Massage routine to soothe inflamed sinuses

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hi my name is Olivia Schneider I'm from Philly massages and today I'm going to show you a simple self-care routine that you can use to treat sinus inflammation okay so the first technique we're going to do is just simple circles among the scalp line so what you're going to do is take your fingers and spread them wide and gently lay your fingers and your thumb along your scalp and then you're going to slowly and gently make small circles then you can reposition your fingers and move them around a little you will find as you move around at some points are more tender than others so when you find those tender spots just make sure to pause there and spend a little bit of extra time in those areas okay so next you're going to take your fingers you're going to line your fingertips up together and place them on the center of your forehead and then you can slowly drag your fingertips down towards your ears now this technique can be repeated as many times as you like but it should be repeated at least two or three times okay so the first technique the circles on the skull were to treat the frontal sinuses and this is a second technique to also treat the frontal sinuses so what you're going to do is take your fingertips basically to the middle of your nose right on the brown line there and then you're gonna slowly circle all the way along very gently all the way down towards your ear okay so alternatively you can also do a gentle drag whichever feels best and you can repeat that two or three times okay so now you're going to bring your index or your middle finger back towards the bridge of your nose and you're going to find two little nodules on either side which actually is the connecting point of your nasal bone and your frontal bone now if you're feeling inflammation these points are going to be quite tender so just apply as much pressure as you're comfortable with so basically we're going to find those little nodules and push up towards the ceiling and we're going to hold that pressure for 10 to 15 seconds now this is starting targeting your ethmoid sinus okay so now I'm moving on to the sphenoid sinus we're gonna find that point again but this time we're gonna drag our fingers down either side of your nose and along is.i gametic arch or your cheek bone we're gonna keep dragging all the way to your ear okay okay so now we need to work on the maxillary sinus so what we're going to do is we want to cover a more surface area so we're gonna start on either side of your nose and you're going to use a flat finger all the way along the cheekbone back to your ear okay and once again that can be repeated two to three times okay so once you've finished off with the sinus massage we're just going to do some small stretching on the surrounding muscles so you want to find your temporalis muscle what you can do to find your muscle is clench your jaw and you'll actually feel that muscle pop so once you've located it you can start off with just some gentle circles in the area and then what you're going to do is you're actually going to drag your fingers away from your face towards the back of your head and actually to increase this stretch you can slowly open your mouth as you drag and that's actually a lengthening technique on the muscle from there you're gonna move your fingers down towards your jaw let's do some simple circles along your jaw there down below your ear and then you can finish off with some gentle pulling on the ear that will help release the temporalis muscle what thank you for watching you
Channel: PhilaMassages
Views: 12,004
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Sinus massage, sinus inflammation, soothe sinus pressure, face massage, phila massages
Id: Z09JmP0uGEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 11sec (311 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2017
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