Marvel's Spider-Man 2 - All Bosses (With Cutscenes) 4K60FPS UHD PS5

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be ready are you good promise me something [Music] anything if this doesn't work take me out it'll work I don't have a lot of time left I want a chance to say goodbye I'm not going to lose [Music] you I will never let you [Music] [Music] go we have a bell for a reason take your seats I'm here good morning class we have a new teacher joining us [Music] today hi my name's Pete Mr Mr Parker uh and we are all very lucky today because this is physics class and physics is awesome ever wonder how some insects and uh birds reptiles can just run right across the pond two words surface tension bathroom oh okay now surface tension is all about cohesion now in equation form surface tension gamma can be calculated as the force exerted parallel to the surface of a liquid f divided by the length L of the line over which the force acts can anybody uh I I I need your help uh Mr Morales is it uh are you sure this isn't something you can handle yourself I'm sure okay class uh read chapter 4 or five or whatever miles I need this job if the principal comes back and sees I'm gone I'm going to get fired I know but you got to see this [Music] Marco why [Music] today I'm so getting [Music] fired look out you okay yeah but I think we found him Marco what the that Sandman MJ wasn't kidding we got to help him before he hurts someone or himself maybe he's hungry to toss the big guy a snack what's the plant keep him busy I got an idea oh [Music] crap still angry after all these years Marco you should try [Music] yoga must be more of a Pilates guy that was your idea never said it was a good one supposed to be a normal day teach physics have awkward conversations in the teacher's lounge everything's going to be okay Spiderman think you good sign for this delivery it's coming in hot I'm there I got him mini Marcos I wish I could do that setting Mr air stick down but not before He barked on my suit he's not the only one Sandman just puked out some new friends what the he can do that apparently need you now Mr Parker I'm sorry who's this principal Evans of course principal all our students have evacuated their classroom where are you Mr Parker I just forgot something in my car what was that nothing I'm just it work I mean uh I'm just running back right now get back here and supervise your students or else that does not sound [Applause] good almost there how you holding up up miles principal Evans called and am I getting expelled hey you're just cutting class I abandoned students for ing a Citywide emergency yeah you're [Music] screwed Zen man I always hated that name I know you're angry at me this has nothing to do with you leave me alone I want to help you but it's going to hurt [Music] first yes he wasn't happy to reconnect yeah he's not really the nostalgic type let me go or I'll kill you he's not listening we got to turn it up a notch ow he hates water his shoulders already wet bet he's not a big fan of electricity then either read my mind felt that all right we need more water though I'll hit him with webs while I get Sparky I'll keep the water flowing in the meantime he's stunned take your [Music] shot pull up that bar [Music] stand somebody order some water bang why I out no no no no no you okay I'm working on it thought I lost you there can't get rid of me that easy time for Dany to work his magic yane you there this is nuts I know man but listen we need a big water Sor by Wall Street let me check the GD stay safe dude you too Mr Parker we'll do wait what he knows yany knows all plus we were super weird in class earlier knew I never should have taught it a gift at school this is for your own good what you don't like your own face give him today's for yeah Spider-Man 100% chance of R we got him right where we wanted guys the water tank on the M building should do the trick we're talking 10,000 gallons here got it thanks gy should have stayed away spiders [Music] don't think we got him right where we want him ad I may have spoken too soon and he's definitely getting bigger keep climbing we're so close the water [Music] tank Spider-Man I just wanted to live normal like everyone else this isn't the way Marco for a guy like me there is no other way this is getting out of hand PE what happened I ended up outside just keep going up and I'll meet you in the RO that water tanks are only [Music] [Music] shot only way is [Music] up [Music] where are you Pete get back here stay inside guess he's busy going to be a long day if we don't get that water [Music] tank keep it moving mouse I just wanted to W him in life you could still have one it's too late now oh man [Music] why couldn't Marco just make fan castles instead on everything okay I'm with PE I know you're on every channel I'm heading downtown to help coordinate resources and supplies is gkey covering for you at school he is but I got this meeting with my counselor later and the principal thinks that I'm list I can talk to your principal but New York needs you right now coolest mom ever and please be careful like M said you can't let New York [Music] down [Music] they're only making it worth for yourself Marco I don't [Music] care wish I could just right about this for my sa and get it any college I wanted or Spider-Man would right brainstorm later mouse Focus you want more how's it going Spider-Man almost there the water tank is ours actually it's his now not for long time for a field trip hey sorry what I miss he's trying to eat me let's give him a drink instead did we do it [Music] nope break out the new toys the suit's last software patch wasn't stable but here goes nothing W the web wings they're flying but we're not out of this yet Marco's at Pier 4 Beach what happens if he gets all that sand think he just did going to need you ASAP miles yeah I see him all right I'm right behind you what did I just get myself into you got to calm down Marco innocent people are in danger you care about them but not me they wouldn't listen to Marco they can't ignore [Music] Sandman miles one and [Music] only any [Music] ideas yeah class is back in session clco storm is generating a lot of electricity what happens to the surface tension of sand if you turn up the voltage your right like when I stuck the mini A+ you absorb enough energy I'll shoot it right at it you want me to get hit by lightning can you handle it there only one way to find out Dade here you going to redirect the Lightning V like you said got to break out the toys now we're never Spider-Man time to move why won't you just give up because we promis to protect this city [Music] [Music] we good we're good [Music] [Music] I have sand everywhere [Music] [Applause] Marco it's going to be okay I haven't been okay for a long time if you need help all you have to do is ask you're the ones we're going to need help when they come for you come for us you grow slow in your old age sge a fate you will not share I've been in your Shadow for hours but you sense nothing pathetic I asked for an equal and this is what you find sir perhaps a new hunting ground light the fires the great hunt [Music] [Music] [Applause] begins what were you protecting scorpion Martin Lee Black Cat this Craven guy is putting together quite the team [Music] have a nice Tri is this the best you can do they said you were a killer and man my disappointment he's not teaming up with super villains for some hunt there is prey Felicia flame bur's eternal oh thanks so what's your deal there you are hey you never did like me smoking Yuri well life's call me wraith fits pretty well I think I tried where have you been no time what about them they made their choice this will be a new record and they said it couldn't be done come on we really need to stop meeting like this Yuri people will think you're trying to kill me never thought you'd be able to trick anyone into joining one of your little clubs again love is not a trick none of this is love I extended my hand when nobody else would I without you or the Fool's Beacon there would have done the same but what would it take for you to love me tell me where you're hiding and I'll show [Music] you the old hospital North of Historia stop by [Music] anytime if you're both worthy who said anything about o stop the Fool's Beacon himself as I prophesy no I knew you had it in you Yuri there that'll keep pressure on it until I can if you want the flame you're going to have to go through me then you're about to swallow a lot of blood you're going to have to kill him MRI my prophecy says he'll never stop just I to I'll finish you when I'm done the plan makes to die Spider-Man the longer he lives the more people will get there are other ways to stop him less traumatic ways what about the Crimson hour we still need to learn more about it you're acting like he cooperate this path you're on never ends while Yuri trust me trust you what about you trusting me you weren't there the last time me escaped you didn't find the bodies you didn't see his face no I can't even imagine but that still doesn't make this right I am not letting him get away again I can't well that's too bad Yuri because I don't die it's not like I want to free him no you just want to go halfway we don't have to do [Music] this got to thank you both for giving me such a good show much more exciting than plan congratulations you get to live out the rest of your life Behind Bars and I owe it all to you God that's beautiful I'm only going to enjoy this a little bit get out of my way you know I can't do that I'm trying to do the right thing as if you have any idea what that means you hope and try I can in your [Music] eyes everything's blurry you care more about being good than doing good you always have you used to believe we could do both yeah then I threw up you talk like I've never saved anyone oh and nobody's died under your watch I said that you're the one who wanted to wait to come here if we had followed your plan the flame will escape by now you're a fool and you're not the authority on Justice why would you be you're just a man in a costume playing hero how many times have you messed up too many I've never said I was perfect stop acting like it and let's kill him you're in you okay you need to figure out your priorities because I'd rather lose sleep over the one person I killed than all the ones I didn't [Music] save it's going to hit the tankers you've stopped trains before right [Applause] yeah no breakes [Music] great it's not working got any ideas we derail it how are we supposed to do that believe we're doing this really ni shot no you're right guess you're going to have to make up a new Prophecy Before You and I met one of my Embers told me about his work at Oscorp and this treatment that they had discovered who cares right fancy suit that can make you big and strong is just another case of the Unworthy trying to cheat death and play God that's what I thought too but when Devils attack the city like I prophesied an Oscorp sent out some of this treatment for safekeeping I knew it was menant for me that's what all this was for and when the Crimson hour rolls over this Earth it shall bring truth [Music] judgment and Carnage [Music] [Music] St he's gone he'll go underground just like last time but I'll find him you could have killed him but you saved me instead I told you I'm trying to save the most lives you still do that pretty well you going to turn me in now I'll let you know when I find [Music] him wa hey man new threads the building's swarming with Hunters any sign of Connors uh yeah gke tracking them hey Mr Parker Mr Spider-Man I mean but the date is incomplete think I can help with that is that blood hey wait a sec try dropping it in here on board scanner handy dude this is great data hang on a sec okay I think I got a lock gy wait be chill that wasn't me me neither I don't even have a stomach so let's go go go go take him [Music] alive can't lose Connor Harry's dying and he's the only one who can help we won't you take the drones I got got the jet skis Spider-Man's here cool if I borrow this this is really really exciting keep it tight man watch out for those drones don't worry they think I'm a friendly Spiderman there take him out y'all having a yach party without me the Easter river is not a river but in fact a saltwater title flag that Spider-Man is fighting on right now help the tour booat I've got the metal murder bird I warned you about going after Connor now this is on you poison clouds is that all you got almost done here civilians are all safe how you looking this gunship won't quit I'm right behind you we'll take it down together no time I got you time to go boom boys no no no Spider-Man has got defenses Spider-Man hang on over there two one with the T room move move [Music] move SM gra on let's go he's right behind you I know I know whoa spe faster fly faster I do not want to be lizard food who take them down get him hold on look out everyone take cover what are you guys doing trying to take out that gunship can't get close enough I can't I'm one of them remember bro that's it hey Al you B three 1 2 three [Music] Aly he got away from us it's good Pete I saved the cracker let's go man before he gets too far no he's mine are you sure he's got big teeth so do I um he's not normally like that right no he's never like that uh was that me great power's out okay what are we working with here that's not it nope hey Doc ready for your annual physical I got this we've been through this before Connors if you're in there I can really use your help this down got to make my move you're Kurt Connor a brilliant scientist you made some mistakes but it doesn't have to end like this is this how you want your family to remember you that Tail's a real problem think of your wife your son they need [Music] you don't let your son draw off without his [Music] [Music] dad that didn't work I have the antidote let me help you stop fighting me this is the only way to get you back we could have finished this already stay [Music] still I saved you before I'll save you [Music] again I can cure you for good just meet me halfway here got to ground him [Music] h oh no you don't really not in the mood for the rampaging lizard in New York C anything right now this is not happening stop you're hurting people great now the police are involved people stay back slow down he's going to stin I got this officers you're not helping are you kidding me Connor you know I don't want to do this just stay still Hunters really you asked for this these damn Hunters I told you to stay away getting real sick of this lizard huntting I don't have time for this HS here it comes you kid get through his skin damn it the needle stuck I am not losing this antidote W oh crap what are you going to do at the top Fly Away nowhere to [Music] go coners such a beautiful creature I got you is that regeneration is so cool and so gross fine if I have to hurt you I will after all the times I've helped you figured you could return the favor for once almost forgot you picked up a new trick you're too weak to get control back aren't you I'm going to have to punch you out myself seriously the tail is taking Evolution w way too far those spikes are definitely sharp no wonder your family left you you're not strong enough they're scared of you and you know it I can't do this forever I'm not even doing this for me Harry needs you you remember him he's dying doc I can't lose him you're the only one who can help him SM time for your [Music] [Music] [Music] medicine where did you get that Harry Osborne he said you designed it come with [Applause] [Music] me it's just as I thought it's over here whoa whoa whoa back off I'm going in for a closer look it's okay it's okay fascinating shoot it off do it what is that [Music] thing it's a fragment of a meteorite that landed outside the city years ago it's where we found that I'm wearing an alien we call it a symbiote it it bonds at the subcellular level with its host uh in our case Harry Osborne he gave it to you not exactly I was hurt and and it chose you which means it's more dangerous than I could have imagined we need to call Oscorp we need to destroy it destroy us you said it chose me Doc it makes me a better Spider-Man eyes on the target pursuing what the Beck the name [Music] is the name is [Music] Mysterio what happened to you I thought you were all about the future of entertainment I so all that about someone hacking into your mysterium was a lie not a lie illusion I spend years behind bar waiting for technology to catch up to my vision and now thanks to you my Illusions are inescapable you are mine for eternity uh-oh that guys everywhere if this is like the other Illusions the more baddies I take out the closer I get to escap me [Music] what how are you still alive M come closer and I'll show you oh you want to play fetch that's [Music] play why are you doing this man you could have used your powers to make the city a better place this city never respected my parents this isn't how you get respect fear breeds respect once they witness my power the Beck keep fighting keep doubting it is the only way to defeat him wait if you're here Mysterio's out there how is that happening enough of this I'll end you my s you actually think you can defeat me something everything that has happened because I wanted it to happen now you're just making excuses give up now and I will spare your life no thanks give no it's over so you managed to survive doesn't matter alive or dead you will never Escape my [Music] world nice try CL Spiderman you cannot win I am infinite when you are dead the will finally the you want respect then stop all this [Music] surprise maybe it's time for you to put some respect on my name right the backup [Music] power we can't let him do this give me [Music] everything [Music] no time to get out of here the Sim is down get it back I'm trying it was Quinton he made us do this where is he help in [Music] here somebody somebody I need need to find me [Music] I still have a lot of questions this you to clear things up so can I tell everyone Mysterio is a good guy now [Music] Mysterio will always be a [Music] villain just as Spider-Man will always be a hero it's when you start looking at the people behind the masks that things get [Music] messy [Music] good luck [Music] man okay what's going on this is okay h [Music] There's No Escape I tried I expect you sooner where is the energy of Youth huh fight to the death or die here together so how many people did you kill before I got here I didn't have a choice you always have a choice I am done wasting my time fighting weak things prove you are worthy of my life I understand you want to kill me but I can't let you do that what makes you think you deserve to live I W guy as the man that I was watch it you don't get to walk away from what you did the inner demons devil's breath the city hall bombing don't recount my sins to me I know what I do you have no idea did Craven bring you here or was this voluntary save your superiority complex we're both in this Arena looks like servant time didn't change you at all you're wrong we awaken something in the spider and you in him show me [Music] more you'll never defeat me Spiderman doesn't kill you never fought this one move he's fast I need to find an opening no Venom's not working come on just need an opening welcome back Venom Powers there now show us your full SC what if I try my new Venom special do you feel any regret for what you've done whatever I did to you in the past it's never been personal I'm sure to you it wasn't what do you want apology I want you to fill even half the pain you caused me [Music] back enough of this you disappoint me SP you stay down [Music] that negative energy will mess me up watch him carefully spider he will take what he [Music] strong maybe my new Venom power can get past [Music] that my new Venom power could take that shield down I can open him with my Venom I can't get close enough maybe Venom will bust through down I'll make it quick I don't want to have to kill you wow maybe you have changed [Music] no yes finally a worthy battle not let your prey get too close spider back up this is going to be the last time you hurt anybody you're a cliche at least the other spider has a man behind the mask you don't know anything about me [Music] what if I TR my new Venom [Music] special let's do this my way where are you no way this is you I need to keep my head in the game I'm not really here right now none of this is real what's more real than fear here what are you doing to me taking a look into your soul I see a boy terrified of being alone of failing his family keep talking you're not getting away from me you can't hurt me everyone has a Breaking Point even Spider-Man it's just a matter of finding it and I have all the time in the world to dig to you get out of my head man out of your head but there's so much to see in here so much dread so much pain so much doubt I'm not listening you're strong but no one is stronger than themselves enough Lee where is he miles he you don't get it I mean I tried I tried to teach you to make you into a hero I knew you'd always be second best but all you've ever done is let people down put people in danger it's not Spider-Man Spider-Man helps people you just hurt them it's not true hey whoa don't shoot the messenger here it's not even me you're letting down it's your death oh so name is Miles who are you really miles get down here Lee let's dig deeper just fight me man you want to end this let's fight what the hell miles I know this is you Lee yeah of course it is I'm always here for you I do everything for you I'm not listening yeah I'm not surprised you'd say that because all that matters is you right all you do is take you put me in danger you put Haley in danger and for what what do we get I I know I'm left behind that's all we get or we end up like th ky ky I know I said it wasn't your fault but I guess I just mostly felt bad for you I didn't want you to feel responsible especially after especially after shut up SS when you wanted to mil you're going to let me in eventually and until then struggle meole Miho where are you no come here Mom can't do this anymore miles you're always gone always in danger no you're going to get yourself killed won't and then what you can't win miles I should never had let you try all it's ever done is make me more alone put me in more Danger no I want to protect you I will heard that before a it not from you on the day he died M your father told me just that morning that everything he does no no no no miles please I love you it's enough Lee miles I said that's enough right that's more than enough I have everything I [Music] need J [Music] stopad hey there big man man it feels good to see you that's changed since I left you became a whole hero but I couldn't save you poor Finn if Spider-Man can't protect everyone who will come on now you're more than just Spiderman you can try and hide behind that mass but I Know Who You Are what you stand for I've been watching you you have and it hurts what happened to the boy that I raised you're a coward stay my family you don't mean that I do we all do your valure miles always will be no you never say that none of you would I'm not it's time we get wel give up miles no give up I won't give up give up give [Music] up you're done Lee I'm not doing this anymore you want to know who I am I'm the kid whose dad you killed at City Hall what he died because you decided your problems were more important in all of those people's lives Jefferson Davis was a hero who saved people from you miles no I'm done listening to you losing my dad it's not was holding me back I was the one doing that but not [Music] anymore do it please when you're out fine Spider-Man do not let them Escape [Music] thrw the spider away now I got you Lonnie don't fall don't fall don't fall don't fall oh no I'm sorry Lonnie I really do want to help you it's going to be okay don't worry I've got you [Music] hey [Music] on okay last upop everyone out [Music] ah [Music] a [Music] help I'm sorry [Music] Harry Pete go hang on was that [Music] yeah hang [Music] on okay we got to talk we sure do Spider-Man I know I know but first what are those things coming out of you I think it's my treatment Dr Connor said it's some kind of self-learning Exo Suit but I had no idea it could wait you know what this means right we both have superpowers just think about all the stuff we could do to heal the world sorry I uh guess I still got to figure out how this thing works well it's a real shame neither of us has a state-of-the-art science lab to run some tests I'll go make sure the coast is clear meet you there me call when you're [Music] ready [Music] hold up can you see if we were followed on it only downside to going straight the game keeps you in shape glad we got to you in time some of the others weren't so lucky they couldn't have off me if they tried sides they were waiting for their boss to do the deed you have someplace safe to go yeah they come for me again I'll be ready tell your friend thanks for looking out for me see you around spider looks like they split we should too [Music] yeah hey good job back there really I was pretty sure I was just messing everything up you were but in the best possible way what are you hold on sorry I'm still figuring out how this thing works huh nice design what do you mean didn't you just huh I guess I did would you look at that I guess we really are spider Pals now I think I'm going to head back to the lab see if Dr Connors has showed up yet good call I'll catch up with you soon incredible [Music] this this this I can use this to make an [Music] antidote he's [Music] here I'm sorry MJ [Music] no not as venomous as they [Music] say sh I got you [Music] come on I'm going to get you out of here this feels do to him not great just think this will definitely be your coolest scar yeah MJ I don't think am I breathing I'll kill you Harry do it then look out out I know I know I know shh it's okay come on I can't I can't see Focus pee one foot in front of the other come on sorry I was always so busy don't look we're almost feet talk to me [ __ ] almost there hang on hang [Music] on come on get up Harry Pete please stay with [Music] us come on beete come on this is nothing remember in fifth grade when you no no you got to stay stay awake buddy no [Music] [Music] what [Music] happened I don't know [Music] MJ get him out of here I'll handle this got this is good you live get your boss he's better aim [Music] you are just what Craven has been searching for and I feel sorry for him on the ground fire it MJ I'm on my way what are you track the lizard the spider is mine stop hovering I'm fine maybe some water water on it so the suit cured your yeah which means without it you yeah okay we got to figure out how to get this back onto Harry how did you give it to me I I don't know it just sort of happened okay uh let me try he there's something in here okay not what I what the are you okay I'm fine I'm fine let me try it again come on come on I'm sorry I I don't know what to do we need to find Dr Connor's except he's a drilling reptile right now Craven the serum he had it around his neck that's what he used on Dr Connor's if if we find that serum we we could analyze it use the equipment here to to engineer a cure and bring Dr Connor's back from the land of the lizard I'll start tracking D Craven he's probably already cleared out of that Zoo by now well lucky for us he left a piece of himself behind that's the story I was telling you about I wanted to get your thoughts looks amazing MJ can't wait to read it wait you're still in the suit I thought Connor was going to help you get it off what about Harry sorry can we do this tomorrow just so beat from Lizard r [Music] [Music] it's [Music] mil I need you to seal me and Pete in the tunnel what if I can just talk to him alone I know I can snap him out of this MJ I don't know if that's the best now miles man [Music] MJ MJ are you okay yeah but I don't see peace hang on wait I I just want to talk [Music] I don't want to hurt you where are you going stop you're going to flood the tunnel stupid [Music] Pete I know you're still in there Peter you have have to [Music] [Music] be after I finish with these guys oh no the crane won't respond hang [Music] on wait it's possible you're welcome open it pet wake up wake up This Might Sting a little mg run I wasn't trying to hurt you go look go [Music] look there that's my [Music] exit hope you manage better than I did Miles we search the whole tunnel he is gone for now but he will come to me soon enough [Music] sh H [Music] [Music] okay MJ what are you [Music] doing hey buddy how you [Music] feeling I need that suit back Pete [Music] um what do you remember about last night I just remember feeling tired wait you're not yourself that suit is changing you the suit is the only reason I'm still alive yeah it's pretty great isn't it why don't you pop some more pills and say what you're really feeling hey don't I'm busting my ass out there trying to save you and this is what I get I said don't I saw your story I tried to tell you about that yeah but you didn't did you I can't lose this job your job is to write the truth I did the truth is I'm the hero here not you [Music] you oh how was your visit with Harry don't worry Harry's going to get better thank you for being his [Music] friend watching you two grow up together you're like a son to me [Music] I am so proud of the man you've become thanks Mr Osborne uh I I got to [Music] run [Music] are you okay go please Harry I said [Music] [Music] leave I left the best parts of me here I'm not looking for a fight Craven as the other Spider-Man trapped in an old mansion east of the city he saved me told me to find you this was the only way I knew how I owe him my life and much more if we hurry no you've done enough you should be proud of [Music] him he reminds me of [Music] [Music] you reminds him of me he doesn't even know me or miles a little bit of help now all of the sudden he's a good guy as soon as miles is safe Lee's going back in a Cell not now MJ is Spider-Man doing more harm than good how about now now who needs the old Spider-Man what's so great about the new Spider-Man anyway way he can't even stop some Hunters they destroyed the EMF destroyed my life I'm going to lose May's house because of them and Craven kill [Music] Craven [Applause] a I'm assured that material is unbreakable but I believe anything can be broken you still hold back maybe you lack [Music] motivation now you're in for it [Applause] yes there you are let us make this a glorious ending you destroyed my city took the lives of so many people that was their fate just as this is our am I too quick for you my mind your followers treat like some kind of God but you're just a dying old man looking for a way out so you know that then you know I will not die in a sick bed only an equal May taste my last breath rip me apart and parade your achievement from the streets I hope you're enjoying this tonight won't end well for you I study all of your bra you are agile intelligent vulnerable to [Music] emotion so am I do not let the taste of power get to your head mind observe it come do not hold back stronger than I thought show me what you are capable of stop hiding I'll show you what I can do a [Music] a why do you hide your strength from me you call me a dying old man and yet here I breathe shut come crush my bones into powder leave my body for the maggot and the field my shut up [Music] him apart I'll tear you Lim from Lim do it or I will guard you and mount you on my wall attack my beasts couldn't fight me yourself I know you're here gorgeous leave more distance so many years I've wait for a predator capable of defeating me enough talking and then I found you and you'll regret that no I won't I will not let God decide my face oh help for me that sound I can't [Music] do not let the sound stop you figh it What the fu but you still hold back kill or be [Music] killed stop sorry about that I just it's just me you almost killed him man what are you doing you're in the way miles you're in the way miles poison way I could have fixed everything how by strangling him that's not what we do don't try to Mentor me you're the one running away from your problems you're the one hell bent on Revenge Revenge all I wanted was to protect my family protect you you're not better than me I'm not saying that you're stronger than some sup Pete don't listen to it and what listen to you yes listen to me what are you so afraid [Music] of [Music] [Music] help [Music] I need this suit it makes me a better Spiderman you just want it for yourself all I want is to save you I'm the hero I don't get safe [Music] why are you doing this I made you you owe me I know you don't mean that all I wanted was to save everyone MJ me now this city thinks that I'm the problem you think I'm the problem but I'm not anymore I'm the solution [Music] sh [Music] yeah I can't let this go I'm finally everything everyone needs me to P yeah you don't even answer my calls anymore man and what about MJ you could have killed her I know you're hurting Peete but you're better than this I know I know but [Music] no people in my life they keep dying I blame myself for that they needed a hero and if I thought some Su could save them maybe I'd be in your shoes now but this kind of power is the reason they're gone not you not me shut up [Music] [Music] yeah I need to use the [Music] Bell we got to be stronger than that this time you have to save yourself eyes chance you will I'm not losing you [Music] [Music] Pete yeah Pete come on man just just focus on me come on I'm stronger than this you hear me f come on let's [Music] [Music] move these last few days miles I'm sorry thank you for everything it's what Spider-Man [Music] do Spider-Man didn't save me back there miles [Music] did what now I have to talk to Dr Connor he said he knows how to destroy it wait what about Harry doesn't he kind of need it his dad is working on another cure one that doesn't involve aliens you know if you need me I'm just to call away well once I let my mom know this she still has a son I know just glad to have you back [Music] man [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] you finally got it off my hero Harry we've got to destroy it it's too dangerous I don't want you to lose yourself like I did Pete please you don't understand Connor said it was I saved your life you won't save mine do you want me to die [Music] Harry here's you oh God hry no don't hurt him stop nonlethal just get it off him on your knees hands on your head get back up in here now [Music] what is that run runes that FL all my security personel Evacuate the science wi now the hell with non-lethal fire everything remember do it har St I know feel hopess you never been cured to a cure I know we find one and and so does Peter won't let down I'm exploring every possibility there is the failures we had they're they're normal they're normal the important thing is you only need to succeed once what the lock down the whole [Music] [Music] building tell the other floors to evacuate there's nowhere else you you go har you opening fire take if you stop now we won't put you under this might work you know you're not getting out of here where did that he's here light him up this get him fight put him down Harry I screw up I knew when we found and I never anywhere close to you I'm sorry this is all my all right not yours not yours don't shoot the get it take the G you're hurting him throwing this doesn't work where are you going to go there's something D it no he's still Bo there's people outside trying to get but you're worried about getting in trouble I can make it go away nothing will happen to me just now why would you say something talk to me Harry I can fix this I can save you let me save you got anything else take [Music] the steady [Applause] steady har no firing grenade going out please please there you are hurry up many you sh let go going to kill you out there I can't lose you too [Music] is that all you can do only care more everyone here see how he has finish no something else something better get him get him look at that not even a whisper of fear there's no need to run that it all the way [Music] at last [Music] sh [Music] time it [Music] [Applause] ah a [Music] a [Applause] [Music] thank you oh [Applause] mom I don't what did I just do don't be scared honey you finally have the power to do what we've always wanted we're going to heal the world how let me show you sh we're going to heal everyone [Music] I hate this I love this you do you've hit the nail on the head finally top story everybody is talking about it this is editor material editor congratulations your first assignment write more juicy stuff by tomorrow morning drama controversy just like this like this get writing MJ I uh didn't get fired from the bugle in fact I think I I got a promotion he hey that's what you wanted right yeah I I thought it was then that's great Hey listen something's gone wrong with Harry what what happened well hang on someone's the door it's kind of hard to explain just promise me you'll stay away from him okay MJ Harry what the hell come on MJ pick up hey it's MJ you can leave a message but why would you if it's important just you know thanks please be okay Spiderman how are you feeling anxious panicked I meant the physical symptoms soreness fatigue yes wait symptoms I've been looking through years of research notes the Symbiote channels a collective Consciousness that hive mind I was in was is optimistic it may still be inside you what nothing to panic about but perhaps you should come to the lab for some tests I can't doc bigger problems got to go hang on MJ MJ where's har Pete you look tense coffee we need to talk you must get tired making the world a better place every single day but I can help all you have to do is let me this isn't you wrong this is the real [Music] me I finally have the power to realize our vision are you giving up on me Harry we need to get that thing off you do not call us a thing Harry we are not Harry we are [Music] don't better [Applause] go show it what he's missing you can't have her too late MJ I'm sorry MJ just talk to me I'm done talking you're done begging for validation from you from anyone validation if this is about your job this is about me he not my job for this stupid house you're one it's not about you make it stop make it stop st me MJ what do you mean you stay out of this I'm finally in control I don't want to hurt her I know you're in there you always patronize us [Applause] look at what you're doing this isn't control I am in complete control what's happening to me don't listen to those voices they are telling the truth I HT them too I know how it feels it's always about you you can't keep a job you can't pay the mortgage I have a job with Harry we'll be okay hey and for how long there's only one job you care about Spiderman it's not fair people need me you know that what would the city do without Spider-Man look how it's doing with you I can still fix this I always do we always do I always come second I live in your shadow where my dreams turn to dust it's a TR what are you saying you do make a difference what you do [Music] matters MJ it's me no more [Music] don't let it control you we have had enough a remember your book you said you want to help people nobody f it nobody that's not true if I helped one person it was worth I read it it helps me I do is help you MJ my life is constantly interrupted by you looking for answers we because you lost a job or can't pay a bill all right words I don't believe in you're a man I despise so you can be happy I didn't realize MJ you can quit I can figure something out I can't trust you I can only rely on us no I'm sorry MJ I was wrong you don't have to trust me but please trust yourself let me do what I have to do you're right I've been self selfish I was so wrapped up in my own life I never thought about yours but let's handle this MJ's way let me help you fight [Music] this just talk to me sh ah we don't need you the city needs you I need you don't lie to me Pete I need you too you just want to stay a stronger half what you don't feel special anymore what no you're stronger than me in so many ways you've been singlehandedly holding our lives together I'm sorry MJ I took you for granted MJ is gone no you aren't I'm sorry I caus me so much pain the house my job our life together I I promised you I'd be better but I wasn't I should have listened I should have been there we're a team me and you I never want your life to be worse to make mine better your dreams are just as important as mine you're lying you're just as important enough [Applause] this isn't what you want how do you know what we want you're merry she Watson you want the truth yes I want the truth are you am I I'm okay I think I'm okay you did it wait not [Music] yet Watson where are you with my Apple frits I'm starving and I kiss my ass I quit what's up you're so [Music] cool I thought I'd lost you I think I've been lost for a while now not just to the symbiot for months I've been trying to be something I'm not I'm glad you're back sorry it wasn't you and I wasn't me earlier Pete I pet it it was like some kind of hive mind in there I saw you and Harry he was going after this rock miles is it City Hall go I love you I love you [Music] jum Spiderman what are you doing here are you all right Spider-Man he said there was still some of this thing inside him I see I think I can clear it out of him but only if I go to the source I'm going in with you [Music] what's the plan here Lee find Spider-Man all of this dark matter should lead us toward him all [Music] [Music] right no there has to be another way maybe maybe we have one more option if I can transfer all of my power into the Symbiote I think that could neutralize it and free Peter what will happen to you I guess we'll find out what well if this is my last chance to say anything to you I won't forgive you it's just not in me but I can't carry this hate for you anymore man so let's set things right you and me ready miles help I'm [Music] coming this is all my fault I'm sorry I'm sorry we did it come on SP SpiderMan Miles Spider-Man Spider-Man wake up go I've got this this is more than a new suit whoa what is this miles where did this come from Le and I went in your head to clear out the symbi that's inside he had to drain his power into a save you it looks like it had an effect wait you two work together I wasn't about to let you die myos that's after so many times saying it thank you seems soft it's okay I know I don't deserve that [Music] kid this is unreal hey there big guy let's try this again ah I thought we lost you guess I should thank [Music] you I spent years of my life consumed with vengeance and lost everything for it you two reminded me that that's not who I am when you help someone you help everyone where are you going to go to set things right your way wow reforming your greatest enemy can't say I've ever done that maybe MJ was right why would the city need me when it has [Music] you I don't know this city still looks like a two Spider-Man job to [Music] me get out of [Music] here Norman what are you doing [Music] [Music] doing please just give me back my son we are your sons look at us we are healthy strong this is what you want isn't it stop Harry we can help you [Music] you where's the rest of [Music] it please don't what's he going to do with that thing I think we're about to find out you need to know Harry's going host and symbiote are perfectly fused I'll find a way to save him you can't but you can still stop the Symbiote how by killing the host please save my boy [Music] [Music] on [Music] [Music] that suit's not an alien is it it's time for a mes moral is original you know one of one it was good what happened man Harry got the meteorite I uh I couldn't stop him Connor said we can't save him so we have I can't lose him miles I can't do this again I saw May when I was in your head it's not your fault Pete she wanted to save you to save all of us she never thought about herself even when she was struggling to breathe if may my dad if they were here they would want us to stop thinking about them they'd want us to help people to fight Harry's still in there and we're going to fight like hell to get him back call the play coach let's split up cover more ground you find the meteor right I'll clear that nest out you got it Spider-Man [Music] hey everything all good with Haley not yet but you still owe me a few more minutes hang tight Haley [Applause] no what are you doing here I was I was trying to save you you're incredible I like you so much and I think you like me do you want to go out on a [Music] date is that a yes [Music] well it's a date then after all this is [Music] over Pete I'm on the way Pete Harry hey it's Harry leave a message hey buddy I talked to Dr Connor he says you're too far gone but I know that's not true Harry I messed up I was terrible to you your dream our Dream healing the world I'm sorry oh God here you're here I'm here are you finally ready Harry I can't [Applause] what I want to help you Harry oh no Spider-Man who are you did you go down there you were right it has to be here he has to I'm sorry I couldn't I know man I'll try to find a way inside it's going to be okay everyone's going to be okay I have to get to that meteorite I'm so close [Music] Peter Harry Harry talk to me please help us speeter we need you I'm trying buddy I just need that meteorite okay miles not seeing a rock no hold on I'm nearly to you thanks for coming Pete we ought to show you something arry what are you we are healed finally free we can give that gift to everyone but we need you with us [Music] P Heal the World together yo bro not cool we can't stay here [Music] you're good man we need to call MJ I know where the meteorite is Central Park Reservoir the water system pumping goo everywhere adding more and more people to the hive mind if all those symbioses get out of Manhattan goodbye Earth hello Planet goo the meteorite is the source of all the power right creating goo creating symbiotes but it was useless until Harry repaired it yeah and that particle accelerator is what damaged it in the first place cut off a piece at low power right so what if we crank the power up like way past 11 might destroy it if free everyone connected to the hive mind theoretically but that reservoir's got to be mobbed with symbiotes and you know Harry's not going to let that rock out of his sight unless he sees something he wants more me just you know for illustrative purposes Harry's still hay he thinks he's healing the world but the dream isn't complete without his best friend beside him I can lead Harry away from the meteorite and I can handle all the Symbiotes while I grab the space Rock for illustrative purposes all right fire up the accelerator no more hive mind World saved we all get your rose theoretically Pete what Connor said about Harry being too far gone if you can't save him are you ready w't come to that you two will be able to destroy the Rock in time let's heal the world for real this time so the meteorite is somewhere in that thing so are Harry and his friends here figured you could use a Sonic touch they're just standing there what are they waiting for look I can't thank you both enough for everything come on on bro we the spider team don't anyone forget it hey buddy you going to sit in there and play with your pet rock all night it's you and me Harry like we always wanted our gift will finally be [Music] your here's the thing though you're going to have to catch me first MJ [Music] [Applause] [Music] now up that ladder and I'm in the clear you got to be kidding me big guy I should crank up the volume hey I think that hurt it that symbiot big but I'm fast let's get the hell out of here help time to go miles you [Music] ready pretty sure your plus one isn't invited to our high school reunion Harry Harry this is where we became best friends yeah it is and and now it's where we become brothers please remember everything we've been through did you forget about Flash kicking our asses for 4 years we but we had each other got to stay off the ground [Music] you came over every single day after school even slept over after your mom got sick we couldn't see her like that what is he doing when you lost her that day on the football field I was there always have been until we got sick again you abandoned us while we were fighting for our lives I was trying to save you didn't feel like that to us you want to join us we know it [Music] why do you keep fighting us you're not giving me a choice symbiot dropping [Music] in get free Harry with more antivenom he's down we know what's best for you for everyone we gave you everything you ever want did and you threw us away I should have been better I'm so sorry then you replaced us with miles poison you against us no he saved me just like I'll save you for these guys got to get any close ah better be over soon doesn't matter what you do to me I'm never going to heal the world with you not like this the meteorite you took it from us I think the goo aliens are mad we took their stuff yeah well they started it let's get this to the accelerator MJ you hearing that [Music] peace he's okay right let's just get him out of here go miles I've got him go when the hell did he get wings you're not getting this rock man our future doesn't belong to you trust me don't want your [Applause] future I made a promise Harry that I fight for you you don't care about us you don't don't know us I know you talk to your mom just like I talked to my dad remember what you saying right now that we are so [Applause] close I'm not going to let Peak down Harry he'll understand this is his dream too sorry Harry heard enough about this nightmare I'm waking you up miles Peter doesn't need you anymore hears us [Music] now you're not doing this for me you're doing this for yourself you're holding you back you took him away from us took him away what the hell are you talking about need to hit him with more blue Sparks in the forest we remember what you did Harry man that's the sympo talking not you you were jealous that's why you pushed us maybe I was but PE wasn't [Music] PE you think you're better than us don't you this ain't about who's better I just prefer you without the psycho alien on it doesn't matter if you like me or not I'm here for you God I clipped his wings can't see it now but we're not so different man better without you we all are let's end [Music] this [Music] we gave you our chance Alie Harry [Music] Heat give me back my friend we are your [Music] friendy what's happening just hang on buddy please no leave him Al [Music] go miles [Applause] [Music] you ready to finish this almost [Music] [Music] fight Harry fight I can't I'm done you have to you have to kill [Music] [Music] us hurry please [Applause] I'm done hether way no no no we still have time no we don't it'll kill them [Music] and then it'll kill you let's Heal the World be together [Music] [Music] we're in business now Pete [Applause] no [Music] MJ [Music] [Music] a [Music] I love [Music] you [Music] [Music] you did it [Music] yeah I'm sorry I'm [Music] sorry give me some room I don't know if it's going to work but I got to try on hear [Music] it [Music] thank you got to get from the [Music] [Music] [Music] hospital come [Music] on Harry pulse is weak we got to move what have you done what have you done to him so I'm sorry I'm coming with you [Music] [Music] wait there are traces of brain activity but his chances of coming back are very slim just keep him [Music] [Music] alive [Music] [Music] why why [Music] get the G serum ready [Music] ASAP for the last last few years tragedy has tried to tear the city apart but we somehow kept going we battled sickness evil cataclysm we are tired anxious stressed numb but we have never lost hope the city needs to heal we're all ready to return to normal but what is normal what if it no longer exists over the last half hour I've talked about how these events have changed me but what about you in this ongoing series I will be talking with people throughout the city exploring our new Behaviors new routines new thoughts and feelings I hope you'll join me on this jour Journey this has been Mary Jane Watson and you're listening to The New [Music] [Music] Normal episode one done nice I don't know he's good to go in a minute I want to show you something first okay it has molasses in it yum I'll take [Music] [Music] those thanks again for the donation Peter oh [Music] Pete [Music] have you talked to Miles about not [Music] yet you ready uh miles I've been meaning to talk to you uh about something uh I mean I have been talking to you all the time it's it's great uh to talk so many good talks I just haven't been talking to you about what I should have been talking to you at Pete wait uh let me start again I got this all of it go be Peter Parker for a while are you are you sure it's it's a big city I can handle it as long as I can still call you for advice you don't need it maybe not now but they'll come a time I'm here for you always big bro see [Music] you [Music] [Music] what do you want the Spiderman you know who they are don't you why they ruined my son good we all have to experience loss even you Norman what are you writing the Final [Music] [Music] Chapter [Music]
Channel: CaleoGaming
Views: 10,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: caleogaming, all bosses, boss video, spider, spider man, spider-man, spider man 2, spiderman 2, spider man 2 all bosses, spider man 2 venom, venom, venom boss fight, venom final boss, peter parker, spiderman 2 all bosses, spiderman 2 2023, marvel, marvels spiderman, marvels spiderman 2, spiderman 2 venom, spiderman 2 final boss, spiderman 2 ending, spiderman 3 trailer, spiderman 2 scream, spiderman 2 all cutscenes, spiderman 2 full game, ps5, spiderman 2 ps5, caleo gaming
Id: Z9I35wsmjuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 232min 15sec (13935 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2023
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