MASSIVE Update LEAKS! - BIG New Features | Tesla Model 3 + Model Y

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Tesla is planning seven huge upgrades for both the model 3 and model y that are gonna totally change these cars forever and we've got some brand new details on only on what is actually going to change with these cars all the new features that Tesla is going to add we've also got some new details on exactly when these new model 3s and model y's will be rolling off the production line for you to buy and surprisingly it's a lot sooner and later than you'd think so let me break down the top seven big changes coming to both the model 3 and model y very soon let me tell you what you need to know all the new features and also whether you should buy a Tesla right now or wait for these big new upgrades is this refresh really worth waiting for I'll give you the honest truth and a big thanks to tenet for sponsoring this video so let me start this video first off with a little bit of context because if you clicked on this video and you have heard all this weird words about project Highland and project Juniper and you have no idea what's going on trust me You Are Not Alone there have been so many different leaks and rumors in the Tesla community so let me break everything down and tell you what we actually know as of right now according to multiple independent sources Tesla is working simultaneously right now on two refreshes to their most popular cars that would be the model 3 and the model y now the model 3 debuted all the way back in 2017 when it actually officially rolled off the production line and went on sale and since then has gotten very few changes there have been some minor upgrades the design on the inside and outside there have been some downgrades with the removal of radar and ultrasonic sensors lots of changes of course to the price over the years but by and large since that car was shown off originally at that unveil event to now it's really remained largely unchanged it's a similar story for the model y since it was debuted and went on sale in 2020 not really a whole lot has really changed with that car actually fewer things have changed with the model y than the model 3. obviously the two cars sharing a whole lot of the same DNA they're built on the same sort of Gen 2 platform so when one car gets an update usually the other one follows so when we heard all these refreshed rumors about model threes and getting some big upgrades we assumed a model y was going to get those same upgrades and while that is partially true it's not actually the whole story specifically these reports indicate that the model 3 is going to get some major upgrades to many different aspects of the car and this should be one of if not the most significant changes this car has seen basically since it debuted a number of years ago the code name here is Project Island reportedly according to Reuters Tesla has been working on this refreshed model for years and lately these models have been leaking over and over again we've actually seen them on the road new hardware is being tested and many are wondering what's actually going to be different here because we had heard all these reports about a big design change changes on the inside outside new hardware but according to these alleged spy shots the design here looks pretty much the same so let's take a bit of a closer look if these photos are in fact showing the real project Highland then yes the design overall design of this car is not going to drastically change which would make sense given the amount of money and time and r d and complexity Tesla has invested in producing these cars at scale it was hard enough for Tesla to get the Machinery around the world uh sort of fine-tuned enough to pump these cars out so when they'd make a refresh model they don't want to make too many changes that would disrupt production so that's what it seems like Tesla is doing they're doing smaller changes what does appear to be different here is some stuff on the front and the back because that's where these sort of project Highland cars are cloaked on the roads and while the design might change or might not change what does appear apparent is that Tesla is testing some all new hardware the best guess right now is that these cars are equipped with Hardware 4 which sort of overhauls Tesla's Vision system and it's going to have a lot of new details a lot of new upgrades and new cameras but I'll come back to that in just a moment we do also notice some different Arrow Wheels here on at least one of these project Highland cars that have been sort of making its way around town and while the design might not change there is a good chance according to Elon and Tesla's design chief that we might see some new colors come to the all-new 3 and why all right now before we continue let's take a quick break for just a moment because I've got a big secret you guys need to know whether you are a current Tesla owner sort of driving and loving your car or more importantly you are a new Tesla owner maybe looking to 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been rumored for a while that would replace this metallic blue that we've got right now with something a little bit different and like I mentioned just a moment ago one of the other big changes here on the outside of these cards is gonna be the addition of Hardware four this is basically Tesla's Next Generation uh computer system and Hardware system for autopilot and full self-driving it runs their Vision system which is used for everything from Sentry mode to full self driving to detecting different objects around the car it's a really important system in fact we've actually gotten some extensive leaks on hardware for uh over the last couple of weeks and according to Infamous Tesla sort of hacker Insider green the only Tesla is already equipping cars with hardware for right now that are rolling off the production line and according to another recent leak it looks like Tesla is now sort of alerting customers that their cars will have some new hardware some features might not be ready just yet but it looks like Hardware 4 is in the works and while not officially announced sort of already being built and deployed on cars that are going to be on the road very soon in terms of what could change Hardware 4 looks to be a pretty end-to-end change it's going to affect everything new cameras new sensors new powerful processor everything is going to get pretty overhauled here so according to these leaks we should get in more sort of powerful processing system I just sort of run this whole thing we're going to get a new HD radar system that should be coming to these cars which should be really cool to see and then also the number of cameras around the car has gone up from eight cameras to 11 cameras with one extra Port there for a possible expansion later on down the road and then also the resolution of the cameras is increased um significantly to give this Vision system some better data to work with also worth noting here is that some of these cameras will be on the back of the car which according to Green the only means that Tesla now has the hardware capability of doing a 360 top-down view uh sort of view for uh your car this has been on other cars for years and years as many owners have been very frustrated that Tesla hasn't added this I think there was some sort of Hardware limitation why Tesla couldn't do it but now they've got the hard work to make this happen in fact we just saw on the latest cyber truck Prototype at investor day that it also has a camera on the front bumper as well so it looks likely that a 360 degree top-down view should be coming to the model 3 Model y cyber truck and basically all hardware for equipped cars really soon which is going to be really a very welcomed addition now what's said to be even more interesting and more exciting and also much more controversial than the changes on the outside should be the changes happening on the inside because again according to this original Reuters report we might see some changes to screens they say that the infotainment system might be getting an upgrade maybe a speaker system upgrade and then also of course one of the most controversial changes here is gonna come to the steering wheel and the stocks one of the biggest and most controversial rumors of this refresh is that Tesla is going to remove the stocks those little sort of selectors on either side of the wheel and move all of those to touch sensitive touch base controls on the steering wheel sort of similar to what the yoke is doing on the model S and model X but it wouldn't be a yoke wheel instead Tesla could do two things one is that they could give us a wheel very similar to what's in the Tesla semi basically a regular old round steering wheel with touch sensitive buttons built in or maybe they adopt this new design that we've got in the Cyber truck that's sort of a more squarish rectangular-ish sort of wheel it's still a traditional wheel and a bit of unique shape that again it ditches the stocks and then puts all of the controls on this sort of a middle of the wheel itself in fact we got a recent render sort of a concept of what this could look like and I think it looks really cool it's gonna take some time to sort of get used to it and adjust to it but this does look like a very bold design move that Tesla could make and many owners are both happy and not so happy about this what are your thoughts on Tesla sort of removing the stocks do you think that all the stuff should just live in the wheel and sort of be able to do everything sort of based off touch while you're holding the wheel or do you wish Tesla would keep those stocks let me know your thoughts on that and this controversy Down Below in the comments another big change and has some owners very happy and some upset is that Tesla For Better or Worse is planning to remove the iconic wood trim that has been in the black interior of the model 3 and model y since the very beginning and replacing it with a new non-woven fabric material this should obviously be cheaper to produce which should make Tesla very happy sort of make these cars more efficient and cheaper to build and also might make the interior of the car look a bit more modern and more stylish many owners had long complained that the wood looked a little tired and dated so this new material might be in there to sort of freshen things up and also maybe Tesla could offer this in different colors or different finishes to sort of add a new layer of customization for owners so they basically just don't have two choices either you know black or white or whatever it is hopefully there's a little bit of an extra flare here a little extra layer to make this a little bit more interesting we've also heard persistent rumors that Tesla might be adding a second display to the model 3 and model y as well in fact new versions of the model y on the road right now basically since 2022 have a dedicated port on their motherboard that is labeled for a second display and again according to Tesla Insider green the only this isn't like a copy paste version of the model S and model X4 this is a special board for the model y that looks like at some point was destined to be used for a second display but that might not have been sort of ready in time it didn't happen but that might be about to change in a new display might be coming to these refreshed models of course the big question though is that when Tesla says second display what do they mean do they mean sort of a second display in the driver's field of view similar to what's on the S and the X sort of that nice uh premium extra screen that you have to work with for things like speedometer autopilot media playback stuff like that or probably more likely when Tesla says second display or they're talking about that rear display in the back something for back passengers to adjust climate control and have entertainment stuff and play games and music and stuff like that uh what second display could we see we have no additional detail on what we could see will this come standard will it be a secondary option for additional amount of money we don't know but there has been persistent rumors that Tesla could add that and if the current sort of Hardware in the cars is anything to go off of looks like this has been in the works for a while and might be finally coming soon okay so that's about all that we know about these refresh changes right now we've got some changes on the inside outside color stuff like that but let's answer the big questions that are on your mind a couple of questions here one is that when can we see these cars and then also should you buy now should you wait is it worth waiting for these things let me tell you what I would do if I was in your position looking to buy a Tesla right now so first things first two different timelines that came keep in mind the model 3 and model y as similar as these cars are are actually not going to share the same refresh production timeline according to Reuters we should be seeing the model 3 refresh come off the production line in September of 2023 so about what six ish months from now it's well I guess a little longer that it's going to be a little bit of time but we should see that sort of uh after the summer sort of late summer early fall we should be getting these new model threes available to actually buy for the model y it's a little bit different because according to the recent Reuters report that came out just a couple of days ago these cars would not be ready and sort of rolling off the production line until October of 2024 so about a 13-month Gap a difference here between refresh model threes and model wise which sort of changes the story because my advice is going to be different depending on the car you're looking to buy obviously one of the big things you've got to keep in mind is price Tesla has been known for changing prices on a dime and one of the risks of waiting either for a model for your model y means that the price could go up it could go down incentives could change things are moving very rapidly in this space that is definitely something to keep in mind but putting price to the side for a moment what should you do well if I was looking to buy a model 3 today I would think long and hard about when I place my order because these design changes should be significant and should sort of future proof the car especially with Hardware 4 and stuff like that I might just wait until September if I could to get this car but with that sort of in mind we've also heard some speculation that Hardware 4 could be launching early and sort of apart from this refresh so maybe over the next couple of weeks we could see Hardware 4 roll out to the model 3 and model y with no design change and then a design change happened later on down the road later this year that's sort of a gamble that we just don't know any more information about because it already seems like the snx have hardware for but we just don't know as of right now so if I was going to buy a new Tesla and I could wait especially if I was gonna buy model 3 I might just wait until September just to see what could happen or at least wait a couple of months to see what would happen and um that would be that on the model y side it's a little bit of a tougher story because we're talking more than a year we're talking like 18 ish months until we could see that and that's sort of a harder just decision to make it sort of comes in mind with the model 3 as well and I guess sort of my other overarching sort of advice here is that a couple of things if you need a car now get a car you're going to be really happy with the Tesla you're going to get today it's going to have some great features incentives are there pricing is good now is not a bad time to buy a Tesla and you know For Better or Worse exactly what you're getting yes you're missing radar you're missing ultrasonic sensors that is a problem we'll get into that in a separate video but at least you know what you're getting with prices and features right now um if you need a car you know later on then it's worth waiting with the model y though it is tough I mean October 2024 being the time and then we all know how Tesla and Elon is you know with timelines who even knows so that's a little bit of a tougher thing to decide on I also would say that it's better to buy based off of facts and features we know about right now than what could or could not happen so I guess my overall saying here is that if you want the latest and greatest for your Tesla you're looking to hold on to this for years and years and you can wait for a refresh then I would wait as long as you can to see what could change for better or worse but if you need a car right now you're set on a Tesla you've got the financing ready to go maybe you're working with tenant and you are ready to go with this car then I probably wouldn't wait I'd order that Tesla I'd be happy with what I get right now knowing full well that something is going to change in a couple of months uh but not gonna let that hold me back from the excitement of my car I see comments time and time again in my comment section about people who are saying should I buy now should I wait what about this one about that get the car you want right now enjoy that car you're gonna love it because things will always change things are always going to get better things are going to go worse I mean we even know people who waited for refresh models and sort of got features removed in 2023 when Tesla removed ultrasonic sensors and radar and stuff like that so you're you're taking a gamble here either way you go but I think that if you want a car get it now be happy but if you could wait and you want the latest and greatest you might be waiting a while but we know those changes should be coming over the next couple of years or a year and a half ish or so depending on the model as always though I want to know your thoughts what are your thoughts on all this your thoughts on Project Island project Juniper do you think these Refreshers are worth the price do you think the prices are going to go up go down your thoughts on what Tesla's changing are they changing enough are they not changing enough do you have a suggestion on what they should change let me know your thoughts in the comments down below as always I appreciate you guys so much thank you so much for your support thank you for the comments thank you for watching I'm Robert Rosenfeld and I'll see you all in the next one
Channel: Robert Rosenfeld
Views: 72,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tesla, tesla model 3, model 3, Tesla model s, Tesla model x, Tesla model y, Tesla review, Tesla standard range, tesla model y, tesla model 3 vs model y, tesla model y review, tesla model 3 review, tesla news, tesla stock, elon musk, model y, model 3 2023, model y 2023, elon, elon musk twitter, tesla rwd, tesla model 3 2023, tesla model y 2023, tesla cybertruck, model 3 refresh, model y refresh, tesla buying guide, tesla discount, tesla hidden features, tesla event
Id: s_hClsyzB8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2023
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