Join us to explore our CHATEAU COACH HOUSE (Trigger warning: there might be scares!) ep. 29

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i think this is probably my favorite outbuilding are they safe these stairs philip absolutely not i need light yes i need water oh yes heating heating yeah it's a luxury who could possibly live in here i don't know volunteers come to mind not my name is anna i'm an english former fashion and textile designer i moved to paris aged 23 to work for the french couture house baumann and stayed for the questions the wine and of course for phillip a filmmaker from the south terrorian alps after 10 amazing years getting married buying and renovating two homes and having two babies we decided city life was no longer for us philip had been dreaming of buying a chateau since the day we met and finally convinced me to start looking we came to visit chateau gonville saunfler despite being in quite poor condition and needing a complete renovation we immediately fell in love in may 2019 we got the keys to the chateau our new home with a tight budget we had no choice but to do most of the renovations by ourselves we're learning new skills as we go building muscles we never knew we had and getting creative to make the chateau as personal as possible whilst preserving its historic features it's all part of this crazy family adventure and we wouldn't change it for anything where are we going anna we're going to explore another of our outbuildings which one my future italia this is really this building here was formerly the coach house for the chateau so we can see where the coaches would have been stored in those two big doors and at the end of the building there is the stables where the horses would have been i think this is probably my favorite outbuilding because it comes with horses i just love the architecture of it with the brickwork and it's in pretty good condition isn't it the roof is really good um it's just a bit of the facade that's crumbling if you look at this wall here that's exactly how the chateau looked before we started renovating the facade and obviously they took sand and shells from the local beaches to create the render for this building which is not a good idea because the sea sand contains a lot of salt and that's why these water already crumbling it's not a good building material but it might have been the cheapest one the fact that it's crumbling away gives us the chance to see what was the base of it and you can see here they used flint but now i know instead of having horses we have cartoon boxes yeah in here there's a lot of mess in here i think we might need to take them to the recycling okay let's fill the trailer yep i might need your help phillip i can't i'm filming i just need you to push from behind yes i push from behind no not me okay right come on one-handed you can do it [Music] i can show you how you put all the cartons in the trailer i think we can put it on the tripod and do a time lapse and then you can help me i think it's nice if i film your handheld come on [Music] right now well bad news is the dashi tri is closed oh the tip yeah the tip is closed uh so we'll have to do it in tomorrow morning so now we have to hide this from the guests who are coming back because it's not very nice to look at and no we have a second trailer load of stuff there was so much stuff in there i think we underestimated it why are you taking that ladder what do you want to do with it i'm i might find some use for it as in i don't know yet we have like five more of these do we yeah i had a better experience with the other ones a woman wanted to kill me he said it's too dirty to show the floor but you agree with me filming you cleaning the floor i know that doesn't make any sense well you don't need to film me doing this you could help me and for once we can't blame anybody else than us for the mess in here yeah but the fact is that the last weeks were so crazy that we didn't have time to go to the tip and that's just a mess that accumulates within two or three weeks of renovating yeah i don't know what we're going to do when we turn this into my telly where are we going to put the mess you're a tenure yeah this is the porsche stables yeah yeah it's a bit smaller but well we've got another part over there where do we put the horses we built them a shelter out in the field all right you you missed a little bit here yeah whilst you're cleaning i continue walking and show people the stables so that was obviously space for at least four horses i'm just saying i have no idea how many horses would live here well there's actually only one stable which is quite strange because there's two doors for coaches so you would imagine there would be more horses than one horse they could be here no that's enough space for another horse it's enough space but i don't think it would have been a stable just because they don't have the half door like here i think we should leave we should be really quiet when we're in here why what did you see because one of the swifts just flew in and went into its nest oh can you see there's loads of nests in here there's like one two three four five i think there's just one inhabited also look at this the brick floor it looks really nice can't wait until we can start on this when can we start on this well that depends on you anna why how much you're willing to work to gather the funds necessary to restore this do you remember when we bought the chateau we had an idea for each of the outbuildings but then with time everything became more complicated because we realized that in order to renovate buildings like that you need to find a business idea that goes with it so you can finance it but i think italia for you could be a good idea should we go and have a look on the other side sure it's going to be a bit of a mess in here as well unfortunately there's a bin in here much better so the messes moved what happened that was another bed the swift again yeah look my collection of old and probably useless sinks i don't think they're useless i'm sure we can find a nice place to put them that's what we said when we started collecting them now we have four of them and we still haven't used one this one will be perfect for my atelier i need a nice big sink for cleaning my tools and my paint stuff yeah but it doesn't have an overflow that's okay yeah it means that if the tap starts leaking it will flood what exactly do you need in your italian i need light yes i need water oh yes um heating heating yeah that's a luxury okay heating yeah and then and then i just need to clear it out yeah if you want heating you need to redo the windows and the doors if you need water we have to install waste pipes and everything yeah it's going to be a massive job so that's going to be when when are we going to do this i think straight after finishing the two additional bedrooms in the springtime and the kitchen i think next spring anna okay yeah so i'm gonna have to do without a work space for a few months or anna a much easier solution yeah it's just to go next door because there's a room and it looks better and would be easier to do that okay however are you sure you need water yes why do you need water your designer for cleaning my brushes and yeah but this is these handmade things it's so 2010 and nowadays it's everything on a computer okay what did that will be you're a new italian you mean your tool shed yes you're going to sacrifice it for me i'm going to sacrifice my tool shed that must be love yeah i like actually this could work it would need less work to get to a habitable state i could put a little electric heater or maybe a little a wood stove yeah because we just need to change those windows could i have a fire like a wood a wood burner there's no chimney in there yeah but you could like have a flu going out here of the wall and create a chimney yeah i don't think it's that easy no it's kind of clean and the ceiling is okay yeah and it's nice and light philip you know what i think that this probably were two more stables here oh because i noticed that there are the half doors on both sides and there's a doorway here so i think they probably would have had stables here and on the other side there and this would have just been a little walkway through and this door here is connecting through to the stables behind i think it's a friendly space i think this is this is a good space to turn into an italian even a temporary one and you have a beautiful view on the front garden yeah it's true maybe once this room is finished you can have my office here i'll tell you no way no you've already stolen my atelier once you're not going to steal it again this is mine we're going to have a look at the next part where the coaches were stored sure [Music] this was the coach house so you can see by the size of the doors that these would have been massive coaches and now what do we do with it we store all of our shutters exactly so if you were wondering where are the shutters well there they are yeah we had to take them off to restore the facade of the chateau and then we put them in here for about two years literally i think there is about 100 because we have about 53 windows the reason why we are finally able to restore them and eventually put them back is the support from our patreon community and if you are interested to find out how to become a patron and what it even means to be our patron to see what benefits you're getting in exchange for your support then why don't you check out our patreon page the link is in the description of this video there's a lot of work to do here philip guys if you were wondering why i keep painting everything green it's because look i completely over ordered on paint and that is what i have left or it's the paint colors that we decided actually made a mistake [Music] phillips munching more cartoon boxes oh yeah here you can see the house is breaking apart in the middle oh there yeah it looks quite scary that crack no the problem with buildings like these is that they don't have strong foundations or they have literally no foundations so the walls they tend to move in this way or this way or this way what you can do you can bring some metal beams or some metal bars in between the walls that's what they did here and that stabilizes the walls it's called bracing i think that's what i meant bracing brace yourself guys all right the mystery part this is another storage room where we just put everything we don't need from the main building for later disposal but here we also have stairs and unlike all the other outbuildings this one has a second floor are they safe these stairs philip absolutely not i'm doing a fill-up i'm wearing my best outfit for exploring in here okay [Music] i love this staircase it's quite beautifully made for an outbuilding don't you think yeah it is but you have to be careful upstairs because the floor is not always safe it's a bit dusty in here [Music] there's a dog house another dog house we're definitely getting signs that we need to get a dog definitely one time there was an old gentleman who came and knocked on our door and introduced himself and it turned out that when he was 16 he used to live in this room when he was working on the chateau farm which is quite incredible to imagine i hope he was well paid i don't think so there's a nice piece of plastic because you what happened it's a nice view onto the vegetable garden and the rose arch the glass broke in a storm and i repaired it with an old tablecloth but it could be a nice room because it has nice features look at these exposed beams and exposed roof exposed roof exposed tiles exposed cables exposed plaster and he's already got a cloth rack who could possibly live in here anna i don't know volunteers come to mind not all it's just the right size for shuttle volunteers applications online please so philip just ran off and to get a piece of a piece of equipment so we see something yeah so this is danger zone there we cannot walk there because it's normal floorboards okay yeah you're really close to the dodgy boards sir what's over here phillip look yours no look over here this over here look you know what this is what is it i'm pretty sure this is a washing machine and when we open this inside there will be a rat there is a nest for some sort of nest for some sort of animal you know we had a comment on one of our last vlogs when we explored the medieval barn and there was one tool and one subscriber set was a washing machine and now i believe that every tool we find is a washing machine another washing machine oh yeah yeah that's where you put your laundry in you fill it with water and then you spin and look there's even a glass so you can see if it spins properly or if you need to add some softener says the expert who never washes any clothes don't i do wash clothes never here you take your laundry out and you put your socks on it and then you spin and that squeezes the water out of the socks not sure or maybe not i'm sure again one of our subscribers will be able to tell us what it is yeah oh and i love this door phillip it's beautiful so they would have obviously kept i don't know hay and straw and up here so to get it up here they had to use that door [Music] and you know what i know we need to get rid of this hay yeah it's not good to have hay to store hay for a long time all sorts of bees to nest here do you remember when we first arrived and we were making our little potage garden our vegetable garden and we thought that you could put hay on your strawberries instead of straw because i didn't know there was a difference in between hay and straw why would you know that if you don't live in the countryside it looks the same not really but you guys can you describe the difference between hey and straw without looking at wikipedia or google [Music] [Applause] you sure this is safe oh god it's just straw i know but i was thinking there might be some animal in it [Music] oh what are you doing i got really scared and you hid yourself this is just a bird i know what happened you hit yourself the bird just flew in through the door and i got really scared and i had the camera in my hand and then the hat the camera just like whacked me on my head it really hurts oh no it's like throbbing i'm not gonna have a like oh you have a you have a wand actually do i yes no way oh no look at me now everybody will think i'm a wife beater yeah thanks for the close-up i look for it there's a trunk i wonder what's inside [Music] what is that oh it's like a is it a typewriter no or some sort of what is it should i switch it on go for it one two three four five six seven eight nine interesting definitely some sort of printer or something yeah it's a nice blue one i like it yeah it'd be another nice restoration project and the milk can welcome back all right i wonder if this was another stable there's a half door again do you know what's in here now no what's in here a lot of rubbish again more stuff for the tip go in have a look i don't think you've ever been in here probably because it's really hard to get in oh it's a cobweb what's going on why are you so scared of animals today yeah i don't know really what dirty and it looks like some animal has made a nest again oh you know what it is phillip it's not a nest it's insulation nah it's the insulation from up there look the nest and it's animals who collect newspaper and make their nests but if you feel better we can say it's insulation and here that's an old pump system that used to pump the water from the well into this tank and then from this tank into the house but it doesn't work anymore an old pump a beautiful marble electrical switchboard and a ceiling which is not in very good condition so i shouldn't probably stand here so i think this would have been the fourth stable so they had four horses yeah which would make sense they had two coaches what have you spotted dinner the toilet oh the toilet what did you find a massive horseshoe much bigger than the like shetland one that you found in the outbuilding last time this is really big well they had some big workhorses here so they needed a big shoes the best is always for the end oh oh there was two toilets what luxury it reminds me of those toilets that you find when you're driving in france on the motorway well it wasn't the toilet for the masters it was a farmer's toilet do you think we should keep them as an original feature so that's the end of the tour of the coach house we still don't know what to do with this outbuilding but i'm sure you guys have got loads of ideas so why don't you leave us a comment below this video [Music] if you enjoyed this episode don't forget to subscribe and hit the like button for exclusive videos and behind the scenes updates have a look at our patreon page thank you so much for watching
Channel: How To Renovate A Chateau
Views: 277,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chateau, chateaulife, newlife, countrylife, diy, renovating, familylife, restoration, france, castle, doing it ourselves, chateau diaries, doing it our selves, living in france, chateau Bed & breakfast, boutique hotel, luxury hotel, house tour, chateau tour, french property, country life, barock, architecture, architectural digest, escape to the chateau, howtorenovateachateau, escape to the country side, renovation, french style, house and garden
Id: 3pLN0hK-uXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 47sec (1427 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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