Marvel's Spider-Man PS4: Silver Lining Critique

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better late than never Silver Lining is the final chapter in the city that never sleeps DLC pack which makes it the last piece of real content spider-man ps4 will ever see and most likely the last spider-man story will get for the console it has a lot to honor not just the previous two DLCs and everything they set up for silver lining but the base game and everything it did for spider-man as a whole let me tell you now Silver Lining does not do enough to justify the price of the season pass unless you've got a for cheaper or through the deluxe edition of the base game I wouldn't recommend a single chapter and with the DLCs continual inherent problem of being disjointed from the main story city the DLC packs are still prevented from being anything above satisfactory if you're not yet familiar with the implications of this model then don't worry we'll see and I'm not going to judge the actual content of silver lining any differently because of its inherent flaws it might be damned but at least gameplay wise it's a satisfying finale to the chapters before it unlike with the others we start off with MJ I assumed at the start of the heist that all these connecting the dots bits would culminate in some big story for her at the bugle but it turns out they were only ever meant to be fancy recaps I wonder how she managed to get a picture of your refighting hammerhead from the cutscene did she look up a compilation on youtube hmm on that note as it happens turf wars his cliffhanger never ended up meaning anything hammerhead simply broke out and that was it then why did they pan up to the Empire State all ominously believe me this is just the tip of the iceberg in keeping with the formula we're soon off to fight some of hammerheads goons but this is act 3 it doesn't have an introduction we're in the thick of it immediately just like turf wars and we'll soon see how far that goes I'm not counting the project Olympus brutes as new enemies because they're just re skinned brutes but hammerheads new jetpack goons are a lot more like it they finally learn to go higher than two feet off the ground impressive kinda take samples original jet pack fighters and swap the restraints with some kind of air mine thing you swing into it you get bamboozled simple as that but given the fact that you can clearly see them coming and redirect them you'd have to be a gold-plated bongo to get hit good on paper lacking in execution this fight can be taken above ground for the most part so their other new move might not get adequately showcased but the jet Packers can also slam into the ground a heist speed resulting in a shockwave that isn't anything to scoff at a dangerous attack like that isn't much but it gives you a reason to prioritize targets in combat and significantly raises the challenge of most encounters therein they seem even to be a challenge for cutscene spider-man until that is silver sable rocks up in the u plane and opens fire a genius move really make sure you engage thin air so the police officer definitely dies and the flying power arm and criminal gets a head start on spider-man you okay yeah Sables understandably miffed about the whole crime families robbing all her weapons and terrorizing the city with them but that kind of sounds like someone else who not a few months ago was using high-tech weapons to oppress the city reminds me of someone course this is somehow spider-man's fault so it's your ass about time though silver Sables boss fight is hard to even count as a boss fight but boy oh boy am I glad it's in here it was missing from the base game this I see as retribution about four hits into a combo sable will tackle you dealing a significant amount of damage but why to encourage you to get creative because that's the result Sables counters don't prevent you from beating on earth they punish you for it despite the fact that you aren't necessarily making a mistake which in this game is a break in convention if it kills you the first time you see it then I'd call it unfair but that's unlikely essentially then the boss becomes getting in three hits at most and a damn lot of environmental attacks it's over quickly - they didn't have to do this and isn't the only boss so despite its problems I'm very pleased we got it but all our Fighting's given jetpack John a window to escape and sable goes right on after him despite how dumb it was that was still a very good introduction who expected a boss fight this early on [Music] what happened to you can thank me by not dying I am surprised that some people were expecting an appearance from Silvermane rather than silver sable despite the whole magia thing it's pretty clear that after her weapons were given out that she'd be returning and she definitely needed it given her abrupt disappearance from the main story speaking of abrupt disappearance I am still planning screwballs murder and you might be too because she shows up right now brilliant as with turf wars she does bring one new challenge type in this case that's bomb disposal it's taskmasters bomb disposal but with an added twist aside from the photo bombs which are in this case not bad they're not random and not particularly interesting but there's no lock element and they don't ruin any flow instead of webbing the bomb up you simply press r1 at the perfect time the real twist is that at the end there'll be a truck and that puts a short QuickTime event between you in the final bomb it's not much but it's enough to make it a little more exciting than the taskmaster variant not bad better than stealth easily but the improvements don't end there our first new crime is called tech Salvage you got a target that being a truck and waves of goons who want to get in enemies will go for the target you have to make sure they're not next to it long enough for the timer to max out it's a defend the point primer that's new it's not a reskin and it's fairly challenging to i'll tell me what else is great seriously this is exemplary exactly what a crime should be we're off to a fantastic start in a conversation with miles you can have on the way to the next mission you learn a little more about why understanding science is so important for spider people if you want to get good at swinging you've got to be calculating the pendulum equations while you're doing it uh-huh we'll see where that goes shortly turns out our destination was a shipping facility now where have I heard that setup before oh yeah it's the premise of the entire game but not this time no spider-man for Gavi you're supposed to sneak up from behind not in front because that way they might see you Pauly and Frank to a runner but before you can catch up Sabol comes out of nowhere and starts blowing them away now I didn't think that'd be a set piece in the DLCs too much time to develop too expensive they used what they already heard car chases just strapped Sables gunship on top and throw in a bunch of explosions to create one of the best set pieces in the game one of far from the vest mainly because you actually have a degree of control here you get to choose which cars to fight traversals all up to you there's no QTE so you're properly immersed don't just bewitched with pretty VFX it goes on for a few minutes and it seems this is exactly what I brought up with regards to car chases in the first video I'm glad that they finally got to reach some of their potential even if it is among the last bits of content we get with only one truck left Sabo engages with you still on board she holds the driver at gunpoint but spider-man stops her and proposes they work together but the way she suddenly changes her tune and even clearly slapped something on spider-man's arm you've got a wonder is kept in physics equations here as smart as he cracked up to be who wouldn't suspect something and he's got the spider sense and all this hurts to watch moving on please our next stop is rescuing a guy called David Ober Demi X Sabol International I don't really know why he's in the dlc apart from to guide you to the hideouts in Silver Lining we've got three olympus hideout same deal as turf wars and just as difficult it's great to have such a wealth of end game combat encounters that you can go back and repeat anytime you like of course being bound to this city-state is still as much of an issue as it was before but that affects the crimes far more than it ever did the hideouts we know tech Salvage is good let's have a look at a few more stable APC chase but it's not though you just press one button and then it's not chase it's a fight with some goons on the street tanker standoff is just a risk in school bus hijack so again just a bunch of goons in the street and magia truck raid I'll give you three guesses as to what that boils down to well at least they got a minigun fruit to spice things up I'm starting to see why you're forced to do the first tech Salvage because that is the only one any better than the rest of the city that never sleeps pitiful showing a serious letdown the collector thorns also return with a series of audio logs recounting the therapy sessions of a measurer enforcer the dialogues good the voice acting is better it's far more interesting than most of the collective thorns it's better there than not as for screwball the combat challenges haven't changed at all inconsistent photo bombs reduce the skill factor and messes up the flow of what could have been a fun fight the gadget challenge this time around doesn't seem to make much sense the electric web and impact web don't necessarily have all that much synergy certainly not like the web bomb and concussion blasted electric web just stops them but they were already slow to begin with the skill is lining yourself up and the guy you want to shoot so that they'll hit the photo bomb plates but unless you force yourself to use the fine aim mode you can't always guarantee that spider-man will shoot the right guy when you do so again photobombs reduce skill factor and in this case I find the inconsistency quite frustrating good then that I get to take it out kinda when you've beaten all the screwball challenges she hosts a party giving you an opportunity to take her out down I meant down the life's never that easy it turns out she expected you to arrive and does a Class A runner somehow I mean she's faster than black cat okay this is the final screwball challenged by her design and as such you've still got photo bombs it's good it really makes me want to paint the walls with her you don't know screw balls are forgetful laughs so I'll forgive her for just deciding not to jump 50 meters in a single leap at the end easily allowing spider-man to catch her with this puny tackle and that's it she gets arrested the disappointment honestly it's not even worth how much I wanted to get rid of her this is the week conclusion by any measure for screwball and the site content as a whole silver linings offering is probably the best of the lot but if they hadn't messed up so horrific ly by removing all but fug crimes from the main cities story after completion then I think we'd be at the point where locking DLC crimes behind their city states wouldn't be such a bad thing because they're always so uninspired that the positive effects of increased variation would be negligible it's a damn shame our next story mission is held up by the dialog I didn't think they had any more stereotypical names to use but now we've got Tony and Sal involved so hey following has one mechanic the pair of them will turn around and suspect you at certain intervals you've just got a hit triangle to blend in like a worse version of Assassin's Creed fine for the time we use it but then for the first time we're allowed to use our spider powers as Peter because no one has cameras in New York stupidity aside it can be forgiven this is the best compromise between having an unmasked Peter suit and trying to be all immersive like that insomniac could a hit you find Tony's laptop and that leads you to the man himself but before you can get anything out of him Sabol shows up literally out of nowhere I wonder why and learns from Tony that hammerhead wants to speak with her it's a trap obviously she knows that too but decides it would be best to dive in headfirst all the same 500 IQ move brilliant I cannot I'm lost for words who could have saw that coming Sables boneheaded nurse aside this fight is fairly enjoyable you can free sable on your own terms but even with her back you up the fight is surprisingly difficult you're up against multiple brutes rocket dudes shield Bashi boys and those jetpack goons who finally get to show off their shockwaves the DLC is needed some challenge to them this is it and I'm grateful but even getting past that is not enough hammerhead finally shows himself and he's no charismatic tough guy anymore seems to me that the Olympus's torso was shaped like a dead ribcage to give him a kind of unsettling appearance well he suddenly fights like a demon to good she inhale my hammerhead awakens sable is too late the reunion with black cat was already ruined by the trailer so there's only so much disappointment you can feel from this it's completely under played which makes the ending of the high slit like a joke all of that back in October for a few lines of dialogue and they're not even good she gives you a drive with everything you could ever want on her head and that makes you even for her betrayal oh okay oh [ __ ] on that note MJ tells you afterwards that she's leaving to going to Sables home country sim carrier to report on the crisis sucks for Peter great for us though you guys know what this means no MJ mission unwelcome home hell yes anyway now it's time for us to be the savior hammer heads base is a fantastic mission the super environment looks incredible let's get out of the way immediately even better than most of the stuff from the base game the stealth sections are nothing special but they're another way of pacing the level out up until you find yourself in a seemingly uninteresting part of the base that is actually harboring the details of hammerheads plan stealing sable stuff was less about the equipment more about luring sable into hammerheads territory and stealing the woman herself he got what he wanted sable screams can be heard in the distance but not for long she breaks free and finally you work together properly as well I mentioned how disappointing Black Cats team up was in the heist but here Sables got a full and effective AI it's a fun battle the pant is good too and it ends with a completely pointless but very cool team-up finisher the whole funny person asks for a high-five from serious person routine is painfully old but seeing it here makes me smile anyway the occasion they're celebrating is learning that hammerheads weakness is that his skill plate is weak to heat sorted then sable asks you over to her base to prepare for the final battle but where well it turns out sable had an invisible aircraft carrier just there I mean between this and the Avenger six years ago it's not got quite the same magic I'd love to know how they managed to mask the noise the heat be everything to be honest I mean even buds would give them away how do they manage to create a perfect simulation of water in its place because it's not like with a person where you're only displacing already invisible air does it just spend its time weaving between small boats to not hit anything I hope on board you helped sable prepare her gunship for the battle with hammerhead now that the boats out in the open hammerheads going to be coming sounds like a problem apparently it was the plan couldn't you have just waited until he revealed the boat I'm so confused so he shows up and wants to kill you and there's no motivations or charismatic delivery like in turf wars you just start fighting okay final boss huh let's see how it plays his melee attacks aren't quick and even if they're in range you should be hitting him his main attack will be a laser shot same as last time dodge that you can get up close you'll be magnetized to either lake but focusing on one doesn't actually change anything he will throw punches but these are no harder to avoid than any other when you bring him down it's a QTE to give sable a shot on his metal skull when your skulls literally glowing orange you'd think your skin would buck or your brain but you know what it doesn't matter weakened hammerheads completely open but his mistake beckons out one last trick energy shields he's impenetrable but that's not the reason he's more difficult in his later phases oh look goons more potential damage sources far more frequent dodges where has that happened before oh yeah in a better boss fight hammer heads shields are swiftly removed by chucking Sables bombs at him at which point is the same deal as before until that is the laser stops working uh-oh Spaghettio get ready to jump [Music] a noble sacrifice would have redeemed sable in my eyes but I'm kind of happy she's still alive badass of course this is entertainment media so hammerhead has to walk out of the fire with his face completely intact I want to know where he gets his cruise missile level force resistant hair from he looks barely singed but then he short circuits or something okay say well thanks you for your help insults your jokes which I mean come on someone needed to say his quips are pitiful these days then swords off back to sim carrier which ends the dlc what is it with every important woman in spider-man's life sodding off either literally or metaphorically what is it with silver lining and completely failing to provide a good conclusion to the city that never sleeps black cat subject of the entire first chapter she's just back and then gone in the blink of an eye what happened to hammer hits charisma he had a well-executed well-thought-out plan in both turf wars and the heist to the gave silver lining everything it needed but there's no thinking here hammerheads got no charisma no plant he just wants to kill you and sable and as for sable you spend 95% of the DLC mopping up her never-ending mess what happened to URI what about the Dons the Maggio politics the Dark Knight stuff I mean this feels like an act 3 to a completely different story screwballs conclusion was pathetic MJ just left you got about a hundred frames of miles doing anything interesting and logic seems to have completely left the building to wealth can't contradict themselves it's why we can accept dragons existing but not Terri and fast traveling in Game of Thrones so it's irrelevant if spider-man's powers don't obey our physics it can't throw logic to the wind if it wants an immersive plot screwball is somehow able to run faster than Black Caps but then forgets at the end and those Sables ridiculous aircraft carrier hammerhead walking out of the flames with an untouched face hammerhead still being alive after his brains were boiled and spider-man's endless meat headed decisions on top of Sables I specifically mentioned how I didn't like silver sable acting like a complete Muppet so often in the main story and here we are again an entire DLC that revolves around silver sable in arguably acting like a muppet everything that was bad about her character is exacerbated in this DLC narrative Lee Silver Lining has dropped the ball in almost every conceivable way apart from the visuals cinematics are gorgeous but that's far from good enough I'm incredibly disappointed with it it's good then that it's backed up with a good set piece multiple memorable missions two enjoyable boss encounters a good new enemy type and plenty of site content albeit rarely above competent silver lining is the best and worst DLC at the same time it's gonna depend on what you value most because if it's the story then you're in for a huge letdown and if like seemingly so many others the suits are an important factor then you might feel something similar or the exact opposite you'll see what I mean we have the Raimi suit it's here thank God now I never cared much for its inclusion but there were many who did and I don't think insomniac silence was good enough say something even if it's be patient but the mess we had surrounding it is far from all on there I have not seen any evidence of harassment but the community did not act maturely in its requests to insomniac at least the memes were funny but because of the rain resuits launched alongside silver lining your suit experience might have been far better than the previous DLCs even though that's not a result of the DLC itself as for the paid suits we got the Aran Aikman suit I can't pronounce his name but I'm going to assume it's like Minh that's our another spider armor arm starting to get a bit confused about that now there's also the cyborg suit which is cool enough and despite of our suit a fair movie crossover even if it is just another classic suit overall its competent definitely no turf wars but better than the heist but what throws a spanner in the works is that we don't know how many more suits were going to get and unless these fantastic four leagues turn out to be less than they're hyped up to be then silver lining is viewed at least as the last real shot at getting many of the suits we still don't have that's where a lot of disappointment comes from the Raimi suit might make it the best and the mediocre selection might make it the worst we'll have to see but I do think we'll get suit max in the future and regarding spider-man ps4 future we know that the end game crimes are still jacked I don't think there's any hope in sight for them rain however I haven't given up on it's been months forget the Raimi suit can we start Brigade in about rain we had it in turf wars but then they pulled a sneaky on us please if it really can't be done tell us just tell me I can't die happy until this is fixed and that really is everything here we are then spider-man PS falls last bit of content done I still think that this is the best spider-man game ever made and in a year's time you'll probably find it difficult to find the without the DLC packed in so price aside the content of the DLC is a positive addition spider-man ps4 is a better game for having them people who pick it up in the future might be alone however because having played it now I struggle to think of any reason to come back the story begins to wear terribly thin on repeat playthroughs thanks to how on Rails so much of it is and as for the gameplay the combat is betrayed by only having ridiculously easy thug crimes appear and the swinging just isn't deep enough even after coming back a month later I still find myself bored thirty minutes in because there's just so little to do with it its lack of depth is a knife that's going to do more and more damage over time well we can still hope for the sequel despite it all what we have at the end is still a great rendition of swinging in combat the best New York we've ever laid eyes on and a heartfelt emotional spider-man story it's still a victory for the character and insomnia they should be proud I'll be waiting eagerly for whatever they've got next and in the meantime I'll thank you all for watching I would have had this out sooner but after Darksiders - I needed a holiday and speaking of which you might want to check that out I'm very proud of it and there's much more to come if you have any cash to spare I'm hugely appreciative of any and all donations and I'm greatly thankful for the spike in patrons I received after Darksiders - it means a lot but that said I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Whitelight
Views: 139,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spiderman, spider-man, peter parker, spider man into the spider verse, spiderman far from home, infinity war spiderman, spiderman ps4, spider-man ps4, spiderman ps4 swinging, spiderman ps4 trailer, city that never sleeps review, spiderman 2019, spiderman black cat, spiderman dlc, spiderman ending, ps4, avengers infinity war, tom holland, spiderman ps4 news, spiderman ps4 fantastic four, silver lining critique, silver lining review, spiderman dlc review, marvels spiderman 2
Id: skLKqEI_A5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 15 2019
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