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welcome to the third update since toet Tower defense's last update this one's a big one too Godly Titan clock woman speaker playing PVP we work bug fixes head more look at this thing flying in the air uh it's gem crate no Robux unit exclusive gem crate Toilet Man epic energized TV man legendary speaker plane Mythic and yeah Titan clock Woman My Woman dreams I've come look at the hips on that okay sorry I I literally don't know what the PVP rework is but we also have access now to uh all these commands up here that's pretty cool but you know how it is I must update update I must summon these legitimately I hate spawning these in also real quick look there's a quick play option in the middle which now you can just like immediately teleport to any map and they're sorted by difficulty which is pretty freaking cool event should be 18 stars that map is impossible I I'm not a fan but anyways time to spam the crates spam them nine of them give it to me watch this bang Toilet Man epic okay wait I just realized bro is a toilet head on a normal camera s is that a thing okay I have no idea what these do I'm not sure if they have certain abilities let's try to pull the Mythic and The Godly in the least amount of crates as possible there's the Mythic on like crate number 18 are you kidding me speaker playing I'll take that okay how long till The Godly 27 crates I'm going to keep track here I will legitimately think I'm lying another backtack mythics bro that's crazy two mythics in 27 crates and it's like a 1% chance okay it's called YouTuber luck keep going give me The Godly woman I might be stupid have we had a Godly woman I'm not sure crates number 54 I'm opening nine at a time obviously so you just multiply by nine enjoy your math lesson kids okay no God two mythics bro I've had four mythics in 54 crates what is the percent time out timeout it's 1.36 I should not be getting that many rates number 63 give me purple where's the purple dple that's not purple crates number 72 give me some purple derpal please that is pink and yellow I want to get under 100 crates there's another Mythic bro I spun it on the thing to begin with that's crazy 81 crates five mythics give me The Godly is this the first ever godly woman I don't know here's crates number 99 there's so many goes that just passed by bro all right I'm going to stop showing you all these I'm just going to count in my head and I'll let you know when I got him this is uh we've seen 108 crates and there's another Mythic bro get out of here this is over 153 crates no purple derpo go to crates 162 bundle and show me the purple no okay these are officially crates number 27 no Godly it's like a 4% chance and we didn't get it crates number 216 come on I stopped even getting mythics too that's depressing another Mythic crates number 252 this is bad luck this officially over 300 crates I'm not kidding and purple dple no come on show me the purple no maybe me circling the clock woman as I'm trying to unbox her that's a Mythic okay hold on I I've lost track we're over 350 crates now I'm circling the clock woman for luck watch this this is guaranteed now this one right here is going to hit the clock woman watch this guarantee we're over 350 crates or whatever that's not it no there it is there it is is literally the next one it took like 380 crates Titan clock woman watch this I'm going to summon a nugget man just for the memes told you that didn't happen all right my unit inventory is very large let's add all the new stuff oh also listen to this so you see how it says energized TV man first edition so that first edition means if they bring it back it will then be the second edition in a future crate so there'll be technically different units so you won't lose trade value so if you have a first edition Godly if they bring it back and you think oh now that's just going to get more more common yes but if you have first edition it's still rare so that's awesome all right I'm going to play this legitimately and when I say legitimately that means I'm not going to make myself rich or use any admin commands and normally I end up lying about that so hold me accountable this video okay I'm going to use my evil scientist to start I think they're better than uh you place two that's annoying I think they're better than normal scientists then again I don't know Toilet Man oh it is AOE 2500 every 4 seconds he throws his head at him no wait wa W wo whoo whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoo buddy excuse me you throw your head how is is that legal bro throws his head at the toilets um 4 second cool down that is concerning but that's got to get upgraded he does a lot of damage for an epic AOE as well what the heck um okay bro is interesting next upgrade 750 I can't that who approved that he literally Chucks his head at them doing AOE damage that's funny I'm going to keep focusing on these evil scientists are they better than normal scientists I I literally don't know I just love the toilet chucking headman I'm I'm going to name him Chuck this guy's name is Chuck look at him look at this bozo cuz he Chucks his head his name is Chuck if anyone other YouTuber calls him something else just know that they're they're being stupid I'm the only guy that can name stuff legally okay these nerds I hate these nerds I literally hate these nerds bro my least favorite toilet in this game whatever upgrade Chuck 5,000 damage every 3.33 seconds that's kind of crazy but he does take out a lot he attacks with his AOE and then he throws his head so it's hard to kind of see exactly who he's attacking sometimes he seems good I like this guy just don't let the Nerds go by thank you I'm unironically guys I I'm playing normal up until wave 9 aren't you proud of me all right Chuck I'll give you another upgrade soon next upgrade is 1500 though I can't tell if these guys get me more money than the scientists do all right upgrade Chuck Here We Go 9,000 every 2 and half seconds his range is not bad is Chuck the best epic in the game oh my gosh as I say that get out of here this clown nerd toilets I hate him Chuck I'm saying good things about you what are you doing all right all right calm down what's your next upgrade Chuck 45 500 though I feel like the normal scientists are better for giving me money I don't know I said I wasn't going to cheat but I might I I I don't cheating's bad don't do it maybe bro Chuck gets major boost next upgrade there we go upgrade him again 10,000 damage every 2 seconds look at that AOE range his next upgrade that's got to be maxed out gets 20,000 AOE is this the most broken epic in the game Chuck is literally massively overpowered for an epic I love it Chuck you are my father we look alike see I got my jawline from you look at that Chuck is good upgrade the evil scientist please give me need more money I need more schmies and I know they get more money when they are higher upgrade and they kill things yeah look at that L ofies upgrade and I can't upgrade them again well I know Chuck can handle things his final upgrade is 7,000 doll hairs I need more doll hairs please all right evil scientists are upgrade now I love seeing the green numbers go above their heads it's very satisfying I like green numbers especially when they go into my wallet wait I just saw hold on how come when Chuck threw his head last time when they were bad guys here he threw two of them and it kind of like splits open ah see so now when his because he attacks too fast his his like animation resets so he looks like he's just taking his head off and then put it right back on just take it off again it's kind of funny all right it's taking us to wave 20 to Max Chuck out 20,000 AOE every 2 seconds is absolutely insane for uh for an epic that is by far the best epic in the game even if he didn't do AO I'd be like bro is the best epic okay we still have three more units to check out here Chuck I love you I I I know we just met but I think I love you I I know saying I love you too early is a bad thing but now when it comes to Chuck I need to upgrade oh yeah I got to upgrade the evil scientist bro we need more money Chuck carious please what did the evil scientists get at max level you think I don't I never used them before 250 okay not bad okay scientists are maxed out we don't got to worry about them anymore Chuck's handling things let's place the energized TV man why is your range the size of my butt which actually you know what no comment um 500 damage to Star 1.33 seconds I did not even put you in a position where you could show me what you do upgrade him once why is his range tiny oh my gosh he goes wait why does bro literally go I mean look at this watch his attack now you'll be able to see it he literally goes it's cool attack but why do you seem really weak 1,000 DPS after one upgrade upgrade him again uh is 3,000 DPS not horrible he's got a really cool attack I like the purple like the purple and black you look cool and when you look cool women tend to show you more attention which is why my DMs are empty he does have an ability I I will cheat in the sense that I'll Max him out didn't I yeah he got maxed out level now okay I can showcase his ability it's just a pitcher now I don't know what it does upgrade him again before we use the Ability 5250 DPS not bad why do you seem worse than shuck do you do do you attack just one at a time it look like you attack just one at a time hello you are a legendary Chuck is an epic but he's the best epic Steve and Chuck are the two main mascots of my channel now I I love Chuck next upgrade 7500 though okay but his DPS does get a lot higher okay but his range is puny Chuck is just so good please don't Nerf Chuck I will cry and I only cried twice a week so I don't have time to schedule more tears into that okay upgrade bang maxed out 15,000 DPS it's good uh Chuck is kind of outshining him and to be honest his range is horrible 28 range I mean crime Me a River that's just that's just I mean you look really cool he needs sniper trait let's see what his ability does there's no description here let's use it on uh oh you use it on this big boy on the rocket laser toilet use that ability what he do goes we go psycho mode wait he goes absolute psycho mode that does so much damage uh I don't know how much damage that did but it did a lot and his cool down for that ability is not bad at all seems like it's like under a minute long obviously we're on 2x speed but uh still okay energize TV man now this I'll tell you what this is something I have not seen in any skib tower defense game any 12 24 of them I don't know how it works yeah put down the oh yeah we got flying units now that is so cool we got fly yeah GG's GG's to all others uh enjoy your yeah I I ain't going to say nothing I could say stuff but I ain't going to say nothing this is cool like unironically obviously I partner in this game but it's just it's just so much better than all the others I wish I was getting paid to say that please start sending me PayPal money developers I didn't watch these speaker plane oh wait what's going on excuse me I'm trying to talk about the speaker plan I accidentally typed god mode now for some reason that gave me infinite base health I'm not sure what that does but I think it gives me infinite base Health base base Health keep mind I'm not sure what that does I know I said I wasn't going to cheat and I'm actually not cheating so I don't know what you're talking about anyways 375 DPS to start upgrade him once's 1,000 DPS I'm assuming that does Splash damage he's like honing in let's go One X speed so I can actually see what the heck's going on I'm assuming that does Splash damage yeah you guys get by I you know what this is this is the hardest mode I don't know why I do this upgrade him again 7 wa why is it DP say zero why does his DPS say zero now is that a glitch it must be a glitch also why is uh is he attack yeah he's still shooting I don't know much damage it does he say zero okay upgrade him again that's got to be a glitch now his DPS is 11,250 I don't know what his range is like what does he cover in terms of like the part that he's flying over like I understand he's covering this area but I kind of wish you could see his full range cuz it seems like he has a lot of range it's hard to tell his next upgrade is 10,000 you guys are not going to kill this quad launcher we have aerial plane on plane combat and bro is fire caring little dirt balls underneath of where he's flying that's actually not how you're supposed to hit him but okay yeah let him go don't care we need money I should have had the normal scientist not the evil maybe I'm stupid I don't know but he does about 7,500 damage every little skink that he does which is good I'm assuming it's Splash wait you can get confused up there bro they they let confusion stars go up there that's crazy I like him though I think he's real good we got to we got to Max him out though there maxed out 20,000 DPS same as Chuck well actually Chuck is 20,000 every 2 seconds guys 20,000 every second never mind sorry Chuck I don't want to get you too much credit there 20,000 DPS for constantly firing down little missiles from a from a swirling plane what's his ability do I hit oh my gosh what was that wait what just happened did he like summon a bomb wait what what was that it hit like right here did that did that did that attack everyone let's wait till the cool down goes back to normal what was that I missed it I got to be zoomed out or something my bad all right put on 2x speed I need to see that uh bro I got to see what the heck this ability does we're not we're going to be letting stuff go good good thing I didn't cheat and make my base Health infinite or anything I promise that that I didn't cheat okay we need 10,000 doll hairs and frankly there's there's this Rich button over to my right that's eyeing me up like I'm uh some sort of piece of meat and you know what I accidentally clicked it I'm sorry I accidentally sometimes click things wait let's look at this ability hold on use ability drops a nuke wa that is cool well how much how much damage do it does I wish I knew wait let's Place Another One Max him out drop another nuke I can't tell how much damage it does I'm an idiot let me max out another one and then Andy try to read the health of a toilet does he attack the hole let's drop a nuke this guy has 256,000 health for example it does not attack the whole map okay it's going to be hard to see like I'm trying to see how much damage it does okay like let's do it right here drop a nuke bang I I can't tell it's fun to drop nuclear bombs I just do you have to aim them like right there and then Bop I can't tell hopefully it does like at least 100K in a really big area this looks so cool wait and at least for normal players I don't see a limit on how much of these you can place this just looks so sick I'm not going to lie all of them circling around drop more nukes bop bop nuclear missile crisis going on here I am not the government I have no control over these nukes being dropped sorry drop another one I have control just kidding I am the government okay um last but not least we do have a woman and not just any woman she is apparently a Godly woman who has uh quite the uh hips on her that's the last time I'm going to say that and she deserves her own wait what what was that explosion right there that was weird she deserves a different map that's not all chaotic and infinite health and all that stuff hold on why am I not on the cool people board what developers mean nothing this should be the B board okay get wrecked all of you where's the B board all right let's cheat with the woman that sounds wrong on back rooms I didn't not in that sense wait let's put a trade on her hold on I'm just going to you know what let's not go crazy I'm not going to completely just out put the master let's roll one watch this this is going to be a good roll I bet you that you subscribe if it's a rare rooll no that is I meant that's still subscribe please just cuz I'm desperate and I only have 12 subscribers critical 3 is boring give me something else that strength one's trash I'll see you when I get a cool roll and I ain't talking about the Hawaiian rolls that taste so good Master oh I just rolled the master trait no way no way yeah you got to subscribe for that .5% sorry why am I apologizing Master first edition TI and clock woman i y this is this is good this is I happy Get Wrecked everyone where is ey the bster block get this evil scien out get everyone off my team I'm cheating I'm cheating just get everyone it's just me and the woman just God forbid I want just me and the woman all right hit the rich button don't even care what are you going to do about it yeah just me and the woman oh hello hello honey I mean sorry this is such a sick design the shuken clocks around her starting off this is all master tra by the way she starts off doing 31 oh my gosh it's piercing oh it's piercing oh oh baby this up they have introduced piercing this is one of the coolest this might be one of the best units hold on look at that it goes through all of them it goes through all of them these shukin travel so far upgraded her once she does 7,000 DPS now keep in mind once again with the master trait okay it doesn't go through all of them it goes through a few now the back rooms map is is absolutely I just hate it with a passion uh so for that reason uh back slod mode once again don't know what that does but apparently a base has INF Health which apparently is good 7,000 DPS you know what this is a trash map to Showcase piercing cuz there's two lanes get me out of here cuz here's the thing let's put her on uh a straightaway path like here like she deserves to be so we can really test out her piercing abilities we upgraded her once last time so look at it see how far it goes yeah it goes pretty far just like that that is very satisfying gr again level three she does 10,000 DPS Pier say keep in mind once again this all the master trade which means her uh her stats are beefed up look at how much they oh yeah that takes out like seven of them in a row that is good so you guys are going to want to place her on Long straightaway roads like this upgrade her again 23,46 37 DPS that's a lot of DPS that's a lot of damage this is way better than any other like unit with simar DPS just cuz it's piercing I think I like piercing more than AOE I'm not going to lie creater again maxed out with the master trade 46,000 DPS piercing the range with the master buff her range isn't that crazy what does her ability do hold on let's put her up against the put on God mode then put up against a Godly fat B just so I can see what the ability does I got to use it against a toilet that she can't kill all right here we go use the Ability what the heck do you do oh my gosh it is a shuken tornado look at all the damage that's being done she's doing like a she did like a million plus damage am I wrong or like I couldn't even tell not a million that's probably way too much she's still doing it what the heck wait it's still going uh uh I got to read what exactly that does game speed 50 bye-bye B okay uh I probably shouldn't have done game speed 50 with this everything's just passing her all right back to two back to two relax relax I'm going to put is there a limit to her no they let you place more that's a bad spot so yeah I'm going to put a bunch of her on these like long straightaways here let's see how far five of them get I'm going to go game speed 10 just to make this faster for you guys so we're going to see in real time how high look at the waves up there how high would they get five of these Titan clock woman piercing abilities I mean look at this these are these are strong Health toilets that just aren't getting by with some of them piercing is op yeah look it's so satisfying as well obviously that means they're a lot better at like groups of toilets versus like big bosses but still they still do a lot of damage and all the shukin going by are so satisfying yeah this is fun I like this I just realized our base base Health was infinite so we'll just look when things get by ah so the saw blades yep saw blades eventually got by but the piercing is so good I think last the video I don't even know what the PVP mode rework is I'll have to find out maybe doing a video on that subscribe for that and subscribe for beans Quack and Quack enjoy the rest of your life this is my last video I'm kidding quack
Channel: BemmyBlox
Views: 372,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sMkmn9CHXLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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