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spanning the globe with Christian programming and the Word of God 24 hours a day this is the gospel America Network broadcasting on the Internet to every nation that Jesus is Lord this is the gospel America Network the gospel America broadcast network presents a special presentation from Maywood Illinois pastor Marvin Wylie from rock of ages' Baptist Church sharing the Word of God and the love of Jesus Christ to millions around the world on the gospel America broadcast network Rock of Ages with pastor Marvin Wylie I want to deviate from our series of sermons for just a moment amen I promise you I'll get the children of Israel out of Egypt and I'll get them on to the promised land I just ain't gonna do it today amen hopefully you'll be hope then helped by the message today Psalm 27 let me read in your hearing verses 13 and verse 14 you'll find these words recorded I had fainted unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living wait on the Lord be of good courage and he shall strengthen dying heart wait I say on the Lord Amen that's what I want to talk about wait on the Lord wait on the note Rhodesians a few days ago I was eating with my son and one of our favorite restaurants I ordered a state trying my best to stay away from pork but his food came before mine it was a lengthy delay before mine came out so I asked the waitress what was taking my food so long she said sir your order is considered a special order and a special order takes time I thought about what the waitress said when I read the text well there are some things that I've asked the Lord for and they have not materialized yet some things I've been talking to God about for mighty long time and yet they have not come to fruition anybody else ask God to do something and as of yet you are not in position of the benefit or the blessing I've seen others receive their orders but mine seemingly is delayed but delayed does not mean denial I've seen others prayers answered I've seen others experience breakthrough I haven't seen others experience victory I've asked God to do some things and God has not done it yet and maybe it's a special older and can you tell you need but special orders take a little more time come on high five you need but turn to that pushing on the other side and tell them special orders take a little more time I've seen others get the house I've seen others get the car seeing others get the promotion I've seen others get the job I've seen others get the breakthrough I've seen others get to healing can there anybody here that can testify that my prayer may be a special order you can't get it off of them the showroom floor you can't get it off the rack you can't get it out of inventory you just got to wait on it I feel all right here today maybe this morning would you've asked the Lord for what you cried about what you walk the flu what you want it with what you requested from the Lord is a special order and special orders the waitress see it takes a little more time and so stop giving God drop dead dates and recognize that he's getting it ready for you and you ready for it God is not operating by you time acts by you Whitner by you're lunging by your rule X God is a long time going that spouse God's gonna do it that car God is going to do it that job or promotion God is gonna do it that windfall God is gonna do it that house God is going to do it that business God is gonna do that healing God is gonna do that victory God is gonna do that breakthrough God is gonna do that special tree and God is gonna do but special all take a little more time even farmers have to learn how to wait for the crop to come in because they do not determine what happens underground they just got to wait for God to work underground and I won't tell somebody here today God is working underground in your life God is working behind the scene it may look like he's doing nothing it may look like he's going on strike at me look like he's abdicated the throne but can I suggest today that the God we serve is a known time though maybe this morning your prayer requests has not become a praise report but God is up to something and so in the meantime what have I to do when God has not answered my prayer well I'm not to be impatient impatient is one of the most miserable maladies in the world in which we live we want it now we want it now we want it now not tomorrow we want it to happen right now and it's hard to wait and here I come this morning shooting the hole in your halo by telling you waiting at how when what you need is not a regular blessing you got to wait when your what your need is not a run-of-the-mill breakthrough you got the way when what you need is not just ordinary you got to wait some time the waitress say you got to wait longer but like many I don't know how difficult it is to wait to wait on the Lord pastor you said to me I've waited and waited and waited long enough things ain't getting no better just remember that waiting is not inactivity wait for the job but fill out the application wait for the healing but baby still take your medicine I don't hear nobody wait for the bills to be paid but it needs a knack a plan to get it done quickly all God wants from us this morning is an unwavering faith in the midst of trials tribulation tears tragedies and turmoil and if you can wait on the Lord God will come through but I want a high five you'll need until your knee by got a special order and I got a special order and that's why it may take a little more time now hitting it hard to wait at the stop sign for traffic at the train tracks with a train owner in the beautician shop or in the barber chair for the promotion or the raise for the doctor to come in and see you for the food to get ready even with a microwave you sit there pacing back and forth in front of the microwave waiting for the popcorn to get ready said I wish it would just hurry up for a live person to come to answer your questions over the phone for the stop light to turn green for the line in the grocery store the MD for your favorite television show to come on for class to be over for the car going slow in front of you for this sermon to be over so you can prepare for Super Bowl I'll let your name I wish you get Lulu God is a wait watch up stop rewind let me play that again God has a weight watcher God is just watching to see if you awake with confidence and faith to see him come through to see him work it out to see him bring you through it's hard to wait that's why the songwriter said the other day you can't hurry God sometimes you just got to wait you got to give him time no matter how long it takes he's a god you can't hurry but he'll be that don't you worry he may not come when you want him but it's always right on time is there anybody up in here no he's right on time he's never late but it ain't never early either he's right on time I wish to God I could get about three people to jump on your feet back there you're helping me preach a little vial until your knee but I'll go wait on go tell your neighbor you're next in line for a miracle sometimes we hurry to wait you've been in situations where you've heard to wait but I want to tell you today if you wait on God God will bring it to fruition david says in Psalms 27 and 14 wait on the law be a good courage he shall strengthen thine heart wait I say it's like an old Baptist preacher he says it again wait I say on the Lord twice in one verse David says wait now this Psalm is a part of the first book of the soldier for those of us who are familiar with the Psalter we recognize there's 150 Psalms that make up the Salter book one is songs number one and through 41 42 through 72 that the book 273 through 8 and 9 that's book 3 9 through 106 that's book 490 206 book for 107 through 150 that's book 5 this is a part of book 1 and the writer says this is a psalm of David when I told when appended we're not told when he picked up in and Parchman right wrote this powerful prolific purple for Psalm that I picked up for preaching from the pulpit at his period he doesn't tell us nothing about that but yet he tells you and I who are here this morning thousands of years hint if you wanna make it through you just got to wait on the low and I don't care what you're going through the day I've discovered that when I wait on God I don't make a mistake I don't hear nobody don't react nobody rush you ahead this is a psalm of David there is no ascription other than a psalm of David there is no ascription that gives us the historical background of the Psalms when you read my brothers and sister Psalms 34 it gives a historical background where you can trace that song back to a particular time in the life of David it says it's a psalm of David when he changed his behavior before Abimelech who drove him away and he departed this Psalm doesn't say that it just says it's a psalm of David The Tortoise we're 34th number Psalm can be connected to the 1st Samuel chapter 21 verse 13 but this Psalm just says it's a psalm of David this 27 Psalm has no historical background again the god man after God's own heart just wrote wait on the Lord sweet psalmist of Israel just said wait on the Lord the harp player to recede wait on the Lord the one that maintained high spirits that low time says wait on the Lord this musical monarch says wait on the Lord and it's night David because he wrote over half of the Psalms there's different times in David's life at some times he's at a high and other times he's at a low and high moments in his life he wrote something like the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want making the middle died down in green pastures he leadeth me beside still waters he restoreth my soul he leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake and he do I walk through the valley of the shadows of death I fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they comfort me I don't hear nobody now prepare us a table before me in the presence of mine enemies I'm known as my head with all my cup runneth over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the my life and how dwell in the house of the Lord forever and high times he wrote stuff like Psalms 34 first one through three I bless the Lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth my soul shall make her boast in the Lord the humble shall hear their love and be glad all magnify the Lord with me let us exalt his name together is there anybody here that's ever had some high times in your life tell your name I've had some hot time but I've had some low times too it's at a low time David would write stuff like Psalm 22 and 1 my God my God why has thou forsaken me you remember Matthew 27 and 46 those the same words that Jesus used as he were dying on Calvary David was a master pins man as he talked about the goodness degrees the graciousness and the generosity of God I don't know what's happening in David's life at the time of the text but I just perused it and I discovered that there are some things going on in David's life first of all according to verse 2 and 3 he's being pursued by enemies holla back at me enemies in verse 4 he shut off from the house of God say house of God in verse 10 he's parted are is parting from his parents his mother and father in verse 12 he's become the subject to slander David's plate is full but can I tell you David pray ain't the only fool play somebody here this morning your plate is full come on you ain't helping me I'm preaching a whole lot better than y'all helping me Babbitt's plate is full and every now and then in life yo plague will get fool and the question arises what do you do when your plate gets full you wait on God tell your neighbor keep on waiting on him turn around tell you the name on the other side wait on it David in the midst of everything that's going on remains confident of God's love he understand that in spite of it all God is on his side it is a psalm that David says to you and I that we are to wait on God based on God's track record tell your knee but we got a god with past performance portfolio is there anybody here God done done some stuff in the past don't fool me I said no fool y'all don't act like it don't make me work this on I said it done some stuff in the past you thought you wasn't gonna make it in the past you thought you wouldn't go and get well in the past you thought you were gonna lose your house in the past you thought you'll go get fired off your job in the past you thought your children were never gonna get straight out in the past you thought you would never bounce back in the past tell your neighbor God is a God of past performance portfolio even done some things in the page if he does it in the past he'll do it again jolly old neighbor yes she will it is a fact that God often uses chaos challenge conflict confrontation to make us do what mama say it sat down somewhere boy I don't hear nobody and every now and then you just got to set out somewhere come on help me preach and tell your neighbor he told me to tell you set yourself down somewhere let God handle the details of your life God is in the detail business he gets intricately involved in the minor details of my life and I can praise his holy name because I'm a missing in the midst of it all get your confidence in God trouble is all around a be enemy's desire to destroy him but his confidence in God it has an all-time high confidence is not shaken his faith is sure his trust in God is strong he opens this arm affirming that the Lord has been of a great help to him it is David who says the Lord is my light and he's my cell vision whom shall I fear the Lord is the strength of my life whom shall I be afraid this is one of the most impressive statements in Old Testament affirming the security of God the Lord is it's not he go be it not he used to be he's yes he is how many no peers hi really I know this ain't no word I'm gonna make it up anyway you are every 9 and think about the years miss of God I told you what in the world I just felt like making it up in a way God heals yeah whatever you need him to be he's if you need a way out of no way he is they're gonna need a mind regulator he is if you need a breakthrough he is if you need a doc in the sickroom he heals if you need a lawyer in the coatroom he is if you need a mind regulator he is if you need somebody that will fight your battles he is able to do it tell you me but he is is there anybody here to know that the Lord is your light he your salvation you have no need to fear nobody nothing no situation I shall not fear he does not have the benefit first to me the one in 7 the Lord has not given us the spirit of fear but no power and a sound mind he doesn't have the benefit of that but yet in the midst of it all he says I will not let anything make me feel all feel free what even because I trust in the Lord he saves he strengthens he sustains he saves he sprint UM's he sustains I don't hear nobody he saves he strengthens he sustains is there anybody here that know the Lord is my salvation the Lord is the strength of my life tell your neighbor whom shall I be afraid and then David said when the wicked and everybody that's wicked ain't at the clue somebody I'd know some wicked vote only thing you can do and not be one tell your neighbor I know some wicked people he said to you and I when the wicked even mine enemies and my folks came upon me to eat up my flesh I got this pass testimony they stumbled and fail in dead that's in the place but your praise of God will - when you think about not just what he gonna do to it what he's old he's already done some of y'all act like he ain't done nothing someone has if some of y'all that like he ain't done nothing I said something y'all that like he ain't done let me give you a few things kept a roof over your head tell a little money in your pocket regulated your mind kept your live on the night shift can't do the activity of your limb didn't let them repossess your car talk with me somebody child got old truth is there anybody that can testify got a degree even though you got five kids is a a party that can testify he done sometimes in the pan hey too early to God has done some things for you in the past let me see how let me see how knowledgeable you are what he's done get one thing on your mind that you know you couldn't have done for yourself just one time get one thing on your mind I said just get one thing on your mind that he's done for you in the past do you had it one thing evidently you ain't got it cause you ain't shouting you ain't telling us I think you gained lifting up your hand ain't nobody running up in here up in here up in here there's that if I didn't move everybody ought to have one thing that they can tell a lot Thank You David says when the wicked even man enemies and my food came upon me to eat up my flesh they stumbled and failure here he is utter destruction for your enemies here's a warrior to somebody today you don't have to fight your enemies the Lord will fight for you he works well on the night shift I mean it just don't wake up in the morning I don't hear nobody you ain't got to have nothing to do with that you at home sleep in your bed you get a call the next morning you know so-and-so day that same person they're trying to get you fine off your job you ain't got to worry about them all you got to do is go to work and do your job and watch God take care of them you're just gonna walk one more this mi so-and-so oh she got fired yo I do not have any reason to fear in the moments of darkness he found out the Lord was his light in the moments of danger he found that the Lord was his salvation in the moments of debility he found out the Lord was his strength and the cause of these reasons david has whom shall I fear whom shall I be afraid he said though a hosts a whole group an army shouldn't camp against me had word in camp does not mean that they just show up it means they don't stake out to join they didn't put the tents down I'll rather that my hitting me just sure but but for them to just in camp around me I look that way there there I look that way there there I look behind me there there I look in front of me there there I got I ain't got a sitter ain't got but one more place to look I look and is there anybody here that's been looking to the heels from which comic yo hell ah y'all have will come from now they David says David says one thing I desired of the law that when I seek out them I want to dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life if I can make it to the house of the Lord if I could make it to church if I can make it to the Saints you will I can behold the beauty of the Lord I can't inquire I can ask some questions up in him if they anybody that feel better when you get to the sanctuary where you and God can get on a one-on-one basis you're gonna ask him some stuff like why meelo said one thing what one thing would you ask of God this morning what would you request be what is the one thing that you come here every Sunday morning carrying David said this one thing I desired of the Lord one thing I'll seek after well I wanna do the dwell in the house of the Lord so I can behold his beauty and inquire in his temple baby says for in the time Ultra he shall hide me in his pavilion in the secrets of his tabernacle Shelly hide me he'll set my feet on a rock I don't hear nobody God will make it where your head will be up above your enemies is there anybody who has experienced that is there in it at it that has experienced that god lifting you in spite of all of the danger seen and unseen all around I feel a little better now Talya name I've been I've done that I got the t-shirt the mug and the bumper sticker I've been right there where the wicked have encamped against me but the law has lifted me up right in the midst of it now what are you gonna do in response to what the Lord has done for you well I'm gonna give him sacrifices of Yahweh and then I'm gonna say yeah I'm gonna say how maybe off-key but I'm gonna say I may not know all the words that's why I just Harmon out I'm go saying if there anybody got a song to say is there anybody that win your back is up against the wall between a rock and a hard place and a jam and a squeeze in a boat without a pail behind the eight-ball you just sang your way through don't fool me is there anybody that just gets the sang and get your sound good to you you ain't worried about who all around you you just keep on singing saying yeah I will sing praise to the Lord he needs the load to lift his head up he needs the load to hear his cry so it tells God in verse 7 here he o Lord when I cry with my voice high ain't nobody else will have mercy but have mercy upon me and not only have mercy on me answer me when I said it seek your face my heart said on the deed thy face Lord will I see birth Manny tell the Lord don't hide your face from me I need to see your face I'm going through but if I can see your face everything is gonna be alright but not your servant away in anger thou has been my help leave me not don't forsake me you're the God of my salvation they even said even when my mother and my father forsake me then the Lord will take me up is there anybody here that knows the Lord will take your anybody been in that situation where it's been nobody but to know that has taken Europe in essence he takes my case over in essence he does for me what I can't do for myself if they ain't love it that no God will take your case over tell your neighbor yes he will when people forsake you the Lord will step me they walk out he walk in kill your neighbor let him walk out let him walk out they walk out he walked right on him then he said God teach me your way lead me in a plain path cause of my enemies don't deliver me over until the wheel of mine enemies false witnesses have risen up against me and they are breathing out cruelty I had fainted I almost lost it you ever been now don't fool me now I'm looking at some of y'all about to go off the deep end I don't hear nobody almost singing I said let me ask you again have you almost lost have you almost given up have you have almost get thrown in the time have you almost quit have you almost said I'm through I got a word for you I don't hear nobody be not weary in well-doing for in due season we shall reap if we faint not I don't hear nobody David said how I loathe to my handle almost waved the white flag of surrender almost gave up on God but I believed if I had not believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living I would have been out of here I would have been through it would have been over but I'm not through yet cuz I got a go that would give you bounce-back power kill you an even April I don't have to think I don't have to feel I don't have to fumble I believe I see the goodness of now in the land of the living I ain't got to wait until I die he got some stuff with my name and I'll go get it while I'm here tell your neighbor neighbor Wow God got some blessings for me why do home cry too much I've given him ever God he got to come through he got to work it out he got to fix it how most low stood Mouse lost my mind but I got a guy I know gonna fix it and he ain't gonna wait til I die he gonna do it for me wanna get out of your seat go somebody put your arms around tell him he don't do it family he gon do while I'm still here he gon do while I still got my man I almost able I almost do entire I almost said I'm finished but I'm gonna wait on the Lord here he is the plea for patience wait on the Lord here he is the positive costume feel good courage here he is the promise of power he shall strengthen thine heart can you say wait on the Lord is there anybody here that know your order is a special order God's got a blessing with your name on it our jobs and in Joe 14 and 14 if a man die shall he live again on my baby of my appointed time I'm gonna wait till my change calm I heard David said in Psalm 37 and seven rest in the Lord and wait patiently for him fret not thyself because of him who prosper it them in his way he because of the man who bring it wicked devices to pass I heard David said and some thirty seven and nine for evildoers shall be cut off but those that wait upon the law shall inherit the earth I heard David said and sons body and one I waited patiently for the Lord and he and climbed underneath I heard Isaiah said in Isaiah fallen and 31 but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength they louder they holler on we the Eagles they run and not be weary they all walk and not vague I feel a little bit another body then go wait on another body then go wait on the lung if you go away on the law can you say yeah yes if you go away Oh your seed somebody I'm gonna wait on the nod if you go he'll say so yeah if you're calling on him say thank you Jesus if you go away on the no no yeah thank you Jesus way out him wait already hey hey the labeling on weight on it weight on it weight on in special order special order special order you know how you like it special own I'll illusion you know what you won't special order special order you know how you won't even fix it for you special order special order that's why I can't nobody push off a blessing that ain't no blessing you need him to give you a special order and I am a witness if you wait on him he'll come through every time somebody act like you don't know he'll come through I made up my mind all I'm gonna do is sit myself down and we own the dog y'all may not have done it the first time so do it for me now turn it at person on one side of the other tell them set yourself down and let God work it out for you you tell him don't you jump ahead of God he end up with some you know and some you can't get rid of I don't hear nobody sometimes we just gotta see their set yourself down and let alone work it out funny how many of you can testify looking back over your life if it was up to you you'd have made a mess out of your life I don't hear nobody but somehow the Holy Spirit spoke into your life you don't have to worry you don't have to fear you don't have to be afraid ah got this somebody ought to be able to sleep better tonight I'll care what the doctor say I got this I don't care what your crazy cousins in Arkansas you can take move from your city but they're nibbling off some whiskey I got this I don't care what they do any on yo job I I got this I don't care they digging ditches for you on the ground you remember what your mama said if you did one you better be too cause the next one you dig baby for you I got this how many of you need God to do something for you whatever that is on your mind right now God is seeing already already dawn here it is and I'll go to my seat mother oh I know it's football season but in baseball it always bothered me my that a banner could come to the plane and hit a home road and he still got to run the bases it looked like to me if you hit a home run you just and going to the dugout waiting for everybody else to come on in but the only way it becomes a legitimate homeroom is you got to touch first and second third and home cause if you miss one base I know man the ball over the fence ah yeah but if you miss one base here it is some of y'all ain't doing nothing but running the bases the home run already been here but it will not become a home wrong if you miss one base yeah but that's what you're doing I'm waiting on a man waiting I know it ain't like I'm going to where you just set yourself down and wait on
Channel: Gary Jenkins
Views: 104,866
Rating: 4.7145772 out of 5
Id: T8Ezn33Xlng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 33sec (2913 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2014
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