Mary K Baxter Divine Revelations of Heaven and Hell Pt 4

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now as Miss Baxter comes tonight one of the things that praise God yeah I forgot to get the mic praise God thank you one of the things that Miss Baxter asked me to tell you about was that she wants all our young people that's 18 and down tonight um she's at books on she wants all of them if you don't have it have a book on the revelation of Hell amen and she also has I believe a few on heaven left and so she's gonna give if you're 18 and below and you want one of those books then you can get them at the end of the service tonight as long as the supplies last amen and I good she wants to so that she wants to show that haven't we been blessed Church amen love you love you amen thank God thank you good afternoon you can be seated in it great how many have been happy when you go home wow we heard about a lot of miracles pastor they come up and was telling me there raise your hand if you got bless those miracles last night raise your look at that look around you oh my raise I'm high you got a call the church you know let them know Pam you guys get ready to answer the phones see the emails you really do need to log it down and write it who was a girl came up said she's not dizzy anymore just easier better stand up baby you got healed tell him tell him oh my gosh yeah okay okay was tonight amen I want two more of people that that were healed last night that want to testify okay come on up Alan praise God amen so everybody can hear that commute again okay hey Ben here here we go okay what happened I in September I suddenly lost my vision and I've had some other neurologic symptoms and last night I will have to say I'm not 100% at this time though I have received my healing I have for the first time in six months I have not had numbness and tingling in my hands at all today I usually list to the left hence the cane I have not fallen or lean to the left at all today my joints and my fingers are better and my vision is much better today praise Jah amen great praise the Lord that's it amen praise God I mean over ten lepers as they went they were healed praise God hallelujah come on give God a shout of brain thank you lord thank you lord all right want another one who else but amen praise God brother cliff okay we're take to sis come on both of you come and we'll take that amen they'll be short right to the poor and powerful this is good amen I've had a knee problem for years and haven't been able to walk without limping I haven't been able to run last night after I left from up here she blessed my heart and prayed on my heart but also when I was walking up the aisle I felt a muscle come up in my leg and this morning when I woke up I feel this tightness around my knee like something's holding it together and it hasn't hurt today praise God thank you sis we would open a bee in Brooklyn I came up with two problems last night I had a terrible heartache over some things that have happened to me recently and after she prayed for me I trade in a heartache for a heart of compassion so hey that's good that's really good then I had a in my neck I had a pinched nerve in my neck Friday on last Friday I went to the doctor he took four x-rays and he said in a severe pinched nerve probably have to go to a hospital and have some work done on it you know so after last night it completely left for the first time in about a week and a half I've got a real good night's sleep praise yoga this morning healed completely thank you brother ABN praise God I first want to give honor to Almighty God tonight and I want to give honor to Pastor Chris his wife and all the staff here that's been so good to me and sister Debbie we've got a beautiful suite an adjoining room the church is paying for him we're having a lot of fun and we've been given the maid some books and CDs and stuff yeah one of them we want to come to church that I don't know if she did but we really won't thank you for my heart you've been treating us so wonderful so wonderful and my pastors Tony Brazelton he's on the internet the YouTube Victory Christian Center in Maryland and he we have a church of 5,000 he does and he has a four or five other churches and he's got elders and boards and they're under their leaders cliff low dollar and what I want to tell you is this that my mentor burl rice many years ago we met him 25 years ago preaching it I was going on my mentor to preach in Washington DC not too far from here and he came in with his wife and had one baby I think the little girl she was just only hold her arms and had his Bible and he thought he was coming to Bible study remember this 25 years ago and my mentor went right over to him she said thus saith the Lord said you are going to be an eagle and have eagle's under your arms and under this Eagle spread you have many churches you will have Learjets and you will do go preach all over the world you and your wife now you're the are just young married couple with a baby he fell out in the floor with his Bible under his arm and slept the whole times he preached and we were so excited we kept in touch with him and everything and truly ever words she says to him has come to pass every word you know and I look back as I traveled with her and learn from my mentor from she was from a a Alan's time and I'm telling you guys that when you're with people like that they're just down-to-earth people they love you they love what you feel what you think it doesn't great in your heart and today my pastor and he'll fly me in like once a year and it's like he treats me like pastor Chris does I want to compliment you know you treat me that's just how he treats me and yeah we're at a church where we have armed security sometime you know in those areas and what it is God is blessing those churches that love Jesus Christ and a prophet said not long ago I think it's Klemke meant it needs real prophet he said that there were God was going to seek in the country's little churches and big churches he was going to find churches that loved him loved people and he was going to establish them and they will bring living water to the people that's what I was spoken excuse me that great revivals will break out in the earth from the countries so you guys are in the country right and get ready for you're going to have a great move of God great move of God and and I want to speak to you tonight a little more on Hale because I didn't get to share about a lot of the things and we were talking today and then the whole ghost it spoke to me to correct myself to you guys in the office today and what I want to talk with you in a minute my gifts are given to me by God in the book of Corinthians the gifts of the Spirit amen you guys all know about the gifts not really huh well they're given by the Holy Ghost and the pastor's the elders the leaders will lay hands on your I had Jesus Christ lay his hands on me plus the elders too and mentors and schambach many people pray for me so what I'm going to tell you what he gives me by revelation I'm telling you blows my mind and the other day I was sharing about you mean having one less rip than a woman but I stand corrected I was in air because I've doctor friends not only you know that email pastor here but I have other doctor friends I've never asked that too so I want you to know you men have the same amount of ribs as we do come come I just want to correct myself I stand corrected and not only that we were talking and I said you know that's true out that was like four years I heard that you know growing up and everything and the Lord said to me up I'm not in perfect I gave it at him another rib and we were laughing he's talking to me right a while ago in the office and we were laughing how perfect is God so tonight I want you to know he's perfect but he's holy sweetheart he's real and if you do fall or make a mistake be quick okay to get corrected we are children in a world that is so math and so full of sin so full of meanness so full of abuse and God wants us to be different he wants our light to shine amongst everywhere we go right children and and today Debbie got a call from a nurse in a clinic in Arizona about our treatments and we asked her about the lady that had the machine on her last night we asked the nurse about her are you here today honey that yeah we saw your she's here well tonight we got to make sure pastor Don and Debbie pastor Debbie we lay hands on you again because the nurse told us how to pray for you she said you have a heart disease that's what it's inherited right yeah and then Jesus broke all those curses in his name okay so but she said that she was telling us all about you just what you told us up here but more and she said it's very serious very very serious and the lady knows it and that uh that that machine is to keep her heart going and that today I really wanted us to pray for her again tonight for that disease to dry up because it you know how many heart surgeries you had honey how many somebody speak up for heart search so that's enough it's over enough right right and God good so we're going to pray for you again tonight I mean she was so sincere that nurse and so kind and we ended up prophesied to her on the phone yeah yeah I'm Debbie's going to take her some of my books but what we want to know God loves you I don't want to leave here feeling that I didn't do everything God want me to do because I know my God is real I know he's there we don't want to see it sometimes when we're little stinkers and we have been stinkers you know that Oh for real we have I think that's why he said some of us are stinking his nostrils right right guys because we got to admit it we're full of the devil sometimes but God is using people like me and Bill ways to clean us up so you cleaned me up again today so you got to say okay God show me my faults show me my sins and let me clean my mess up sometimes you got to go to people repent to them so tonight we're going to talk about holiness talk about angels we're going to talk about the depths of being holy and we want to talk to you about if you backslide don't think you're going to help how many know what I'm talking about what does the word suck now I know that your Jesus is married to the backslider so he wants to pull you back and bring you closer to him and correct you and love on you and just fix you up right guys and he shows he's real by the healing miracles he said signs and wonders will follow them in my name and God showed all of us elders a pastor we brought laying hands on him he wasn't just one person so you never take the glory for what God has done so right now let's thank him while he's done children Wow feel the love oh wow well thank you me any in your own way for just a minute here please Lord Jesus we just cannot comprehend what you've done in this beautiful church I see father God how you love this church I see the humility the humbleness of the servants of God here I see the hunger in the congregation God light their fires brighter Lord God dropped more power of the Holy Ghost on us tonight let us be awakened aware of the the realities of Hell that we don't want one person on our worst enemy to go to hell Lord Jesus let us be so untuned to you Lord God that will listen to you Lamb of God hallelujah in the name of Jesus Christ hallelujah amen so we're going to talk a minute I'm going up about Hell to you and we're going to go over to the Book of Luke chapter 16 real quick and I want to I want to up ground something in your spirit writing something in your spirit we've had a lot of fun okay and God is talking to me you know as a mother and a grandmother and a traveling evangelist that you know as time goes on from the cradle to the grave God wants a people to praise him God wants a people darling to love him God wants a people that will not stand back if your neighbors and beat and you don't do a thing about it you got to help that neighbor and God wants of people to understand his holiness and that's what we're going to talk about here for just about five minutes we want to live in an atmosphere where if we're in danger or our family that we could immediately call on God in the name of Jesus and He will send help from the sanctuary and I will tell you a vision I've seen about that many times y'all tell you about it because you got to understand your position but if you're full of Satan and beating and cursing and drinking it cousin listen and doing wicked things you call on God sometimes he does hear you I got to say that he saves many many people in those positions but when you're really real with God you have a blessed assurance in your soul he's going to intervene and help you an intervention of the Holy Ghost power I mean it would take days to tell you how God has helped us kept airplanes from crashing blowing up with with us riding on those planes and cars how we've even had our car in LA come up in the air and go over another card almost hit us broadside by the power of God lifted that car and put it down on the other side of that car that was going to hit us broadside of somehow crazy we didn't know how Almighty God does things and I got hit in the back of the car one time with my mentor and we got out I had a I had a Cadillac and we went back to the back and the bumper the guy hit me very hard in the back and he went off side of the road and Tommy got the car running over he said are you okay I'm so sorry and he said that your bumper has been in and we got out of the car immediately that bumper was straight no naughty it was crazy that man looks so weird and I did too and dears I'm telling you how good is God he is good and all the time honey and we have to know this you gotta know he's your friend he he want you to know tonight he's coming again and he don't want you to be caught in the darkness honey he wants you to be aware of the Holies of Holies the love of God no sin will enter heaven don't think you're going to repeat when you get there no you cannot you repent on this earth and you tell God I'm sorry God forgive me and if you got to cry me and you cry because you're tear balls are tears are in bottles every tear you've ever cried it's caught by angels in a bottle and taken to heaven and put in tear books with your name on them with a manly book you get big red stones green stones and manly material women get diamonds pearls and lace and their names up there and ever tear any of you've ever cried angels are right there with you catching those tears and when I cried unto the Lord that Psalms 56 verse 7 8 and 9 when I cried into the Lord didn't my enemies turn back this I know my God is for me in my God I will put my trust I will not be afraid of what man will do unto me and I want to encourage all you people that got your miracle last night you stand on God's Word you do not go off your medicine till the doctor tells you to and he will claim your heal you watching you see and you keep standing on God's Word if you got to open your Bible and smack the devil in the head with it you do it because today when I was me and Debbie were preparing some stuff the power God came on me he said you know it's getting towards close to Easter and see it's times in seasons and we know it what Easter is it's a day we worship Jesus for what he paid for you and I and it was it was like a revelation and we were talking about something and all it was it's like my whole personality change and the Lord spoke to me and he said never never take the cross lightly he said never never let you know you take my sacrifice to the earth lightly my son Jesus cried and he give me for anonymous things I can't even remember him now but he said to me when I son died on that cross I turned my head and I cried it I cried and I cried he said the storms in the winds was my tears from heaven when my son died and he said I myself went to that tomb and put him back together again so that you could have life eternal so that you when you died can if you're saved and born again could come with me forever and ever and go to other galaxies and go to ever place in heaven where you can go through the waterfalls and diamonds come down you can walk amongst the flowers they sing music to you they make their biggest hits table one rose and they sing music to you you just don't know what God has you streets of gold he has remarkable remarkable things he has bubbles big bubbles had children right on and they get up in the air and then they'll another bubble will come and catch up that ride in the air own bubbles you think and now they've got a thing on TV where they've invented them bubbles and years ago God told me to tell them about the flowers that sing and I think it was one of the big stores Walmart so I made those pots you push a button and the Flyers sing yeah Nick great and everywhere you look in heaven where the kids grow up is goldfish that are in ponds of water and they're playing in the water a little too and through your children and that goldfish opens his mouth and block letters come out and send they get the block letters squeezing it says jesus loves you sings to those children and ever baby that's ever been conceived on this earth that's been aborted or murdered or died the Angels have come and got their little so at the time of that death and taking that baby to heaven and God finishes that baby and it the Angels take it to grow up in certain parts of heaven there's also a room where those shelves come out made like a seashell then there's a bird trees suspended in the air little birds sit on there and sing to that baby and they call them precious but when you name that unborn child that you cared you knew you had it you name it the Angels take that to heaven you say God please forgive me whatever you did and Lord if you would abortion and you merely mean it you mean it with your whole heart and say God please tell me was it a boy or girl and when God does that then you say Lord male name my baby this is real and you take the Angels take that name put it on the top of the little board over the baby and remove the word precious they black mark like John you know Tom or Judy they put that name ahead of that on top of that baby and sometimes the babies say little you can walk up to a six-year-old child and they're so brilliant it blows your mind what comes out of their mouth they can play the piano one boy was playing a piano better than Beethoven and singing with the voice of an archangel it's brilliant what God has for us in heaven teenagers in heaven families in heaven young people you need God I don't understand all those mysteries I don't know it but I knew do know when you die and go to heaven if you were a hundred fifteen minutes in the atmosphere you look 28 or 33 years old you know that you don't happened you like to be there there's some day I might are you listening we all want to be there some day so children will explain to you about heaven and I'm going to touch on Hell because here in Luke it tells you clearly that when you die without Jesus Christ God's judgment comes on you Almighty God his judgment of eternal damnation and you say what is eternal damnation sweetheart that's where when you okay say you died and like you saw in the video they go down they fall down and their demons take them and they begin to put them in certain sections of Hell like you have these boxes up here they have pits and and like maybe a thousand acres are more of land down there where the pits are just the holes and they take and place you in a pit that's got burning rocks in it it's in a circle and then it has flames that come up from the bottom and they'll place you you have a skeleton form you can still talk like your ammo reagent you can still hear you can still think you have your senses that you died with if you die blind you're blind in hell and anyway they take your soul it's in a skeleton form that's how God showed them to me and they put you in the middle of a pit with your name on it and then the fires around there come up over your bones and you have a great ugly substance on your body and as that substance comes up the fire touches it and it burns it like hot lava and then it melts down and as this melts down they're pulling big white worms out of their arms screaming let me die let me die and death never comes and then you're watching this but say see we're sitting in your seats you imagine if anybody you know went to hell there were thousands of people and in this area that had them either it was different types of sin over here saying hail they would be the adulteresses over here would be the liars okay you understand there's sectioned off of the lifetime of seeing they committed before they died if you did every sin I don't know how they do that but then I don't but I'm going to tell you what I do know that these skeletons can turn they can talk they can scream you don't know if it's a man or woman honey till they speak and by their dialect you know what nations are from you're looking at masses burning screaming and here's the what I want to tell you the Lord's word is written in big black letters in paragraphs and sentences flames around them you can read the Word of God lovers of their own flesh more than God's commandment amen the lust of their flesh deceive them Devils deceive them this is scary I mean it's real scary and you think about how many of you thought since the service began about somebody inhale how many thought about it you really thought about it have you cried a little bit I know you do you can't help it because when your eyes come open and when you hear with your ear God circumcise in your ear and your eyes to see we walk we talk rarely does anybody when you're young or in your teens you really think about eternity from the cradle to the grave we know as grandmas and grandpas we never dreamed we would be this age did we tell the truth guys tell how fast time goes life is like a vapor of smoke inhale their carcasses had a vapor of smoke moving and moving but it could never go outside the rib cage brother and they had up the worms the bones and the fire and they would scream let me die let me die I've been here 50 years I cannot die they would scream - Jesus get us out get us out and Jesus would cry and some of them were cursed the Lord they would blaspheme him as he walked by and there were sections were backside ministers were that was an area sweetheart call it was a vat it was about as big as this room it was four or five feet tall made out of rusty metal in a circle like a water tower and I watched with Jesus demons demons by the way are not invisible in hell you can see the horns the tails some for faces some oh my god two feet three feet tails they got hooks it's just like these horror shows they're horrible and they will have chains around skeletons dragging them and they will laugh they'll say according to this we have time we're going to put you up with the murderers you were a murderer on the earth yeah they do that they have books and records and they take and put you with the murder and they'll say according to this year you were called in chosen of God and we deceived you into backsliding and we killed you before you could come to the knowledge of what God wanted you to do and they said we deceived your demons say we deceived you and they're on this chain so what they do they they pick like ten skeletons are those people with a chain and they throw them in that VAT and that that has lava it has boiling raging fire that comes up splatters over the edges and in it is people bobbing up and down screaming and screaming and screaming and Jesus said to me they had many chances to lead my people to Jesus Christ he said those men and women skull souls in their work knew better everyone up knew better and they lied when they was in a pulpit they lied to the congregation they never warned them about eternal damnation they never told them the truth and said I warned him and I said prophets I said apostles to him and he was weeping he said child beware don't you never fall back oh he warned me man that's why I'm so bold because it scares you when you see the judgement of his father and then on side of this big metal thing sweetheart who's rusty brown metal was written the abominations of desolation it stands in the holy place where it should be not that means the holy pulpit they were behind a holy altar and he said all these souls you've been talking to through hell some of their leaders are here that brought them to hell they never told them the truth they never told them to repent and be holy for I am holy you understand now how important it is you have sweetheart you all of you are so kind I want to thank you for giving me offerings it means the world to me but you are you are God's chosen generation every one of us and if we don't wake up baby doll while it's time and these young people you got to open your little eyes and you got to stop and think you hear say you have a friend that was into all this trouble screaming now today in California go out to California the kids come in droves to hear me they say Mary is there really a god they'll say Mary what what does it mean we'll burn forever Mary what is going on I was told there was no God I was told him I could go to Wicca and be a powerful witch Mary over and over their little hearts they said we don't want to do this and go to hell I mean their hearts are broken and we weep and cry with those they come in droves the very man that I'm doing the movie with one of his name would you pray for him his name is uh Andrew Rogers he's 27 years old got the Holy Ghost he's the one that gets the funds for the Christian films this man when he started a Bible study it comes loaded with young actors Christians people these little girls they've been beat they've been hurt these aren't the actresses or little kids coming in with their friends to Bible study and I prayed with a lot of them and they said oh my lord they said we never felt such love we never felt such unity and God is doing this you hear me businessmen come there they says one man said this is my family said when I fly to you New York for business I fly to Texas I think I hurried back to pray with my family so think about it God is moving in places you never dreamed and and when if he's picking highly people these people are fulfilling Bible prophecy that God is going to raise up a standard in Hollywood and change a lot of things okay so we need your prayers I want you to pray for me for that movie called eternity I want you to pray for a man named Mark Cooke he's the one that works with passion movie though he's one of the producers so we're doing all that paperwork when I go to these meetings it touches my heart how they really love God and want to change the world they want to change destiny they want to prove we didn't come from a fish nor a frog sincerely it's teaches that some people believe that so we have to recognize exactly what damnation means sweetheart and it's even we read in mark about your hands and your eyes last night remember guys where if you keep lying cheating stealing doing the things with this human body God says stop it stop it and when we listen to the word we understand but the young kids out there there's such awful doctrines in many places or like maybe ten churches they really preach fire like you guys do and the people are coming to them in droves to get their lives right and that wonderful so I want to read to you here thank you God oh my I feel is love Wow guys you feel his love just failed and this was you we got to learn together let's heed that let's say because pastor said I could when you feel this let's right now just close your eyes say Lord we receive your presence Wow oh my Oh Lord yes for I will crown this church with glory I shook around this church with glory on Easter I shall bring my crown of glory down and put on the top of this church and thou shalt have a changing of the guards I will send you another troop of angels and the other angels will come home because they will establish more things for you there will be a changing of the guards a changing of the atmosphere that will be your day of elevation Wow Wow Wow thank you Lord and many shall come and drink of the waters here many shall come my children to hear what I'm saying here you shall see and you shall know I've said these things for I have chosen this place they let living water flow I've chosen this place to heal my people oh my said the Spirit of the Lord thank you Jesus Wow they feel his presence his arms around you guys you're favored favored highly favored highly favored well thank you thank you Lord amen here in the book of Luke we read it the other day and we're talking I'm gonna go down it's a chapter 16 and I'm just going to go down here to verse 22 chapter 16 guys verse 22 if you want to put that up verse 22 of chapter 16 of Luke and it came to pass that the beggar died and was carried by the Angels into Abraham's bosom and on that great day of Easter when Jesus was crucified and he went down down into hell when he rose from the dead after if they put him in the tomb he said open up you gates and let the King of glory come in he went down into hell and all of those that had waited on the promise there was an abode where they could see down into hell that's where Jesus went to talk to those is waiting on him and it said right here that the Baker died was cared by Angels into Abraham's bosom the rich man also died and was buried and in hell this is the the rich man he lifted up his eyes being in torments right there proves to you those people in the pits that died with their other senses could see and they were on fire with worms crawling through them and you could not get out of the holes and I read them to you out of Ezekiel 32 cause sweetheart the demons would shove them back in and laugh it's all true bill we've talked about it other people talk about Hell and let's look at this he lifted up his eyes being in torments and seeing Abraham looking afar off it was far from him and Lazarus in his bosom how did this rich man see and understand it was Abraham and it was Lazarus bosom Abraham's banality know that they were not a vapor of smoke evidently right they were not in a skeleton form were they they were in human forms they had to be for him to recognize him and when he looked at him no here's what he said verse 24 he didn't just talk he screamed he cried father Abraham have mercy on me oh and sin Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger see you got he felt yet you know a tongue and he wanted a drop of water and cool my tongue from tormented in this flame but Abraham said son remembers he had his brain that in your lifetime you had good things received by good things and likewise Lazarus evil things for now he is comforting and by our tormented when you read this Holy Scriptures you wonder how could this be how in the world could people walk on their talk and eat and drink and party and fellowship pray and seek God think about it and all the time a lot of the sinners that the devil's blinded are so careless and so don't understand they get killed diet or car wrecks er get old and go to hell so God is raising up a standard of holiness again if years if you how many years as the gifts of healing left the earth how many other preachers know it's been like 30 years right here in America it's beginning again now the massive miracles its beginning how many years guys you older Christians when you could go to Chum box 10 and all of them and get miracles couldn't yet you guys know what I'm talking about so now it's coming back pastor ride in California as a church like yours he has a powerful church two angels came to him last year and he said pastor Wright we are the Angels over la God has sent us to you that we're going to prepare this place again for zouzou Street 100 years ago so he's now being prepared we went to have service there Pastor Chris it was the wildest service he and I got it because I've known him 24 years and we got it we were speaking to the congregation all at once he was talking about it the two angels came to him he's a very powerful man very correct like you very schooled and everything he does and the power of God hid that place we those we didn't know what he had the elders like you and God's power began to knock people over the people were falling out they were jerking they were running and I was standing there and I didn't know what was going on and Dexter my spiritual son he's a born-again Jew he was froze in the floor because he had to catch a lady that her head was bobbing up down you know he's afraid she'd break her neck and it was crazy it just went wild so he finally got order and we had to make it like you people there and we here we had to let all the people walk through there and everybody laid hands on him they were miracles signs and wonders we were there two four in the evening God did that all of that we didn't know part a lot in that it was God to prove how much he loved has to write your net wild and people come in droves to his church and what it is it's a timing pastor Wright told me he said Mary it's the timing that I've been waiting 40 years for this yeah he said it's the timing of God and we you never know when God doesn't explode things for you you better get ready guys you better get ready because there's going to be a wind coming this place or rock your tree Wow yes glory to his name Debbie was telling me like that she kept feeling the power God he had her in her seat have you guys been feeling anything like that raise your hands Wow all over just you know that's because you opened up your heart and said okay God use me touch me and the Angels go around I've seen them they'll touch you some of you and you begin to feel his power and that wonderful so we're talking about heaven and hell a mixture of what the power of God does so when when all of this like this Richmond inhales sea talk remember okay let's put him in a category he's still in hell tonight because he rejected God His commandments that's when he had to keep the commandments and so you see Jesus had to go to the cross to keep his promise naturally to let them out a parent you know Abraham's bosom am i right Jesus had to fulfill the prophets word his father's word and be down there to talk to them for three days to break them escape out of that place he opened up and they were translated to heaven right am i right also the the graves busted open when he was crucified five hundred people come out of the graves listen walk the streets and then they were brought up to heaven think about that how fear Graveyard down here popped open I thought you got family there right think about it a minute think how many time graveyard you drive-bys oh my god how many made it to heaven yeah I think that a lot and you have to start thinking of your family sweetheart some of them are little rascals you know and I know boy I know I got one that was a Navy SEAL and another one that oh they're just boys you know but they're you got to really sit on them sometime preach the gospel cuz they like to fight you know and wrassle and all that stuff do you guys like to fight and wrestle guys now you're laughing I know you do you probably don't let mama know about it because you'd get a hold of you and yeah you know you got to I never listen let me tell you mothers y'all do me tell you women here's something that if you got a son or daughter that's in your cult and you're scared to death of them you get yourself a bottle of olive oil go in their room and sit on them and drown them in the olive oil and you prophesy over them thus saith the Lord you're going to live you're not going to die you're going to serve the Lord don't be a coward and run in the corner and all that little hoochie coochie they stuff they do is a bunch of garbage and you got to get bold as a line you mothers and knock the devil out of them don't let them back you in a corner you better believe it we can't back down because we're after the third we don't want their soul to go to hell you don't want a lot of kids are in Wicca and I'm telling you what the Lord is going to get you kids you better stop that stuff and I know what I'm talking about because I've ministered all over the world and they don't even know they're in darkness till I talk about Hell they get so scared because in hell there's a 17 miles high of a circle and ever level is about 12 foot and in another 12 feet high of people that was in the occult there's a bars in the front of their jail cell and they were witches they were warlocks they serve Satan and fires come up the sides of those cave those Jill sails and go in and burn them and burn them and keeps it's like it's alive then it comes out and it goes in a circle and Satan comes in the middle and he takes fireballs out of his hands and throws more at him and he says if you don't praise Him the devil he will burn you more and more and they're screaming let us die let us die you lied to us well the devil is a liar he's a liar so any of you out there in the cult tonight and if you start doing you Kikuchi told me I'm gonna come after you and because if I start to choke if I start to choke I know you're in here so you better not use that trick I usually go after him because the Lord wants me to we've had him crawl on their bellies to get out away from my mentor she I learned the hard way you know she had me go pray for some of them like that and they didn't crawl the other way from me but they did her all she had to do is look at him they wish they felt like a snake to get away from her because of the power in her life she sought God she loved God and when you seek God you're gonna have that power when you seek Him you shall find him when you want more of the Holy Ghost your wife was telling me sir you were really traveling the other night pastor right here of her Souls in this place and it came home in Debbie - we were crying for Souls and the Holy Ghost was saying I want Souls I want souls to be saved I want them to come out of darkness into light and that's what this is all about so you guys cannot be afraid of your young uns Amen I know I'm talking to some women in here y'all just get to get you another prayer partner and if you can't see them hold them down the other one can't say say hey young and I gave birth to you you came out of my body and I'll be doggone if you're gonna tell me what to do you gotta get bow with the devil he'll take your child to hell man my son my son was up Navy ceiling and something happened in our life very critical I mean not critical a horrible disaster and he he turned into drugs he got on cocaine he got it never raised in church and everything and what happened to him for two years we had to get look for him pray for him find him and and every time my son his brother would find him he would go to the drug house and pour all on him in front of all those other people and he'll say you're coming out of this you can't do this you know and all kind of stuff and they would find him and bring him home he was so bound by drugs and later on I was traveling one night all night revealed from sunlight sundown til 6:00 6:00 till 6:00 in when I could I looked up and there was a red glow a circle on my ceiling in the middle was lights like that and I took a picture of it and then it moved back and then I had a vision open vision of heaven and all my prayers are going straight to heaven and I really saw this guy's I saw big stallions warns warn horses they had some kind of metal on their legs the horses now the reason I'm telling you this these demons need this they need to be destroyed and it's in Malachi and then that their their legs then the riders were dressed with metal and iron but they were 30-foot high the horses was this wide big big stallions they were sitting on them in rows and Michael the Archangel was in front of they had a sword flames come out of the bottom in the top and they had helmets on then their jaws were made out of iron they weren't you'd think it was a devil if you didn't know they were God's warned angels and the Lord spoke to me he said dot only for your son well we moved tonight today we're going to move for many children in the earth many children on drugs and ZUP and so what happened they began to come down to the earth and I saw the angels going into where drug scenes wasn't picking out certain children and pulling monkeys off their back monkeys off their legs and burning them up with them sores then I saw homes and houses isobars where people are sitting at the bar and demons be hanging on their legs like monkeys pastor and on their shoulders and the angels just pulled him off and cremate him with that sword and the Lord said they don't have any Souls the demons it sir take judgment in my son's name I saw this I'm tell you what I saw and later on when my son was delivered I said honey did you feel like a monkey was on your back he's and Lord yes said I can actually could feel it crawling around my neck and he said he would tell me you're no good nobody loves you you might as well over D and this and that oh yeah and he said mom I knew better but this thing had such a grip on me I could not I could not let go it made me go in a circle like a madman and he said I hated it I hated it and he said I met one man mama it came to a drug a drug house because the Lord told me that he was going to send help to my son but he said mama he was different he said he was a huge muscle made man he said to me he's named Scott he said you do not need to be here your mother's praying for your father and he said I looked at him and then he said I believe in angels I believe in all that and he said I watched him and I guess he lived with those guys for like three weeks and they said right before their eyes he withered up and vanished he just turned into a skeleton and he said this is your destiny if you keep this up he showed him what would happen to him on the draw he don't like to talk about it the day he really got delivered I was in Detroit Michigan and we live in Florida and that morning God said to me your son has died and I said what Lord he said cause some prophets to pray with you today and I got real nervous I tried to call my mic family at home nobody answered their phone and so I finally asked God said I told you to call some prophets you know pastor only on one hand got no real 5 true prophets only 5 how many you know that a real count them count them in your heart right now count them that they know love you and we'll pray for you so I can't called Harry salaries I mean his wife or friends of mine he's a prophet in Detroit and Harry's a laid-back prophet he'll talk forever if you don't shut him up he loves God and I'm his friend so I said Harry you cannot talk forever hush we got to pray we got to pray my son he died he OD told drugs cuz we found it out they called us and Harry said ok we pray and I had a visionary to do but Harry saw the hand of God come on him he saw his soul coming out of his body he saw God take his hand and put it back in his body and him get up and walk and he said don't worry he's going to be ok I had the same vision but mine was a little different because I'm a mother you know I was scared to death I mean I've seen the ill and all but buddy you don't want your kids ever to go to that good Lord and so children here's what happened this is the truth we called it called I tried to call home couldn't finally my daughter answered a scream mama mamas got his daddy's in the hospital dead on arrival and she said I'm going over there it was in it's cop we have a hospital count listed as just perished it's horrible you just perished away and then another hospital called wust off you're worse off so they took him to worse off you know and so treason but what happened they couldn't find him he disappeared out the hospital so what happened when I called him I finally got him late at night on the phone I'm screaming at it you're crazy thinking you could have died oh you did that I said what are you what are you doing and he had chopped his tongue up was Caesar he said please mom calm down I'm okay and he said I said what happened to you he said I'm not going to tell you I said you're gonna tell me boy he said he didn't tell me everything in today he don't tell me he said what happened to you me he was on a gurney dead on arrival in the hall he knew because all he saw was blackness he could see it and he said all at once life he came alive he'd come awake and he walked up okay push the sheet off and walked out the door and it came home and he said that I see said when I got home Jesus was here waiting on me and Jesus talked to him and totally healed him he did a 95 degree turn around yeah I'm that great that was about 10 years ago and he's a great great young man of God and he's a seer also but what I want to tell you when we go through crisis you young people please find somebody that loves you I don't care if it's you know you have friends girlfriends whatever boyfriend's and you guys get to a pastor that loves you you hear me you better hear me because you're going to need their help someday you're going to need it when I was having when my kids was a little bit I always have the other kids come over and pray when they were six and seven years old and one day there was a little boy he came and he was crying he said Miss Baxter my daddy's in jail for bad stuff would you pray and ask Jesus and let me see my daddy he had his little bag he was going to run away naturally I was told a mother and didn't let him run away but that little boy today is a pastor of a church he's 35 years old maybe a hundred miles from me people like that and I would tell these children if you ever get in trouble call on Jesus Christ one of the little boys came back these are my kids was little and they said Miss Baxter I was in a car wreck last weekend in Banana River we went into the river and I was in the backseat and he was 10 years old that was like two weeks after I told him to call on Jesus and two of the boys died because we have a banana River there and we're by waters were right on the Merritt Island Cocoa Beach here all their marriage and he said what happened an air bubble came around my head and I kept saying Jesus don't let me die Jesus don't let me down a terrible he lived he was in the water 15 minutes under the water he lived they got him out of the back seat so listen Jesus will answer your cries are you hearing me don't don't tell them don't be and then I taught my little kids to if you feel a gut feeling you but not do that you but I'll do it cuz you better behave so what we do is parents sometimes we don't see the danger they're going to get in the kids today get hammered in high school hammered in college they get little guys they get you know I know because I've been through all that stuff and we have to know that they need to know how they're loved even if they fall down and you have to leave them alone and while still love them still get in touch with them because that's the devil's gain so you won't communicate with them and they'll end up in jail and so god delivered my son but buddy it was through a lot of prayer to velan and then the other son he's a little stinker too we were in Detroit I was in Detroit and I've been doing this since nineteen sixty ninety 93 is when my book came out and then I didn't really start going in the world talk till 96 it's only twice a month and then later on I think it was 97 I preached three straight years non-stop foreigner so versus a year and everything cuz the kids were grown in but what happened to me one day I was really seeking God about my son the younger one and that little stinker was in Detroit and he called me for some money and I said I'm not giving you no money you don't know what you're gonna do with it son and he said well mother I just want to go party I said yeah I'm not giving you money go party am I crazy and I slammed the phone down on him I was having a bad day and now this was when he well I got hell was he about 21 I think five six years later we're in another place preach and he's helping me and his mother-in-law is sitting our table I'm there and we're in Perkins that's where we took that dead lady that day they raised with it and grandma looks at him said Billie did you ever tell your mother what a rotten thing you did the day she wouldn't give you the money I said what rotten thing did you do bill he said I went up on the resin on Center in Detroit City you guys know that biggest building in Detroit you do know do you remember the resin on you guys at noneya dump ithaca on the computer they had to get a name for what 15 years ago it's called the resin on center it's the highest building in Detroit City you never heard of it we lived in Detroit I'll know but he said I got so mad at you mama I went on the top floor and I was going to kill myself I was going to jump off and I said to myself she'll really feel bad then she give me the money I thought what and monster let him finish for you smack him you know so he said I took a flying leap off that and jumped in the air I think it's 20 30 40 stories high you know it had been a veg storm nothing when he failed he said a big angel grabbed me around the neck he said he like like mr. t and he said boy do you know where you're going to go if I drop you straight to him it he said he said I was so angry he threw me back up on the thing he threw him back up on the top of the resin on look it up on your internet you'll see the building and said oh that made me mad and City he said I jumped up and took another flying leap back yeah he dad Kenneth Hagins son member he helped him off a motorcycle remember that but a Hagin yeah and he said I took another fly leap mama and this time the angel was mad said he took his fist and knocked me in the jaw all the way back on there and said I woke up 12 hours later sober and scared to death he knocked him out so naturally my reaction was to smack some sense him as I smacked him on the jaw and he said down mom I done repented I said but you never told me did you and just things like that I almost fainted when he told me that and my said well you know God as you out here preaching taking care of the King's business he got to take care of these little stinking kids she called him her stickers - it's true he'll take care of your kids because they don't know how to resist the devil all the time we do I hope you do you take your authority you say devil you ain't coming another inch you know Jamie Jesus you back up devil so I told all the house and all the kids how to pray like that and even today boy they get in trouble they'll call me and also some till they start praying they'll start praying they know God they know how powerful he is and we got to know this God we serve that he is not going to stand back when you are seeking God and serving God sir he going to save your whole family he promised he promised so you family's got to get together the Easter's come and repent to each other pray for each other and right after Easter he be yelling into each other again but stop it it ain't worth it you will you will I know I know I've been there I know that one made a better pie than you made a coconut cake and yeah especially here in the country somebody fried chicken better than you and then your salad was work man you know I'm telling you the truth I know you guys because I'm from Tennessee where some of us women thought we were so pretty we had the best-looking husband and some of the men thought they were so sexy and their wives were so pretty and they gained some weight they never told it again so I'm trying to Legends know life is real but you got to keep your heart right your mind right you got to walk on that straight line and say God I'm gonna walk the old ancient pathway I'm gonna love my family with all their Devils and I'm gonna break that chain off them hey that's why the Bible says that we're a stinking God's nostrils it goes up and he just makes a face I'm telling you you got to know God is real Dexter my spiritual son he was a multi-millionaire when all the start market failed I could tell you because he tells it on TV all the time he lost millions of dollars and he ended up in a barn with his little dog pumpkin a little white dog and God had a way of getting him he was in a church but I'm another Nathan what the church was was called the chosen frozen so I called him my chosen frozen son you got to have fun with this you know or you could just be wiped out so Dexter's telling here he's crying and moaning his father worked for Rockefeller so you know they had money so Dexter lost everything stripped down to nothing they had two adopted children and he tells it on TV so I'm not because they have a Jewish program an English program the Spanish program and so they take me there all the time to speak but listen Dexter said he kept crying out to God what happened to me what happened my money or twine and the Lord showed him a dream of the throne of God in the Book of Revelations either be hot or cold I'll spew you out of my mouth and he was in the water that came out of God's mouth Dexter was God was spitting him out so for six months he was crying with his puppy in the barn he was homeless he was having a horrible time he went through a divorce his wife took everything he they'll think guys what if it was you in the barn think about it you got to think about it I hope you don't mind me telling this faster to the people Dexter got on the internet to find him a woman and he got a hold of a beautiful lady almost 400 pounds named Marcel okay Marcel you better not laugh because today she's gorgeous and weighs like I don't know 100 and something where she's one of my spiritual dollars she Spanish speaks English she's got 13 years of college she taught in John Hopkins University made 5,000 a day teaching teaching Jean bought houses and land a woman and her father is a Jew from Vincent whele and another country they're Jewish and you cracked you up so they went out to dinner and Martha wouldn't look at Dexter because she was embarrassed of her weight and everything and he kept squidge it and he'd have to face it I had the father like this ma her head would go down he said I said to her finally do you ever look at who you're talking to she said if I won't - so she's real feisty and so her brothers made her go of the internet that's how she met him but make a long story short he blessed her he helped her he takes her to Nordstrom's and Macy's that God's blessed him he's got back everything he lost but what happened to him when he turned back to God when he said why do you spiel me out of your mouth the Lord showed to him you were in a church he said that was false doctrine as we told him and said you were going as a different way and you were being told different things but I was in your heart you were looking for me so you were in a place of the frozen Chosin and it's real he said all those people are frozen they're chosen of God but they pay to stay under this old doctrine a no teaching no life no love just nothing holy and God said you got to come out of that situation and go find a place where you can know me and serve me and be productive in my kingdom productive in his kingdom oh he's a wonderful person he's now God's trained him as an apostle and as time went by he grew he met Marcel she was full of the Holy Ghost she helped him from level to level he got some a Higgins book he got some books of the Holy Ghost by many and he got the Holy Ghost by her telling him he needed the Holy Ghost and through the Holy Ghost helped that man grow so kids it's real it's real don't give up don't be a chosen frozen okay really think about it and now there's the happiest couple they'd like these two they preach together pray together tell their stories together and people get saved and people family marriages are restored and tonight I wanted to tell you God spoke to me to pray for the couples here tonight all the husbands and wives that are here I think it's about it's about time we're going to pray for you tonight especially in the ministry here how many husbands and wives are here tonight oh wow you're going to get blessed tonight yeah so I wanted to share those life experiences with you that there's hope please don't give up he raised my child from the dead he can do it for you honey because I stood only promised it and when that boy was three months old he used to have epaulette Exige and under his bed came alight real bright it was 3:00 in the morning and we'd got back from the hospital with him and the Lord spoke to me and he says if that child was ever drop dead I the Lord will raise him up and years later see he did that in that something
Channel: YAHshuas baby
Views: 115,041
Rating: 4.7814083 out of 5
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Length: 71min 28sec (4288 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 24 2016
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