MARVEL'S BLOODIEST EVENT EVER!!! || Blood Hunt 1, 2024 ||

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what's going on everybody and welcome back to Comic breakdown in this video we are jumping into the brand new event coming out of Marvel this is blood hunt coming from the writer Jed McKay with it being dubbed the bloodiest event from Marvel Comics ever and I'm telling you guys just from the first issue it might be shock and awe but there is some stuff that goes down the skies have gone dark The Children of the Night the vampires have come out to hunt to rise up and take everything their first Target is The Avengers you take the Avengers off the board the world is yours and you may be wondering to yourself how could the vampires ever do such a thing how could they ever be powerful enough to take on the likes of the Avengers you're about to learn exactly how the vampires can kill a god like Thor so make sure you guys have subscribed to the channel make sure that you like this video and with that being said let's dive into this breakdown all right gang as we pick up with this issue we pick up at the moment the Sun goes out we see the sun darkening dark force users all over the globe their powers are igniting with the Scarlet Witch in New York she sees the individual known as Marcus Daniel 's AKA blackout and every bit of his dark force is being released to the sky in the skies it spreads this is happening all over the world Dark Star dusk silhouette cloak all dark force users they are becoming portals to the dark force Dimension and unfortunately this is not something that the Scarlet Witch can just patch up as we pick up with Hunter's Moon and Tigra you guys know that we're going to have a little bit of moonight mixed up in this comic and if you're not keeping up on the moonnight comics you can check those videos out in my description as well as the top of this video because the Midnight Mission is going to play its part throughout this event and you guys also know that if this is a world event that means Laria is also part of this but Doom is making sure that his borders stay secure and when we pick up with miles in Brooklyn he's dealing with vampires left and right trying to figure out what what the heck is going on trying to figure out what blade might do in this situation this is where blade shows up he tells Spider-Man the things are looking bad but he's got a plan and this plan requires the help of Miles Morales picking up with the Avengers we have Thor Captain Marvel Black Panther and all the others fighting against the horde of vampires Vision accessing as much information as he can the only thing he can figure out on what's going on is that Dracula is currently unaccounted for but many are starting to think that this doesn't feel like Dracula after all the work he had done putting into his Vampire Nation and then to go and pull something like this feels very odd but if it's not Dracula the question is who this is when they get a call from blade he says that he's on the run and he has information to lock on to his coordinates and teleport his whole rig to The Impossible City with all the Avengers meeting up at The Impossible City to figure out what kind of information blade might have for them they know that they don't have much time endless foes are flooding the streets that they got to get back into this fight but as that rig is teleported in coming out of the back of the container we have the blood covet we have megram cruel and unusual smoke eater and doine of course not forgetting blood storm one each of these individuals countering one of the Avengers from the scar witch to them being able to cut Thor this is all because dine can cut anything even the God of Thunder even as guardian flesh even intangible synthoid molecules he can kill any one of the Avengers cruel and unusual being able to take on Captain Marvel it's a creature that eats Spirits it has to eat so many spirits so that it can even be on par with Captain Marvel but bloodstorm one goes after Captain America they want him in particular they want him as their symbol he will be the symbol to wipe Humanity off the face of the Earth and amidst all the chaos this is where we see Thor fall the God of Thunder telling them that they may be able to cut him but they cannot turn him that they cannot kill him telling Thor that they have no intention of killing him they want to keep him they want to use him this is where we see a shard go right into the forehead of Thor the God of Thunder falling down to the ground and they say that their Master will be pleased a great outing for them as they get ready to go for Captain America black panther gives the ship the order to get everybody off of this to get the Avengers free starting with Captain America as black panther charges in bloodstorm drives his fist into the chest of Black Panther and Black Panther's last words we can't cannot lose the symbol they cannot have it because the world is going to need it this is what picks us up with Doctor Strange and Clea strange they are trying to create a formula that would end all of this instantly a spell to kill every single vampire on Earth while they're looking for all of this information this is where blade shows up telling doctor strange that if you're going to do that you're going to need the dark hold last he heard the Scarlet Witch had eaten the dark hold but blade is letting them know that there is a vampire Uprising something that they are already well aware of but this time they're organized they call themselves the structure and if you are reading the moonnight comments prior to the death of moonnight we saw Mark Spectre take down the leader of the structure killed him along with a whole bunch of others Unfortunately they found new leadership they found leadership with a plan they use atlantan rituals to detonate dark force users and turn them into portals to block out the Sun and then part two the global Uprising mobilizing Legions of mass turn Maniacs all across the globe striking population centers critical infrastructure step three take out the Avengers they sent in a kill Squad the ultra vampires fed on superhuman blood empowered by Divergent philosophies of feeding on pain or ghosts or Magic the blood coven inch for inch pound for pound are a match for The Avengers but he's saying that they were a match for The Avengers The Avengers have already been taken down and he knows now Doctor Strange believes it is more important than ever that they assemble this formula and figure out how to take out all the vampires before it is too late blade finding this quite interesting that he would do that kill every vampire on Earth some of them even being on his side but to save the body you must cut the limb as a Doctor Steven strange knows this doctor strange continuing his studies wondering who this new Mastermind may be the one who put out the sun who released the children of the knights who assembled the monsters to kill the Avengers who is now leading the structure is the man that just drove a dagger through the chest of Doctor Strange the leader of the structure and the architect of all this chaos is none of other than blade and that will be the end of this issue so let me know what you guys think down in the comments definitely a bloody issue now I'm going to go on a limb and say that Thor isn't actually dead black panther isn't actually dead just very severely wounded same with Doctor Strange it's a big shock and all a big bloody mess the reality more than likely not dead obviously the biggest reveal of this is that blade is in fact the enemy blade has gathered all the structure now the structure is made up of vampire organizations across the globe in an effort to organize globally and take back what is rightfully theirs this is something that Dracula had opposed in fact many were going against Dracula by even creating this organization to begin with many saw that Dracula creating the Vampire Nation was the worst thing that he could have done but some something has me believing that blades got to be under some kind of spell some kind of mind control some kind of hypnosis something because this is just completely out of character for blade to go to this extent having vampires take over the world when vampires is one of the things he hates most could it be just Dracula manipulating the situation from the background to make it look like blade is responsible for all of this and if something goes arai they'll take out blade but he will still be in power either way this looks to be one heck of a promising story now this is going to be taking place throughout multiple Comics you have the free comic book day blood hunt X-Men Vengeance of the moonight issue number five blood hunt Red Band Amazing Spider-Man 49 Avengers 14 blood Hunters issue number one Doctor Strange Issue Number 15 Dracula blood hunt strange Academy Venom Amazing Spider-Man Union Jack blood hunt issue number two black panther midnight Suns and that is just your checklist for May so if you're going to be keeping up with this uh this little event going on make sure that you're picking up each of those issues we will be covering those issues we do need to get caught up on both doctor strange and moon Knights we'll be doing that in the next coming week or two so that both of those titles are completely CAU up to everything going on with blood hunt so let me know your thoughts let me know your theories if you want to get caught up on everything going on with this series go ahead check out the link in my description as well as the top of this video it is going to get you completely caught up on everything going on with this series if you would like to support the channel you can always do so by joining the channel membership much like patreon having multiple different tiers from $1 to $50 from loyalty badges to Comics every single month not only are you helping out the channel tremendously you are getting tons of perks in the process now if you're unable to do this do me a favor subscribe to the channel like this video hit that notification Bell and with that being said until the next breakdown
Channel: Comic Breakdown
Views: 12,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Marvel, Marvel Comics, Comic Breakdown, marvel, marvel comics, comic books, comic breakdown, Blood Hunt, blood hunt, Blood Hunt 1, blood hunt 1, Blood Hunt #1 2024, blood hunt #1 2024, Blood Hunt #1, blood hunt #1, blood hunt issue 1 2024, Blood Hunt issue 1 2024, marvel event, marvel event blood hunt, blood hunt marvel, blood hunt marvel event, Blood Hunt 2024, Blood Hunt 2024 Marvel, blade marvel, blade mcu, blade marvel comics, marvel comics blade, blood hunt 2024
Id: 5VMMevYjCcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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