Mary Rain - Stoney Nakota Elder Interview

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well I told you I was born with snow me my parents were both lonely and I was born and right from the beginning as a child can speak I learned the stormy words and I just mentioned about my granny she taught me all the culture we how how long time ago we were given to pray for self to do our cultural way to keep the case for women to be happy with our families and all that and to have to find the easy work and support the family all the ask for help that from God so I don't know that I might have been reached up for my mom and dad but he really taught me a lot I used to have my dad to work outside work and my sisters she was three behind me shows the all moms way up work inside the house to do washing and showing and stuff like that did you learn how to do those things they even make can TP tents she shows all those things and my dad taught me how to drive a tractor how do harness a team of horses how to pick a always since my dad taught me and I help my and that's how come I he taught me I learned from him I've learned a lot from like that I was even in the swash machine they were short on schema thing so I had to I had to jump in there and that told me come on my girl you're gonna drive you've been driving team get in there I did help the modern trust machine and I'll never see that again I always you know them days we all kind of do the surviving how we can help and you see that big feel back over there I was picking roots up there all ladies ten ladies were the ones that did the picking roots burned up that time male male cousin Walter was a chief we all managed to to learn from my parents some days them days was so nice that nobody was on top nobody was shalt not call until they open up alcohol to come into the reserve before that Oh everybody had to struggle and it wasn't that much money coming in towards the family either them day even though even the pension it wasn't that much money coming it and that the time it was good everybody had to do working you see all these little fields the more time with you that I just show you the pictures those are the ones to the mill to she feels and mean my dad made the one sir Burt Johnson is living my brother jiancheng both sides decided to ruled in the other side of the world being dad done that he knocked some over he approved some override one horse I have to get it out of there throwing them through there and so we can burn it down we can cut it up forward after and we clear that whole fuel but by in itself mean my dad don't see that's how much I I did work for the man man way of life and cutting Pol Pot loading up to a truck you know I haven't told you that my oldest son was your cousin dad one you used to babysit for me and make me cool cutting wood to all loading up to make money and bring food on the table here to help and climate Johnson a brother Johnson told me my sister get your license you got enough of doing those things get your license we're going out training in Fort McMurray so he told me that he didn't give me much of a chance either and I start practicing about the class to license could be a bus driver so I did my my written test was a hundred percent I was so happy so proud of myself and I was so in a way how come how come did I get it too easy a son and then broke-ass rotella he wanted me to do it right away to a middle point him to Drayton Valley to make me grow for 16 past sixty four passenger bus and I was cutting off streets and that's where I feel the first one and the second time my brother Johnson drives a little smaller bus so I drop that in my path so happy mom no more lipstick war no more doing other things man's job now you're gonna be a driver and that's where I step for me for years and so a sabbatical driver can remember how long I was a medical driver that was my job my young days there wasn't people I always say people can trigger it with themself you got a sink whatever they want to be they have to make up their mind and do it let that ugly stucco whatever they doing today they young people see they're not once they get into that for over maybe five years maybe they got nothing to sing about so while they're not that far people you should get a chance help them out you know they want people to go out working as I mentioned to you that the neater lies the tickets at to get a job so that's what they need all the young people there's a lot of them didn't need a job then when I think about myself I sing about the kids how come they don't have the feeling that they have to do it they have to do it you a person might just give you a bunch of money here and do things like that for no that's not gonna work that's the know what they have to do it on their own diverse in culture what they have to do it for the future she's an even bigger markets they're all you're just making kitchen say no talk they make me worry about it because this thing's not gonna be continuing money given from the government it's gonna be a stop sir they're just testing that native people see how they're gonna use this money see we have been given so much money for our roads they're all gone woke up leaders former leaders did you see how the road is gonna be worse it's gonna be worse cuz I was just telling him we have to get ourself you have to get ourselves a truck to drive drive around with you the neutral g98 the mud but you it happened already at the beginning I had to pick for me 403 to get it Vicky the roads help the poor people we I and so but I'm telling you the Stoney language is our language and God has given us the language every one of us every David people they were given different kind different different nationalities Cree Thome and people up north they talk different even in Korea but he should have taught their kids when they were small cuz I still got much lonely language today I was taught but not small and not and my granny taught me how to pray when I was about seven year old pray for the food and stuff like that and I'm still doing it today I do it for people when they come ask me come we meet your help I do it because mom and dad told me not to ever refuse that never refuse it if you're not sick to it that's what they used to tell me so to severe or Kojima that's that means four ways to pray for yourself mahogany tabby our home the teacher be to teach like to teach a cognitive Bobby yeah just like to pray for yourself to me so much mom always tells us when you pray ask the Lord to give you power to love one another to respect one another well as I mentioned that my granny she was born 18 something and he left us in 1950 it is really cool George was just born the other ones weren't Doris Jerry's Virginia was born at that time my grandma passed away so mom always she said to us and tell me no the way mom used to pray for us the world for you guys to you know what I just told you God will forgive you if you ask him if you ask him to pray for you pray for everybody and to forgive you for what what you have mind is thinking up you know different ways of thinking about other people that's not fair he used to tell us so we try I tried my best you see her iris of all my kids as I mentioned that had to work hard to raise up my kitchen I stayed with that I stayed with that prayer when I was a bus driver catch used to get scare me Mary's trim around the rotor so bad you got you got rice to turn around and I used to tell them no kids half face will make it to school and we always two people will be just running around spitting in the ditch and all that no they did he hold himself tighten the hope I guess to help me out so that's the time I was driving to anything drove my son diction to John Paul high school is enjoying all drunk fault high school didn't know him and the bunch the guy was just me no no not even rush to time to I used to take them to that and the other ones were in different school so as I mentioned it was pretty hard to days because we had my that's achieve I just told you and he was kind of trigger and that I couldn't make I can't just come home to my kids I have to steam Edmonton all day long till the kids below and I come home and that was saving some things I guess saving gas for whatever saving gas and although I left my kids all day long but it's just like I was going to school - hmm sometimes when I don't have no money I've got myself a job right there in been careful I used to clean up there my time is up to come home and that's where I get my beer and they were kind enough to put me on the job I help them in the kitchen and that's how I I survived them days come on see whatcha Gabby that means you're asking what she gave me what kinda you're asking God for what you wouldn't say to him what she baby means you you're asking God for help oh whatever but I was able to walk about four years ago has to walk around MD I was with school schoolkids but we were coming young great one three to those they already taught different where it's hard to teach them just to go there and teach them some of them didn't listen to you do this one so maybe it start teaching the little older ones maybe don't render because my son Dixon boy one of them he was taught from Jared my brother Gerry how to play we always depend on him when we have a feast around Easter or whatever special day he always placed for us and he's a good Tony the way he pronounced he plays real good dick since little would he have that age if they teach them but the smaller ones say just wasting her time on the tiny ones so it's gotta be little older ones to understand teach son long time ago as I remember a woman never touch you from that special fall for the people that praise and hold her pipes and everything never used to hold a drum today she a lot of people I see them on TV on the street drumming away he long time ago it was special for the people because God has given them to pray for themselves then he gives her some damage although stuff he taught he help them to to lead their people into that way to pray for themselves and he said the person that taught them and gives some function you heard people he meaning in funerals he's someone that gives them the chance you
Channel: Paul First Nation History
Views: 821
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Paul First Nation, Paul Band, Stoney-Nakota, Nakota-iithga, Alberta Canada, Parkland County, Treaty 6
Id: SdsY6a_ZHIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Wed May 16 2018
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