Mary Higgins Clark - He Sees You When You're Sleeping (2002) | Full Movie | Christmas Movie

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(soft bell music) - [Man] Four! (blowing) - [Man] Would you? Yeah. Is he there? (sighing) - While we're young. - [Man] Hold on, dude. One sec. Check this out. Oooh, oh, man. (laughing) (water splashing) (grunting) Oh man. - And into the drink. (sighing) Ouch. Another quadruple bogie for Mr. Brooks. - Yeah whatever, sandbagger. I'll still save par. (phone ringing) (bold orchestral music) Sterling Brooks. Hi Mrs. Goldberg. No, you don't want to sell those. Kipper Foods is on the upswing. It's young, aggressive, expanding. If anything I should be selling you more of those. - Pushing the house stocks. - I know. I know, but the market's bouncing back. If I sell now, and that stock takes off like I know it will, you're going to call me back asking me why I didn't try harder to talk you out of it. So here I am right now, trying very hard to talk you out of it. Will you at least consider it? Fine. I'll sell but under protest. There is nothing worse than an 87 year old woman who had just discovered the Wall Street Journal. She'll be dead in a year, the stock market is the least of her concerns. - Your compassion man, it gets me every time. And don't forget, loser buys lunch. - Yeah, yeah. Ah. This day just keeps on getting better and better. (sighing) What else could possibly go wrong? - [Man] Four! - Huh? (golf ball thudding) (grunting) (soft instrumental music) Ow. What the? Where? Hey, guys? Hello? I just put a brand new battery in. - It's not a dream, mate. (chuckling) You're dead. Hit in the head with a golf ball. Killed instantly. This is heaven, but don't get too comfortable. Your case is still pending. - I'm dead? - That's right, very sudden, very tragic. Now, regarding your status you've been designated... - Wait a minute, wait a minute this, this is way too... - Weird, strange, bizarre? Take your pick. But I can assure you, it's all very real. - This is heaven? - Exactly the way you pictured it, the image of your choice. Some people see their childhood homes or a stream through a forest. You've always had a thing for clouds. Not very original but then again, you never were much of an original thinker were you? - Who are you? - Joe. - Joe. - Joe. - That's it, just Joe? - That's it just Joe. - And what are you? Are you some kind of an angel? - That's right. - Hey aren't you supposed to have wings? Or haven't you earned those yet? Is that it? - That's right. That's right, that's right, that's it. And when I do little Susie will hear a bell ring on a Christmas tree and we'll all have a good cry. Look, guardian angels appear the way their wards want them too. You like to golf, so here I am. - This is nuts. - Your choice, not mine. - You're the best heaven could give me? - You get what you deserve. Hop in, come on we got a lot to do, but not much time to do it. - Wait, not much time for what? - Your status for inclusion has been designated priority level three. Case pending. Meaning there's a problem with you getting into heaven. - What kind of a problem? - Your life. You haven't been exactly what we call pillar of decency, or compassion, or generosity. - What are you talking about? I was a great guy! I was a hard worker, I succeeded in business. I was the top broker in my company. I gave to charity. - Once. $50,000 to your alma mater in exchange for your name engraved on a seat in their new football stadium. In addition to the write-off, you made sure there was media coverage, which resulted in six new clients for your brokerage. That's right, I know everything about you. It's all right, all is not lost. Hop in. The heavenly council has decided that despite being an arrogant, self-absorbed and emotionally stagnate person, there's still a kernel of goodness at your core. - Huh, is that supposed to be a compliment? - It means you got another chance to prove yourself. Demonstrate to them that they are in fact correct. Now by proving yourself, maybe then you'll be allowed into heaven. Maybe. (chuckles) - Okay, so how do I prove myself? - Helping someone in need. - Who? (soft instrumental music) A kid? I have to help a kid? - You got it, buddy. - Hey wait a second, what happened to your accent? What happened to your crazy golf outfit. - That was your image not mine. I hate golf. - Yeah well I hate kids. I'm terrible with kids, I have no patience with them. - [Joe] Yeah I know. - Come on pick somebody else, anybody else. - [Joe] I can't. It's already decided. - Well then tell me who I need to talk to you. Who is on this heavenly council? If I could just talk to... - Marissa. - Oh who's that? - Marissa. Time's up. Come on we gotta get you home. Your mom's gonna be calling soon. - So? - Do I have to chase you down with the Zamboni again? - Is that her father? - No. That's somebody who's watching over her while her mother's away. - Away? Where is she? (gasping) Could you at least warn me the next time you do that? - Relax, you'll live. (tires screeching) - [Man] All right arrived in the plane. - [Man] All clear, it's all clear. And B team, roll the perimeter. - [Man] Watch your step. - What is this? Oh my God. Annie? - I know. Hey easy. - I know this woman. This is Annie. We went out for like three years. We met just after college. We were practically engaged. - Practically, but you never could bring yourself to ask her to marry you, could you? No that's right, you weren't the marrying type. - [Man] Just a few minutes. - [Man] Yes, sir. - So the little girl at the ice rink, that's Annie's daughter? - That's right. - [Man] All clear. - [Sterling] What happened? Who are all these guys? What's with all the guns? - I'm warning ya. - What? (chiming music) - I warned ya. - Hey I know this place. Annie's mom used to live here. - Yep. Still does. (breathing deeply) Fresh air, gotta love it. - Who's that? - A cop. - Ya think? (soft piano music) - How do we do that? - Do what? - Jump around like that, just disappear and reappear. - You just pick a place, you concentrate on it and you just go there. (light piano music) Very simple. - Oh hey, Marissa. How ya doing? Your mom call yet? Hey that tree looks good. Looks like you gotta a lot of great presents here already. - Sean. - [Sean] Oh hey, Nora. - Perfect timing, Annie's calling any second now. They're just patching her through. - Oh great, I brought you some presents. Aw. - You. - Thank you. - [Sean] Marissa. - [Nora] Marissa, honey. - And Annie. - Thanks. - She'll be home for Christmas, I know it. - [Marissa] Yeah sure. - I hope you're right. I'm telling you if that judge allows one more extension, I'm going to take that gavel, and pound some sense into her. - Badgett's lawyers have stalled the trial long enough. I think the judge is as fed up with them as we are. - She'd better be. I've had it with sitting in that courtroom and watching that smug expression on Badgett's face. I can't wait for Annie's testimony to send him up. - Testimony? Annie's in the witness protection program? - That's right. - [Sterling] Who is this Badgett guy? - Junior Badgett. A very dangerous person. - [Sterling] And Annie's going to testify against him? - [Joe] Right. - [Man] She's here, all set to patch through. You have three minutes. - [Man] We have six men who have reports, Mr. Wild. (phone ringing) - Hello, Annie. - How are you, Mom? - Great. I'm so looking forward to seeing you here for Christmas darling. - Fingers crossed. - Sean's here. We're plotting a courtroom mutiny, in case the judge lets them stall again. - Is Marissa there? - [Nora] Hold on. Come on, honey. Here, take it. (light piano music) - Marissa? Hey sweetie, how ya doing? Are you there? Did you go skating today? Please don't be angry, talk to me. It's pretty cold up here. It looks like it's going to snow. How's it by you? - You comin' home for Christmas or not? - I'm going to do my best, sweetie. Okay? But if not, I know it won't be much longer. - You keep saying that. - I know, I'm sorry. Marissa, I just can't be sure. - Why'd you do this to us? You ruined everything. Our whole family. - I know this is really difficult for you to understand, Marissa, but believe me there is nowhere else I'd rather be than... (line clicking) - [Man] All right gentlemen, we're on the move. Let's go. - [Man] You heard him. Let's move out, we're off. - [Man] Let's roll. - This picture was taken about a year ago. That poor girl. - Had both her parents leave her. First her father, now her mom. - Our Father, who art in heaven, (sniffling) hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. - What are we doing here? - [Marissa] And forgive us our trespasses. - She sending up a prayer. She's asking for her family to be reunited for Christmas. - The power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. You know, I'm just sick of it. I hate her. She's the worst mother in the world. Sometimes I just wish she'd go away and never come back, and I just wish I'd never see her again. Amen. - I thought you said... - The prayer in her heart, that's the one you gotta listen to. So, that's what you're here for, to answer her prayer. That's your job. (chiming music) - Joe? Joe? Oh come on. You can't leave me alone here with this kid. I still have a lot of questions. Great. Great. I'm still waiting. You can't just abandon me like this. It's not right. How am I supposed to know what to do next? And how exactly am I supposed to interact with this kid? I mean, am I a ghost? Am I a real person, what? (chiming music) Oh. Nice. I'm a vampire, this is ridiculous. (knocking on door) - Morning, sweetie. Did you sleep well? - No. - [Marissa] Good morning, Grandma. - I didn't sleep well. I didn't sleep at all as a matter of fact, but thanks for asking. - Guess what I am making? Christmas cookies, your favorite. - That's nice. - Come to think of it, I'm not even tired. - [Nora] Come on, it's a beautiful day. - Or hungry. I guess that's what happens when you're dead. - Would you like to help me? - No. - The other strange thing is people can't see or hear me. Which can be pretty frustrating when you're supposed to be helping them. - Change your mind, I could use some extra hands with all that cookie dough. - I mean, I could scream at the top of my lungs. Testing, one, two, three! - I think I want to go skating today. It's been two weeks. Please, Grandma. - Arms. - Agent Decker is downstairs. I'll talk to him, see if he can arrange it. - No, I want to go by myself. - Honey, you can't. You know that. Now come on, wash up, come downstairs, and I'll make you some breakfast, okay? - All right then, take care. Bye. (sighing) (dramatic orchestral music) This is not going to be easy. (sighing) - Hey, have fun. - Whatever. - I'm going crazy. Okay what am I supposed to do? Am I supposed to stand here, and watch this kid for the rest of her life. I don't know what else to do, since they don't seem to see or hear me. And since you don't want to give me any hints, then I guess I'll just... (chiming music) Oh that's funny. You don't expect me to go out on the ice. I can't skate. I've never even tried before. I'm dead. I guess it won't matter if I fall and crack my head open. (sighing) Okay. Okay. Nice and easy. (upbeat instrumental music) whoa, whoa. Ow! - [Man] What was that? - I'm dead. That is not supposed to hurt. (weeping) (light orchestral music) Hey. Come on. (light orchestral music) - Help, help! - What happened? There's a man, he tried to grab me. - Hey call for backup, secure the building we got someone inside. Let's go, come on. - She saw me. - [Man] Go, go, go, go! - Let's move, get it open. Keep us covered. Bag! Are you okay? - Yeah. - Okay what'd the man look like. - I can't remember it was too quick. - Okay just sit down, hold tight, take off your skates. You're perfectly safe now. (chiming music) - Hey, it works. Good. Hello. Marissa. I don't get it. One minute she can see me, the next minute she can't. How am I supposed to follow the rules when the rules are all messed up. (chiming music) - The rules are fine. The rules are fine, you're the one that's messed up. - What is all this? - Okay this may be difficult for you to understand, but you're not my only assignment. I have another client who happens to love scuba diving. Maybe you shouldn't take on so many assignments. No offense but for a guardian angel, you're not around very much. - Sorry okay. But I was under the mistaken impression that you had a brain. - What, I'm supposed to know how everything works on this side? I've never been dead before. - Listen, you saw the kid crying on the ice, right? - Yeah. - And it made you feel how? - She was sad, upset, I felt bad for her. - [Joe] Concerned for her? - Sure. - It's called compassion! Maybe I'll bring a dictionary. The next time you can look it up. - I know what that word means. - Yes, but you have never actually felt it until now. Look, you made a connection with her. Right? That's your first step to proving yourself. Now keep going. (sobbing) - No wait! Joe. No. No wait, shh. It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you. I'm a friend. I was sent here from heaven. - Yeah right. You're crazy. Help! (tires screeching) - What's wrong? - He's here. - Who? - The man from the skate rink. - I don't see anyone. - He's right there. - Okay, all right just sit down. Relax, we're almost home. (chiming music) - It's okay. I'm a friend. My name is Sterling. (chiming music) (sighing) - [Nora] Marissa honey, is that you? (chiming music) - Marissa, listen to me I'm not going to hurt you. - What do you want? - Nothing. I'm here to help you from heaven. They heard your prayer, you know, to get your family back together for Christmas. So they sent me to make that happen. - Okay. - Okay, good. - So go ahead. - Go ahead? - Make it happen. - Oh yeah right. I will I just have to figure out how to do that. - Well if you're from heaven you can do miracles right? So just make the men who are trying to hurt my mom go away, and then she can come back home. - Go away? - Yeah make them disappear. Send them Antarctica, shoot them into space. - Well I don't think I can do that. - [Marissa] Why not? - Well because I don't have those kinds of powers. Then again maybe I do and I just don't know it yet. - You're not from heaven. - Yes I am, I swear. - You can't swear in heaven. - I don't swear. It's a figure of speech. But I promise you, I am from... - Are you an angel? - Yeah sure. I'm your guardian angel. - Then let's see you fly. - What? - You're an angel, you can fly. - Well I would, but I don't have my wings yet. - You're the best Heaven can give me. - Listen, this wasn't my idea. I'm supposed to help you so that I can go to heaven. So bear with me okay? I'm kind of new at this. I haven't quite figured out how it all works. - It doesn't matter anyway okay 'cause my mom's never coming home. - No. You can't give up hope. I mean it's not going to be easy, but we have to make things right again. - You know what, I'm fine the way things are, I don't need your help. What kind of help could you give me anyways? You're just some reject angel who can't do anything. - I am not a reject. - Just leave me alone. - I can't. I have a job to do. If I don't do it, I don't go to heaven. - 'Cause you're a reject. - Yeah, well you get what you deserve. So I guess that makes us both rejects. (dramatic orchestral music) Look, you might not want my help, and to be quite honest I don't care if you do or you don't, but you're stuck with me okay? So you better get used to seeing me around because I'm not going anywhere. Uh-oh. (chiming music) (dramatic orchestral music) (soft accordion music) - Nice job connecting with the kid. - Joe? I won't ask. - Well I can't leave you alone for one minute, can I? - I told you I have no patience with kids. Especially brats like that one. - You know that little girl has been separated from her mother for over a year. She's had her hopes crushed over and over again. - And I just got killed by a golf ball. If anyone has the right to complain it's me. - Well maybe I should just go back to the council, tell them to reconsider their decision to give you a second chance. - Fine. - Okay fine. (horn honking) - Wait. This kid she's, I mean I don't even know these people. Except for Annie and I haven't seen her for years. I don't know how she got in this situation, or who this guy that she's testifying against. If I'm supposed to help them, you have to at least give me a hint how they got into this mess. - Come here. (soft piano music) Okay. - What are we doing here? - What you don't know? - Why'd you bring me here? - Look around. (Annie singing) - Hey, that's Annie. What's she doing here? - She lives here. This is Nora's Roadhouse, exactly one year ago. - Yeah but, Joe! Damn it. (chiming music) ♪ Johnny wants a pair of skates ♪ ♪ Susie wants a dollie ♪ ♪ Nellie wants a story book ♪ - What a difference a year makes. ♪ As for me, my little brain ♪ ♪ Isn't very bright ♪ ♪ Choose for me oh Santa Clause ♪ ♪ What you think is right ♪ (soft piano music) (all clapping) - Folks, I just want to thank you for being such an amazing audience tonight. - Marissa. - And to remind you that we are here every night for dinner, music, and mayhem. - Oh, back to square one. - At the world famous Nora's Roadhouse. (all clapping) Thank you. The photo came out great. - Keep singing, Mom, the people really love you. - We can't, honey. We've got a party to play tonight, remember? Oh we better hurry. Karen's going to take care of you after her shift tonight. - Okay. I wanna go with you guys. - This one's just for adults, baby. Rich, stuffy, snobby adults. - Who are paying us a lot of money for just two hours work. Remember? Now the Badgett brothers are well connected, just remember that. - Yeah to the mob. - Oh that's just rumors. - Mom, they're always in the paper under some kind of criminal investigation. - Yet they've never actually been charged with anything. - I still say they're crooks. - Annie, lots of wealthy, important people will be there. Think of the exposure for your singing career. - What singing career? - Exactly. Just how many more years do you plan on spending around here just hanging around, refusing to chase your own dream? - Come give me a hug. All right, - [Marissa] Bye, Mom. Have a good time. - Do I go with the kid or do I go with Annie? (chiming music) I hate it when you do that. (bright piano music) (radio chattering) - Isn't this place lovely? Oh there they are. - Nor, good to see you. Thanks for coming. - I wouldn't miss it. This is my daughter Annie. - I know who you are, heck of a voice you got there. - Thank you. - I'd like to introduce you to my brother. Follow me. Junior. - Excuse me. - This is Nor. - Nice to meet you. - Hello. - And this is Annie. - Pleasure. - Hello. - She's the one I told you about. Wait till you hear her sing. Like an angel. - I look forward to it. But let me ask you. How is it such a beautiful thing is not married? I know most of the women in town. Where have you been hiding? No ring. - Oh right. - You still waiting for the right guy to come along? - Guess so. - Well, we'll see if we could do something about that. - Oh, come on. Are you kidding me? - Oh, what's behind here? - Oh, that's the portrait of our mother. It's gonna hang in the hospital we're dedicating tonight. - [Nora] Oh how nice. - [Eddie] It's beautiful. - Maybe after the party you'd like to have a drink with me. - Why couldn't this guy get hit with a golf ball? - Well, thank you, I can't. My daughter's with a sitter. I have to get home. - Daughter, you're a single mother? - That's me. - Call her sitter. Ask her if she can stay an extra hour or two. I'll be happy to pay. - No-no, don't do that, please. I promised her that I would be home, and I like to keep my promises. - Maybe some other time then. (mid tempo piano music) - [Office] Evening, sir. - Good evening. - Name. - My name is Hans Kramer, Kramer. I'm not on the list, but I need to speak to the Badgett brothers. - Sorry, I can't let anyone in who isn't on the list. - Why don't you just call the house, tell them Hans Kramer is here, he needs to talk to them about a business affair. - I'm sorry, sir, I have strict orders not to disturb anyone at the house. - It's important, very important. - I can't help you, sir. You can call their office and leave a message. - I did. - Sir. - I need to talk to them personally, yes. - Sir, turn your car around please, now. ♪ Deck the halls with boughs of holly ♪ ♪ Fa la la la la la la la la ♪ ♪ 'Tis the season to be jolly ♪ ♪ Fa la la la la la la la la ♪ - [Eddie] What did I say huh? - [Junior] She's beautiful. - [Eddie] Fantastic. ♪ Don we now our gay apparel ♪ ♪ Fa la la la la la la la la ♪ ♪ Troll the ancient Yuletide carol ♪ ♪ Fa la la la la la la la la ♪ ♪ Jingle bells jingle bells ♪ ♪ Jingle all the way ♪ ♪ Oh what fun it is to ride ♪ ♪ In a one horse open sleigh hey ♪ ♪ Jingle bells jingle bells ♪ ♪ Jingle all the way ♪ ♪ Oh what fun it is to ride ♪ ♪ In a one horse open sleigh ♪ (suspenseful orchestral music) - [Hans] Party or no party, I'm going in. ♪ Silent night holy night ♪ ♪ All is calm all is bright ♪ ♪ Round yon virgin mother and child ♪ ♪ Holy infant so tender and mild ♪ ♪ Sleep in heavenly peace ♪ - Psst, Junior. - Mr. Badgett is busy. - Just a moment of his time. It's very important, very important. - What's he doing here? - I don't know. - Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me. Junior, listen, I need to talk to you. - Settle down, take it easy, not here. I know you need to talk to me, but your payment's late. - I know, that's what I need to talk to you about. - Take him upstairs. - Take your hands off me. - [Eddie] Get rid of him. ♪ Christ the savior is born ♪ ♪ Christ the savior is born ♪ (all clapping) - Just a little chat, that's all we wanna have. (breathing heavily) Check that. Say what you've gotta say. - One week, that's all I'm asking for. - You've had more than enough time. - I've got a shipment coming in Tuesday, three truckloads, and I'll write your check with interest. - You can write the check now. - I told you I can't. I don't have the money, Eddie. - Then you shouldn't have taken the loan. You know what we do to people who don't pay up? - Come on, you know I'm good for it. How many times have we done business? Junior, it's Christmas, show some mercy. One week, that's all I'm asking for. (laughing) - Mercy, you want mercy? Two payments you missed. You're lucky you're still alive. You pay up in full tomorrow. End of discussion. - I can't, I don't have the money. - Make sure he understands. (laughing) Merry Christmas. - Junior. (laughing) Be reasonable, I cannot pay you. (grunting) - I'll show you reasonable. (grunting) Now, you shouldn't have taken the loan. ♪ When the clock is striking 12 ♪ ♪ When I'm fast asleep ♪ ♪ Down the chimney broad and black ♪ ♪ With your pack you'll creep ♪ ♪ All the stockings you will find ♪ ♪ Hanging in a row ♪ ♪ Mine will be the shortest one ♪ ♪ You'll be sure to know ♪ (bright piano music) (all clapping) - Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Annie Campbell. (laughing) (all clapping) - [Annie] What's that one? - Oh, our invoice. I'm trying to figure out when to give it to them. - I will go put it in their office during the dedication, the less we talk to them the better. - Okay, but do you know where the office is? - I'll find it. - Mr. Mayor, distinguished members of the hospital board. With this check we dedicate the Heady Anna Badgett Wing of St. Joseph's Hospital. We hope it will provide the same nurturing touch for the community as our dearly departed mother provided for us. (all clapping) (cameras shuttering) Our mother loved this place, and her memory stays with us and many lives... - Take your hands off me. Give me back my briefcase! My briefcase! This is ridiculous! This is ridiculous! - Are you all right? - Please could you (grunts), of course I'm all right. This is ridiculous! Just ridiculous! In front of all those people for just a bit of money. Okay, I'll find my way out. Happy Christmas. - Get him. - Now, we would like to present the portrait which will hang in the wing greeting each patient as they enter. (bright piano music) (all clapping) (camera shutter clicking) Ain't she beautiful. - Thieves, thieves, both of you. A couple of thieves, that's what you are. Look, look, what they did to me, look. That's how they conduct their business. Animals! Animals, that's what you are! Take your hands off! Animals! Take your hands off me! Animals, that's what you are! - Take this drunk out of here please. There's more food and the bars open. Enjoy yourselves. Keep playing. (bright piano music) - Excuse me. How did this happen? - I don't know. (knocking on door) - Hello. Anybody? Anybody? - [Junior] Can you believe that guy? Breaking in here and ruining my party like that. I'm telling you it's an embarrassment. - They're gonna find her. What do I do? - We should just kill him, dump his body, and be done with it. - No, if we kill him we won't get our money. (chiming music) (groaning) - We can't just let him get away with that. No one treats us that way. - He's not gonna get away with anything. We'll go back to the party, shake some more hands, enjoy the rest of the evening. Then later I'll take a drive out to Hans Kramer's house, and burn it to the ground. (ominous orchestral music) - [Eddie] Want me to take care of that? - No, I gave him the money, I'll give him the message. He'll smarten up, he'll make his payment, and once he does that then we'll kill him. No Hans, no problems. - I like that. What's that? - Invoice from the singers. Who put this here? - [Eddie] Must've been that singing broad. - All right, let's see if we can salvage what's left of this party. (suspenseful orchestral music) - Hey Annie, no! (gasps) (vase shattering) (suspenseful orchestral music) (grunting) Annie, hang on! (chiming music) (grunting) (grunting) - Sterling? (gasps) - Annie! No! (siren wailing) (dog barking) - I was looking for the lady's room. I must have taken a wrong turn, I don't know. I opened a door, and I ended up out here. Then I saw your beautiful garden, so I decided to take a walk. - How'd you twist your ankle? - The dogs saw me, and I got scared so I ran. That's when I tripped and twisted it. - There are marks on the ground directly below my office balcony. - I don't know anything about that. - What's the problem here? - She tripped one of our alarms. - I told you, I got lost, I took a wrong turn. It was an accident. - Sounds like an honest mistake. - Yes, an honest mistake. Sorry for the inconvenience. - We should get you to a hospital. - I'm fine. - You okay? - Let's just get out of here, please. - I'll hold your hand. Those are pretty tough guys, you sure got lucky there. - [Annie] I told you it was just a sprain. - Well, at least now I know for sure. You should never mess around when it come to your health. - Will somebody please give this guy his merit badge so he'll shut up. - [Man Over Radio] All units is the vicinity of 386 North Silver 10, 1070 in progress. - That's real close, I should respond. (siren wailing) - What is it? - It's a building fire. (dramatic orchestral music) (rumbling) - [Detective] So, what time did you get home? - [Hans] I don't recall, midnight. - What time did you call us? - [Hans] Just when I got home five past midnight. - What your saying is that the Badgett brothers did this, but you never actually saw anything. - They beat me up and now this. What more do you need? - What happened here? - They burnt the house. - Who did? - The Badgett brothers. - Special agent Meyers, FBI. We've been after these guys a long time, everything from racketeering to murder. - That's why I called them first. This wasn't an accident. - I heard them say they were gonna do this. Junior Badgett, I was hiding in the room when I heard him say that he was gonna burn this house. - [Detective] What do you mean you were in the room? - I was leaving an invoice in his office, but I heard him coming so I hid, and I heard the whole thing. - You see, I told you. There's your witness. - You sure no one saw you? - Yeah. No. I don't know. I don't know. - All right, take her home. I don't want her anywhere near here. And don't anyone go anywhere until I get sworn statements from everybody. - Thank you. - Hell of a story. - Thanks. - Now, I'll stay with you until the FBI comes by. - Oh, you don't have to do that. - They might not get here until the morning. I just wanna make sure you're safe. - I'll be fine, Sean. - Annie, listen to me, this is serious. Junior Badgett may not have seen you in the room, but when he finds out you're testifying against him he's gonna do everything in his power to make your life a living hell. - I have to do this. It's the right thing. - I know. I'm proud of you for coming forward. I just wanna make sure you know what you're getting yourself into. - Thanks. - Why don't you go get some sleep. I'll hang around till they show up. - Okay. - Don't you kiss her. Do not kiss her. - Goodnight. - Yeah, goodnight. (slow instrumental music) - Yeah, that's right. If I could, I'd kick your butt outta here. (slow ethereal music) (sighing) (slow piano music) - [Annie] I can drive you to the airport. - No thanks, I have a taxi waiting downstairs. I know it's sudden, but they called and need me to start tomorrow. What could I say? This is a big step for me. It's one of the top brokers in the country. Huge upside. - I know. - [Sterling] I'll get the sale, get my feet on the ground, and maybe you could join me. - [Annie] Join you? - Yeah. - [Annie] You mean like move in together? - Sure, move in, get your singing career started. What better place than New York right? Just because I'm leaving doesn't change things between us. We'll have a great life together, you'll see. Oh, gotta go. - Sterling. Have a safe flight. - Thanks. (weeping) - I never should have left you. (gasps) (bright string music) Annie. (crashing and shattering) - Go back inside! - What happened? - Come on. Go, go, go, go! (suspenseful orchestral music) (phone ringing) - Hello. - [Junior] Next time it'll be you. - [Officer] We go in five, gentlemen. Let's pack it up. - How long? - I don't know, a few weeks. They're arresting Junior Badgett today, so I'll try to get to trial as fast as possible. - [Nora] The most important thing is you'll be safe. We'll take care of the rest. Marissa and I will be just fine. - Where are you going? (sighs) - They won't tell me, sweetie. But it's for our protection, and it's just until the trial's over, okay? It shouldn't be too long. Mom, they're also gonna keep a couple of men here for you and Marissa just till it's safe for me to come back. - [Nora] Okay. - Hey, we gotta go. I'll take that. - Come here, kiddo. It's gonna be okay, I promise it is. Please try to understand. (dramatic orchestral music) - We're almost ready to leave. - All right, let's go gentlemen. - You're covering the south side? - Yes, sir. - Baby, I'll be back soon, okay? I promise. - Promise? - Yeah. - It's okay, we'll be fine. - [Detective] Annie. - It's gonna be okay. - Mom, I love you. Mom. Mom! (chiming music) - What are we doing here? Why'd you bring me back here? - Look, you wanted to know how they got into the mess they did, now you know. It's time for you to go back to the present. - Wait a minute. Where did they take Annie? - A safe house, the first of many. They gotta keep moving her around, so the Badgett's men don't find her. - A whole year? - That's right. That's why you've got to go back to the present. Something terrible is about to happen. You need to be there to stop it. - What is it? - I can't tell you that. I give you all the answers you're not gonna learn anything. - All the answers! How about one or two? Throw me a bone here. - You done complaining? Because you're wasting time. The trials about to reconvene. - Trial? - [Lawyer] But your honor, why didn't he introduce this tape earlier as defense? (chiming music) Your honor, it's just another tactic by the defense to delay these proceedings and discredit my witness. - [Judge] I'll review the procedure and give my decision. - [Lawyer] If this tape shows anything, it's proof how desperate the defense is. I wouldn't put it past them they doctored the tape in some way, your honor. - [Judge] That's a serious allegation, counselor. - You're back? - That's right. - I thought you took off for good. - Who are you talking to? - No one. - Oh. - Told you you're stuck with me. - Lucky me. - They made another motion. - What? Not again. - The admission of the evidence. Something about a surveillance video from inside the Badgett mansion showing that there's no way Annie could've been in Junior's office when she said she was. - Just now they bring it up? - They're desperate. They're doing anything to keep Annie from testifying. (gavel banging) - Order please. All right, court is adjourned while I look at this tape. And I wanna make sure that's in my chambers by the end of the day. Make sure you're fully prepared to be back here tomorrow ready to pick up where we left off. (gavel banging) - The state wishes to object on the record against this travesty of justice. We got it. We'll have you out of here. - [Junior] Good. - [Lawyer] Badgett, you don't have to worry about a thing. - We should be going. - [Nora] Okay, come on. (dramatic orchestral music) - What do I do now? Do I go with Annie or do I go with Marissa? (sighing) (chiming music) (bold orchestral music) - You hungry? I could fix some lunch. - No. - Hey, the skating rink closes at nine tonight. What do you say we get you some skating time afterwards? - [Marissa] No thanks. - How about lunch? Come on. - [Man] Yeah, I'd love to eat. (somber piano music) (kids laughing) - [Girl] Okay, but I'm gonna tell my mom that I'm staying at your house after school. Okay? (laughing) (fast orchestral music) - Can I get you anything? I'll be outside if you need me, okay. (somber piano music) (chiming music) (gasps) - It's okay. It's just me. - It can't be you. - I know, it is. - I thought, I heard you were... - Dead, yeah. - Then how? - I don't know. It's all very very weird, but it's not a dream and you're not going crazy. - I thought I saw you this last year. Brief glimpses, but then I heard you died, so I, are you a ghost? - I don't really know. Let's just say that I'm someone who's trying very hard to make things right the things I made wrong. (slow piano music) - You're real. - Yeah. Yeah. - [Officer] Have you heard from Stevens? - [Officer] Check. - [Officer] Do we have coverage on the south road? - [Officer] Yes, sir. - [Officer] Thank you. - I'm just gonna go for a walk. It'll be fine. - [Meyers] Just stay on the property. All units be advised. She's gonna go for a walk. - [Officer] Stevens is on the girl. Keep an eye on her. - So, this guardian angel of yours, is he with you right now? - No, he jumps around a lot, and tends to disappear just when you need him the most. When he does appear, I'm never quite sure what he's gonna look like. I know this is hard to believe. I'm not even quite sure that I believe it myself. I keep thinking that it's some bizarre dream, and I'll wake up any minute. - [Man] Dobson, Benson, look alive. - The one thing that is real, the one thing that I've realized through all of this, is that I never stopped loving you. (dramatic orchestral music) My guardian angel was right. I messed up my life. I was selfish, undependable. I was afraid of commitment, I just, I lost track of what was important. I should have asked you to marry me when I had a chance. - I would've said yes. - [Sterling] I should've brought you to New York. My God, you would've been great there. - [Annie] Oh, I don't know about that. - Oh come on, of course you would, you're incredible. - Thanks. - Why'd you give it up? - I don't know. I think I convinced myself that I did it for Marissa. You know, staying at home, working at the Road House I was able to raise her, give her some stability in her life, but I guess it was all just an excuse to avoid having my heart broken again. - It's not too late to give it another shot. - Hmmm, by the time this trial is over I will be old and gray. - No, you'll be home at Christmas, I promise. The council has given me a second chance, and all I have to do is answer Marissa's prayer. To reunite you, with her, and her father by Christmas, and I plan on doing everything in my power to make that happen. - That's impossible. - Why? - Because Marissa's father, Marissa's father is you. (slow piano music) (bright symphonic music) - Marissa. Honey, yoo-hoo. Oh honey, wait till you see these. (laughs) Marissa. (bright symphonic music) - Get your guys to cover the other exits. Just do it! Now, where is she? There she is. Let's do this. Come on. Get off. (suspenseful orchestral music) Whoa. Where'd that brat go? Where is she? (suspenseful orchestral music) Do you see her? - [Marissa] Out of the way you big jerks. - [Man] There she is, get her, get her! Come on! - [Man] Whoa. - Catch me if you can. Nice skating, lard butt. - Get back here. Get her, get her, get her! (suspenseful orchestral music) (grunting) - Oh. We got you now. Move out of the way! Move, move out of the way! Move it, move it! Move it! - I got her, boss. She won't get away. - Idiot. - Sean, they're after me. - Who is? - The Badgett's, come on, let's go. - Calm down, Marissa. - What are you doing? Come on, they're coming. Don't just sit there. - I'm really sorry about this, Marissa. - Hello there. - How can you do this? Hey, let me go. What are you doing? Sean! Sean! - You done good my friend. Me and Junior, we got big plans for you. - Help! Help! Sean, help me! Sean, wait! Sean, help! Sean! Sean! - [Man] Nor, please. - [Nora] Come on! - Look, some people remember seeing her at the skate rink, but no one saw her leave. - They took her, they kidnapped her. - We don't know that for sure. - Oh come on. You know Marissa, she would never disappear like this on her own. - She also wouldn't sneak off to the skating rink without telling anyone. She knows how dangerous that is. - She was upset. Sick of the constant delays, and who can blame her? I'm sick of them too. - I just heard. Any news? - No, but we have lots of people looking for her. - The Badgetts followed her and kidnapped her. - We don't have confirmation of that yet. - Uh. - But we suspect it's the case. (sighing) - Does Annie know? - Yeah, they're calling Agent Meyers now. - Courtroom, come on. - Just try to calm down. (dramatic orchestral music) - This was that terrible thing you said was gonna happen. I wasn't there to stop it. (slow piano music) - Annie, we have agents and police searching for her. We'll find her. (chiming music) - They took her. - I know. - [Meyers] Thanks. - Was that about Marissa? - No. The judge is gonna rule the video tape inadmissible. Trial resumes later today, no more delays. - I can't do it. I can't do it. - You have to do it, Annie. You can't let these guys go free. You're doing the right thing. You've been very brave. Annie. - I am not gonna risk my child's life. - We're doing everything we can to find her. - I know, but until you do, I can't testify. - We'll talk later. Try to get some rest okay. (dramatic orchestral music) (weeping) - I'm sorry, Annie. - They're gonna kill her, aren't they? Whether or not I testify they're gonna kill her. - No, they won't. I won't let them. - Do you know where she is? - No, not yet, but I will. - How? - I don't know. You just concentrate on testifying tomorrow. They need to be behind bars. I'll find her before then. Even if I have to move Heaven and Earth to do it. Joe! Come on Joe, I really need to talk to you! Joe! Joe, hey, why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you tell me that that was my daughter? - [Joe] Because you told me that you hate kids. - I do. I mean, I did. Look, I really need to talk to you. I know I messed up. I went with Annie when I should have stayed with Marissa. I should have been there for her. I should have stopped her from leaving the house. - That's right. - So I need to find her. - Yes, you do. - Before Annie testifies. - Not much time. - I know, that's why I need your help. - With what? - To find her. - You think I know where she is? - You don't? - No, I'm busy with other clients. You're the one that's supposed to be watching over her. - Yeah, but I, but... - But what? (dramatic orchestral music) - You really don't know where she is? - No. Sorry. - Well, then it's all over then. I don't know how I'm gonna find her in time. Or if I'll ever be able to find her. - Take a look around. Heaven, millions of people walking around, having the time of their after lives. - I know I'm not getting in. You don't have to rub it in my face. - Think about it. - So, if you don't know where she is, maybe one of them does. (chiming music) (bright bell music) Mrs. Badgett. Thanks for meeting with me. - Make it quick, I got pierogies on the stove. My boys always finding trouble. They make like their father, filthy crook. - Is he still alive? - No. - So, he's up here too. - No. - Oh. - I tried to keep them from trouble and be good boys. Then I die. And they get worse. Everyday I watch them turn their backs on all I teach them. They break my heart. - They took my daughter, they kidnapped her. - Yes, I know. - Do you know where they're keeping her? - Yes, I do. (slow piano music) - Call your witness please. - The people call Annie Campbell. - [Judge] Quiet please, order. Ms. Campbell, would you take a seat? (sighs) Please remember you're still under oath. (slow piano music) (bold orchestral music) - I'll be back in two hours. (suspenseful orchestral music) (door crashing) - Sterling? - Marissa. Are you okay? - It's about time you showed up. For a guardian angel you're not around much. - I know, I'm sorry, I should've been there for you. I'm new at this. - Sterling, I was really scared. Are you real? I can touch you. - Yeah, it seems that way. (suspenseful orchestral music) - I'm sorry for running off. I should have just stayed at home. - It's okay, the main thing is you're safe. Now we just have to... (door creaks) Shh. Stay right there. (grunting) (suspenseful orchestral music) (grunting) - Nice shot. You nailed him. - Okay, come on, try and get your skates off here. Shh. (whistles) - What's taking you so long? How close are you? Good, get over here now. Some guy found the kid. We gotta move her fast. - How come they see you? - I don't know. It seems the more emotionally involved I become, the more real I become as well. - Who else knows you're out here? - Nobody, except your mother. - You think you're funny. I should just shoot you right now. - You can't shoot him! He's an angel. (laughs) - An angel. - He was sent here to protect me. - Heck of a job you're doing pal. - Look, why don't you just let the girl go. - Keep me instead. - The girl ain't going nowhere. Trials underway. In a matter of hours it'll all be over. Her mother won't testify and my brother walks. - Then what? - Then we get rid of the both of ya'. (laughs) - After you placed the invoice on the desk, what happened then? - Well, I heard voices coming up the hall. - Voices. What did you do? - I hid behind the desk. - You behind a desk. Why was that? - I was afraid, I didn't want them to find me. - [Man] Why not? Were you scared? Was it something they said that made you fear for your life? - Look, you don't need to get rid of us. You could just... - What I don't need is you telling me what to do! (birds squawking) All right, on your feet. We're gonna go for a ride. Bring the kid. - Help us. - Bring the kid! Sean, is that you? (suspenseful orchestral music) Get down here and help me with these two! What are you doing? Quit fooling around. Who's there? Stop right there. What are you doing? Don't go any further. Mama? Oh, mama! - You break my heart, you filthy crook. - But. - Thank you. - Say nothing. - Awe. - I take you and I tell you and I tell you! What did I tell you? - Oh. - No-no, no-no, no. He works for the Badgetts. He helped kidnap me. - Marissa, wait! - Lookin' for me? (laughs) Didn't think I'd get away, did ya'? - Marissa, what are you doing? - It's a nice day, I thought I'd take a walk. - You need to get back in the cellar. - Or not. (grunting) (suspenseful orchestral music) - That's from me. That was for Annie. And this. That was from my daughter. Come on. - You're my father? How can you be my father? - Buckle up. - How come you never told me you were my father before? - Because I didn't know before. - How could you not know? - That's complicated. Your mother and I split up before you were born, and she never told me about you. - Why? - Because I'm an idiot. I was too caught up in myself and my own needs. A total reject. - I'm glad you came back. - Me too. (siren wailing) - Ms. Campbell, why didn't you want them to find you in the office? - [Judge] Answer the question, Ms. Campbell. - Because I heard them make some threats. - Threats. Threats. You'd never met these men before. What made you think you were in danger? Specifically Ms. Campbell, what kind of threats? I know this is difficult, Ms. Campbell, but please answer the question. (siren wailing) Ms. Campbell. Ms. Campbell, what did you hear them say? - You're safe in this courtroom, Ms. Campbell. Answer the question please. Ms. Campbell, if you don't answer the question I will hold you in contempt. (bright orchestral music) - Awe, Marissa. (sighing) I don't believe it. - Who's that man? - Quiet please. Order. (gavel banging) Order please. Order. - I heard him say that he was gonna burn down Hans Kramer's house later that night. (all gasping) - [Woman] Oh my gosh. - Who said that? Can you point to the man that you heard say that? Is he in this courtroom? - You can do it, come on. - Junior Badgett. - [Lawyer] Junior Badgett. (light orchestral music) ♪ Silent night holy night ♪ ♪ All is calm all is bright ♪ - I was wrong. - Oh yeah? - You're not a reject. - Thanks. ♪ Holy infant so tender and mild ♪ - An old boyfriend she thought was dead, and only he isn't. - Something like that, yes. I don't know, Annie told me not to ask questions, I'm not asking questions. Oh, there you are. I wondered where you ducked off to. - Urgent phone call, I gotta go. - Why? - Eddie Badgett just showed up at the office, and wants to turn state's evidence against Junior. - You gotta be kidding me. - He says he had a change of heart. Something about a vision of his dead mother. He's got a whole laundry list of crimes that he's witnessed Junior commit, and he's ready to testify in court. Looks like you'll be going to the witness protection program now, huh? - Fantastic. - Thanks for everything now. - Oh, thank you so much. - Have a good night. - Bye. ♪ Christ the savior is born ♪ - You're doing great. (laughing) It's not that hard, right? (all clapping) Awe, that was great. - Thank you, thanks. Let's go see Grandma. - Over here. Move closer together. And smile. Perfect. (laughing) - Oh boy, what a great Christmas. All of us here together. - Can you just excuse me for a minute? (slow piano music) - You did it. I gotta admit I had my doubts there for a minute, but you did it. - Yeah. - I talked to the council, and they're very impressed. - Well, that's good to know. I have to go now, don't I? - Yeah. - Sterling. Who are you talking to? - Could you give me a minute? - Sure. (slow ethereal string music) - Can I have this last dance? I never stopped loving you. I'm sorry I messed things up. - You didn't mess things up. You gave me her. Thank you. - Look how pretty you look. I have to go now. - To heaven? - I hope so. - Daddy, I love you. I don't want you to go. - I'll always be with you. At home, at school, at the ice rink. I'm your guardian angel. You're stuck with me, remember? - You're the best guardian angel ever. - Well, you get what you deserve. (bright symphonic music) Promise me you'll keep singing. - Yeah. - Bye. I'll see you again, I promise. - Come on. (chiming music) - I think you'll find this course to your liking. - It was you, wasn't it? You were the one who talked the heavenly council into giving me a second chance. - Well. - Thanks for believing in me. - Hey, you get what you deserve. (chiming music) - [Sterling] This looks like a pretty tough course. - [Joe] Yeah, don't worry pal. You have plenty of time to improve your game. ♪ Deck the halls with boughs of holly ♪ ♪ Fa la la la la la la la la ♪ ♪ 'Tis the season to be jolly ♪ ♪ Fa la la la la la la la la ♪ ♪ Don we now our gay apparel ♪ ♪ Fa la la la la la la la la ♪ ♪ Troll the ancient Yuletide carol ♪ ♪ Fa la la la la la la la la ♪ ♪ Jingle bells jingle bells ♪ ♪ Jingle all the way ♪ ♪ Oh, what fun it is to ride ♪ ♪ In a one horse open sleigh ♪ ♪ Hey jingle bells jingle bells ♪ ♪ Jingle all the way ♪ ♪ Oh what fun it is to ride ♪ ♪ In a one horse open sleigh ♪ ♪ Deck the halls with boughs of holly ♪ ♪ Deck the halls with boughs of holly ♪ ♪ Deck the halls with boughs of holly ♪ ♪ Fa la la la la la la la la ♪
Channel: Indie Rights Movies For Free
Views: 19,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Erika Eleniak, christmas movie, full movie, free movie, film, free film, christmas, movie, crimes, thriller, thriller movie, crime movie, drama movie, espanol, spanish
Id: eLuC0Q8oJFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 50sec (5690 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 12 2023
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