Marvel's Most Powerful God

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Marvel's most powerful being explained I.E the crown not the one above all let's make this make sense so the nature of cosmic entities in Marvel Comics as a lot of you guys probably already know they exist on a universal level and a multiversal level Universal level Cosmic entities are like eternity Infinity Master order Lord Chaos on the multiversal level you have like the Living Tribunal and the beyonders kind of the Marquee of death Clyde wincham to a degree and so on and so forth but historically above them all you had the one above all which makes sense it's literally its name the reason why this matters so much all goes back to the events leading up to Secret Wars in 2015 and the events that came after so as most of you guys know from Secret Wars 2015 specifically Jonathan Hickman's run on Avengers and New Avengers the greatest comic story ever told the incursions were happening the Multiverse was collapsing the end was not Loki was actually able to escape the collapse of the Multiverse by leaving all space in time during that time period he caught a glimpse of this being called Enigma and that was about the extent of it at that point now this all goes into a comic called Defenders Beyond by Al ying and this was basically a team composed of like Adam verer the blue Marvel Monica Rambo I think America Chavez was on it I can't remember off top of my head but in effect this team was assembled by The Cosmic entity eternity and their job was to go into the Multiverse and figure out what Enigma was learn any Poss possible weaknesses it may have and how to exploit those weaknesses to destroy it because what Enigma was doing was traveling from one Universe to the next and basically absorbing it consuming it destroying it the way the galatis consumes and destroys worlds suffice it to say all we really learned about Enigma was two things number one it was represented in the form of a crown transitioning through realities number two that it is more powerful than the one above all and the reason why is that as part of aling's restructuring ing of the Marvel Cosmic hierarchy he established that the one above all is not alone in its existence that in fact it represents or is part of a whole new order of cosmic entities that we simply didn't know about before transitioning away from Defenders Beyond and focusing on the here in now let's talk about how the X-Men brings it all together so in Marvel Comics beginning with Jonathan Hickman's House of X running all the way up until now what we had learned is that there was just a guy in the world named Nathaniel Essex and he has his own history and all that kind of stuff but this guy had come to the realization that somewhere along the line humanity is going to achieve a technological singularity and when that happens a group of beings out there called the failinks which are in of themselves their own dominion basically a technological hive mind that they are going to show up on Earth they're going to absorb all sentient life into themselves which will in effect destroy all life on Earth and so in order to prevent that from happening Nathaniel Essex cloned himself three times and then made a clone of his wife right these clones came in the form of Dr stasis orbis Stellaris mother righteous and then Sinister as we've always known him with the diamond on his head the purpose of these four clones was to find a way to achieve Dominion Hood basically this kind of unspecified godlevel power right that Marvel's introduced very Ambiguously what these four didn't know is that they were actually Pawns in a game being played by the original Nathaniel essics which we'll talk about that here in a second because he is in effect the Enigma Dominion so talking about these four clones what's going on in the X-Men Comics right now and their connection with the Enigma Dominion that each of these four people basically were tasked with trying to find some level of godhood through different aspects of the Marvel Universe mother righteous focused on Magic hence the reason why she has so many dealings or at least is aware more so than any of the other Sinister clones about like doctor strange and the Scarlet w and all the magical principles in Marvel Comics Dr stasis focuses on technology and that's the reason why he works so close with orcus that Sinister with the diamond on his head focuses on the mutants and that orbit staris focuses on the Cosmic Landscape and so with each one of these sinisters focusing on each one of these Specialties their goal was to find a level of power within their own discipline that was so Advanced that they could achieve godhood what we found out in rise of powers of X is that what was actually happening is that none of them were ever going to be successful the reason why is because all the information they were gaining about all these different disciplines was all being sent back to a central location being sent back to the Nathaniel Essex Ai and what it was doing was consolidating all this information and picking out the little things that it needed in order to understand how to achieve godhood and so in effect they were creating the Enigma Dominion not realizing they were creating the Enigma Dominion now here's where things get crazy right once the Enigma Dominion came online in the same way that like Skynet came online during Terminator it achieved this level of godhood and took off outside of all space in time and so it was like witnessing the entire Multiverse on the outside the same way that Loki Witnesses the Multiverse at the end of Loki season 2 for those of you guys who have seen that show but let's say and let's kind of stick with that example right Loki at the end of season 2 let's say that Loki a little uncertain about whether or not things would unfold the way they were supposed to that would lead to him sitting on the chair holding all the universes that what he did is he went through the main Marvel Cinematic Universe and started manipulating small little things here and there to ensure that everything happened the way it was supposed to so he would end up on that chair and that's what the Enigma Dominion did that existing outside of all of space and time it created itself in the form of an AI that could gather all information that the other four clones were gathering and they would in effect create it so it's very circular right it comes into existence and then it solidifies its own existence if that really kind of blows your mind it's completely Fair it is a little overly complicated but that's the nature of this right it's the reason why the Dominion is so astronomically powerful it exists outside all of space and time and it's part of a higher order of cosmic entities Beyond even the one above all or any of the cosmic entities we've seen so far now the question that has to be asked here is can it only be achieved through basically a combination of all forms of knowledge and power within a particular Universe I.E almost like assembling the Infinity Stones from The Infinity Gauntlet or can a person just achieve a level of power that will let them do that we don't have the answer to that question very little is known about all of this other than what I've explained here over time that may or may not be fleshed out but with that being said guys let me know if you have any questions down in the comment section I'll do my best to answer them and I will catch you all later peace
Channel: Comics Explained
Views: 90,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Marvel, Hulk, DC, Comics Explained, Comics, Marvel Studios, DC Comics, Marvel Comics, superheroes, marvel comics explained, marvel comics dominion, fall of x dominion, marvel dominion, marvel comics enigma, marvel enigma, sins of sinister, marvel sins of sinister, fall of x enigma, the one above all, marvel cosmic entity, marvel comics cosmic entities, too power for the mcu, enigma marvel, enigma marvel comics, dominion marvel, dominion marvel comics
Id: sN2kXoXN_To
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 6sec (426 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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