Masquerade Family DIY LOL Family Custom Fun Craft With Barbie and Ken

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let's go Bing Bing Bing and stop that's what mr. Rago what's that sound I may be myself back oh no poor masquerade she definitely does meet her parents right now I wonder how she got into the target forest because the Miss doesn't let anyone get past give me a baguette well this calls for a very urgent family makeover so let's get masquerades parents to her fast [Music] all right back to the brighter side of the forest we go we are going to give masquerade her parents and we're gonna be doing that what these Barbie dolls yep we've got farmer Barbie to the rescue and we're gonna be using this me to move body why because I like this Barbie face and we've got our Ken doll of course he's not a mate to move doll and this time I don't have a mate to move buddy just which is that out with so we'll just work with this I've got this peachy colored doll hair from a website called dolly hair plus masquerades not only gonna get her parents Shay's gonna get her brother Bartholomew is her brother oh and she's gonna hit a little sister we've got little jitterbug filling in so Bartholomew is the name I gave him this is not actually Bartholomew his real name is of course his royal heinie so she's gonna have a full family just bang on Miss America Wow don't get close to my outfit we're gonna get baby drool all over it I think so first step up is to dunk farma Barbies head in some hot water to get the plastic to soften up a little bit and help us in removing of the head without breaking the net plug and what this will also help is soften up the glue a little bit that is holding her rooted hair that way once we remove her hair it'll be a little easier and yes we have to remove our hair as always I know you guys don't like when I remove the hairs but remember every single time we replace it with some beautiful new locks all righty then she should be ready I'm gonna gently pull and wiggle my way out of that neck plug no making it a little bit more sturdier I'm gonna give her a haircut get it down to as close as I can to her head and then we're gonna pluck all that hair out [Music] meanwhile I'm also going to remove the head of the me to move Barbie so it'll be ready for us when we need to put the other head on now taking some tweezers I'm gonna take out the rest of her hair this part is a very long process so hang tight alright we've got all of the hair off of her head now they are all in her neck and once we kind of squeeze her head you can see all the hair plugs falling out of her head ooh that was a big chunk okay so we've got all the hairs out now you don't have to get the hairs out but I didn't like to get them out and see how much of these hair plugs was in there I know and weird but look how much was in there and now I'm gonna get some paint on her scalp just to kind of cover this area right here and hide some of all spots once we've got her hair routed I'm gonna use this coral blush color mix it in with some white hey make it a nice pastel color of course I'm gonna add some water to kind of thin it out and let's see what we've got I'm gonna add just a wee bit more of the coral blush in there and we're good Oh t-then let's get that on her head [Music] now that her paint is all dry here's what we're gonna do with the hair masquerade actually has some really pretty purple bits in her hair but since I don't have that exact shade of purple with the hairs that I have at home I'm gonna do her whole entire head with this hair and I'm gonna see about shading it the purple color with some chalk pastel once we've got it on her head and what I want to do before I root her hair is get the hair wet that makes it a whole lot easier to reroute it it prevents it from getting tangled and just helps it and separating it better now taking my routing tool I'm gonna scoop it up in between the needle has a double head to it so it makes scooping up hair a lot easier I'm gonna find the first hole in her hub and give her her very first round of hair where she goes and the rest we're gonna do super speed [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay she is all rooted and I love this hair color on her it's so much prettier once you've got it all on her head I think it about time for a boil wash remember don't try this at home crafting is fun but we deal with some very hot and sharp things so I definitely do not want you guys hurting yourself hello she's gotten her boil wash her hair is so sleek and smooth in straight no it's time for a little bit of a haircut cuz her ends are looking janky so let's cut a bit of that off I'm going in at a bit of an angle because I want it to have a softer blend into her hair not the best scissors I'm using wherefrom scissors when you're late so let's try using these ones Oh much better so I think that's good for now it's still super long and if I need to cut it a little bit more once I get her head on her body then we'll do that later but for right now this is where I'm gonna leave it now it's time to get some fabric tack glue in her hair and secure all of the rooted new hair into place then we're gonna let that dry for two hours and then we're gonna move on to giving her a beautiful face up [Music] two hours have passed now it's time to get her head on her body that should be an easy six oh there she goes brand-new body brand-new hair knew you knew you so here is how long her hair is very long but we're not gonna be leaving it that way for too long we're gonna be curling it at the end and putting it up in a hair cell so I think that'll take away some of the length so I don't want to touch it just yet and snip off any more now before I do the face up I want to do the first part of her hairstyle just so we could have it dried and formed by the time we get down to her curls and of that first part is the front big old spirals on her head I'm gonna take a wee bit from this section now to test this out I'm gonna take a sharpie marker or any marker will do and I'm gonna see how big that spiral will be with this amount of hair if it's too big then we're gonna have to work with less of a section so it's gonna be this away I think that's good yeah that's a good size so I'm gonna keep it this way now is the real deal where we're gonna get the glue in her hair as you guys know dolls use a real glue in their hair to get their hairstyles to stick and stay the way that you guys see it out of the package including our hair vibes and hair goals dolls I'm just using regular old Elmer's clear glue and a good glob of glue I'm gonna get it all throughout the section that we're gonna be curling [Music] all right her hair is done more than a white car faced with a wet paper towel to clean off any glue and she's ready for some new face paint I'm gonna change some things here and there not her entire face using some pure acetone I'm going to remove her eyebrows [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ok so now it's time to test the theory if we can make that hair color turn to lavender I think the hair is pretty much dry by now it's been a couple hours please take off the clips I'm gonna try to gently pull out each of the markers so we can see that the glue is not dry on the inside I still oh I still want to take the markers out oh look at that so we're definitely gonna have to mix some of the colors I'm gonna go for a little bit of this white and a little bit of this perfect and that should give us a nice lavender color but we're gonna need a little bit of pink in it too [Music] [Applause] [Applause] or her outfit I'm gonna use this purple polkadot dress and we're gonna just add on to it and for her petticoat which is the outer skirts that masquerade wears I'm gonna take some worbla which is basically some moldable plastic and make her petticoat out of that this stuff is a little coolest it's hard right now but once you warm it up you can mold it into whatever shape you want before I pop it in the microwave I'm gonna go ahead and draw my straight lines because I'm gonna need a lot of those whew not pleased now I'm just gonna make a whole lot of lines [Music] okay now I'm gonna pop this in the microwave and be right back I popped it in the microwave and it's a lot softer than it was before you can see that I could bend it but Warfel is one of those things where it hardens up pretty fast so it's gonna have to be warmed up several times so I've got a soft enough for me to be able to cut these strips out easier now the warble is drying way too fast for me and I can't keep going back and forth to the microwave in time so I'm going to use my heat gun while I'm forming it to her a buddy and automatically makes it gummy so I'm gonna form just a wee bit around her waist I'm gonna snip off the remainder of it and continue with the design [Music] [Applause] [Music] next I'm gonna borrow some earrings from Princess Jasmine and I'm gonna paint these green for masquerades mom only one slight problem is she doesn't have holes in her ears so we're gonna have to make up remember do not try this at home this is meant for your entertainment purposes only and that's why you guys have me four to do all the cray-cray stuff for you so I'm gonna get my nail drill on we're just gonna have it on slow speed time for your piercing 1a or down one more to go okay I think we're good he's getting earrings in Oh No how can I slice through her head maybe that wasn't the best option to do it but here we go we've got her earrings in kind of sort of and there you go let's try the other side I'm just gonna paint those mint green [Music] for the sender part of her petticoat enclosure I'm gonna add this little bow kneel charm and for her shoes I found these awesome matching shoes from my ever after high doll set so we show slip those on and she will be ready for her big reveal but we've got to do her hair next putting my curling iron on its lowest setting let's give her those curls [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now it's the daddy hose turn yeah not all the attention goes to the mom dads are important too yeah he's right dads are important yeah so make me look suave and very fancy alrighty then ooh nice jacket man all right well I'll confiscate to that hey wait wait wait a second I like my jacket sorry so Prince Charming was nice enough to let us borrow his shirt I feel regal in this guards oh that's right I've got no guards yeah don't get too carried away with that shirt right so this is on the fancier side and it's a very nice fabric I feel bad that we had to take it from Prince Charming but I am going to paint over it with some fabric paint of course because acrylic paint is a no-no on fabric especially if you're gonna be moving the arms on the body around and if you want to switch out the outfit the acrylic paint is gonna basically crack on fabric and it won't be pretty it'll be a flaky mess so that's why we use fabric paint because it's on the more flexible side and it was made to be used on fabric I'm gonna switch these out with some pants so eight they fit perfectly what kind of short on the bottoms but that's okay O'Neil I'm gonna borrow these boots inside here I spy some boots okay they fit him so for his top I'm thinking about doing some pimples I've got some pearly purple 3d paint probably shouldn't be using 3d paint but it's what I got in the pearly color but I've also got some of the softer fabric paint that I can mix together and get to that purple shade and maybe we could use this kind of as a sheen so let's try this first I really don't want to mess up the gold parts but let's try it out ooh that is a pretty purple but we do need it a little bit lighter because once this dries it's gonna be darker than that so I'm gonna make some of my white in there [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now it's time to give masquerade a brother using his royal heinie or how I like to call him Marth all of you yeah to play and make me look like a potato [Music] and finally it's the little sisters turn we're gonna make little masquerade and she's gonna be pretty easy [Music] and finally I'm gonna seal all the paint in with some matte varnish [Music] that's great sweetie you had mommy so worried how many times have I told you not to venture out into the enchanted forest my family but I'm so happy you're here well let's go back let's dad they're going to the enchanted forest because oh [Music] [Music] all right everybody meet the masquerade family they are the newest addition to our lol families let's take a look at what we did for each of the family members so for masquerades mommy we rooted her a brand new hair in that beautiful peachy color gave her a masquerade ish hairstyle with some glue and some Sharpie pens yeah believe it or not let's twirl her around so you guys can see the back of her head we didn't have the purple colored hair for her mom so we went ahead and colored it basically gave her some purple highlights with some chalk pastel and curled it with our curling iron she's got beautiful bouncy curls just like a masquerade and on to her face I painted her some beautiful purple edges gave her some brand-new eyebrows and she's also got masquerades eye color plus minty green eyes gave her masquerades heart some peachy lipstick borrowed some earrings from Princess Jasmine and gave her this beautiful one-piece dress plus we made her a petticoat out of worbla and accented the enclosure with a bow nail charm for her shoes I found the perfect match from one of my ever after high places it came with a pair of shoes we've got our Ken doll and Ken has got a new hair color we gave him a masquerade hair color some of the purple highlights he's got minty green eyes like masquerade I didn't do anything with eyebrows I actually think darker eyebrows go very nicely with some cool colored hair so we left his eyebrows the way they were and we actually gave our dad some stubble he's got a little bit of a tiny beard going on he borrowed Prince Charming's shirt and we customized that into a very pretty iridescent lavender color and changed with the gold accents too minty green accents traded his shorts for some pants and painted those into a coral color and here go his boots he's got some pearly green boots he's a looking pretty royal if you ask me for masquerades brother of course we used his royal heinie his hair is a perfect curly match to hers gave him some lavender highlights and coral colored hair minty green eyes purple eyebrows didn't do anything with his face mole or his lips left them the way they were changed his coat into a pretty lavender color and gave him a mint green vest to go with the rest of it and everything else is pretty much his royal honey from his shorts to his shoes yeah I did it came back up and for a little masquerade we've got little jitterbug gave her some coral colored hair and of course purple highlights she's got those going along to the back of her hair like masquerade and her Widow face we've got a black heart purple eyebrows and neat green eyes in her diaper is metallic green mama dad saved the day yet again in masquerade has got her entire family I had so much fun making the masquerade family with you guys let me know who you guys want to see next in the comment section and until next time I will see you later bye for now [Music]
Channel: Cupcake Squad
Views: 2,442,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cupcake kids club, lol diy family, lol surprise diy families, barbie ken diy lol surprise family, lol surprise, lol hairvibes, lol dolls, lol #hairvibes, lol big sister show
Id: Nb2lsgQJqww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 6sec (2226 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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