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such things that literally looks like I'm watching dragons [Music] foreign questions [Music] [Music] I'll fix it nah he's all wrong foreign yo yo wow oh my God that was a flag I didn't even catch that you notice that the tattoo be safe whatever it's something about this thing is weird he says he literally told you I'll Venture into the city [Laughter] my own place they're just [ __ ] lazy basically oh what about these cream puffs cream pops Limited [ __ ] yeah you bent the coins That's How Strong he is that he bended the coins oh my gosh is that strong he is play money bro yeah oh he doesn't have a mark you're actually a what that's what he said it's nowhere on his face Malfoy I think it's gonna be Harry Potter so bad they got the [ __ ] video they just took all the magic magic shows and combined them one billion minutes right back with everyone yeah [Laughter] that's what people are reacting like that because he's the reason why your dad told you foreign yes [Music] [Music] [Music] out on you yeah [ __ ] I got more in the bag oh you aiming for him yeah you're the first person off your body is that the same guy ever this is very cooked yeah [Music] for real oh boy dang the bird magical bird hey move over Harry Potter Here Comes Marshalls but I mean explain to me why thank you he's gonna make me curious don't tell me no it's because he's very sorry [Music] you know so punishment is his morning routine thanks Dad walk through all right let me let him out oh no no no somebody okay I'm guessing people are probably born with these marks because [Music] that raid was yeah for the right reasons though dude it's a [ __ ] race foreign guys [Laughter] Hercules that's the title of the episodes America [Music] pull out oh my gosh what what that's what he said flapping in the wind right now [Music] so people who can't use magic basically if they're just wiped out that's [Music] kill people with no magic that's kind of an insane thing where's the mom that's the real question [ __ ] [Music] damn bro basic freaking positions [Music] [Music] that's him when he was younger that's right [Music] so I'm guessing since his magic was weak he had a kid that couldn't use magic oof nothing like his dad seen this before no Julius yeah [Music] [Music] hey hey that ain't it just like me wow [Music] [Music] [ __ ] up damn okay I'm not having fun anymore bro all it is not an explosion magic okay Mash let's see what you got huh [Music] there's levels to this one okay me too send you guys to Hell please [Music] yes a whole lot of talking going on yeah bro they're doing way too much hype all right what is happening just tank it no way [Music] [Music] he's not that guy sure oh yeah that ain't gonna happen guys [Music] [Music] oh wait oh yeah you're gonna kill him bro oh yeah it broke his arms yo I'm [ __ ] light-headed bro oh my God it's very safe I'm just dead he said I didn't know he's gonna want him [ __ ] [Music] pictures yeah this man's just finding a financial opportunity in this hey man why don't you go to my school yeah I can just kill you right now [Music] oh yeah yesterday yeah I wonder how he will get that tattoo or that Mark that's gonna be complicated though because yeah they must be it must be mostly on this episode
Channel: ANIME reaction 2
Views: 151,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 15 2023
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