Marvel's Spider-Man 2 - Top 10 Things I Wish I knew Earlier (Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Tips & Tricks)

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Spider-Man swings into town with more things to do than ever more devastating abilities and cool ways to travel around NYC that's why today we're going to take a look at some of the biggest things I really wish somebody would have told me on my first playthrough many things that might go wrong or just mistakes that you might do along the way so we're going to cover that and more in this video now right off the bat as tempting as it is to get lost in the Cinematic moments of the main story not focusing on some of the side content too will leave you off severely underpowered compared to the ever so increasingly tougher enemies you don't want to miss out on the levels plus later on upgrades will literally require hundreds of tokens or parts for each unlock so you can check out the activities that are near you at any time by simply doing a quick scan with R3 which immediately shows all nearby objectives very conveniently I highly encourage you to take a look at the side missions as well as the hunter blinds early on as they are some of the best sources of XP as well as rare parts at this stage Hunter blinds especially can eventually lead to discovering even bigger enemy hideouts which are an excellent source of leveling fast plus taking down enemies and getting those crafting mats they also don't take too long to complete compared to for example full on missions but they still give you at least half of a normal main story Mission that's why they're totally worth it the city is of course filled with dozens of other activities that will open up as you progress but on the side I would also suggest doing some of the the photography challenges or grabbing the spider bots whenever you see them in your path they're almost instantaneous to complete but they provide some nice extra XP and Ms to get along the way anyway at number two by far your best new tool is going to be your web Wings which you unlock relatively early in the main campaign plus you can deploy them very easily with the triangle button however they do have a secret interaction when you're going over bodies of water especially if you want to Traverse the Hudson River so if you stay into the glide mode you can simply head straight into the water and what you'll notice is that Spidey will automatically enter a water Glide instead funny enough you can also endlessly combo this with the web wing and the glide mode to basically gain a lot more speed and never have to cast a single line of web to Traverse the entire River don't ask me about the logic behind all of this but it's extremely fun to go ahead and do it right now now once the web Wings get unlocked you also gain access to the wind tunnels these are air currents traveling all throughout the city you can see them from AF especially if you activate the scanners to see the wind tunnels better and these will give you insane amounts of speeds plus you can Traverse the entire city pretty much like Superman so this is going to be the best way to do it once you get them unlocked now this also ties in with the next tip which is to focus on the shared skill tree a bit more early on instead of the dedicated ones for Peter and Miles there are some insanely useful abilities here for both combat and traversal for both of them at the same time time the starting slingshot launch you can use by default with L2 plus X is already amazing as it literally works everywhere and it lets you gain a great boost of speed to jump straight into action plus it's very fun to watch there are even dedicated spots around the city that you'll notice which will let you pull off super slingshots instead for an even more massive launch off for my favorite Loop dloop that you can use to hold down the swing button with to loop around and then generate a boost of speed as you weap sling around so totally worth getting these there are some other really fun options in there and even more so the combat related ones are really good too these will let you more easily bounce off targets and prolong air combos no joke you can Bounce Around targets like basketballs now and it's so easy to pull off infinite combos if only targets survive for that long to pull it off infinitely they die way before that but it's so satisfying to pull these off moving on to four totally focus on the new Parry mechanic by default bound to L1 it's just amazing how good this is and it literally lets you parry any incoming attack even the red ones there are also the ones more visible from the melee enemies that start with a yellow warning sign before turning red but these as well as the normal ones can be parried no matter what and if you press it at the right moment you will react with an amazing counter that completely takes those enemies off guard and prevents any damage against you both Pete and Spidey have their own variations of these and they both look really awesome but it's super satisfying and there will be upgrades in the shared line such as the par disarm that instantly cause targets to also drop off their weapons as soon as you pull it off this is by far the most useful new combat skill that I played around with in the early stages but not all combat needs to be loud and you can be a lot more efficient if you instantly stealth take down targets and that's because stealth is actually much better this time around mostly because of the new web lines you unlock very early on in the main story so this will now let you completely control the upper areas of any Battlefield with essentially infinite lines of web that you can use to travel over gaps but also to take down or have better positioning against unsuspecting targets definitely pop up the scanners to see if enemies are safe to web up as you don't want to alert any of their teammates what I really like about this is that you can literally decorate the entire enemy base with your enemy's bodies hanging from these lines I think that this is by far the best ability to make you feel like an actual spider yeah there's many other objects in the environment that you can shoot to also cause distractions to of course separate groups from one another and more easily take down enemies without others noticing so also like just use your web shooters for that and I totally suggest to always take down the patrolling drones and such they tend to stay alert to your moves a lot more so and this can help Aon to remain silent at number six and this is what I really love about this game is that you can actually meet the other Spiderman while out fighting crime especially random events will usually spawn the other one too or you can stumble upon an event in progress where the other Spidey already intervened and what's awesome is that both of them will start doing their back and forth banter while enemies just get to watch and suffer finishers also have a great chance now to be team combos instead where both Spidey take down the same Target so PR much double the concussion or maybe even double the coma and once it's done the game lets you interact with the other hero this is pretty much the cherry on top and it's something that I definitely suggest you go ahead and do there are some cool interactions that you can pull off including a few you probably recognize from all the memes going on but I've got a few more combat tricks to you if you are kind of struggling early on with the abundance of enemies one of them totally don't be stingy especially with AOE abilities even more so for Miles Venom and chain lightning skills there's an overabundance of enemies much so than in the previous games so you will want to always dispose of them quickly pet has his own versions too initially via the spider arms attacks there are quite a few in there that are really good but eventually you can also change to the Venom powers and roll with those instead in all of these cases there are upgrades in each specific skill tree and line that helps you more easily group targets up or provide additional effects during AOE moments totally look into those for best results another Tip since your cool Downs can be rather long at first is to not Overlook the web shooters early on I would say that even compared to the previous games they are much more useful this time around so webbing up enemies and then smashing them into walls or to other surfaces just lets you immediately take them down and immobilize them so it helps a ton when too many enemies tend to spawn which is kind of like 99% of the time now let ly enemies also tend to be more weak against certain abilities at times in many cases electric damage can work really well while in others maybe your symbiote powers for Peter might give you better results so don't just stick with one Spidey but try to switch between them often when the game permits that there are some story moments or even side missions that kind of prohibit it but for the most part you can switch between them at will now I would go a Step Beyond that and even say that it's best to balance both Pete and as you progress at the same time luckily the shared skill tree works for both but don't completely invest into just one specific tree without doing something for the other Spidey too especially when it comes to unlocking new ability types like I said while in the open world you can switch at will between them there are many story moments and even a few side missions that can force you with either one or the other Spidey so you don't really want to be Op with the first but have nothing new unlocked by the time it comes to switch to the other one moving on to number nine another thing that became even more important is while using your environment in the tougher fights there's always going to be some kind of generator or maybe explosive or even traps that you can set off to immediately take down enemies deal AOE damage or even provide distractions even more so in boss fights I would suggest to always keep an eye out for things that you can trigger in the environment to deal some extra damage and especially stun your Target in many boss Arenas this can help Aon to squeeze in a lot more hits or even pull off more Combos and take down their HPS much faster this brings us to number 10 and don't forget about suit attack but focus on these upgrades first a St thing as it might be to get more HP or damage initially I recommend focusing well on the focus mirror instead you only start with one bar early on but yeah you kind of need it for both healing as well as takedowns so can be pretty hard to balance healing and also trying to instantly take down Target with only one bar that is why it's best to immediately focus on getting at least one more if not more than that these will cost quite a lot of Euro tokens and tag Parts but are totally worth it once you get them as they leave a lot more room for pulling off cool things also some of the traversal related upgrades are ones you already had in the other games but are still worth acquiring yet again so stuff like for example the point launch boost this is going to now also have an additional upgrade compared to the other game that makes it much better and launch you much further and finally as a bonus one Peter can now also pull off New Tricks it's not just miles that has the flavor yeah Peter also seems to have learned quite a few tricks from Miles more acrobatic kind of web slinging so again you can pull it off just as usual with a square button and it seems that they do share quite a lot of animations but um for some reason I think that a few of them are also a bit more unique and specific to either one or the other totally worth pulling off of course as you can easily recharge your focus meter like that and there are also abilities in there that will further boost that up so that you can go prepared in combat with a fullon boosted meter and that's pretty much it with the best tips and tricks totally stick around if you want to see more Spider-Man content on the channel as always make sure to subscribe activate the notification Bell and I'll see you guys in the next video e
Channel: KhrazeGaming
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Keywords: khraze gaming, khraze, khrazegaming, spider-man 2, marvels spider-man 2, spiderman 2, spiderman 2 ps5, spiderman 2 gameplay, spider man 2 ps5, spider man 2, marvel's spider-man 2 tips and tricks, spider-man 2 beginners guide, spider-man 2 combat guide, spider man 2 ps5 beginners guide, spider man 2 ps5 tips and tricks, spider man 2 tips and tricks, spider man 2 ps5 tips, spider man 2 suits, spider-man 2 all suits
Id: s7qdj-i8Pp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2023
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