Mas Tacos en Tijuana

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on this day of pure pleasure was tacos South Seattle's some of the locals call it let meet the because it's on here meet the street now think gourmet tacos if you can wrap your head around that concept there's cool ingredients unusual salsas and some novel preparations okay you guys love this place right okay why why do you love it what should we order you gotta tell us about koseki oh nine new sci-fi first is my second time I like that book you have to explain what is it I would say for example streams or true but works the cheese the cheese is like a cheetah on squeeze be like they put onions it on the griddle and then when it gets crispy they fold it like a taco you I like this that's beautiful that's really beautiful and very different than anything we've seen today that's a mouthful okay I'm not dragging I can do all of this you're right it's like warming time and we're the good ones really good it's not just fancy to be fancy it's really tasty yeah so so good it's so good here I should have ordered that one this is good but who would have thought smoked salmon tacos wrapped in crispy cheese with mushrooms after you get your hip tacos there's an interesting collection of salsas to spoon on flavors like tamarind chili pequin and almond a little more to the key a little bit more I know the last one I'm going to do a little almond sauce that's what my helmet yeah okay here it is Southern Oregon do something good music go taco I won't be the doctor right my favorite tacos in all of Mexico are ones from masa Theo's in Tijuana and you know what they have this amazing salsa that they serve women it's really easy to make but it's it's remarkably delicious as an avocado salsa that has a little bit of peanut I think ground into at least that's the way that we're going to insertion of it here so we're gonna start with that salsa and let me see I need to cut open a lime for you to squeeze into the blender there put some cilantro in with the lime juice to put in a couple of Serrano chilies and our secret ingredient here peanuts Serrano's and now avocado two sides apart avocado into the blender need to in salt you want to put that on the blender and blend it to a smooth puree let's taste it thank you very much hmm you'd never think that that combination of peanuts and avocado would be so utterly delicious like a match made in heaven but in this salsa to me they really really are okay so the famous masa tenyo tacos are chili shrimp tacos and the first thing I'm going to do to make them or my version of them is to chop up some shrimp and I'm gonna toast the arbol chilies and I'm going to chop up some garlic to add some flavor to it and I'm gonna gather all the herbs spices and grate the cheese that goes on top of each one now to make the filling for these shrimp tacos you need to start with some butter that you are going to melt into the same pan that we toasted the chiles in and now I'm going to scoop up all the chopped garlic and add that to the pan with the melted butter now that that's done we're going to add a little bit of pepper to this I'm gonna get some oregano to crumble in there and chicken broth we're going to need two-thirds of a cup to this you got your chilies to get in there as well now we're going to turn the temperature to about medium-high because this is going to need to simmer briskly for about not seven or eight minutes until it reduces to just a couple of tablespoons of broth when you hear it sizzle like that you know that most of the broth has reduced with the shrimp in it stir it will only take about three minutes or so for the shrimp to cook over that movie I'm high yeah this is one taco but before I get it to my mouth my mouth starts watering so much cuz I love this taco when you're talking about steak tacos so the first question that everybody wants to have answered is what's the perfect cut to use for your steak tacos well of course skirt steak comes to mind but it's certainly not the only cut that you can use in fact I've got six different cuts in front of me all of which would make really good steak tacos well let's start with the skirt steak since that's so popular what a lot of people don't know is that there are two skirt steaks on each side of the carcass one that they call the inner skirt steak which is thicker and a little tougher and then one that they call the outer skirt steak that's thinner and tenderer flank steak another very popular choice for making steak tacos we've got two over here tri-tip and sirloin tip both that come from the sirloin section of the animal and then we've got two lesser known cuts we've got the flat iron and the top blade both of which come from the chuck now when it comes to marinades in Mexico they tend to stay fairly simple and fairly light and not longtime marinade so I'm going to make one that's going to combine some limes with a little bit of werster sure and Mexican oregano little salt and pepper very simple to make the mayonnaise start by juicing two lines then peel and chop four roasted garlic cloves add black pepper salt and Mexican oregano the last ingredient that's going to go in here is worst asure sauce on Baja California where carne asada tacos reign supreme a lot of the cooks use soy sauce so you could feel free to follow their lead I think it has such a distinctive flavor that I like to replace with worst asure sauce or what almost every Mexican kitchen has which is Google muggy I'm going to choose the skirt steaks to marinate the flank steak and then I think I'll use the top blade and the flat iron as well I think our light marinade drizzle that over the top make sure that they're coated nicely both sides and let them sit for about 20 or 30 minutes that's all this is going to need this isn't a marinade for tenderizing this is a marinade for flavoring my guess is that a lot of you cook on gas grills but you're a little frustrated because you'd like to get some of that flavor of wood grilling into your food so what do you do well my recommendation is well you could buy these wood chunks like that or maybe even collect falling branches in the yard and then break them into smaller pieces that you could lay directly over your gas flame this particular grill has a drawer that's right above those gas burners and I could just throw these little branch pieces and some of the large chunks in there right away those will ignite and they'll start to smell like a wood fire another alternative which might appeal to some of you is to buy the little wood chips and put them into a little smoker box these things are very inexpensive and then just lay that directly over the gas flames it'll ignite just right away and I think that will give you what you're looking for I can smell the fire starting to catch right now so I think I'm just about ready to grill Oh you know what makes these so good is that charred grilled flavor that you get in the exterior of the jalapeno so you cut the stem of each one off and then just scrape out the seed pod and the seeds you don't have to be too meticulous this is a pretty rustic dish and then cut the jalapeno into about quarter inch pieces this then they're ready to dress with lime and salt welcome everybody it's called are you - I grew it this one goes to you we have all the reminds of condiments to go on it really the coolest thing about going to a tuckity is that everybody you can kind of customize and no matter how simple the food is you can always put on salsas and well of course you can always squeeze on limes and the onions in cilantro or an ever-present part of building good tacos I think in Mexico yeah what's fun about sharing it with a lot of people everybody gets their own special bite
Channel: monteam
Views: 89,756
Rating: 4.8733811 out of 5
Keywords: Mas, Tacos, en, Tijuana
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 08 2012
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