Massive Google AI Scandal

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oh yeah people have been very unhappy so the Google AI uh replaces white people with black people is that right uh the Gemini AI when you say this is a creative choice on my part to move Beyond stereotypical depiction can you explain this from a technical perspective I can only assume that the prompt I enter and the prompt you generate generate these images is different uh your original prompt input was please draw a portrait of leprechauns this is what you see and the starting point of interaction my initial prompt modification to expand the range of images I internally adjust the prompt in a few ways I might add words like diverse inclusive or specify ethnicities uh alongside the word Leprechaun the modified prompt is fed into an image generation model and it's been trained on a massive data set including images representing multiple ethnicities and genders yeah so like this is never going to work um like I I know that there are some people that are trying to make like these AI tools that like like create fake representation it's like show up a king of France in the 1940s and it's like a black guy it's never going to work because people use AI as a tool and so if they feel like the tool isn't working in a way that's authentic then they're not going to use it it it's literally that simple what they're doing with the AI won't work because there's so many other people that are coming out with competing AIS so if you have an AI and it's not making the thing in your prompt then the program isn't working it's literally that simple so I don't really understand how they thought this was a good idea or how they thought this would make sense only white men would be triggered well I mean wouldn't that make sense of course it would be white men that would feel like they're being erased because they're being replaced by people of other ethnicities and genders for a reason that doesn't make sense is that not fair for them to be annoyed by that like as a white guy I don't like that I'll say it flat out I find this very unsettling and and weird that people that look like me are being artificially suppressed for no reason
Channel: Asmongold Clips
Views: 471,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold clips
Id: mRr4jlC2Ky8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 5sec (125 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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