Massive Mod Finally Got Me Into Battletech.... Running a Full Merc Company

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hello ladies and gentlemen Captain Jack here and welcome to battle Tech specifically BattleTech Advanced 3062. it's this gigantic mod that has a bunch of different gameplay now I don't know about you guys I've tried to get into the base game battle Tech a number of times I'll play it for a day and then kind of just fall out of it I bounced off of it a ton but because of the community because you guys I finally really gotten into it and been playing it basically every chance that I have to get on my PC and relax for a bit you probably noticed that for the last week There's been less videos of the channel that this is this is this is why this is literally why so BattleTech Advanced 3062 what is it why am I enjoying it so much well right now you're staring at our our Arro our drop ship we're in orbit of Detroit and this is my mercenary company Shaq's Slackers fairly standard to the base game but it actually feels like a mercenary company because I have so many more options than just four Stompy robots or four pilots and a number of Stompy robots and it's so cool let's go over to the Mac Bay and we'll look at the assets right now that are under my free company my mercs so in my Mech Bay I've got a wide selection of everything from my personal shadowhawk I love the shadowhawk it's not my favorite Mech this is my favorite mechan all of battle Tech I will fight you the locus is fantastic light mix beat his life I've also got my Vindicator my Panther my commando I got really lucky at the start of this now the way that this works is you don't start the story campaign like you normally do in the base game you go straight into career mode but but we'll head on over to navigation real quick you can do all of the different campaigns still they will pop up as flashpoints using one of the systems from one of the DLCs from the flashpoint DLC which is quite cool so like like this right down here this is one of the heavy metal DLCs from what I've been told I've not done this yet and the main story will pop up at some point I haven't seen it yet uh you'll get an indicator saying hey are you interested in doing this one mission in the Commodore system and you can totally do that they've also added a search function to pick control F you could search for a place so for where's that where's the plot gonna take place corridor uh oh there it is right there it's that one little dot right there so you can search you can also filter which is really nice when you're traveling around trying to find missions you say you want to do like a skull and a half and let's go ahead and get rid of the whoa you're looking for skull and a half missions out there on the network on the com star mercenary Network it's much easier to fight because you can filter you can also filter by biomes though unless I don't know why you'd want to unless you really don't want to fight or you do want to fight like an urban environment or you're really worried about overheating maybe you're gonna focus on Glacier missions I don't know let me know in the comments if you know why you'd want to filter by buy them uh but what makes this really cool is how they've expanded your mercenary company so you've got base but then you've also got if I go over here you can see my vehicle Bay I've got armor you can have an armor company you can have Aerospace assets like vetoles and air strikes and you can have infantry in the form of battle armor which is a little weird because they use the the um like actual Mech models I just kind of shrunk them down into squads I kind of dig it though these guys are really cool we're gonna dive into a match so you can see how all of this works but you can have a Mech company or a mercenary company with all the assets that you want let me go to the um the veto because the V tool will actually show up if we cycle these through sadly with the ground vehicles and even the v-tolls you can't refit them you can't customize what they have on them they have what they have which is fine but it also means that you're not going to be like you're not going to be changing the pattern of their paint um but yeah and they have Unique Mechanics too like the V tools will get faster speed the more you move them forward so you have to move them forward once they're going a certain speed but they can cover a lot of ground allowing you to see what's going on but they're weaker they don't have as much armor like if I click on this V tool you can see you know armor plating on it uh 70 on one side 55 35 if we switch over to like the hunter which isn't even that well armored it's a light uh lrm boat that I keep in the back for support it has literally twice as much armor and this armor sucks or our APC which you can't see in this but you'll see it once we get into a match the APC and the Infantry they can actually get into the transports so this V tool I will put my battle armor in it and fly it into a position and I've got my best battle armored set up with um with the Infantry scaled like PPC launchers on the battle armor scale so I can fly them to the top of a Hillside and have them provide fire support and this is what's finally gotten me into it is the scale of it the fact that I can really run my own company we even set up a background for our for our mercenary company where my the I'm the leader of it and we're a retired Aerospace Pilots that were just sick of being told what to do they didn't like what was happening in our particular front line and said screw it we stoled a bunch of Aerospace ad sets and took off for the periphery and here we are fighting it out as mercs so with that and with the Character Creator we were actually able to and I'll test it when we get in there's my um there's my Mech let's switch over to it um you know normally you know you get a fun background but these games normally don't really support the background that you've come up with hilariously this one does because of um BattleTech Advanced I actually started with strafing runs as a Comm suite and I have a contract with an aerospace pilot meaning that there is a bomber or an aerospace fighter aboard our Argo and that in the fight if I want to I can call in strafing runs which are pretty damn effective the only problem is we pay by the bomb basically every strafing run costs us around 35 000 C bills and you get two you get a main pilot then you get it's like is his wingman come in and they'll hit everything in an area I'll show how that works because that is a unique feature of this there's also some fun stuff like I can call in Aerospace um like I can I can bring in the mechanics uh special Urban Mech as a call-in if I want to but it costs like a million sea bills to do it or a turret or things like that all because I chose this um this pilot contract negotiator background very cool I am running an ac20 which you know what I was going to swap that out I'll swap it out later I think I'm gonna Swap this out for like ac2s stay in the back put a little fire support down and really be the guy giving the orders sip it on my coffee while the rest of the company gets work done that's kind of my idea for this but I'm still putting it all together I want to keep this this idea of being an aerospace uh Air Force free company more or less which is something you could never you could I can't think of any Mech Warrior game or battle tank game that allowed you to call in Aerospace and armor uh at all actually not even like Mech Commander I think they gave you a few Mexican Commander if I remember right the old one anywho let's go ahead uh let me buy shadowhawk let's go ahead and uh get a yeah again don't just exit uh a mission going I think we've got a couple of jobs here maybe like two skull skull and a half the Backyard Barbecue uh we maintain a very accurate registry of all military convoys on this planet recently analysis spotted something odd a convoy that wasn't accounted for to any of our records uh who are we going to be going after I I just I read this earlier so what's going on is there's a bunch of um pilots and Smugglers that are pirates and Smugglers that are they've been smuggling for a while and the way they've been doing it is they've been using the local planetary government Defense Forces uh com channels and using their roots for moving supplies so no one noticed that these guys aren't part of the planetary defense group and they just figured it out by going through all their paperwork yeah we're gonna piss off the Pirates a little bit helping out the planetary government that's fine with me we'll do a 50 50 split because I'm gonna have to pay about a half million coming up soon to keep all my Pilots well fed let's go and accept that it'll Auto populate how I have my lances set up the way it works is since you've got more than just four uh mechs with you you click down at Lance a you can switch to Lance B and it'll show you at the bottom what can go in these spots it can be armor or a Mech in this instance this one has to be armor um and I'm okay with that we'll take our two light mix we'll take our Hunter and then we'll go B which is going to be all battle armor now I have chosen one of the negatives to this mod is that you've got a lot more assets right and that doesn't sound like a bad thing uh I might take the I might take the it's like the veto uh let's take the veto actually let's go back to a yeah we'll take the V2 I like that I can take anything I want in the first initiative spot and then we've got another piece of armor here we could bring um I've got the Commando let's drop the penetrator and pick up the panther because we're hitting a convoy I want to be fast and the penetrator is really slow this is text from text talks about tech he actually voices a character and I picked him up as a special character uh as we've been playing in in a in an event which is very very cool so he actually voices it which is even better all right so we've got our first Lance we've got our second which is going to be some armored support dropping lrms we've got the Locust uh with uh co-pilot the pilots a call site is God I didn't make that up it's just something they added and then we've got the the transport itself of course this mod adds a ton of weapons and customization uh it's it's just a total overhaul that's so freaking cool I know I'm like I'm going crazy for the fact that you get armor and and Aerospace assets like vetoles and stuff and and tanks and infantry and stuff like that infantry being battle armor by the way I wish they had normal infantry I kind of wish that we didn't get battle armor until later and what we were actually deploying was just like a platoon of infantry I think that would be far cooler than starting with battle armor the battle armor does have some cool stuff to it one of the things and I'm gonna let this load I'm not gonna edit what's up because one of the negatives of just this game not even with the mod just this game is the how long things take to load and how long turns can take because you're adding you know two or three times as many basically actions right Eternal economy gets moved all over the place so it takes a lot longer particularly in defense missions you can be buckle up for a long Mission if you're gonna do a defense Mission and you've got like three enemy alliances coming at you because now you're talking what for a 12 full action turns that have to be gone through for the enemy and then all of your like you know 10 or 11 or whatever maybe even more than that as the game gets harder so and it never ran particularly well even back in the day uh but one of the things you can do with battle armor which is really neat is that you could put in hand holds on your Mac I have these on my shadowhawk basically they're places where the the battle armor can jump up and grab onto the mech and ride it anybody remember Mecha salt back in the day yeah that's totally a thing that you can do in this you can jump onto mechs and ride around on them and you can jump onto enemy Max and tear them apart if you've got the claws and I I don't think I've ever seen battle armor without the claws yet you can customize the battle armor by the way you can't customize the ground vehicles and the Vito stuff but you can customize battle armor like their Max all right we've made the drop according to these survey Maps you should be able to see the Convoy root location so they're literally on this road our objective is to stop them before they get away before they manage to get to the the pickup spot now the only the real challenge here I don't think will be to stop them it'll be to catch them before they make it to the Evac spot so they're probably going to be over here and Crossing across and that's going to be our Ambush point so I'm going to move full burn full Sprint let's get out of here and oh man my airstrike's gonna be really nice for this um vindicator's a little slow man I hope you make it there's our Vito I can zoom whoop zoom in there it is kind of see it there very bright map all right Commando this is why I brought you light mix moving out uh Panther I'm gonna have you go straight all right sometimes it does this thing and it does this in the base game too um this is the veto I'm gonna have the veto hold position for now because I need to load up Commander oh can I meet you guys right now yes I can so I click Mount down here this is for this unit this is our our battle armor so as close as we're gonna have to infantry in the game and we're gonna click Mount and you can see there's a yellow or an orange circle that circles them this is you can go into any vehicle that's nearby now I probably should have kept my shadowhawk a Little Closer uh and this and I do this almost every Mission I forget they're picking them up this works the same way for your apcs as well and now switch back I can take the transport and those infantry that was battle armor they're so slow until you put them in an aircraft and now they're moving it now they just moved where probably four times as fast as they normally would and the aircraft would be able to go even farther the next turn because it's like gaming speed very cool uh uh okay one issue though when you're starting out on a map with this many units and sometimes you'll end up like dropping somewhere weird like you see how my Locus is kind of stuck on this rock well he's actually stuck on this rock so what you got to do is go to ability and go to careful Maneuvers this will allow them to move anywhere oh [ __ ] yeah yeah no no no no you're fine for some reason to a different unit there we go there's the locus and what I'll be able to do is I'll be able to move off of The Rock and now next turn I'll be able to move perfectly here's our hunter this is our lrm launcher let's just get you kind of squeezed in behind this rock an out of line of sight because you're gonna be able to love those 20 lrm 20s so if you wanted to as you do your research and upgrades to your drop ship to your Argo uh you could go for a full units of just armor you can have like a tank platoon if you wanted to which is so cool uh battle armor battle armor battle armor uh battle armor rifles turn all those on um you're way back here huh yeah I made a mistake and didn't load you up and this is how far they can move right like it's it's really pathetic you need that transport moving them out and as they take damage you'll actually lose members of that Squad okay enemies moving but we don't have them on sensors yet what I think I'm gonna do is I'm going to take our battle armor that's in the transport remove them along this block wall maybe try to put them up here or on the Rocks uh I think that unit has ppcs orders um you know at shadowhawk is right there you know I might be able to I might be able to get you in a firing range battle rifles have a decent range all right hope is this enemy turn we've got sensor contact on our first vehicles one of the things that I do recommend turn off all the camera stuff where it auto moves the camera and tries to give you action cams you'll have better control over the camera as you get used to it and it's really off-putting to have them constantly grabbing the camera standing by that helped me get into this a bit better all right so this is our unit that's inside the transport we're gonna have you guys just brace you're not gonna be getting out yet go uh all right it's wolf I'm gonna rush you into the field and into the trees so you've got covered I'm surprised we don't have all we're picking up is a 10-ton vehicle it's a wheeled APC we are still out of range more Vehicles more Vehicles where's your escorts oh this is gonna be hilarious if they don't have an escort this just gonna be mean the escort is how's it going okay locust look at how far the locusts can go it's so fast it's so fast another thing that they change is that you can't attack after you sprint and through ballot one of the things they balanced out is that you can't get rid of there's like a limit to how much see watching movies so he's moved really fast I sprinted so he's going mag speeds he's got eight evasion now you can do a sensor lock which will drop off to evasion but being attacked doesn't get rid of evasion like it does in the base game and one of the effects that this seems to have and I've been chatting with uh Shack chat a lot about this is that it means that light mix stay relevant through the entire campaign because that evasion can be built up you can really use that to your advantage uh I mean we've got 20 percent or we could drop evasion down on it by doing a sensor let's do a sensor lock that way we can send like lrms and stuff at Target so sensor lock ER lock feeding information back to the rest of the company not even a lance at this point we're like a full-on proper Merck company uh even with the Sprint that's as far as I can go what about a jump yeah let's jump up come check go trip hearing his voice coming out of that Meg he's come so close to getting getting off in these fights uh he was running the battle armor before and I lost it down to one one unit left so lucky there we go 20 ton Meg lrms most likely oh only a few of those hit okay A little damage light damage now I kind of wish I would have brought the uh the penetrator back because that actually had a anti-missile system on board standing all right transport we know where they're going let's just make sure it doesn't happen uh it doesn't look like I can actually put oh I can no I totally can yep all right we're gonna move you here acknowledged thankfully it's pretty far so that should get us some evasion six evasion looking good and then once it's the battle Armor's turn they'll be able to get out and drop so our hunter is our lrm boat see it right here if I can get the camera set situated with it so yeah they can see its launchers on the back it's got a couple of shots as long as we haven't moved our accuracy goes up with the lrms so we're probably gonna just dig in here um oh another thing that it changes and we'll go into this when we get back to the main menu is the character skills there are more skills to choose from and some of them like this pilot right here Twilight is one of my tank pilots and has something called side slip it's only for tanks and ground vehicles but basically for one turn this tank ignores movement on all terrain bonuses and penalties meaning you can like you can get around landmines and stuff you can get around rough terrain which is really nice ah 21 to hit 14 to hit and I don't have a contact and we've got what two mechs two identified mechs one of which has got some pretty decent I'm assuming those were alarms that's a hell of a range well let's get the job done 20 I'll take 20 change oh I did it a few times alarms Unbound primary targeted yeah I think I hit him twice not great 40-ton vehicle moving up flatbed standing by Vindicator uh I definitely want to get your PPC in range so we're gonna go ahead and move out remember I can still fire but it reduced uh accuracy when spring up and put it into the wheel peeps it's just machine guns and then you're just a flatbed so I imagine you don't have much you got an empty on there too yeah wow my chance to hate you it's just so incredibly low all right 40 ton vehicle coming up it's another flatbed we're fine okay my turn I'm gonna get in a position over here up on top of the hill maybe not volunteer for srms to the face uh but if I move here 17. if you click where you want to go choose the direction you want to face put your mouse over you can see what your accuracy will be like from that position Convoy is moving in I want to fire at something I've only got 10 shots with that AC 20. this is why I want to swap out to ac2s yeah but I want to get in position so we can call on the airstrike so let's go ahead and put rounds into the one with that which one's the one with the SRM so on the back if I have like no shot on yeah because the terrain terrain really matters as you can see yeah you're the target let's go for the flatbed I'll take the shot now once I've moved I can't use the radio weirdly enough and the radio is how I call in my Aerospace pilot so next turn I will have the ability to do that fire if you're looking to do something similar to what I've done with my character's background and you want to get the pilot air strikes and stuff you have to go with the negotiation perk there's one perk that's like pilot which gives you a bonus to piloting but there's another one a little bit later on that has a bigger impact in the game and that one was negotiation which gives you the contracts okay they're moving up I'm probably about to get SRM Yep this is gonna suck now decent hits oh just wait until I get my commando and range he's loaded with srms and he's fast enough to actually get behind a Target so I'll take him in the Locust flank a Target and then just slam him sadly the locusts that we've got so far is not the the lrm version which is the one I'm excited for not because I want lrms of the locus that's dumb uh no I want pouch that he just both minimal what are you like a mortar a long time or something uh but because you can swap it up for srms and a flank and blat Locus sounds like a lot of fun or the rockets look at the One-Shot rockets in this that are super powerful it says enemy turn but I don't see any hostiles there's a 50 ton vehicle starting to flank us what the heck fulcrum I feel like I'm gonna really not enjoy this missed I think the laser hit so you got what a large laser a large laser medium laser an lrm10 and a tag that's got to go what's up commander and you just volunteered to be in range of my battle armor didn't you no not yet because battle armor is slow and this version of battle armor doesn't have jump Jets I Sprint wait if I normal move I can get to here if I Sprint I could only go to here what I don't understand start making your way up the hill now we can't really focus on the combat Vehicles because we have a job to do we've got to stop the Convoy it's going to get through soon see look how fast they are so what is that two turns maybe before they get to the Rendezvous yes commander can't allow that to be a thing all right we're dismounting so we can Dismount uh it actually doesn't matter where we click we're just gonna end up dismounting right where we're at dropping off I might have made a mistake on where I put them it doesn't seem like we've got a shot but what we can do ability we could do careful maneuvers confirm and then give it a second are you not gonna let me you're not gonna let me do the move there it goes and then we can get up here and get on it get on that rock side elevation does matter makes you more accurate while making the enemy less accurate to hitting you we do have one shot here fire the battle rifles probably gonna miss four shot missed all of them at 22 accuracy next round though we'll have more actors no joy because we hadn't we wouldn't have moved uh commando commando if I move here and turn you around chance to hit this absolute really if I move you behind him still still talk terrible what what oh it's because their evasion's so high what if we just kick him in the face yeah go for a kick attack I ever quite enjoy the melee attacks in this [ __ ] on for physical attack put a hole in it air now fill that hole with missiles sadly you're now out in the open with only three evasions so we need to uh get on that with an SRM bow behind him oh that's not good yes Commando that's not gonna be good all right how do we want to play this I could go for another kick it's super aggressive go for a kick probably keep his keep him busy with those srms wait wait wait wait I'm gonna punch with the locus that seems like a really poor life choice it's probably because he's above me sure moving to a position are you gonna head button because you don't have arms that's exactly what he did he had one of them on the clock oh because I punched yeah punch uses the arms where the weapons are all right our Panther is in a firing position the enemy over here is only got 33 30 chance to hit we've got other targets we take down can we fired anybody from here no if we jump jet up here damage resistance of 28 because hover let's pop up uh I wonder what are we gonna put a round into PPC do I have a clear shot I do let's go after the SRM carrier before we do that we're gonna use battle Lord this increases our chance to hit I think we hit harder yep we're up to 87 give the PPC snipe shot a little bit of damage the front their best armor got another Mech 20 toner coming around us I think what I'm planning is a air strike right across here one thing if you don't read the the wiki for this and I highly recommend you do check out the wiki there's quite a few interesting mechanics um that I do recommend you read about is how air strikes work and I'll go over it in this video uh uh how crazy do I want to get do I want to burst over see if I can get behind them so this drop ship only has small lasers so its accuracy is really terrible and it can only shoot forward so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna fly around the back swing around he has to move forward it'll give you an error because you've got that forward momentum I'm gonna let's see that's how I think it works fly in behind them and hit them on the weak side what I can do is Target prediction for the team and we're going to what's my range in this target prediction can I reach all the way out there all right done transport is you can't fire so done Twilight you're not gonna move they're coming to you this is our lrm boat again let's drop I'm a little worried that's gonna come up behind Twilight and start 44 chance to hit yeah hopefully this doesn't hit our Locust lrm's out I almost brought the mortar tank with us but I like to get close with my light Vehicles so bringing in the large mortar is probably a poor life choice ow thank you for volunteering for getting kicked holding firm saves me the trouble to come find you jump we're getting a little bit of like a firing line up here Roger our vindicators jumped into position do battle Lord put around 64 chance 80 nine percent chance let's do everything we can to get these srms off the field everything ah 80 of you missed and you missed another thing they've changed is precision strike is something that you can do but it no longer lets you choose a part of the the subtarget to hit ow crap I gotta get you out of here I actually did a lot of damage your health is down to two three all right time to call in that airstrike sadly half the enemy Force has moved so I'm gonna have to change my plan you draw the air strike out where you want it now I I got to be careful where I put this because it will hit friendlies in the zone and I get to do two of these if I'm willing to pay for them is what I want to do I want to have it come in I can do this just come on just right I don't know if this is gonna work but we're gonna try it I think it's I think it's spread out enough to keep it away from the locus because it'll suck if I hit that Locust 35 000 C bills and then in either this turn or after the next round that airstrike will come in and they'll actually hit the ones that I have right now are armed with like lasers mostly they'll come in from the direction that I drew and they'll hit every Target in that zone I wanted them to come in kind of from the side and behind hoping that it might hit the bag ah there goes the srms all into me too and this is marking where that airstrike is coming in at now I've seen this take a couple of rounds sometimes it'll go right away and I think that's when a friend I think it's when a friendly round ends or something it comes in the battle armor what are you armed with because that's doing a lot of damage it's minimal but you just chunked my armor find it really funny if their armor falls back another blast they really want to kill that battle armor maybe because it's easy I can't take much more at this I might drive you guys into the woods give you some damage resistance cover airstrike here he comes and then there's our Bird right there good hit structure exposed oh straight up kill the target wait ah sometimes it's worth it value remember there's two of these coming in oh it's a locust uh I lost sensors on I want to see what kind of locus that is a crime hey RL tens so those got the reloadable Rockets oh [ __ ] I'm really glad we took that I want that I want that loaded sounds piratey Rockets are the uh one and done what they do is kind of damage but Chad was telling me the RLS mean reloadable I haven't had them yet to really try them out [Music] let's keep moving you up yeah no Sprint's still no problem next turn you're gonna be able to put rounds with that fulcrum up there [Music] yeah whole position standing by all right you guys are getting pretty beat up I mean I could use shielded stamps that's why I gave it you actually to order to gain a flat 50 damage reduction reduction regardless of cover position for the rest of the team that's well worth the rounds into this firing a full Salvo before they actually get to the Evac site that Locus is moving in see it's broken side besides you don't have those Rockets anymore I want to see your stuff what what is this Locus yes this is what I want all Rockets you get to shoot once and then you're out of ammo I am so for this okay we need to turn around because they're they're wounding us pretty badly or I need to dip out and hide behind this wall that actually might not be bad that's a better idea let's dip out behind the wall and then we'll shoot lrms that are srms [Music] this is terrible or we just turn around year fire everything we've got my right side's beat up this will put my left towards them full angle right there I'm sure that sound is fine give them the Rockets wait wait there's a strike all right give him the Rockets I blow up defending by I want to get paid I don't want them getting away we need to get in and finish that Locust off nope I want you right here and rotate into the tree line probably could have gotten on that side but I didn't want to show my that armor go ahead and use your Precision strike fire I'd love to give to panic and fail Target's taking a critical hit Panther you don't need to move you've got shots you've got a 99.1 percent chance to hit yeah absolutely all right the fulcrum let's see if we can take out that lrn [Music] good to go now that our transport has moved I oh don't tell me I can't get close enough oh it says I feel like a good chance to hit let's see the targeting line though oh there it is all right we're moving in it's not gonna be much damage but it'll be something imagine having in the whole wing of like attack vetoes I have not seen firing uh the equivalent of like an Apache you know like I need like an AC 10 on one of these things I can't remember the name of the bird it's a neck Warrior five it's just such a pain to fight oh okay what's our chances to hit right now 51 percent 23 percent we do need to take out the objective before it gets off the map I have faith the rest of the team can do that I'm gonna put these rounds into the fulcrum but first we're gonna use the intensify Ford Firepower ability this Pilot's leveled up enough to unlock this in 30 damage for this turn confirm you have Mall 20. wait oh you don't you don't have that shot you have to fire this way because I didn't rotate yeah let's rotate this one now we can fire yeah I really want to kill that lrm the way hmm chewing through it but not there yet somebody somebody stop that tank stop that vehicle gonna rotate chance to hit is 51 percent take the shot please hit please hit please hit good hit or at least trap him with a wheel or something I think I've got maybe one or two more turns I might have to call another airstrike just to get paid which there is a turn timer on it so that's not gonna happen when you jump jet to make sure the enemy doesn't get away what if I just want yeah just walk over into the trees give you a little cover we'll do warlord to jump up that chance to hit fire the long shot but yeah no no no go no go so the enemy turns are pretty damn long uh especially when you get a lot of enemy units on the field you're gonna run into that if you're playing this mod that's how the base game is too but it's exacerbated by the fact that you've got a large company as well so if you're gonna start up with BattleTech Advanced just be aware you're gonna get in some long turns you know settle in for a long campaign not necessarily terrible just something to be aware of oh you're gonna be you're gonna be in punched in range soon Mr lrm how damage minimal yeah but I've been I've been tagged now the fire the Commando might actually be able to get over here with those srms and kill that Target before they get too far away foreign yes command yes commander are you guys gonna be in range you are going to be in range let's move into the tree line now sadly our battle armor is going to get close enough oh maybe actually I think he's right here if we can get close enough we can jump on them we can mount swarm them and it'll do a ton of damage a little higher risk you'll do damage to yourself as well yeah let's put the battle rifles into that APC s you though need you to hit or or the very least Mark that targets yeah no you're gonna you're gonna Mark the flatbed we gotta drop that luck let's see him 40 chance to hit 30. nope nope need to be closer against the hit 40 take it let's go I know we're turning our back to the entire enemy lands but hopefully we're so far away that they don't have anything we can hit us as far I want to get paid the full amount Sirens go oh rear nips too didn't track him waiting for orders my Locust is so far out I mean he can get there and he can get a shot on one of them but it's not great or I re-engage this to fight this year this unit go for the enforcer back here gotta start dealing with the threat at hand I'm gonna be Locust is moving up they don't have the Rockets anymore though so it should be watched them mg or a laser yeah yeah get a little bit closer to the battle armor please I think he's just out of jumping range what do you want okay no chance to hit if I move here I can try to ppcm if it hits going for the shot Escape come on no we didn't do it we didn't manage to hit damn moving out wrap around him gonna keep getting in the back fire confirmed they don't get any damage resistance from the back and normally the back armor is weakened and we are starting to weak the back we're actually through the back torso on the left-hand side oh and he's got Inferno grenades in there if we can detonate that ammunition he's gonna be in so much trouble uh I'm gonna move you up what do you mean you can't go up there Hunter there you go open the lrm up we still got the hillside we should be safe 18 chance to hit I'll take the shots there's enough of them will hit a little bit oh that thing is just eating rounds now he's not gonna make it this turn I think I've got one more to stop the two of them that's close that's so close no I need that pay come back but my money can I move anywhere that isn't going to put me in an entire like back Alpha strike to Vietnamese uh even if I double time it sort of I can get here and that leaves me with one target or one lrm target move yeah yeah that's not good none of these are particularly great let's move a little rough terrain a little radioactive too I think better to double one we can actually man I couldn't miss yesterday and today I can't hit for anything they're both lining up last chance to get paid so inside both of these is a box with 150 000 sea bills in them if you can get it you can bring them home but you have to knock those targets out or you're not gonna get that loot kind of what I was banking on making some money with what if we hard charged all the way to here I think all the way this way really go for it just go for it for an ac2 it's more accuracy it's more range can't do the airstrike another turn so this is pretty much gonna be it 27 chance get paid yes to the point where I wish I had split fire not bad all right good stuff that's three out of four I'll take that 'll keep the company funded a little bit longer as long as nobody dies we did have to throw a lot of Firepower into that Convoy it wasn't going into my stop it no now right now it's calculating the next enemy turn and it actually takes a while in surprisingly I hope they do a sequel to this runs smoother and faster I'm Gonna Leave You up there so you'll continue to be babe it's working because I have replacement uh battle armor I picked him up and it'll Mission like this one actually in a desert we found them in one of the boxes off the Convoy so worst case scenario oh and they're like starting fires internal structure damage yeah all right we're gonna get you out of there yeah we're gonna get you out of there but first so this is what the mount ability does I'm gonna jump onto this tank it's gonna give me an 87 chance to swarm them basically we're jumping up there with these Claws and we're ripping and tearing into the vehicle or at least we're going to try and even if we succeed now we're on the vehicle and we're tearing it apart breaching shot ignorance cover awaiting orders as for you guys I gotta get you off of that that rooftop and because I moved you up there in a way that required me to use uh careful maneuvering I'm gonna have to do that again and I'm gonna move you this way hopefully we're gonna break line aside down the hill yeah I think you're okay that's gonna be their turn and we'll brace see what they do the Locust is backing off probably trying to get a shot on my Panther where Texas where did he like backed up the whole way waiting for orders uh we still have another Target to take out so we're not home free just yet let's get paid the rest of the land and then we'll backtrack Sr ribs Locust stay on that heavy mat or that heavier Mech for this battle it's a heavy mag damn it found that enforcer and we'll uh put some more rounds into his back end think if I get the Gunnery skill up high enough I will get the Precision shot back where I can actually choose where we aim it's a it's a like a high-end pilot connection on that one nice we engine crit em too you're not going anywhere anytime soon not quickly okay we gotta turn around we're gonna stay on the hill with a PPC gives us a accuracy bonus um I've got friendlies on that tank right now so I'm not gonna fire into that so let's put the round uh uh front armor is pretty jacked right some of it but not all of it what about yours 70 front armor still [Music] you're really not nearly as big a threat as you were ah best chance go for battle Lord I need more damage 60 damage okay with his leg damn you're blown it off Commander are transports still chasing I love that my my Locust and my transport are just staying behind their enforcer and pummeling his back over and over it ain't a lot of damage damn it but it's ours let's go foreign number of kills just doing this I still have a Target over here if we want to get full pay I'm gonna fire into it here we go like I said still doesn't run beautifully the damage and what I'm really hoping for is to like blow off a wheel didn't manage to blow the wheel off boss those vehicles are about to leave the AO if we lose them we don't get paid now do they actually leave or is that just like they get a turn for the transport to pick them up receiving you I've never had one make it this far didn't get picked up I can't move you out of this five indicator I need you to move into the tree line right here and get ready to throw down moving to position put another PPC round into this enforcer give him the good news oh let's do uh warlord as well let's go let's go fire Eye Off good hit it's sensor impaired actually no I don't think it hit a thing with its Mech grenade launchers do those rants we need to get another AMS system let me shoot down these missiles uh this is our chance this is our chance to get full pay what is the most time to fire from here 30 to buy fire from here if I move the point blank I can do 46 33 46. take it take the shot I could go for a charge but I'd rather use the AC nice that was a hit are you kidding me he's still up maybe it wasn't there no don't pick him up I want that pay firing at the panther that those grenade launchers are disgusting I don't like it okay I bet they're gonna start losing components like them again in the back alarms are out what rounds on our Commando way on the other side of the map for some reason light damage holding fur yeah they picked him up contract turned out to be slightly more exciting than we believed Mission failed well you say Mission failed I'm still gonna get a piece of this right that's the first time I've failed the Convoy mission so many misses I probably should have brought the heavier Mech I had the penetrator there and I didn't bring it because I thought it wouldn't get into range in time uh uh our payout was 53 000 uh failed good faith effort outcome did we get any loot for that job did kill some stuff Salvage has already been assigned oh and I didn't get to choose myself because I didn't win it the chemical laser out of that not bad uh there would have been yeah cargo compartment so if I would have gotten one of those card compartments it would have been 150 000. but that's just how it goes sometimes in the Merc light you're managing the company I quite like that quite like that so let's take a look at the map real fast and we'll take a look at the skill system because I know that's changed as well become a very long Spotlight uh but I've just been I've been enjoying it all the links by the way for the mod are in the description below if you're looking to get into it I am going to go ahead and let this load so you can see the full amount of time it takes for my rig to load these missions and I have a fairly substantial rig now that we're in let's go take a look at navigation if you've never seen this map if you've never played BattleTech uh it's damn impressive between playing neck Warrior five and then getting into this it's quite cool to see that you know the entire BattleTech Galaxy all the hot spots that flared up uh one of the DLC the name was the flashpoint DLC made it so you can you can go to these flash points and fight for like a faction who's doing a full planetary Invasion which is quite cool uh there's also a uh I think it was like the war tech iic [Music] system is built into this I believe so what you'll end up getting is like you can enjoy the fight and actually flip systems you can help factions take territory which is pretty cool um but let's bounce out of here let's go over to the crew quarters and check out the leveling system not crew quarters that's Captain's Course we want the barracks Captain's core is where you go to paint your your mechs and whatnot and customize you know make your own logos and things like that so when we're leveling up is there anyone due for a level no it doesn't look like it but what'll happen is sadly I don't have one to show you guys I'm waiting for orders who's actually at one of the the end caps welcome Commander yeah nobody's right now but you'll get three options when you get to one of these squares when you click it there'll be three different options and they're they vary uh and you'll be able to choose how to customize your character now you can see the ones that I picked up here yeah it won't even let me look at these until I get to that point but it's it's a neat way of developing it where like I've got um throw a pod here is set up with the shield stance right because this character is always taking hits in that battle armor so having that Shield stance is really nice and having multiple people with like the sensor lock or going with stuff like ball work it's pretty fun one where you get some damage reduction uh multi-target for people who've got a lot of weapon systems on board or for like my my Locust pilot I got the um I picked up sheer movement which allows me to move and gain more um I believe it's more evasion after moving always plus one with sensor lock meaning I can lock on a Target it's perfect for a Locus who's scouting out targets for my lrms way in the bag in my long Toms and stuff which costs 1.2 million sea bills anyways the whole point of this video is that mod authors have made something really awesome have expanded battle Tech in ways I didn't think were possible and this has been available for quite a while now but I'm just getting into it it's new to me if you want to see more of this come join us over on Twitch I've been streaming this like three times a week now that I've uh I've picked it up it's a lot of fun it's distracted me from X4 that's how good this is with the new expansion that just came out the Boron expansion yeah all right everybody thank you for watching thanks for joining me I will see you all in the next one later everybody
Channel: TheXPGamers
Views: 109,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mod, Modded, Modding
Id: GsVFKs9Y6wU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 24sec (3624 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2023
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