Marvin Hagler vs. Mustafa Hamsho | FREE FIGHT

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tale of the tape haggler of course two years the senior of ham show otherwise rather comparable if there's any kind of a surprise lariat said hagler came in a little lighter than expected he came in very light one interpretation is that since he has had some problems with his stamina against this type of fighter in the past that he worked extra hard and he is a very hard worker to begin with well there is no choice as to who the public favorite is here it is definitely the champion marvin hagler here's another war going on right now we ought to mention here that this is a 10-point must system the same system that was in use in las vegas two weeks ago and we'll find out if the officials here in chicago are more willing to give ten eight or ten seven rounds than they were in las vegas and what larry merchant is referring to of course is the sugar ray leonard fight with thomas hearns and that is the fact that in round six and seven of that fight ray leonard seemed to have won by a wide margin and yet they were only scored 10-9 the same as some later rounds that were won by thomas hearns you're going to see a lot of boxing from hagler because i think what he's going to do now he's going to try to find out what is the most effective uh maneuver against hamster haggler of course all business in the ring rarely will change expression ham show we expect to come right at marvin right now they're at long range feeling out period 30 seconds into round one middleweight championship first exchange i just don't believe that half show has the twos to deal with a guy of haggler's caliber hagler will switch hands on you too he'll go southboy he'll go the other way he'll go every which way especially against the brawler like cam show just to confuse him a little bit haggler with a jab in hamstro's nose you're going to see the experience factor here because hackle is going to box i'm going to outmaneuver him and hadley's right jab is very effective here he's going at will very sharp early on two jabs right there that hamster tries to duck under a can i don't believe hagler has missed the right hand in a fight [Applause] [Music] hamsho has been prone to cut took 22 stitches after the fight with wilford scipion and again a very very sharp right hand and already the right side of hampshire's face a little bit red the hamster is not used to a guy's phantom working body shots moving side to side lateral position throwing constant left jab hamstrings just not used to this kind of fighter well admittedly we are only about two minutes into the first round of this fight but hagglers looked extremely sharp and scores twice again and comes with the left hand on the top of the head and another good right hand that stands ham show straight up and another one gonna run out of fingers pretty soon there's not too many guys that can stand up to marvin haglin and that's the reason i want to give him an opportunity to make some money well he's managed to keep hampshire at long range right where he wants him hampshire just simply cannot get inside that jab of haglers coming up on the 30-second mark here and hagler draws a warning to keep his hands up and a right hand stands him up again carmen hagler looking extremely sharp here hampshire tries to crowd him now and hagler covers up and gets out of there inside the 20-second mark round one missing a counter punch round one all marvin hacker once again the right hand right side of the face would come to the end of round one and i tell you what when they write the book on boxing it would be hard to write it any better than that first round [Music] round two schedule 15 rounder middleweight championship of the world haggler right to work with the right hand again against hampshire and a left hand scores and hagler goes after him ham show swarming haggar now against the rub showing a little offense of his own but swinging wildly this is the only way hampshire would be affected going inside clenching tied him up wrestling clenching holding hitting this is the only way he can fight hagler can change up he's versatile he can box and most of all he can punch so hampshire trying to get inside being a little bit more effective early in the second round here doing that but he wasn't a first right hand catches hampshire backing away and again a right hand to the side of the head of ham show keeping them away keeping them off balance left hand scores for hagler and another right hand right to the nose once more good stiff jab by marvin hagler coming off a left hand by hampshire that scored on the top of hagler's head hadley's doing the right thing keeping hampshire on the outside of that jab because inside is very dangerous because you can sustain a headbutt which of course was the case with veto antifirmo against marvin haglin and a left hand again sends hampshire back namcho trying to work inside as ray leonard mentioned that's really the only thing that he can try to do and sustain any kind of offense chopping left hand by ham show you know it's quite difficult fighting a guy like hampshire inside because hampshire is capable of throwing punches from any direction he can hit you in the body in the back of the head um i'd rather fight him on the outside combination again stuns ham show right hand on the left cross [Music] ham show has gotten much the worst of the early going here marvin hagler looking extremely sharp hampshire scores with a right hand and a left hand of the nose of marvin hagler's hamstring swarms him and a good left hand again and the knees wobble for just a moment hamstro is a very durable fighter he took he's taking some good shots from hagler although i think as around's progress it's going to take its toll completely now the right hand getting right in on the chin of mustafa ham show hampshire fights back tries to swarm again takes two shots gives one hampshire the kind of guy who'll give up a couple of punches to get in a couple he's been liking to jake lamotta like into harry grimm [Applause] [Music] but as larry merchant mentioned he's getting a boxing lesson right now from the champion marvin hagler round three upcoming now a little bit of swelling on the right side of mustafa hamsho's face and it has taken an awful lot of jabs another right hand catches him up on the left side of the face a one punch uh ko is not gonna be the case here i think marvin's gonna eventually put his punches together because i think he's going to take a series of punches to get hampshire out of there well marvin is rarely missed in the first two rounds here and we just get underway here in round three it's been extremely sharp the jab scoring between the guard of mustafa ham show more important hampshire has not been able to get inside and there wasn't what now blood shows there's been a bunch of the fireworks on the right side of my round face and there is a cut over the right eye of the champion marvin hagler now says i gotta get down and do some business here well he doesn't really know how serious that cut is and it can't get worse as to fight progress and what he wants to do now he's trying to get the fight over as soon as possible blood continuing to show and it does could get into the eye as hampshire now tries to work on that and i think you might have heard marvin heckler say come on come on might be the first time in the fights that we've done with marvin hacker that i've actually seen him angry i think marvin is really angry right now well i think that's he can't he can't afford to get angry because he's not missing but having a superior fighter and i'm quite sure the experience will take its toll i think there might be a cut on the right eye a pam show also not sure if that blood is coming from marvin or from hampshire but i believe it's from ham show alongside the right eye both fighters are cut at this present time and i've been quite biased as far as concern because i really want to fight because i i look at him as being a great champion and marvin continues to talk to his man i don't think marvin wants to fool around i think the cut on hampshire right now is probably the more serious of the two and marvin is just fighting like a man possessed right now inside the one minute mark remaining here in round three i think marvin's getting a little bit tired of butts it happened in the firmware fight and it happens here in round three against mustafa [Music] and hagler remains very sharp right hand again scores hamster sticks his tongue out at haggle hampshire may be trying to work on the psyche of marvin hagler i have never seen marvin hagler lose his cool and i'm not implying that he's lost it now but i do think he wants to get this over with a couple of punches scoring there by ham show and hagrid comes right back at him five seconds remain ending round three [Applause] round four and let's see how good the cut man in each corner hampshire starts bleeding almost immediately no blood showing from hagler right now hagar gets right back to work combination by ham show scoring on haglin [Applause] [Music] hagar again peppering hamsho with that jab keeping his man off balance and a right hand scores but a counter punch by ham show scores on a haggler another right hand by heckler to the side of the head of ham show it's only been three and a half rounds but i'll tell you it's been an upbeat three and a half rounds here in the middleweight championship hacker gets out of those ropes he doesn't like it there hampshire bores in on him once again right hand scores by hampshire to the side of the head of hagner hamcho again swarming on his man and now blood showing from the left eye as well maybe along the bridge of the nose of pamsho now there's definitely a cut over the left eye as well as the right eye so this fight i would guess is not going to go a great deal longer as long as hagler now the referee octavio moran stops things for a moment he's going to ask for the ring physician here and he is asking hector to go to a reduced point of this is not a knockdown the time will stop and the ring physician will come on to look at the eyes of mustafa hampshire says he's all right ring physician is not so sure and there is a lot of blood it is from the left eye above the left eye of mustafa show action continues hagler goes right to work on it hagler jabbing very effectively here blood from both eyes of the challenger hagler again sticking the right hand in the face of mustafa ham show at this point now this fight should be stopped i don't think although a championship is great to have at this point now it's not worth your help hampshire has been like rather haggler has been like a surgeon here there's no question about it again scores two more times it's got to be affecting his vision it is the blood is flowing to his eyes and um but again i get i take my head out to the guy the guy's still fighting he's still in there well game is a word that we overuse perhaps in the sport of boxing i think you have to use it and use it accurately so on mustafa ham show haggler really punishing him right here hamcho comes back with the right hand and scores with another right hand and hagler just continues to bang away now virtually it will the crowd is on its feet and i think the crowd empathizes with ray leonard myself and i'm quite sure our cohort larry merchant and that this fight should not go on a great deal longer the left eye does not seem to be bleeding any longer right now does not seem to be bothering most of the damage is on the right eye and he takes another good shot right on it and yet another by hagler well we can see now that hampshire is completely out of it i mean as far as his vision is concerned he's fighting from the heart but his vision is completely impaired and marvin hagler as is his job continues to score almost at will on the face of mustafa ham show ham show dead game but we come to the end of round four very very damaging round al braverman who normally is very excitable picked that moment to be very calm because he knew he had to be and he told mustafa hampshire you just got to get out and do it right now because if you don't i'm going to stop the fight and that's exactly what hampshire was trying to do you know you see a movie like a rocky and that's all let's pretend and here it's just about the same scene going on in the corner and this is for real folks well hampshire's trying to stop the fight from the very beginning and we see marvin still in there all you're going to see now is pretty much a boxing lesson you're going to see his talent just completely out maneuvering landing punches putting his punches together quite well and just taking himself a part of the stage hagler just kind of pacing himself now hagler knows he's got the fight virtually won barring the totally unforeseen cup man in hampshire's corner obviously doing a pretty good job because we are almost a minute into this round and there is really not a great deal of blood and he was cut pretty seriously on both eyes and there's a shot that opens it up again on the left eye the right eye seems to be cut underneath the eye and the left eye above the eye there has been no further blood on the face of marvin hagler following the butt i like i like what i said mom he's boxing he's utilizing the whole ring and when he has an opportunity to take control he stands there and releases combinations marvelous that he has to because the right hand right on the chin of ham show that time but there really is not as much blood in this round on the face of ham show as there was in the last although the right eye now showing quite a lot of blood haggler realizing he's in control is back to being the task master that he was early i think it was obvious that he got angry after the butt not so much i don't believe in a ham show but just at the situation because it was two fights in a row blood showing under the left eye of ham show now as well as on top of the left eye and there's a short right hand that i'm amazed hampshire could stand up under that was a heck of a punch and again a short right hand scoring on the side of the head of mustafa hampshire marvin that is easy complete control now he's doing whatever he wants to do the right hand by hagler that time and virtually every punch that marvin throws is scoring two jabs to the nose of ham show tries a lunging right hand that misses and hampshire is going to get through this round [Applause] [Music] just trying to emulate that if he possibly can here and i think you heard his corner there just kind of exhorting him to get getting and doing so because of the cut not in spite of it but because of it the bleeding seems to suck a little bit and he's just laying a pretty good shadow as his chin but getting back to the clutch they don't look as bad as they did from the start cornerman doing a good job on ham show i just don't like blood most particularly rome looping right hand by ham show trying to get off first and that's what you heard braverman telling him you're letting him get off first and that is exactly what's been happening since the opening bell has nothing to do with the cuts four punches scoring by hagglers haven't jab would do more damage than a good left hand because it's consistent and it makes the cut worse it opens the cut up plus you have a better chance of setting uh cancer up for a combination i'm sure just trying to get on top of his man get in close and of course that doesn't help the cuts at all [Applause] agler goes downstairs that time and another left hand but hagler really has not been able to really hurt hamstro and he's hit him with every punch he's got and again not a lot of blood on the face of mustafa ham shows much worse in the third round this guy hamster is unbelievable i mean he's taking a barrage of good solid punches from handler and he still comes he's still in there hagler stood him straight up that time with an uppercut and more blood shows to the left side of the face of mustafa ham show hamcho still tries to bore inside on him hagler pushes him away and uppercuts it he has scored consistently with that [Applause] a little bit of blood showing on the side of the face of marvin hagler once again now i think again that came from contact inside amcho also looks to be a little bit tired right now 20 seconds remaining in round six middleweight championship at the horizon chicago right hand counterpart by hagler [Applause] so when half show does get off first hagler counter punches him another right hand end of round six deep let's come on deep breaths come on deep breath he's cut come on deep let's go let's stay there [Music] urging his fighter on that's his job come to round seven hampshire's corner has done an outstanding job they've remained calm they've pretty much stopped the bleeding they have done an outstanding job a good sharp jab by ham show you still got something left and this time hagler has opened up the eye once again of mustafa ham show hagler seems to be pacing up a little bit here in round seven well i'm impressed with both of you i'm impressed with having his talent where he out of the ring with his combinations very impressive he knows he just stuck his tongue out the guy's tough [Applause] well the crowd here really picking up the tempo as well as the fighters hacker continues to circle his man not waste any punches score with most of the punches that he's throwing referees taking a good close look at the eyes of mustafa hampshire now which are bleeding a little bit more [Applause] haggler just working his man circling into the left you know one thing that's paid off for hagrid is that he's always in shape because they had such a fast pace going and normally a fight would be completely exhausted at this pace here good indication of just what you were talking about in the last round two two quick jabs opened up the right eye once again of the stop a ham show the jab opens the cuts and it continues to bleed and blinds the opponent little blood showing on the side of the eye once more of marvin hagler he knows how to went downstairs and i think his stun had so full haggler being very workmanlike very effective up on his toes now you and i talked in your fight when you do get cut like that sometimes it affects the peripheral vision the vision to the side i know you've concerned yourself with that in your fight with thomas hearns i can't help but wonder if that's not what's happening to cam show right now and hacker seems to be taking advantage of it yes he has the experience to take full advantage of the opportunity and there's a right hand that sends himself really comes right back up and sticks his tongue out and around seven [Applause] well i don't know what it does when a fighter lands his best punch and the other guy sticks his tongue out at him but it couldn't have done the other fighter any good either but you know something like if mike trains this to me mike don't ever let me fight this guy hampshire no way we're going to take a look at those punches right here at the end of the round solid right hand and bang he comes right back with it this is a different haggler than we have seen most fighters move away from him and he has to press the attack here we see him dancing coming in throwing combinations and doing a textbook job early in the round here just doing it as well as he can well there is no questioning the fitness of these two fighters there's no questioning the gamesmanship of these two fighters hagrid comes right out with a right-hand lead i think it got a pretty good indication of what kind of a punch hampshire could take in that replay that you just saw between rounds hagler had his man off balance and hit him with a hit him a ton with the right hand and hampshire didn't go down back against the ropes goes ham showed out telling haggard come on come on let's get him you know normally you can tell if a fighter is hurt by watching his legs you know he has a little jerk to him but it's quite difficult to determine whether hampshire is really hurt because of his style he comes in normally off balance very difficult hampshire showing himself as a more than qualified contender here slashing right hand again by hagrid of the chest and a right hand right on the button of hampshire but hampshire doesn't take a backwards step he's back with a combination of his own and a left hand of the chin once more by hacker right hand scores to the side of the face hacker is really being like a surgeon and ham show has taken it off three punches right on the nose i'll say again that one punch won't take him throughout it's going to take a series of punches another whistling left hand on the side of the head of mustafa hampshire when her right hand scores and hampshire maybe for the first time takes a backwards step [Applause] haggler trying to measure his man get him on the way in if he can the cuts have not been a major problem for the stop a ham show since they occurred hagrid draws a warning for holding two right hands to the side of the face of hampshire by marvin hagler haggler is sharp with his jab tonight as i've seen downstairs then the right hand upstairs and that wobbles the knees and ham show that combination has a lot of damage to hampshire he went two right hands one upstairs one downstairs and then came back with a one to the face a guy's durable hand so one punch won't do it you have to put them together you gotta stun them first and then you take control keeps pouring in scores with the left hand to the head of marvin hagler hampshire is fighting like he's not worried about his eyes right now well he's not i think all he wants to do is win combination by hamsho on the side of the head of marvin hagler hagler backs up hits him with the right hand of his own end of round seven [Applause] now braverman pulling out all the emotional stops and he rightly should i don't think you could script that any better you know whatever happens mustafa hampshire doesn't want to leave here tonight thinking he didn't give it everything he had and he is scored for the left hand right there lunges back at hagler but hagler gets out of there in a hurry hagler still has a lot of legs under here scores with a combination of his own that stops hampshire i think hagler hurt hamster for the first time in the fight in that last round we're in round nine a little bit of blood again shows over the right eye marvin hagler earlier than it has in previous rounds peppering him at the right hand once again very effective jab can't talk enough about it and another left hand to the side of the head of hampshire his talent his abilities to outmaneuver an opponent to all of a sudden change up from being a slutter to a boxer counter punches i'm very impressed with that there's a lot of good foot speed he really can move he's been up on his toes he's fought flat footed he's changed styles he's changed hands he has a right hand by ham show this raises the chin and he takes one back on the chin to the right hand by hank he knows what the combination damages the combination goes to hancho when marvel releases two three-point combinations once again more combinations of punches from marvin hagler the way i see it now if marvin just go ahead in there and put his punches together he can end this fight haggler scoring almost at will that is not really but perhaps for that one flurry of right hands in the last round has not really hurt mustafa ham show who has not but one time taking a backward step [Applause] and marvin rather mustafa ham show is a credit to coagulation i'll tell you that well you can't let a guy like himself gain confidence gain momentum he gets tougher hack rehearsing from time to time but i don't think he feels it's the right time to take advantage of it more blood actually showing in the face of marvin hacker than there is on the face of mustafa ham show now and look just five rounds ago like the thing was going to be stopped right there ham show with a jab right up on the cut over the right eye of marvin hacker [Applause] haggler beginning to score with the left hand a little bit now and accommodation once again by marvin hagel and hampshire's back in his own corner in the ninth round comes to an end [Applause] i imagine neither did hagler and ham show opens up a little offense a little more blood showing now on the face of mustafa ham show early on in the 10th round here and likewise on the face of marvin hacker as hamsho continues to pepper him and there's the right hand since ham show back a couple of steps didn't really seem to hurt him too much however left hand scores and i think you probably heard the sound of that as clearly as i did here [Applause] caught that on the shoulder right hand scores and now hagler looks as though he might be cut up near the bridge of the nose on the inside of the right eye but both men are still throwing a lot of punches so there's a great deal of damage being done looping left hand scores by hampshire and a right hand of the nose and there's some blood on the face of marvin hagler halfway through round 10. right hand uppercut just stood the head of mustafa hampshire slapped it right back and a combination of another right hand hand in the face comes alive show ham show continues to bore in on the champion marvin hagler who scores once more with a right hand than a left cross [Applause] and hampshire still does not appear to be heard he's taking it off a lot of punishment from the champion [Applause] left hand by hampshire right up on the cut of marvin hagler wild right hand and now a right hand to the body of ham show hampshire has hispanic against the world tanker pounds on him and hampshire scores once again with the face of marvin hagler haggler is cut both on the inside and the outside of the right eye and at this point now you have to say what is keeping hampshire up he has absorbed an awful lot of punishment two right hands right to the nose and this backs him up two sharp jabs by marvin hacker and a right hand a little bit short by hacker who is now stalking ham show left hand to the rims on the right to the face hamster back against the ropes and now the steam seems to have gone from mustafa ham show not sold from the champion marvin hagler end of round 10. you heard it he says that this is the last round he's given him if he doesn't look any better here the corner will stop the fight let's see if he was conning him or telling him the truth well he did go over did al braverman have talked to octavio moran and as a result of that he didn't get to work on the cuts of and the right eye was bleeding in the corner just as much as as much as it was during the round very strange goings-on here hagler goes to work on him and hamcho is fighting like it is for real like this is the last round of the fight let's see [Applause] right hand again and another right hand and ham show's legs go again hagler continues to pound away to the body now they have with the right hand hamstro tries to fight his way off the ropes hampshire could tend to stay against the ropes now uppercut scores by marvin hagler with another right hand to the face and the eyes continue to bleed and mustafa hamster hacker combination scoring at will crowd is alive right hand to the face once more of ham show ham show obviously taking his corner seriously this is the last round and it looks very much right now as though it will be well hamstring has sustained more cuts on the lower part of his eye and i don't see no way this bike can continue this time i think everybody is in agreement that the fight cannot go on much longer octavio taking a very close look now at mustafa ham show hampshire cut along the bridge of the nose on the eye inside the mouth both eyes [Applause] trying to do what he can to keep the attack of marvin hagler off of him but there is very little he can do right now just trying to measure keep him away hacker scores with the right hand even so and another right hand and yet another combinations of punches by the champion tries to go downstairs comes up the right hand snaps his head back cam show is against the rubs takes another right hand and an uppercut cam show's corner is up and they are saying that's it that's all braverman is saying stop it the referee does so the fight is over and marvin hagler has retained his undisputed middleweight championship in the world what can you say you can't say anything but this guy's truly haggle the greatest miller wave in the world without a question and he really got all he wanted from mustafa ham show tonight he hit him i don't know how many punches two 300 punches maybe and mabel's double than that i think that haggard displayed all the talents that he has and i take my head off to the gun outstanding effort by the champion marvin hagler second fight in a row of course that he was butted and again you have to look at the challenger mustafa hampshire and say here's a guy who really did a job his corner did a pretty good job too because from the time he got cut which i believe was in the third round from that point on the bleeding until this last round really was at the point where i would doubt that it was even bothersome to him take another look at the finish of the fight ray talk us through this well at this point now hagler's in complete control and he displays uh so much talent here as we see hampshire trying to line up haggle with the punch having scores a straight left right hook brother i think one of the most remarkable things and i think this is a sign of any great champion sugar ray leonard marvin hagler that when you have the man in trouble you don't waste punches and marvin hagler did not waste a punch tonight well hacker took advantage of the opportunity he had his man hurt and he took care of business so marvin hagler retaining the middleweight championship of the world doing so in most impressive fashion and you get one more look here at the end for mustafa ham show and you can't use the phrase enough he was dead game but there was nothing he could do he was just in with the best middleweight around right now and maybe ever and there's a handshake by marvin hagler sugar ray leonard right here and here's the official decision nine seconds eleventh round the winner by technical knockout and still the world's middleweight champion marvin heckler well a crowd appreciative of a very worthy champion
Channel: Top Rank Boxing
Views: 324,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top rank boxing, marvin hagler, marvelous marvin hagler, marvin hagler full fight, marvin hagler free fights, marvin hagler vs thomas hearns, marvin hagler highlights, marvin hagler vs sugar ray leonard, marvin hagler war running, marvin hagler knockouts, marvin hagler vs mustafa hamsho free fight, marvin hagler vs mustafa hamsho highlights, marvin hagler vs mustafa hamsho, hagler vs hamsho free fight, hagler vs hamsho highlights, hagler vs hamsho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 50sec (2270 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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