MASSIVE New World MMO Tip - Easily Change Gear Stats in New World MMO Tip & Tricks! New World Tips!

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hey everyone everybody graphic back with another video and today we're going to be jumping straight into a new world so obviously a lot of us are enjoying our time on new world and we're going to kind of cover something that's definitely a tip and trick for you guys starting on new world so the first thing we're going to do is go to our faction board open the faction board we're going to be able to see that i have 9585 tokens so i want to start spending because my cap is at 10 000. so if we go to buy rewards and we go into the scrivener right here we can see that this is what i have unlocked right now this is what i can all buy so it's a great idea to buy some extra potions and everything but the one thing you want to do is take advantage of this gear obviously this gear is very very good let's say i'm going a rapier in musket like i've been showing you guys in my gameplay videos well the one thing you can do is go to let's say a light armor set so if we jump through here we actually take a look at some light armor so there's heavy we go down a little bit we can see medium we go a little bit farther down we see light footwear so let's just say we want one of these light footwears but you know it's uh the light footwork itself is actually eight focus and five intelligence so not very solid for us right well that's actually not true so what you can do is let's just buy this just to show you guys i have a lot of extra tokens i'm not too worried about it so i'll buy that and then we'll also go up here and we can take a look at uh where's that here let me find it real quick i think we actually have to go up one tier um here we go so syndicate barbarian seal so this will use at blacksmith and outfitting stations to change attributes to syndicate faction armor to strengthen constitution so i am dexterity obviously in constitution so i want to find one that works for me here we have armor to intelligence and constitution and obviously the brigand seal has dexterity and constitution so if i buy let's just buy two of them i think i have two pieces of gear that i was going to do this with so let's buy two of those real quick and let's head on over to where we would go to craft this kind of gear obviously light armor being crafted at what station well if you guys don't know i'm running the wrong way should no ever fall by now i should at least you go to the outfitting station obviously so if it's light armor you go to the outfitting station like this and you should see all uh you know see the seals at the top left here so there's two different armors that i could currently change and by doing so it also uses 50 azoth so let's go with the one i'm actually going to change so if we go to my tab right now we go to my inventory you can see that's still a tier 2 head that i am wearing and there's reasons behind that i've been using this head because of the passive kind of effect here or the you know status effect that takes place targets hit with powder burn are slowed by 8.6 percent for five seconds so obviously that's a very very good uh you know passive to have when you're you know playing 1v1 2v2s or just ganking players uh it's very very good for pvp specifically so that's why i've been holding it for so long i'm i'm you know time ready to get rid of it because i have stopping power on my musket and i'm gonna use that to slow them instead now so what i'm gonna do is actually go back to the out uh you know the actual outfitting station tier two and go to this helmet and you can see right now that the helmet is actually i'll go back and show you guys that this helmet is actually intelligence and focus based right so it wouldn't be any good for me right now as my main staff for dexterity and musket is dexterity um and not obviously intelligence and focus so we go to the helmet we can see that you know it's going to take this helmet it's going to do fit the ads off it's going to take one seal and we can actually craft so with crafting this you can see that it gives me some random stuff but it does keep those you know eight and five uh attributes that were you know showed before and previously so now we see eight dexterity five constitution um i did get resilient poor uh perk so critical hits deal 3.9 percent less damage to you which is pretty solid and you can also see that you know the gear scores at 345 so i can pop that on the only thing you will miss is that gem so i don't get a gem for um you know doing when you do this you lose the gem that's in there but you know not a big deal to me uh this is definitely you know a great way to take advantage of grabbing light armor and transforming it from that you know intelligence constitution to dexterity constitution from the syndicate or you know marauders or covenant whatever you guys are faction-wise you can definitely do this and take advantage so if you guys have any questions definitely let me know in the comment section down below i just want to give you guys one of the greatest tips to me that a lot of people don't know about yet there's obviously a lot more tips out there uh this is just going to be tip today that i wanted to give you guys a brief understanding of so just a great way to take advantage of getting great gear from that faction missions that you guys have probably been doing a lot of so thank you guys again for tuning in make sure to quickly subscribe to the channel turn notifications on and i'll see you guys all in the next one
Channel: Graphic
Views: 103,035
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Keywords: New World MMO Tip, New World MMO Tips & Tricks, New World MMO, New World, New World Tip, New World MMO Tips, New World MMO Tricks, New World MMO Gear, New World MMO Stats, New World MMO Tips 2021, New World Tips, New World Tips & Tricks, Tips, Tip, Tricks, Tips & Tricks, Best New World MMO Tips, Best New World MMO Tip, New World MMO Guide, New World Tips and Tricks, New World MMO Tips and Tricks, New World Tricks, New World Guide, New World Gear Tips, New World Help, World, New
Id: unC4jerokq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 39sec (279 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 22 2021
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