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hello and welcome in my name is drummer alony I'm a streamer on Twitch musician and music teacher living in Seattle I've had so many requests for this piece of music like more than any ever in the history of the Channel anywhere you can write me to like suggest or request it happens every day multiple times a day for like the last two weeks I don't know I'm late I apologize I'm late to the party so is the hype real though this is like pretty intense I'm watching so many animes on patreon it's a really good time right now having a lot of fun this is not one of them but should it be I don't know you tell me okay with all that being said I'm excited let's go [Music] [Music] the part [Music] though [Music] all right this is okay man this is an opening to an anime it really feels like a meme song that's funny okay we're going to talk about the lyrics in just a second which obviously if you're a friend here you know we don't really focus I'm not talking about what's being said it's just what the lyrics sound like man because it's it's kind of funny cu the effects on it are pretty awesome but the flow is good so far uh but the the main focus the atinado the repeated Rhythm quarter note quarter note dotted 8 to 16th eighth note rest and eighth note one two three uh and one two three uh that is so predominant it's like the main character of this so far but then you get hold on let's just listen to the lyrics [Music] again there's like so much chaos going on there what is Magic and mashley magic and muscles even about that this is the [Music] music I didn't even notice the like the like the the chess voice underneath that the first time I was like kind of hyperfocused on the bassum the first time and then the other elements that are going on the second time oh they're just playing quarter notes that's so we get our house beat from the the the chest like just emphasize okay that that's the house puls is there that's cool but I do like this little marimba lick that comes in they play it once and then they play it again like an octave down it's groovy [Music] man okay that's cool man it's lyrical and stuff and then you got you got your [ __ ] bed squeaks come on man but but it works right like I can see why okay I'm starting to understand I'm starting to understand back couple [Music] seconds that's [Music] [Music] groovy okay the and the flow right there there's no argument with that like MiMi as it sounds uh the Rhythm the the delivery of everything that's being said here again I'm not reading lyrics I'm just listen I'm experiencing the sounds and the way it's traveling uh that's pretty cool that's we're only like 40 seconds in that's pretty dope let's go back I don't know like 8 [Music] Seconds [Music] [Music] he [Music] oh I like that a little ER okay I get it I get it the chorus is like it's so ridiculous it's great the chorus is it's like super cute but like okay yeah yeah you know I need it again I I don't even know I was just going to captivated I don't even know where it started let's go back to one that's genius man and we have some harmonies on there you still got the squeak going on you got the Asado the marimbas are still playing talk about like an equation that just repeats and repeats and repeats but sets itself sets itself up for Success uh I can understand yeah I can understand why this is getting the airplay that it's getting all right let's get it one more time [Music] there but yeah man it's almost like it's almost borderline bluesy look there that's cool the articulations meaning the way they're saying those lyrics is super tight dude I like it it's it's all processed to hell but it's it's real it's real [Music] caty [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah man okay dude the flow in that verse it's legit really good though like honestly it really is it's it's so repetitive in the background it just doesn't matter though like it's a hit like the way it's written everything is so tonal you're just camping boom boom like to you're just 51 man it's everything is there you you really you really can't go wrong when when you make something like this and everything is so accessible that's when view counts go way up because it's fun man it's fun like who couldn't sing this you could the popularity of this I bet you could play this anywhere people will know what's going on like you should be I don't know i' if I was still teaching High School band fulltime we we'd play this in the stands man cuz I know all the kids would know it like it makes complete sense to me all right back a couple seconds let's see where we go on this the the articulations on that man that's that's actually really nice that's that's gorgeous one more time [Music] bu bu [Music] it's cool CU boom boom boom your Baseline is just like camping out there doing that God that's yeah they did a really good job man and we end with the yeah that's great blow the candle up that's cool um uh was not reading at all I'm like looking at the screen I'm not reading I'm just looking I have no clue what that song is about someone uh give me like without ruining mashley magic and muscles give me like just like hey this is what this anime is all about that's very interesting okay there it is uh not what I was expecting at all but like also better than what I was expecting I don't know like that was a lot of fun there was so many requests for it so I'm not surprised that it was that catchy like at all so there it is my name is drum Tony make sure to catch me on live on Twitch link for all the socials down in the video description below if you're looking watch some anime with me check it out the link for the patreon is down there as well thank you so much for being here I appreciate you YouTube thinks you want to watch this video next have a great day take it easy bye-bye
Channel: DrumRollTony Reacts
Views: 1,215,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: creepy nuts bling bang bang born reaction, bling bang bang born creepy nuts, bling bang bang born reaction, creepy nuts reaction, reaction, mashle op 2 reaction, mashle op 2, react to mashle op 2, anime op reaction, drum roll tony creepy nuts, drum roll tony bling bang bang born, drumrolltony reacts anime, anime opening reaction, mashle season 2 op, op mashle 2, mashle op 2 full reaction, mashle, creepy nuts, anime music analysis
Id: Fm0WAT85Ckg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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