MASSIVE Resin 3D Printer! // Emake3D Galaxy 1

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this is the Galaxy one from emake 3D a resin based 3D printer that's made nearly one million dollars on Kickstarter at time of filming let's go over why I have it what it is what I've done with it and what I think about it emac 3D first reached out about this machine via the kickstarter they were trying to promote I thought the machine looked interesting because it ticked a lot of those boxes that a lot of us find interesting large format automatic resin refilling and freaking lasers about that build volume it's 400 on X 200 on Y and 400 on Z or Zed it's huge if you find yourself backing this on Kickstarter you're gonna need yourself a lot of room for automatic resin refilling it's it's an interesting system two resin bottles can be stored on the inside and one at a time could be hooked up to this automated resin refilling system and there's a little sensor on the outside of the build plate that tells it when to refill with resin when I got my machine it wasn't configured quite right because because it filled the resin nearly to the top of the vat which made me slightly uncomfortable I posted in the launch Facebook group for this machine and emake themselves responded with the video of an engineer explaining the process on how you can manually adjust the sensor to suit the resin refill level that you want I thought that was amazing this group is actually really good I'll put a link in the description a lot of really informative posts and people asking questions and I'm one of the ones with the machine so I can answer them an email in there is really active and it's really nice to see so the Galaxy one is an SLA 3D printer not msla not DLP it is truly SLA so it uses freaking lasers typically in an SLA 3D printer at least historically galvanometer has been used it's where a mirror system rotates back and forth to kind of align the laser and shoot it against the vat and cure resin the Galaxy one isn't using a galvanometer they're using something different a linear laser scanning technology equipped with flywheel generators to control the laser inside the machine there is this laser module that rides on a lead screw putting it up and down on the x-axis and then this flywheel generator has some sort of mirror on it to direct the laser to different parts of the vat that's how it works it's not a galvanometer but it's still a mirror directing a laser to a vat of Goo as far as prints go on this machine I've done a few of them and first up was a test print on the SD card it was this little guy a little little dinosaur and an egg actually two of them super quick prints again these were sliced by emake and included on the SD card they came out really well I think they're cute these are cute little prints I did leave the supports on the other one because I just wanted an example to be able to show people what it's like with and without the supports support removal was okay on these models and uh I quite like it they're neat little little dinosaurs and eggs so next up was was this print and this is just a big dragon it actually came with a tail this was pre-sliced by emake and included on the SD card massive print and it took much longer than a day to print this the details are there but you can tell with the geometry that it looks like it was a smaller model that was scaled up that's the only way I can kind of describe it obviously I'll get some footage of it much closer so you can kind of tell emake it didn't include the wings it's a wingless Dragon I was also able to print chainsaw man a model by photus Mint and pre-supported by the legendary pre-support artist Charo Zuck it printed amazing on this machine the fine details really came out I was really happy with how easily the supports fell off this was sliced in Chateau box one of the things that you'll know when slicing some something in to box for this machine there are absolutely zero options for you to adjust except for I think it's the layer height something like that but the really really chitu Box is doing almost it's just creating the pictures it's really not doing any sort of other settings for this I think everything's controlled by the machine it was sliced in chitu box and it did come out really good and I really really like this model and this is one of those things when I would love to see this like full size like a statue in someone's yard I think that would be freaking great now we get into a part where there's a little bit of trouble this is the millennial Falcon yes I'm saying Millennial because Andrew ask it all the person that modeled this called it the millennial Falcon I know it's not called the millennial Falcon in the movies and the books and the shows and the whatever but go with me here this is the millennial Falcon that's what I'm going to say and it has these crazy z-banding issues this was the first print that I did that was multi-day I think it was more than 63 hours that this print took and there were these crazy standing issues the details on the model all the grebels they look great but there's a z-banding issue so I posted this to that launch Facebook group for this machine and emake responded asking if they could get the files for this so I sent it to them they did test themselves and they they had this machine and two other machines printing this model all with different temperature settings on the included chamber heater and they found that 28c which is the default temperature that mine and others comes with as far as heating the chamber to that's too hot and it creates these z-banding issues so if you set it to 25c or if you just let it sit at ambient you're not going to get those and I thought well that was really interesting oh and from emake they did post in this Facebook group that they will redesign the heater port in the back and backers will receive updated machines so it was up to me to print this again because I wanted to verify their findings and I want to get this off the build plate but I want to finish recording here so via the magic of Television you're going to get to see this come off the build plate right now oh look at that yeah look at that I don't want to drop it look at that oh geez that's so freaking huge look at this [Applause] and now what I have is one of these cheap fluid pumps that you can get most places I I just jam it kind of right there I turn it on and out comes isopropyl alcohol and so now what I can do is wash the model now let's get these supports off apparently I forgot to hit record when I removed all of these supports and I'm really sorry about that now that the supports are off and it's all washed up have a look this is the millennial Falcon as it should be without those z-banding issues and with all of those crunchy little details out in the open ready for you to enjoy Andrew you did an amazing job with this model and I'm so thankful I was able to print this this is a free model you could download this and I'll put a link in the description when you print it make sure you tag me because I'm going to want to see it I have a few questions for emake and I'm hoping they see this and are able to respond they list a 25 micrometer resolution on X and Y that's what they've advertised for this machine but they also say that the laser light spot the laser itself is 80 micrometers wide so how can this machine have a 25 micrometer X and Y resolution when the laser spot itself is more than three times that size maybe I don't understand how resolution works when describing it in an SLA machine I'm more than willing to be wrong I love learning about stuff but if I'm right then something doesn't add up there what is permanent leveling they say the build plate is preset when you get it and I didn't have to adjust anything when I installed this machine I put it up here I set it to go I hit print everything was fine but permanent leveling I I don't know exactly what that means because there's going to be times when you do have to adjust it are you able to or are there settings on the screen that allow you to adjust it I would like more description around what permanent leveling means this button what does it do I've got zero documentation on this machine I haven't seen it referenced what this button does it's a big shiny candy-like button don't touch it it's the history eraser button you fool so in conclusion with my experience this machine prints well it's really not that loud it's friggin huge and you're gonna have to find some space if you back this machine I do have it set up in my garage but quite honestly the smells are really not noticeable if you have this machine you're going to go through resin like crazy you're also going to need to find a way to wash massive prints properly with isopropyl alcohol if you're not buying their just announced cure machine then you're gonna have to find a way to cure your large prints as well this concludes my time with the emake Galaxy one 3D printer a big thanks to emake for letting me borrow it I did have a lot of fun with it I'm really thankful I was able to show you some things about this machine but now we're going to find a new home for it and I will work with emac to make that possible I know my friend's Uncle Jesse and Akuma mods have theirs now and they're going to be doing some rad prints with those so be sure to stay tuned to their posts that's the end of my notes really thankful to have you along for this journey and again thanks to emac for making this possible if you made this far you're awesome don't forget to hug each other more fight for cause you believe in resin prints all the things and as always high five
Channel: 3D Printing Nerd
Views: 48,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d printing nerd, joel telling, joeltelling, 3d printing, 3dpn, emake, emake3d, galaxy 1, emake kickstarter, galaxy 1 kickstarter, kickstarter 3d printer, resin 3d printer
Id: n7oJuNNAGvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2023
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