How to Level Expertise / Gear Score FAST! New + Returning Player Guide for New World

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hey guys how's it going it's baggins here and today i wanted to make a quick guide for end game in the world as i've seen a lot of players recently in the youtube comments in the twitch chat and the twitter on the reddit asking about new world they're coming back to the game uh they hit level 60 or they're almost level 60 and they want to get into doing stuff in the end game what does that look like what should they be doing what has changed since they last played in 2021. today's video is sponsored by msi and their ultra wide hd gaming monitor the optics meg 381 cqr plus it is a 38 inch monitor with a 21.9 aspect ratio and it is the world's first hmi curved gaming monitor it has up to 175 hertz of refresh rate with a one millisecond response time and it's also g-sync compatible msi sent me one of these bad boys to open on my stream and i can tell you it is an absolute beast if you guys are interested i'll put a link to it in the description down below it's probably one of the most insane monitors i've ever gamed on so if you guys are interested i'd highly recommend checking out the link thank you to msi for sponsoring this video now in new world like we have in many other mmos first and foremost you have the character grind so you grind your character all the way up to the max level which is 60 in new world and then the second grind begins and the grind that we have in new world is expertise this is going to dictate how good your gear is in a roundabout way and your gear of course meaning the stuff you have equipped to your character so your helmet your chest your amulet jewelry your weapons so on and so forth now why is expertise important what exactly does it mean well in order to demonstrate this we're gonna go over to of course the majestic microsoft paint now for those of you who are returning players to new worlds you'll remember this system as the watermark system when you hit level 60 you start off at 500 and it is actually displayed in the game right now you can see it next to each individual slot uh for weapons that you have we can change them over here so you can see my expertise on the musket is 585 but if it was to put a life staff on it goes all the way up to 595 as i've grounded out a little bit on life staffs with this test character that we have here now previously in older versions of the game 590 was the maximum you could get and they changed this over to 600 i want to say about two months ago but what this number dictates is how good will a drop be that you receive so if you receive a pair of gloves and you have expertise let's say uh 550 on the glove slot what that means is the gloves that you receive are going to be somewhere in that range in terms of gear score so that's the gs you know if we go back into the game real quick we can look at the gear score of items here 503 gear score 575 gear score 600 gear score now obviously 600 bigger number better items so 503 the higher the gear score the more armor rating a uh piece of armor gives you and the higher the gear score the more damage a weapon does so it helps you do more damage and it helps you take less damage and there's also something to be said about uh gear score relating to the rarity of the item as well generally 600s usually mean legendary and legendary is exciting because everybody likes the you know the oranges so going back to our microsoft paint demonstration here you want to get this number to be as high as possible because if that's going to dictate how good a drop is then you want the number to be higher now as we mentioned previously the cap was 590 and the way this works exactly is when you're at 590 in a in a slot you can receive plus 10 or minus 10 for that item so previously it was very frustrating trying to get those 600 gear score legendaries to drop because you were always working within the range of 580 to 600 so there's 20 points of like rng there um and only one of them is actually going to be the one that you want the 600 you want to see receive the 600 legendaries but now for my returning players they have bumped the expertise or watermark ceiling all the way up to 600 now this doesn't mean that you can go above 600 unfortunately you can't receive 601 602 610 gear score drops but it does reduce the range from 590 to 600 so there's only 10 points of difference here which means you are twice as likely as you were previously to receive a 600 gear score legendary maybe you want fury from lazarus instrumentality the fire binder life staff or something like that there's a lot of good items that can't draw from dungeons or just drop in general and the higher your expertise is the more likely it is to be 600 and be the legendary version of itself one other thing you can do in the game when you get to 590 is make use of the umbrella shard system as well now we'll talk about this a little bit later on uh but 590 is the minimum point where you can start upgrading gear with umbral shards so this is the main reason why we want to get to this 600 expertise level it is very important if you want to farm out any drops and it also does dictate the gear score of your item as well uh amazon added in a system at the beginning of the year where the gear score of an item is actually rounded down to your expertise within that slot so we can take a look at my blunderbuss expertise here it is five eight five if i was to go to the trading post and buy a 600 gear score blunderbuss you can see when i mouse over the item it actually gets down scaled so gear score adjusted to the average of expertise and the item's gear score so we go down a little bit so again another reason why you want to get that expertise number up so you can take full advantage of this now it is worth mentioning i could still buy this blunderbuss and as i level up my expertise with that weapon it does eventually unlock its full potential so you don't need to worry about like uh if you want to buy an item you need to buy it when you have the right expertise you can buy it at any point and sort of level into it if that makes sense but yeah hopefully that fully covers the expertise system within new world and why it is very important for the end game for both new and returning players and you know what has changed with it over time so most likely the next question you now have for me is well bergens how do i increase the number then what is a good way to do it whether there's an efficient way to do it or what is a fun way to do it well the last one fun is going to be a bit subjective but in my opinion one of the best ways to level up your expertise is just a good old dungeon spam or expedition spam garden of genesis in particular in my opinion is very good for leveling up your expertise the runs are pretty quick and every other enemy and every chest you open does give you an expertise bump on average so i think like every run you do you're probably going to go up 10 points overall across multiple different slots so if you can bear to do it just doing like a full week of dungeon grinding should see you getting pretty close to 600 in almost every slot which i think is a little bit better than what we used to have in the past where it was just chest runs you just go and open a bunch of chests and you farm one enemy over and over and over again until you hopefully get like an expertise or a watermark bump and then you just do it again and again and again now you can just spam some dungeons but thankfully on top of that we do have other less monotonous ways to increase your expertise as well so this is one of the new things that amazon added into the game again i think at the start of this year and that is the gypsum system so in every uh sort of end game area so that's great cleave shattered mountain eden grove reek water and ebonskill reach you're going to find one of these bad boys this is a gypsum kiln and what we can do with the gypsum kiln is take gypsum and turn it into orbs so we have a bunch of different orbs we can make from various different types of gypsum here so this one is gained from killing open world bosses this one is gained from doing expeditions this one is for crafting this one is for doing the elite boss arenas this one comes from closing corrupted breaches this one from doing outpost rush this one is just gained by like just doing stuff in the world generally you know killing enemies and looting bags and stuff and then this one comes from drinking a special potion and then killing enemies so there's a variety of different content you can do and a lot of people choose to mix and match different pieces of content in my opinion the easiest ones to get at the diamond gypsum which like i say you just get it from basically doing anything uh like kill an enemy or chop down a tree like smash a rock and you'll receive some diamond gypsum and then you have the obsidium gypsum farm one of the best ways to do this is to go up to the north very top of ebon scale there is a boss you can kill there he's very easy to solo and i think it's like once every five minutes he drops one of these uh pieces of obsidium gypsum you do need three to uh make the orb so you're probably gonna have to spend about 15 minutes there but if you're efficient you could also make a topaz attunement potion at any of your campfires and then you can go ahead drink that and kill enemies in the area and they'll also drop topaz gypsum as well so two different forms of gypsum you can get there or you could just go ahead and like skin a bunch of balls there is a good spot in eden grove you can see it on the screen here where you can just get a bunch of balls farm them all down you'll get your emerald gypsum within like 10 15 minutes as well so you've got your gypsum from doing the content that you enjoy doing what you want to do then is go ahead and make it into an orb and then with that orb you can choose any slot in the game so if there's a particular item that you want to focus on and you want to bump that expertise up to 600 so you can start receiving the chance of getting a legendary within that particular category and then you focus on that one so if i really wanted to start receiving legendary blunderbusses i'll have a chance at it you know get my 600 blunderbuss so i can take full advantage of that one that i was going to buy off the trading post then i would go for the blunderbuss one thing that i would also recommend though is you guys focus on your jewelry as jewelry still to this day doesn't drop as frequently as everything else like armor and weapons drop pretty consistently but jewelry not as much so it is probably gonna be one of the last ones that you will like level up to the max and as a result i think putting these on cooldown first and making your amulet going ahead and making your ring making your earring every day if you can is gonna be like the smartest way to level up your expertise and then secondly i would choose weapons because there's a lot of really good weapons that drop from a variety of different dungeons and finally i'll do your armor because armor drops everywhere and still to this day i think crafted armor on average is better than any like dropped armor you can receive now the last thing i want to talk about in this guide for the new world end game system is the umbrella shards this is something new that they added in again uh like a month or two ago and mainly these come from doing mutated expeditions so every week there is a different mutated expedition somewhere on the map uh on the ptr it's mutated tempest heart but when you're watching this video it might be garden of genesis lazarus instrumentality dynasty shipyard so on and so forth now how many umbral shots you get from completing an expedition is based on the difficulty at which you do it at whether it's difficulty 10 difficulty nine difficulty one and then whether you get gold silver or bronze but regardless you should get some amount of rumble shots for doing mutated expeditions it is worth mentioning you can also at the time of recording get them from outpost rush you get a hundred for winning a game and you get 50 for losing a game now with these umbral shards as the description reads here they're used to upgrade a piece of gear that is 590 gear score or higher but unfortunately for me i do need to get to 600 again another reason why we really want to get to 600 expertise because that's when it can start upgrading them but if my expertise slot was uh 600 with the life staff and in hindsight i probably should have gone ahead and made a lifestyle cast instead then i would be able to spend these umbrella shots on upgrading this item and this allows you to go above 600 gear skull all the way up to 65. now in my opinion there isn't a massive massive advantage of going to 65 in terms of like pvp or even pve the biggest reason to go to 65 gear score is to do the mutated expeditions as they artificially scale the difficulty up or down depending on what your overall character's gear score is so this number down here this 588 for example in order to do difficulty one of any of the mutated expeditions it is recommended gear score 602 and if you are even just a couple points under that it is going to make the enemies hit you for much more damage and you're going to do way less damage to them so the biggest reason to invest umbrals into your gear and get it to like 605 gear score or 610 gear score is to take part in the mutated expeditions so if you're strictly just interested in pvp it's not a piece of content that you really have to engage in but it does give you some extra stats and it makes these uh like perks a little bit more effective the higher the gear score of the atom goes and as we mentioned earlier the higher the gear score the bigger the armor rating and the more weapon damage you get as well so that is the umbrella shots described really really quickly but again if you want to see like a mutated expeditions guide and stuff like that i'll put a link in the description down below at least from the healing standpoint of my approach on those all right i did want to keep this video pretty concise guys so hopefully i haven't missed anything majorly important if i have i'll put it in the comments down below or you can drop in on the stream and ask me any additional questions you have we will put a link to the stream in the description down below as well but yeah i hope you guys have enjoyed this video if you're looking to get back into new world let me know in the comments down below let me know in the stream if you're coming into new world and you've only just started the game i hope you do enjoy it a lot i am really looking forward to this patch that we're going to be getting uh tomorrow at the time of recording hopefully you guys find this useful as an explanation for endgame in new world if you did make sure you go ahead and click the like button subscribe for more i'll see you guys all in the next one
Channel: BagginsTV
Views: 186,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: New World, New World MMO, New World MMORPG, Amazon New World, New World 2021, New World Release, New World Changes, New World Update, New World Patch Notes, New World New Zone, New World Best Build, New World Full Release, New World Free to Play, New World Alpha, New World New Weapon, New World Gold, New World Console, New World 2022, New World Asmongold, New World Expertise, New World Returning Player, New World New Player, New World Guide 2022
Id: WQ8Mk9xakOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 30 2022
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