Massive Alien and UFO Evidence Just Dropped...

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hello guys and gals me moonahara and are you guys excited about aliens look I am a believer ladies and gentlemen you might think that oh muda's off his meds again always talking about aliens can you disprove aliens in the comment section below I just want to ask you do you genuinely believe we're the only intelligent form of life I would argue about our intelligence but ladies and gentlemen aliens whether you believe it or not are they got to be out there intelligent life has to exist in the unobserved parts of our galaxy and The observed now it's wild that we haven't come across any aliens but then again the Galaxy is so big that it's like Sean Murray's no man's Sky okay it's gonna take a while before I guess people find each other all right God damn we're in a multiplayer Lobby that's the largest imaginable but ladies and gentlemen when I put the thinking headsets on and we're gonna get right into it okay so today's video is all about the recent UFO whistleblower so what's happened is an individual known as David Grouch an intelligence whistleblower has alleged the intelligence Community is hiding classified evidence of intact and partially intact craft of non-human origin God damn that's a pretty big claim if true so again we're looking into it gresh claims in a complaint in the Pentagon other nations and defense Contra contractors have recovered fragments of exotic origin based on vehicle morphologies and material science Testing and the possession of unique Atomic Arrangement and radiological signatures okay that's a pretty big claim if true what he's saying is obviously these planes exist and they're not something we made there's something entirely made by a group outside of us so he had an interview with the with news Nation so we're actually going to watch some of it because uh I think it's interesting to look into it's interesting to cover let's hear what he has to say human beings being hurt or killed by a non-human intelligence while I can't get into the specifics because that would reveal a certain U.S classified operations I was briefed by a few individuals on the program that there were malevolent events like that so basically he's just said aliens have killed some of our agents I'll be real with you United States government if they got one of their people killed we're entering an Intergalactic War okay it is what it is I don't care how pacifist you are the moment that Americans get involved in a into a war we're all there and you know what I'm siding with my people my earthlings my fellow brothers against Ayla miles all right I don't care how scary they are I will fight tooth and nail for the freedom of our human species of course he does he has to be careful about providing details the CIA if he ever leaks out something that the CIA or any of these three letter agencies don't want David is getting nuked off the planet okay he's getting Edward Snowden Edward Snowden is still alive but uh the moment his protection Runs Out you bet that the three letter agencies are on that dude's ass okay it's like a kid that goes missing in the park all right all the white Vans show up all right you got to be real careful this letter with us from the Department of Defense giving him permission to do the interview with news Nation it says the interview questions are approved for public release however this approval does not include any photograph picture exhibit so okay basically the Department of Defense has allowed him to basically make these statements so to understand what he's talking about is uaps which we'll get to in a bit but it says over here that again I don't believe this would be false to make this a falsified statement would be I would have to I'd have to imagine it would be illegal but so the DoD said the interview questions are approved for public release however the approval does not include any photographs picture exhibit caption so no evidence whatsoever also you making a statement we're not endorsing it or you know saying that it has any factual accuracy so they've allowed them to talk they're just not going to side with whatever he says now to give you an idea what uaps are according to NASA which is a federal agency they said uh the um UAP which is an unidentified provide anomalous phenomena or unidentified aerial phenomena so that's it's actually anomalous phenomena not aerial phenomena interesting so NASA is exploring the unknown in Space the atmosphere of the heart of who we are so again scientists who want to see what's outside our realm and they have an independent study that's going to be coming out around 2023 mid-2023 so right around the corner to be honest uh in fact probably like now which is kind of interesting seeing all these whistleblowers like line up but also over here you can see that UAP independent studies team main focus for them to come up with ways to evaluate and study uaps by using data technology and the tools of science will this be an academics no this will not be an academy study okay now to understand uh there's been more statements made by uh by by David so we're going to look through more of it this Air Force veteran has a bit more to say so let's uh let's cover this down uh the UAP task force was refuse access to a broad crash retrieval program when you say crash retrieval what do you mean these are retrieving non-human origin technical Vehicles you know call it spacecraft if you will non-human exotic origin vehicles that have either landed or crashed we have spacecraft from another species we do yeah that's a big statement is true God damn so basically he's not even saying that this could be like you know other countries is like until like no he's literally said these are unique patterns that human beings have not come up with so yes this is by definition an extraterrestrial spacecraft interesting that he said it and he's also basically detailed that there's a retrieval team that's done by the the the the uh the the the darker sides of the US like um uh DOD which apparently like uh deals with again grabbing these technology pieces for themselves and I guess using it to develop further technology in their list so obviously you've heard of Area 51 you've heard of like like spay like air bases and the thing is Area 51 which is like pretty much like a hotbed for conspiracies in reality if you wanted to truly apply like just like the reality to it uh Area 51 is typically a place where they design the most experimental U.S stealth aircraft which is still to this day like far Advanced on what I understand most other countries have obviously that's there's going to be a reason to have secrecy that you U.S does not want their stealth technology ever released if you try to release it they will kill you okay it is what it is they do not [ __ ] around when it comes to that nonsense um so do I believe there's necessarily aliens at Area 51 not so much as I believe that they just have like crazy aircraft that we've never seen before now you could argue that maybe they have a UFO hidden somewhere and the only reason they're able to have such a strong arm on the technology compared to the rest of the world is they have access to things nobody else does which I guess it's easy to think about the conspiracy there but again until proven so I can't sit there and 100 drink the cooling we're definitely not alone absolutely the data points empirically that we're not alone yeah do we have bodies do we have species both well naturally um when you recover something that's either landed or crashed um sometimes you encounter dead pilots and believe it or not as fan as Fantastical as that sounds it's true we got Ayla Mouse confirmed by a Former Intelligence Officers we literally have bodies of like Roger from American Dad sitting around this is wild okay so obviously I agree if there's a aircraft you know provided it's not a drone there's got to be a pilot so apparently he said that yeah we also not only have aircraft but we also have bodies as well now of course again big if true the problem with this is that there's literally no actual like evidence that we've been given at all uh about this you know in terms of any photo any report any like scan whatsoever because that's not allowed to be shared so again I take it a lot with a grain of salt I'm not sitting here trying to say that David is a liar because you know David probably believes what he wants to believe but obviously David also understands that without providing any sort of like factual proof uh that cannot be refuted um then people are going to take what he says with a grain of salt and I think he gets that and for me I believe in aliens I am a believer but again I'm also a realistic person them there are people skeptical of this rightly so but until I see something I can't believe it oh sorry air quality is really bad God damn we have like a we have like a it's actually so bad we're smoggy up the ass here uh Toronto is terrible New York is awful and it's all thanks to I believe Quebec that we have to suffer like this but uh yeah we have Wildfire season on the east coast God it's apparently it's like you smoke like eight cigarettes a day or something it's it's actually quite [ __ ] but uh anyways I'm gonna try to do this before I die so let's uh let's cover this now speaking of Canada uh Canada alongside the five eyes intelligence sharing Community which involves the UK Australia and New Zealand have all come together to talk about this so while the details of their meeting which they're just having is classified it can be characterized as a sharing of information on the subject of UAP so they're all depending on talking about these uaps now again whether it's talking about the secret intelligence aircraft that we have flying around or is it about aliens that's yet to be known look at some point when aliens come by the government can't hide them any longer okay we're gonna have to know at some point now even when it comes to the House of Representatives the US government had to acknowledge what uh David said David Grouch so literally we're sitting over here with them saying there will be oversight of that we plan on having a hearing so again when the government says that they're obviously going to cover it they're going to look into it it's not something that can easily just be ignored anymore now obviously when you look into the ideas of uh of aliens and whatnot one of the interesting paradoxes to me is the Fermi Paradox which is a conflict between the argument it that scale and probability seem to favor intelligent life being common in the universe and the total lack of evidence of intelligent life having been Arisen anywhere other than on Earth so the idea over here is uh according to the math there should be plenty of habitable like planets around the world and other galaxies and star systems but why is it that we've never been communicated by anybody or nobody has received our Communications now if you ever played Mass Effect you'll know that its plot is effectively the Fermi Paradox space-faring races are fighting synthetic organisms in a galactic War but for a lot of people a lot of the life forms that are landlocked they don't have technology to observe the world around them they don't know what's going on I oftentimes lay in bed wondering if the space United Nations is currently fighting with the goddamn Reapers and maybe I'm just sitting over here vibing uh you know scrolling through Twitter at night that's pretty much what my life is sometimes okay that's the existential crises that go through my brain but yeah it's one of those things that I think about constantly and do I believe aliens are out there absolutely I don't think we are alone and it's it's one thing that I hope that at some point in my life I do get I do get first Contact okay you know even if I have to be in an Intergalactic war and I'm gonna die five minutes into it at least I'll die knowing that I got to see other intelligent life beyond our planet that's one thing that I want to see okay God I'm not asking for much God anyone I'm asking for Ayla Mouse okay just let me say a [ __ ] Ayla Mao now alien conspiracies have been around for a long time obviously as you all know when I cover deep web pretty regularly uh there was a underground base known as a in Dulce New Mexico where it was like multiple stories alien Technologies alien Secrets corpses bunkers so on and so forth of course none of these things get proven but of course the conspiracies never stop you know even if you look at the History Channel one of their top is four stunning UFO encounters and a lot of people watch it four hundred thousand nineteen uh K views five months ago so people are all out there the proof is out there we need to just find it and again it's not just a History Channel due to NBC News 7 News Australia they're all covering UFO sightings and there's plenty of experts in this field experts I'd say that uh like to cover UFOs caught in the sky look people like to believe people want to believe and sometimes we think that what we're seeing around us is absolutely real now to be honest with you if aliens did attack us I don't know why they wouldn't just send alien CIA agencies down to planet Earth to retrieve their fallen spacecraft and burn bodies I mean we humans do that to other countries our CIA plane falls into Russia we send a Strike Team over there to get rid of any evidence kill anybody that saw it call it a day and vice versa so I cannot imagine aliens not doing the same thing unless these are like alien pizza delivery drivers that just crashed on their way to Earth and it's a very very rare coincidence look at the end of the day I'm a Believer I believe aliens are out there but until I see actual proof photographs videos irrefutable proof a goddamn body okay and so I'm holding alien [ __ ] in my hands all right then I'm I'm not gonna entirely believe this okay I want to believe it but I'm a man of science and cold hard facts okay and until I have a vial of alien come in my hands I ain't believing it 100 that's a goddamn fact and you can write that down now do I think David grush has a crackpot well then I would have to imagine the Mexican president president who posted a Mayan elf might be a crack pup too I don't believe any of these people are crackpots okay because at the end of the day they're experts in their field I don't know much about the Mexican president be an expert with elves but as far as David Grouch is going he definitely has the credentials and he's probably seen more in this field than any of us watching have okay at the end of the day we're armchair NASA scientists this person's actually in the Air Force and whatnot or used to be and when they're talking about this so candidly uh and so openly I want to see this investigation and at one point if there is actual proof I'd love to see it Declassified I really would even if the truth is scary and it shows that we're going to be in an Intergalactic War I just want to see a goddamn alien okay that's it that's all I'm asking but ladies and gentlemen let me know what you think in the comments section below this is the UFO massive evidence again there's not any evidence released just a bunch of statements and uh the statement while they're in while they're heavy while they're while they're while they're big while they're massive I need to see a goddamn photo attached with it that being said though no snipers anyways that being said if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe just like if you dislike it I am out
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 818,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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