Masha and the Bear 🌲⚑ THE FOREST MYSTERY πŸ•΅ Best episodes collection 🎬 Cartoons for kids

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me [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] exciting friday [Music] children sleep and dreams [Music] wow what a gorgeous beauty hmm [Music] aren't we pretty all around [Music] hey children [Music] this is sort of not too comfy [Music] but it's okay it's no problem at all now we will make you real soft where did my pillow go [Music] hey [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] hmm [Music] huh [Music] [Music] [Music] three three [Music] hey what are you wild animals why are you scaring my pillow [Music] you should help bring it back to my bed at my house you stay right here don't run away i'll brush my teeth and then be right back [Music] and go to bed [Music] um [Music] huh oh [Music] so [Music] so [Music] don't turn each i haven't finished reading it [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] uh hmm [Music] yeah i wish we had a case to one puzzle [Music] oh this is a very hard case to unpuzzle let me see [Music] i say let's start detectivating our case [Music] elementary [Music] now you see watson there's the motive and here is this thing what's it called anywho everything's elementary [Music] [Music] well it's time now to confess to the crime [Applause] [Music] you see my dearest watson it is indeed elementary pause you're coming with us you're our main suspect bunny [Music] [Music] this is elementary pyramid up and then we climb up the tree [Music] and this one is not at all elementary [Music] freeze up be afraid [Music] yes my dearest watson it is a very puzzling case [Music] [Applause] i told you didn't i this is elementary [Music] so [Music] so [Music] oh hi there oh wow [Music] oh i'm so very good looking oops [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] ah the cake wait now [Music] [Laughter] [Music] it's mine ah this is so cool well my darlings let's give you a checkup any complaints now open your mouth let's see let's check teeth check little tongue oops [Music] it's just a nervous breakdown [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh wow i'm number one from one one [Music] [Music] did you call the ambulance well let's respond to the call [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] take your medicine oh [Music] [Music] wow [Music] for medicine please come again medicine for you [Music] just one more shot and you'll be well [Music] stop running [Music] patient come back here [Music] bear we're bringing you your treatment and we are going to treat you hey where are you going what about your medicine oh great all my patients run away and you should treat yourself with honey [Music] [Music] masha's spooky stories oh you have a clue for everything you say like scary monsters monstrous nightmares ah we are so scared scared and nobody has ever seen them in real life but one boy has met one let me tell you how it was once upon a time there was a place left by everybody a tractor's plant the deal is that the boy has lost the scoop from his toy tractor and he believed that he could find a spare one at this plant and once after the nap time when none of the adults could see him he left for that place the boy climbed over the fence and he saw a dull building standing in front of him [Music] broken poles were sticking around everywhere and all windows were broken the lights were turned off and just one tiny window at the broken tower had a mere light on the boy has climbed at this tower and there in the room at the table in front of the mirror was the ugliest monster sitting relaxed he was all covered up with fur he looked at himself and put on lipstick with a painting ruler there is only one word about it horror he made a hiccup because he got scared and it made such a loud sound in the silence that the monster shivered and dropped the roller into his jaws the boy due to fear rolled down the stairs and fell and he could not understand how he had appeared at some damp underground he looked around oh my holy mommy they sat one in front of the other on some boxes two monsters and next to them some unshaved mr dress and coverall there is a wooden reel for spooling the cable and they're using it to pound very loud and all of a sudden the monster the one covered with scales and with a pike head and snake tail has hit the reel and roid thick fish and the second monster at the table with a trunk thrown behind the shoulder started to get it was so disgustingly that it made the boy's flesh crawl like cockroaches running all over his back so the monsters have caught the mister and feet in his forehead the boy being beside himself with fear got out of the underground and found himself in a workshop it was quite around and getting dark but there was something far away leaking drop by drop somewhere and then all of a sudden in the center of the workshop a throne is standing covered with skulls and crossbones a king is sitting on it he was in a shell himself holding a laser sword in his clutches [Music] he noticed a boy and his anger made his green ugly face kind of false all of a sudden the lights turned on and somebody's thin tiny voice scream stop stop stop why has some strange kid appeared in front of our camera marijuana i'm asking you there's no way i can shoot in such conditions take a break somewhere from the top of the camera platform when the camera got down the king on the throne has thrown his laser sword into the corner a break again 150 takes so far it turns out that a real movie was being made the boy had gotten a clue right after the unshaved mister brought him outside the fence and all of the monsters were actors they were not real and we're only pretending everything why should i a silly head be afraid of them so my dear all monsters from the books and movies all of them are not real just a fiction a figment of a fancy mind and if you want to see a real monster then look at a fly under the magnifying glass [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] [Music] what you want some tasty snacks then you will have to train and learn some tricks sit sit sit sit sit sit sit means you sit down like this sit [Music] well finally [Music] and now speak speak speak speak [Music] i tell you [Music] look here it's easy [Music] hmm [Music] this is perfect you have to be generous for the training to work [Music] let's go ahead with the training [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] this last one you will get when you do all of your tricks right in front of our beard [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] uh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey look everyone here's the magic of training up you go [Music] you think i did it all i didn't do it i didn't you guys don't believe me they didn't believe me [Music] just look at them they look like me pretend to be me then no one believes the real me by the way who are you which black hole of the universe did you hear from [Music] [Music] something weird just happened it would take time to explain and they have no time at all [Music] [Applause] [Music] so good to know that we're not alone in the universe [Music] um [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] so my dear lovely darlings now we will be watching some cartoons and not just watching we will also be learning and we'll be enlighting ourselves do you think that cartoons are just for laughs and some light entertainment no that's not it some cartoons carry a message like a what's it called a messenger others don't carry and don't care about anything some cartoons teach the difference between good and bad others have only silly gags and giggles no lessons and now we'll start watching it always rains on my educational demonstration we'll take a field trip to bears i'll have to use any means to explain the big difference between good and bad [Music] right [Music] huh [Music] hmm [Music] ready [Music] uh [Music] flash [Music] hmm [Music] hey [Music] huh [Music] so [Music] me [Music] now we can watch cartoons on beerus tv [Music] and this one does not care about what it carries i have no words for this one [Music] oh what is this yeah you can't learn anything good from this one [Music] i'm gonna tell you now a very scary and spooky tale listen this little girl was very afraid of animals of all kinds not all the time only when she was looking at them [Music] once upon a time when the night was dark and cold abruptly the sun came out and the girl decided to go for a walk suddenly she saw in front of her the biggest and fiercest animal of all a mouse the girl got frightened and started to scream loudly but of course it had zero effect on the fierce beast the mouse what could you do nothing at all only to climb up the tree the mouse under the tree opened its tiny mouth with its huge teeth and started laughing viciously it is a rare thing to see a mouse laugh when people are scared they might see them and start laughing and seeing this is really terrifying but then it got even scarier suddenly out of nowhere scary animal number two appeared a predatory kitty cat so then if that predatory kitty cat can't eat up the fierce bees the mouse to eat up a little girl would be a piece of cake for sure the fierce beast the mouth started squeaking in horror so it climbed up the tree the girl climbed away from the mouse and the cat under the tree looked up at them laughing in a deep voice then a terrible thing happened the most scariest monster came up to them a dog of a vicious breed a lap dog the cat climbed away from the dog the mouse climbed away from the cat and the girl climbed away from the mall lab dog life so frantically that everyone got goosebumps but the dog didn't laugh for too long because the lion showed up actually the dogs do not know how to climb up trees but when a lion shows up they learned real fast the dog climbed away from the lion the cat climbed away from the dog the mouse climbed away from the cat and the girl climbed away frightened then the lion started laughing and horsing around the lion is the king of the jungle but there are bigger animals they're stronger and they're even scarier the elephant came and the elephant started laughing and when laughter comes out of an elephant's trunk that's it you will get chills up your spine it's really so much scarier the lion climbed up away from the elephant then up went the dog then the cat then the mouse and the girl went up to the treetop the girl climbed up thinking why is the whole zoo following me just when she thought she would never see the end of her troubles she saw the end of the tree and the girl would have fallen all the way down from the treetop if that day the animal rights activists did not launch balloons celebrating animal rights day the girls got lucky and caught one of the balloons but the mouth did not it couldn't grab a balloon and fell down on the elephant but it turned out that elephants even though they are the big animals they fear other animals too turns out that big elephants are afraid of small mice just like little girls and the circle of lights started to go around and around and the animals forgot all about the girl but she wasn't even there they were busy running in circles scared of each other the girl looked at all the animals and thought to herself why did i even run away from them that's when the girl's father came home her father really loved animals so he put the whole animal kingdom back in order [Music] that's what i'm telling you you have to love animals and protect them don't be afraid of them and when you try if you're still afraid of them ask those who come to rescue you like your father because climbing up your father is more interesting and safer than climbing up trees [Music] [Applause] [Music] huh [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] it's exactly what i need this will be a clean sweep [Music] so are you scared yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so good [Music] now what should we fly to bears house now [Music] [Music] can we fly a little lower [Music] enough already i'm telling you stop good this is much better now let's just fly at a normal broom speed [Music] oh i'm excellent at flying [Music] to the bear house we go [Music] um [Music] huh [Music] hmm [Music] i want [Music] oops [Music] [Music] [Music] bear do you mean that everyone who flies a broomstick will turn into an ugly witch so i will have a huge nose like that oh i think i had enough of flying i said i had enough of flying bear but it doesn't want you let me go bear please get me off of the sticky broomstick before my little nose grows big and ugly [Music] [Music] i think it flew away that's it i'm not flying anymore [Music] so so so where could all of the cartoons be hiding hmm let's start an investigation ah one two three four five six let's look for cartoons to pick i will press this microphone masha and the bear let's go that's how easy it is and now you try
Channel: Masha and The Bear
Views: 13,779,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: THE FOREST MYSTERY, Cartoon, Masha And The Bear, Masha, Bear, Masha and Bear, new episodes, animation, kids cartoons, маша и мСдвСдь, english episodes, masha and the bear english episodes, masha and the bear in English, mawa kawa, cartoons for kids, cartoons 2021, cartoons for children, youtube kids, episode collection, collections of episodes, Cartoons for kids, Masha's Spooky Stories, A Ghost Story, The Puzzling Case, Prances with Wolves, Like Cat And Mouse
Id: f1q5N5iORCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 18sec (3018 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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