LOL Surprise OMG Pranksta Big Sister! OMG DIY Makeover Big Sister OMG Fashion Doll

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[Music] cotton candy come get your cotton candy this is bowling when are we gonna do something fun we're gonna do something fun but we have to first make some sales little pranksta bluff bluff tell me about it pupster i've been calling about sweet cotton candy all day so tired you know what would help move our sails a little faster our big sister trickster where is she by the way twixtor yeah who dat is that sugary cotton candy getting to your heads trickster oh where art thou tricksta oh this is gonna be a lame day i think the prankster family has been looking for trixta as long as you guys have let's rewind back to january when i decided we were gonna make her and ended up waiting like five months so sorry this is what we're going for but you guys know some twists and turns always happen along the way if you haven't printed her out yet and colored her in you can definitely do that just go ahead and go to the link in the description to the cupcake squad website print her on out and color her whichever way you want and also if you want you can share her on instagram with me at cupcake squad club yeah look at the date that was when we were supposed to make her all right so who's filling in for omg pranksta why it's a major lady of course very first step is cutting off all of her orange luscious locks so hold on to your seats cause here we go if you are new to the makeover sphere you know what we do we take some hot water walk her head right on in leave her there for like three minutes to get the plastic warm and then plop her head off always remember caution when crafting that should be enough let's get her on out all right so this should be super easy to take off because it's nice there you go nice and soft and now let's cut off all this hair okay now we're gonna pluck all of her hairs out from inside of her hair so we have a nice smooth surface to plug in some new hair wait no not this time we're gonna try to do yarn wefts for her so we still need a smooth surface so here we go yay this part's always my favorite the hairs just come out so easily and my hand definitely does not cramp up next step up we're going to take a nail buffer and buff her head to give it a nice grit for the paint to cling on to that way it's just an extra step to prevent the paint from flaking off yeah and now we're ready to get some paint on here there you go oh my god it's like forky's derpier cousin oh you're making fun of me anyways let's just ignore the the face there why is the painters palette bertha's got some competition on me anyways let's get some painting okay and let's add a little bit of water so it's a little bit thinner and now let's get it on her head so we're going to section off each of the paints for the section of hair and the front is going to be some uh purple and then there's going to be green right here and the pink right here [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so we're going with hair wefts are we for that i'm gonna take a flower panel off my wall and we're gonna create those yarn wefts for the pink i have this really pretty pink yarn for the minty green i've got this and for the purple i've got this so let's get started so using the lid from my color pencil box i'm going to take some of the pink yarn and apparently it has to be acrylic yarn for this thing to work then what i do is i wrap it around several times [Music] until you've got something that looks a little bit like this i'm just going to give it a sniper route right here on the end so now once i've got this long pieces of yarn i am going to make sure that the ends are even oh gosh maybe i should have taken less strands okay let's do it like that let's split it up sharing means caring then i'm going to loop this into my flower panel make a knot pull one of these and do that all along here so i can create enough of the pink wefts and move on to the next colors [Music] all right so here we are with all of our yarn wefts now let's get these on here [Music] now i just don't really care what you feel what you feel what you feel [Music] [Music] need no apologies cause i just don't really care what you think now you know what time it is it's time for bertha so how exactly are we going to turn this into something real beats me i'm throwing in the towel oh okay i'm just kidding we have to think professionally how do you create a dress like this and make it fit this thing right here time to come up with the plan so i have some options here i've got some existing patterns from old omg doll makeovers here is an omg circle pattern and some little tops i think the one in the green is probably what i'm gonna go for maybe tweak the shape just so we a little bit kind of make it into a sweetheart neckline and then we'll go from i say there even speaking my compass is off why did i choose you i'm just too lost i need to cut loose i keep it in my head i keep it locked away my friends think that this is over guess it's the price i paid played with the enemy now i got you on my shoulders let go and let me love let me let go and let me love let me let go and let me love let me let go and let me love again let go and let me love let me let go let me love let me let go let me love again let me love again [Music] this was a phase that i was a mistake let me let go and let me love let me let go and let me love again let go love let me let go let me love let me let go let me love again let me laugh again [Music] [Music] let's go [Music] let me look again [Music] let's go [Music] let me love again [Music] now that i'm looking back i can see all [Music] just like lit up [Music] [Music] of gold [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] me [Music] i rise from the ashes with pins and [Music] your patches my doubts are gone [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] me [Music] i rise from the ocean [Music] passion [Music] i want to be there and baby dance the night away i let my head down if i want [Music] don't you just get tired chasing fame and being pretty all the time doesn't sound like fun so much better [Music] you can do better [Music] let yourself be free and maybe you will find that and now all that's left are her earrings i'm gonna make the square parts out of epoxy and then we've got some cute little pom-poms for the rest of it [Music] you can do better [Music] [Music] the slowest service come on let's take our business to the next ice cream truck no oh no where's trickster trickster's not coming today what who said that trixx is not coming today i'm just kidding here i am calm your horses down all right give me your orders one by one i've got this thing handled no sweat hey we finally finished omg prank stuff it's about time right let's take a closer look at what we did for her she has her very own ginormous bow made out of worbla so she's got a whole head of luscious new locks let's turn her around so she can model the back for you guys it's the perfect texture that i was looking for omg pranksta nice crimped and big she's also got a pretty cute face up some pom pom earrings and some edgy little epoxy squares her very own versatile choker very pretty princess puff sleeves and an ultra cute baby doll dress with the prettiest colors she's got polka dot gloves purple nails a really cute candy purse lots of pretty black bows and two different colored socks plus we don't want to forget her two different colored shoes fix yourself yes i love you yeah me too i've been waiting for you forever i hope you guys enjoyed this makeover for omg pranksta i know i did i will see you all later bye for now [Music] you
Channel: Cupcake Squad
Views: 470,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: omg diy, lol omg doll diy, lol surprise, lol dolls, lol surprise dolls, diy omg doll, cupcake squad, omg dolls, omg doll diy, omg diy doll, lol family, omg doll, lol omg dolls, omg doll makeover, cupcake squad lol omg makeover, ooak doll customization, omg diy cupcake, omg diy cupcake squad, omg diy makeover, omg diy videos, omg diy mermaid, diy omg doll clothes, diy omg doll makeover, diy omg doll accessories
Id: xKnk8M3DFNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Thu May 12 2022
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