Marvel Moon Knight First Look Breakdown and Marvel Phase 4 Connections Explained

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Moon knight a new action adventure series  coming to disney plus a very famous marvel   character for many years mark  spector he was a mercenary he   was left for dead in the egyptian  desert and he now may or may not   be infused with powers from khonshu the moon  god or he might just be crazy this is what   disney plus is doing for the mcu it is growing  it is expanding it thank you thank you so much Welcome back everyone this is going to be my brand  new marvel moon night video oscar isaac and marvel   just dropped a first look so we'll break it all  down if you're brand new to the channel i'll be   doing videos for all the episodes when it does  premiere so be sure to subscribe to get those   my loki episode videos are gonna start posting  really soon too in the next week or so we're doing   a disney plus giveaway for memberships all you  have to do to enter is be a subscriber and just   post all your theories about which marvel movies  moon knight will cross over into in the future the   whole idea is that all these marvel disney plus  series will cross over with the movies they set   up movies so i'll talk about which movies i think  this series will help set up during the video but   you've probably been seeing oscar isaac posting  all kinds of behind the scenes videos as they   get ready to start filming he's been posting  his fight scenes his training with ethan hawk   ethan hawk if you didn't know is playing the main  villain of moon knight i have some theories about   who that's going to be so i'll cover that in a  second but in the past couple of days the official   announcement they posted was to confirm that yes  of course oscar isaac is playing moon knight in   the mcu as if we didn't already know that i  think it's just because they're getting ready   to start filming episodes right now he doesn't  have any of his own social media accounts so   marvel posted this to their main account but it  was oscar isaac himself who drafted the post in   the caption read we are moon knight i'll explain  what that means in a second if you're a long time   fan of the character you probably know exactly  what's going on but in addition to the general   announcement he also posted a bunch of concept  art as part of this and a bunch of pages from the   all new all different moon knight run in marvel  comics those are important because they kind of   retell his origin story so they're good jumping  on points for people who are completely new to   the moon knight character so it makes sense why  marvel would be pulling from that story for the   moon night disney plus series i'll explain that  story line in a second because it connects it   to some of the other stuff they've done in the  marvel disney plus series like what happened on   the wandavision episodes and what's happening with  doctor strange 2 multiverse of madness but marvel   always changes the comic book story just a little  bit when they're adapting stuff for the tv shows   and for the marvel movies so just expect the same  treatment it won't be exactly like the comic book   run but if you have no idea who moonite is some  people refer to him as marvel's version of batman   i'll explain why that is he's not really their  version of batman that's an oversimplification   it'll make more sense when you understand how his  multiple personalities work and how he's presented   in stories but moon knight is generally one of  marvel's darker characters as kevin feige jokes   in that teaser video at the beginning of this he  draws his power from the egyptian moon god khonshu   or he might just be crazy the truth is that he's  both he suffers from dissociative personality   disorder he has three main personalities  that we'll probably see on the tv show   his real name is mark spector but his first  alternate personality is called steve grant   that's his millionaire playboy personality usually  you find him out on the town throwing his money   around funding charitable organizations going to  parties with the rich and famous of manhattan he   lives in the new york city area but his main role  is to basically fund all of mark spector's actions   as moon knight because he creates a lot of his own  technology that he uses his second personality is   jake lockley he's this very unassuming cab driver  who's kind of violent but who he uses mostly to   gather information that he couldn't otherwise get  is this really high profile millionaire playboy   persona but then there's the other mr knight  persona who's a relatively newer addition to   the moon knight story the mr knight version of the  character works inside the confines of law is less   quick to violence it is much more willing to work  with police than the other personas so he's sort   of a more balanced version of the character but  just general origin story for the character so he   started out as the rebellious son of this jewish  rabbi then he became a heavyweight boxer then a   us marine who fought in combat the more modern  retellings of his origin story sort of changed   which conflicts which wars that he fought in just  to move the timeline up but eventually he leaves   the marines to become a straight-up mercenary and  earn this fortune so that's where all of his money   comes from so he's super rich but he earned all  of it doing this super shady stuff as a mercenary   but it's during his time as a mercenary that  he winds up meeting a man called frenchy who   becomes sort of his version of whistler to make a  blade reference so his origin story is moon knight   actually begins on one of these random mercenary  missions that he's doing for a person called raul   bushman who's hired him to help him erade these  precious artifacts from an egyptian archaeology   dig site the bushman character who hired him to  help steal all this stuff winds up killing the   lead archaeologist he has a daughter who's also  there called marlene that he tries to kill mark   spector stops him but in the process almost winds  up dying himself just as he's about to die the god   khonshu appears to him saying that he'll keep him  alive if he agrees to become his avatar on earth   so obviously mark specter agrees gains all of  his powers and abilities as moon knight and his   relationship with khonshu becomes a lot like black  panther's relationship with the panther goddess   boss a lot of people think that black panther's  power comes from the heart-shaped herb because of   the way the black panther movie portrayed it but  black panther all the black panthers actually get   their superpowers from the panther goddess maybe  they'll get into that during black panther to   sort of clarify that because they burned all the  heart-shaped herb during the first black panther   movie so how are you going to create another black  panther well you just clarify that they actually   get their powers from the panther goddess but  the different superpowers the khonshu grants to   moon knight are very similar to black panther's  abilities enhanced strength endurance speed a   healing factor the difference is though is that  because khonshu portrays himself as the moon god   moon knight's powers are tied to the phases of  the moon and depending on the phase his powers   are amplified even more so for example he's most  powerful when the moon is full and weakest during   a new moon or waning crescent as you see here in  this handy chart for those of you that don't know   the phases of the moon also because of his  multiple personalities disorder his mind is   more resistant to psychic attacks and he can use  those alternate personalities to increase his pain   tolerance during fights just metaphorically  jumping from one personality to another   and while all this is going on khonshu will appear  to him in visions give him visions of other things   that come off like hallucinations playing into  the way that he seems mentally unstable sometimes   and he himself questions whether or not what  he's experiencing is actually real but like the   other avengers like black panther he uses a lot of  technology to enhance himself like black panther   he creates a lot of his own customized tech  vehicles aircraft all funded by the money that he   made while being a mercenary so after moon knight  accepts con shoes offer he frenchy and marlene go   back to america where he begins to act as moon  knight but in order to distance himself from his   passes mercenary in disguise's identity he creates  these three different personalities different   identities grant the millionaire playboy jake  the violent cab driver and then the moon knight   persona marlene eventually falls in love with him  becomes one of his confidants who knows his secret   identity and helps him in addition to frenchie  the way they explain his craziness his mental   deterioration is that he actually develops the  multiple personality disorder directly as a result   of trying to juggle all these different fake  personas so when he first becomes moon knight he's   just pretending to be all these other personas but  eventually becomes so complicated trying to juggle   all these different lives that he's leading  and he develops multiple personality disorder   the way iron man got around that back during the  first iron man movie is just to say you know what   this is way too complicated everybody i'm iron  man tony stark is iron man they're gonna also   play with that trope of the secret identity  in spider-man 3 no way home just because   mysterio doxed spider-man at the end of spider-man  far from home so everybody knows that peter parker   is spider-man but they have a funny way of playing  with that idea and whether or not people believe   it or whether people think that it's fake but  that's a whole other storyline during spider-man   3. so i'll talk about that when we get that  first big trailer but as the reader of moon   knight stories or when we're watching the episodes  of the moon knight series we're meant to question   whether or not he's pretending to be one of these  personas or if he's legitimately crazy and can't   control each of the personas like sometimes mark  spector will be watching news broadcast with   footage of moon knight fighting criminals from the  night before and he himself will question whether   or not this is all happening in his head like did  i just imagine that i was moon knight and that i   have this relationship with khonshu eventually we  actually learn more about khonshu's true origin   story as well so in that all new all different run  they sort of clarify that Khonshu is not actually   the egyptian god of the moon he's actually one of  the elder gods which will sound familiar like he's   way older than the actual egyptian gods so here's  our connection to wandavision one of the greatest   elder gods was C'thon i talked about him during  my wanda vision videos because they introduced   the darkhold during that series scarlet witch's  chaos magic and at least in the comics C'thon   is the god of chaos that's where chaos magic comes  from from him and he wrote the darkhold so khonshu   comes from the same pantheon that cathode comes  from he came into existence around the same time   but he himself khonshu does have parents that  are other elder gods that are more powerful   that'll also be important for what's happening  during this storyline that marvel's adapting or   it seems like they're adapting for the tv show and  the whole reason why khonshu chose mark spector as   his avatar on earth offered to save his life was  because of the way the old gods have lost some   of their power and influence in present day all  the elder gods are sort of trapped in this pocket   dimension called the overvoid and with the rise  of technology people around the world have stopped   believing in miracles as much most of the god's  power their influence on earth comes from the   prayers of their followers so as technology plays  a bigger role in people's lives they just stop   believing in all these crazy things that the gods  do for them and khonshu explains that mark spector   is actually very weak spirited his mind was  already nearly fractured so it was very easy for   him to manipulate mark spector into becoming his  avatar on earth and even though khonshu is kind of   nasty sometimes he's very selfish just like most  gods we'll see what gore the god butcher has to   say about that during thor love and thunder but  khonshu was actually trying to prevent some of   the other elder gods from his pantheon from  escaping that pocket dimension the overvoid   where they're trapped and taking over the main mcu  dimension and these other elder gods like seth his   father amon ra are doing the exact same thing that  khonshu did with mark spector they're manipulating   other characters in this storyline promising them  power and wealth if they'll become their avatars   on earth moon knight starts to see visions of  manhattan covered in sand with giant pyramids it   looks like it's becoming ancient egypt and it's  just meant to be a vision of what might come to   pass that these other elder gods are successful  and taking control of the main mcu dimension it's   very similar to what dormammu was doing in the  first doctor strange movie manipulating kaiselius   and the other followers to gain entry into the  main dimension so that he could take over absorb   it into the dark dimension moon knight was also a  member of the defenders in the past doctor strange   was a big defender's character for a long time  so all this multiverse alternate dimension elder   god stuff makes him a big doctor strange crossover  character but i don't expect to see him in doctor   strange too multiverse of madness but i do think  eventually he and doctor strange will share a   crossover story also because he's something of  a supernatural based character in the mcu he's   a prime crossover candidate for projects like  the new marvel blade movie in any other darker   mcu supernatural series or movies that they wind  up doing as for ethan hawk's villain character   right now just based on the fact that they seem  like they're adapting the all-new all different   moon knight story based on all the stuff that  oscar isaac is posting here to the marvel account   the best theory is that he's actually playing the  main villain of that arc who's called sun king   he's like a version of moon knight but he gets his  power from khonshu's father amon ra the god who   the egyptians worshiped as the sun god but who's  really just another more powerful elder god in   their pantheon so his character is just another  regular human like mark spector who's also kind   of crazy to begin with who also became amun ra's  avatar on earth and gained special powers just   like moon knight did when he became conscious  avatar so marvel phase four rolling very hard   in the multiverse trope like we have the loki  series that's coming up very multiverse based   series makes sense that moon knight is also kind  of a multiverse type of character because of his   relationship with konshu in the way khonshu exists  within the mcu right now they haven't said whether   or not they have a plan for moon knight season 2  they've only confirmed that loki in the what if   series are going to get season twos but they did  say a long time ago that some of the marvel disney   plus series will get multiple seasons they're  just waiting to announce which ones will until   each of them premiere in the next few years but  everyone post all your reactions to oscar isaac as   moon knight in the mcu i feel like he's going to  crush this it's going to be really cool and let me   know which other marvel movies you want to see him  cross over with in the future right now the series   is supposed to premiere sometime next spring maybe  early summer like around this time next year i   think there's a lot of evidence that we're gonna  get that spider-man 3 no way home trailer sometime   in the next week or so so of course i'll do a  video for that when it posts but leave all your   video requests in the comments below and i'll name  a giveaway winner when i post my next marvel video   no surprise there are a lot of spider-man 3  rumors flying around about sinister 6 stuff   so also do a video about that in the next couple  of days too because there are a lot of rumors   about big characters coming back from the tobey  maguire movies i just did a big video about kit   harington's black knight character in the eternals  trailer and his future in the avengers movies   you can click here to watch that and click here  for my brand new loki episode 1 trailer video   thank you so much for watching everyone  stay safe and i'll see you guys tonight!
Channel: Emergency Awesome
Views: 504,538
Rating: 4.933073 out of 5
Keywords: Marvel, Trailer, Emergency Awesome, Moon Knight Trailer, Movies, Moon Knight, Marvel Eternals Trailer, Eternals Teaser Trailer, Shang Chi Trailer, Loki, Loki Trailer, Eternals, Marvel Trailer, Spider-Man 3 Trailer, Spider Man No Way Home, Spider Man No Way Home Trailer, 2021, Spiderman, Avengers, Teaser, Scene, emergencyawesome, Charlie Schneider, Clip, Movie, Netflix, Venom, Venom Let There Be Carnage Trailer, Venom 2 Trailer, eternals trailer, eternals teaser trailer, Moon Knight Teaser
Id: DuWAyhxCqQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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