Massive Snickers - Ice Cream Rolls | satisfying Food Transformation with Chocolate Bars - ASMR / 4k
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Channel: Ice Cream Rolls
Views: 24,077,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmr, snickers, chocolate bars, chocolate bars asmr, snickers bar, chocolate bar, ice cream bar, snickers ice cream, snickers ice cream rolls, satisfying food, food, food transformation, foodtransformation, chocolate, chocolate asmr, asmr snickers, snickers asmr, mini snickers, asmr 4k, 4k, ice, cream, rolls, snickers ice, snickers cream, snickers rolls, ice cream, ice cream rolls, asmr rolled ice cream, asmr fried ice cream, asmr satisfying, satisfying, 남자 asmr, mukbang asmr, roll
Id: YZhVnz9mKiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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