 320 pounds i'm at 320 gallons which is like between 2500 and 3 000 pounds pretty sure oh hey good looking oh look at that tank on the back all right here we go i can't feel it at all and that's great i'm going a little faster so one thing you guys kind of warned me about was needing baffles in the tank which i do think i should get baffles keep the water from sloshing and knocking you over or just just making your ride a little rougher having that water bouncing back and forth in the tank or side to side in the tank i can't feel it right now and i'm going on a really a really bumpy road let's hit the brakes seems good i mean that water is sloshing around back there i can feel it moving the truck of hair but this truck weighs like 18 000 pounds so that like extra 2000 pounds of water is not doing a whole lot going up a hill now which i am a little worried i don't have that thing really hooked down super well i'm worried the tank will just like took off the back and rip all my piping that'll be bad this hill is tricky with an empty truck i'm also totally gonna lose that hose on stuff that's fine okay it's climbing the hill super easily okay i do see one one little problem the tank is not where i left it uh it's yeah going up that hill is a little more than uh one more i thought didn't flip over which is good it just definitely moved about three or four feet back my straps apparently not doing anything all right i'm just gonna go back down the hill and see if it resets itself that could work wow that just scooted all the way up to the front and i haven't even started going down the hill i just hit the brake okay matt you need to hook the tank down noted i'm gonna go really slow down this hill now and hopefully i don't come back on and say i lost the tank i think it's it's up against the corner now so i think it's probably good oh my gosh it's still steep oh okay whoa feel the truck leaning 550 gallons might be too much for a hill like this looking good i turned the lights on because there is a fire that we need to put out i actually just want to see how long it takes to drain 320 gallons out of this thing with this pump on full tilt this super well mounted pump running at full speed let's see what we can do i mean not going to brag and say like i put in the perfect spot but there was actually already a light mounted down here so i can see everything okay so to turn on this system i don't need to get on the back of this truck nope not at all i'm actually gonna i'm gonna turn the truck off because it's very loud okay jeez the air brakes are also very loud what was it oh yeah turning on i don't need to climb it especially when the whole tank shifts over this way it's really easy to grab that's on here water flowing sea water leaking huh that's good job matt way to go bubbles are going up there okay so there should be water to this pump now and i probably can check that by opening this make sure it's primed yep air's coming out water should come out in a second right now okay pump is fully primed so that line is full of water so now flip this to on and then i that's on choke's on one pull goes off that way perfect this should fill up little kinks right now now we spray water you can't see this watch it's 8 30 right [Music] now [Music] so [Music] that's we're out of water that took 37 min no sorry i too excited after playing with the fire hose that took seven minutes to drain that which means if it was full we probably got about 10 minutes but it put out so much water like probably like 320 gallons of water it was a lot if i can't put out a fire with that amount of water that's coming out then i started too big of a fire but here's the deal this hose is the worst it was just kinking all over the place like i was having to like backtrack it and go try to fix all the kinks so i could get full flow there it was kinking right was coming out of this so even when it was pumping that was kinked that's kinked that's no good everybody said matt get a 1-inch hose so my house is too big what can i say but i probably should get a rubber hose one inch on a hose reel i think i like it here the tank what do you guys think what do you guys think about that once again what am i missing same as before i know that there's probably something i could be doing better on this this is iteration two there will be more i'm learning i'm figuring out as i go just realize that my little gas motor is really close to my like plastic diesel tank so i either need to scoot over or just put a heat shield in between those two so they're not that thing doesn't explode into my diesel tank which wouldn't be the worst thing in the world but it wouldn't be ideal a lot of you guys said that people make custom tanks that are low profile because when i was coming down the hill i could really tell i had all that water high they make little flat tanks like custom tanks that are like low so it'd be like a foot high but longer on that thing that might be a good thing to do down the road but for now that's easier so i'm going with that for now and i just won't do any big inclines or anything i like it there i couldn't tell any difference with the 320 gallons on the back right there 550 maybe we'll try it let me know though demolition you guys who are firefighters you guys who have built brush trucks before for your ranch or for your volunteer fire department let me know what you guys did because i would rather learn from your mistakes than from mine appreciate you guys thanks so much for watching this episode of off the ranch i love you and i'll see you next time hey what camera is that number shut up don't tell mayor
Channel: Matt Carriker
Views: 926,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: matt, dr, dr., dr matt, dr. matt, vet, ranch, demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, vetranch, off, the, offtheranch, vlog, vlogger, vloggers, vlogs, vlogging, blog, daily, best, vlogged
Id: Z4iR3Vhahjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 33sec (1893 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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