Marvel Just Killed Spider-Man: Marvel Ultimate Invasion (Comics Explained)

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Marvel's rebooting the Ultimate Universe resetting whatever you want to call it and is being done by Jonathan Hickman y'all know how much I love Jonathan I'm sorry I'm so excited people I'm gonna get more excited as this story goes on because what this does is this opens up two months ago right with what basically looks like a like a heist it's these guys who are literally riding in this unmarked van they go busting into this building and it looks exactly like a kind of heist I mean you got armed soldiers and stuff in there these guys roll in and just start shooting the place up they take these guards out like that now they're using like Hypersonic weapons and all kinds of stuff super high-tech stuff which is Way Beyond what mercenaries would normally use so right off the bat we know these guys are being funded in some capacity by somebody else right they take out the armed guards they even go to this poor girl and they tell her like are you the manager here she's like I mean I don't I'm not really a manager but you have a key and her response is like yes these guys even detonate a mini black hole they create a singularity in this place it sucks everything in and then disappears it's crazy right it's it's nuts like within an instant they're coming in guns blazing right it's just it's crazy it's absolutely nuts so what they end up doing is as they make their way into this facility one of the guys tells them this is not a bank and they're like we know and so once they get to the location they're supposed to be at they end up finding what looks like this giant room right this giant like black box with a door on it once they open it we find out they're here to retrieve somebody and the questions got to be asked who in the world are they going through all this trouble for to get because one of the guys is like we're being paid a lot of money right like billions of dollars and they're like yes right the leader of them is like yes you're being paid all that money but once they get in there this guy is just like right on time and when he turns around it's the maker son it's the maker these guys were hired to break out the maker and let me tell you something man all right those guys who don't know the maker in the Ultimate Universe of Marvel Comics and you know what let's explain the Ultimate Universe here for a second here's a quick 15 second explanation of the Ultimate Universe the Ultimate Universe was launched in the year 2000 as an answer to the question what if superheroes had emerged for the very first time in the year 2000 that was it it kicked off with Ultimate Spider-Man and just went forward from there the maker is the Ultimate Universe version of Reed Richards who became a bad guy and he is dope but he's basically like Reed Richards from the main Marvel Universe with zero restraint and nothing but nefarious intentions this guy is amazing I love his character so much and so what he literally does here is he kind of has a little bit of fun with these guys right remember the maker is incredibly intelligent he's the smartest person in the Ultimate Universe Next Level right this is a whole different world when it comes to the Ultimate Universe here and where the guys ask the question they say where's our money his response is ambiguous at best right where all money is floating in The Ether awaiting summons from an imaginary state to a more believable fiction which is usually true right money's not real at least that's what some people say and so one of these guys responds and says it sounds like you don't really have the money and his answer is oh I promise you whatever it is I most certainly have it now here's the thing you do not enter into a bargain with the maker lightly because nine times out of ten it's like entering into a bargain with Mephisto you could do it but you do it at your own risk there's going to be some kind of a catch some kind of caveat and I'm gonna tell you guys right now what happens to these dudes man it's gruesome it's straight up gruesome but it's nothing compared to what the Maker's about to do here in a little while man because this man's got a bone to pick and everybody's about to suffer right like everybody's getting a piece of this pie whether they want it or not so these guys like once they really start realizing there's no real money to be had here but they asked the question they say so so what you're telling me is you hired us to break you out but the this guy who's so capable and so intelligent didn't have the didn't have the ability to break himself out no no there's got to be something bigger going on here what they did is they had actually retrieved an artifact and then brought it to the maker as part of the contract right the agreement that was struck between all of them and so as he starts talking to them he asks them like about their individual names and their identities kind of getting to know them on a personal level one of the guys who's here his name is Jackson he's not supposed to be here instead it was supposed to be a guy named Keith Conrad but he basically got cold feed he backed out and the rest of the crew killed Keith for the fact that he defected but Reed goes on to have this like amazing statement right he says the unforeseen complications of impatience and in UI trapped here I'd forgotten what most people call discipline I of course planned for overlap but the genetic sequencing was for u4 for a reason each and every ingredient is what makes for good soup this will present as a less than one percent anomaly most people would miss it but I wouldn't and he certainly wouldn't which vexes me to no end I suppose my choice now is a subtle prayer or a more on brand message and one of the guys responds and saying like it was the last minute right like literally this guy bailed out we did the best we could with what we had we had to grab this guy and the response here of Reed is very very telling right like pay attention to this he says your best there was one of my therapists in here who before I did what had to be done did have a surprising effect on me he encouraged and challenged me in a way I did not believe was possible his ideas of acceptable goals and personal betterment were predictably short-sighted but he actually did make me want to be a better man a better man with better goals now this is not some altruistic thing this is not Reid Richards understanding what's going on it's like oh yeah I've I've turned over a new leaf and I'm becoming a good guy no he's still a villain he activates this device and the genetic sequencer merges all the mercenaries together literally just like merges them they get transmogrified into a version of read and that's the one percent anomaly he was talking about because the genetic sequencing was based on each one of these individual guys had Keith actually shown up the way he was supposed to this dude would look exactly like Reed down to a t such as it is he's missing the scar and he's partially drooling it's not the way that Reed is supposed to be but one of the things that he says here as he walks away is I do have limits so in effect evil Reed Richards is free in the main Marvel Universe now one of the things you guys are undoubtedly going to be asking is yes raw but I thought ultimate read return to the Ultimate Universe because I thought it already came back technically it did right like he was supposedly contracted by the Council of reads and all that kind of stuff it looks like Jonathan hibbons ignoring all of that stuff so we can ignore it too right you can largely even just treat this as though ultimate read has just been here and you haven't seen him one time since the events of the end of secret Ward and in fact even the statements that he makes run contrary to everything that's happened so far with his character and his appearance Post Secret Wars post 2015. so following this in the aftermath of this whole Black Guard building explosion right like read escaping that was two months ago right six weeks ago you have main Marvel Universe Reed Richards and you've got black panther who are basically talking to each other and one of the things to know here and this is something that a lot of people tend to forget they have a very very close friendship they've been friends for an incredibly long amount of time it's the reason why in the aftermath of Doom War when t'challa lost the role of black panther after handing it over to shuri that Reed accompanied him down to meet bass the goddess right and then in turn bass made to Chala the king of the Dead Reed was the one that had to vouch for him right that's how deep the relationship goes they're more like brothers as opposed to friends and so as they start talking here and as they they start communicating what they end up finding out is that this facility was a holding facility for damage control right now here's the thing damage control nine times out of ten in Marvel Comics they're the cleanup crew right you never really see damage control on this side which is basically putting people in these extremely secure facilities and so once Reed realizes that this place is a damage control holding facility it suddenly Dawns on him who it is is being held here he figures out it's the maker now once they get into that room the maker whose face now looks the way that it's supposed to and his body has presumably taken on at least the form and the mannerisms that it's supposed to as soon as Reed walks in he asks the question maker is that you right are you really me is it is it you that I'm looking at here and the body of course immediately dissolves and so what the maker was doing here was putting on a show this was not by accident it's not sloppy and that's one of the things that I want you to notice here everything the maker does here is done with intention there's no accidents there's no coincidences nothing happens because it sort of ended up that way it's all according to design that's how this guy works and so where black panther asked the question where in the world is this guy at right this evil version of you who seemingly every bit as intelligent as you the response of read is I'm not worried about where he is I'm worried about what he's doing and so what we end up doing is we actually jump to about five weeks ago when the Maker shows up to the Baxter building now remember the Baxter building's a home with a Fantastic Four and it's got all these security systems right retinal scans and all that kind of stuff but they're all predicated on the identity of Reed the maker is Reid Richards from an alternate reality the machine's not going to be able to differentiate between the two and so the maker can just Waltz right in he walks right past Franklin who has no powers right he's not a reality warper anymore he ends up going into the computer systems of Reed and then he starts looking through everything and so what Reed does right after the maker has been through there and Reed realizes that the maker had arrived there Reed does the only thing he can do he goes to the necropolis and he recalls the Illuminati they're back ladies and gentlemen the Illuminati are back just now there's also big differences here right like remember when the Illuminati were first formed this was the original team this is what the team looked like right Captain America was revealed to be part of the Illuminati during the events of original sin back in the day but he ended up joining the team after Professor Xavier was killed during the events of Avengers vs X-Men so Captain America was never originally part of the roster but the gang's all here ladies and gentlemen right you got Doctor Strange you got Iron Man you got black panther you got Professor Xavier you got name of the Submariner you got black ball nobody cares but you have like the the original team back together and that's awesome except for blackball because Black Bolt sucks but the team basically starts asking the question what's going on so what they do is they put all their resources together right now check this out this is where things get nuts right they say that the maker came to wakanda and successfully really stole enough vibranium to forge it into who knows what that's no small thing but only Reed Richards is allowed access on that level because this is an alternate version of read he's able to access that stuff you see the benefit of being the maker in the main Marvel Universe right everybody trust Reed Richards in the main Marvel Universe right he's part of the Fantastic Four suddenly you have an evil version of him nobody who ever really sees that coming the next thing we learn is that the maker went to a Talon which is not surprising because the Inhumans suck and he stole a whole bunch of terrigen spheres that have enough energy to power massive cities for over a thousand years after that he went to the bridge now as soon as I saw the bridge I was like what no way because the bridge is supposed to be gone right the bridge is supposed to be destroyed for those of you guys who don't know what the bridge is in Marvel Comics it's one of the coolest things so the Bridge originally appeared in the dark rain line of comics as part of Marvel's kind of branding initiative during this point in time Reed Richards constructed the bridge in in order to look into the Multiverse and that's when he first met the Council of reads he was told by Susan storm to shut the bridge off but he lied to her he lied to his wife he actually ended up reactivating it and then traveled through and that basically gives us the entirety of Jonathan Hickman's Fantastic Four run going forward from that moment now the bridge itself was destroyed at the end of Hickman's run but it was brought back during the events of the collapse of the Multiverse right the multiversal incursions do you guys remember that story Jonathan Hickman's Avengers and New Avengers the greatest comic book story ever told by man it took like five years for them to finish it man it was like it was like the greatest comic book run of all time but the thing here is that the bridge is supposed to have been gone right it's not supposed to be there apparently Tony Stark has it and he has it in some secret Warehouse out there somewhere right why does Tony Stark do that because Tony Stark's a dick right the other thing about this is that you end up having the maker who basically travels to the sanctum State term of doctor strange and he steals and Immunity Lance he goes to Atlantis and he steals from Atlantis but he's stealing all these different artifacts all these different things and by whatever Manner and whatever means which they don't even understand how he was able to do it he broke into krakowa right the mutant Island that can only be accessible by the mutant population they don't even know how he did it but he broke in there and he stole a krakowan gate they're supposed to be immovable right once icker Cohen gate is planted it can't be removed it can't be taken out by any feasible means outside of like reality warping or something crazy like that and so what ends up going on here right after maker has stolen all this stuff he goes to the one person that you would expect him to visit now we know this anybody who's been reading Marvel Comics for a long time knows that this was gonna happen it was gonna happen these two were going to meet right the maker goes and visits Miles Morales son yes he goes and sees my miles more hours why okay so here's the thing man those see that so those of you guys who are new to comic books this is why this stuff is so amazing right so the thing about this is that the maker wakes them up right he wakes up miles and he says how can you possibly sleep with the world moving as it is the gears of this fraudulent infernal machine grinding our bones to dust and it takes Miles by surprise right he's like who in the world are you now this is one of those instances what I'm talking about where I say that like the makers met miles before after the events of secret wars during like absolute Carnage King and black all that kind of stuff you can ignore all of that right just act like you've never seen the maker before but his response is have we not met I cannot tell with so many of you the masks and monikers and more than that the repetitive nature of so many of you Heroes and where where Miles asked like who are you this guy responds right the make a response and says you are Miles Morales and I am your brother and where Miles doesn't know what he's talking about he says I read about it in his records it was some trick of universal rebirth and reality shaping but as I understand it according to the secret history it's something every creature on this planet in this universe shares but you and I have something that sets us apart from them apart from their shared history we are the only two survivors of a dead Universe miles the only living children of gods erased from history did you know that now here's what the Maker's talking about because if you're not familiar with comic books you're probably like what in the world is going on okay so in Marvel Comics and kind of referencing back to our explanation of the Ultimate Universe the Ultimate Universe was really really popular but when the Multiverse was basically collapsing and all these different universes were coming to an end the final incursion meaning the final two universes that collided was the main Marvel Universe and the Ultimate Universe now Miles Morales actually ended up stowing away on what was basically a safety vessel devised by the good guy Reed Richards right so when you got to the events of Secret Wars Miles Morales remembered the entirety of the Ultimate Universe the universe he came from everything that had ever happened the death of his mom Rio and the comics the whole nine yards and so because of that once Secret Wars ended Miles Morales ended up in the main Marvel Universe and so one of the gifts that he was given by the molecule man Owen Reese which believe it or not the reason why this happened is because miles gave the molecule man a cheeseburger you don't have to believe me it's 100 true I'm not even lying and that moment in the story was amazing but the reward that was given to Miles as a result of that is that when he re-emerged in the main Marvel Universe when Reed Richards said everything back to normal Rio was brought back to life so he finally got his family back that's why if you read miles or you're just now getting into miles that you go from the Ultimate Universe where his mom is dead when she was killed at the hands of Venom to suddenly she's alive and so what ends up happening here is that as the two of them are talking the maker literally tells miles he says it would feel wrong to go back and to basically recreate all of reality without coming to you and talking to you first and asking you do you want to join me do you want to go back home now the reality here is that Miles has settled in in the main Marvel Universe right this is his new home now if he went back to the life that he had before it would be the life where his father his uncle Aaron who's dead his mom who was killed by Venom there's nothing for him back in the way that things used to be and so the result of this is he rejects the offer of the maker and so the maker gives him an empty card and says if you ever change your mind you know how to get a hold of me and he ultimately leaves and so following this you basically switch over to the here and now in this moment right the Illuminati have banded together and they're trying to basically stop the maker who's on top of the Baxter building with basically all these artifacts that he's gathered for the purpose of jumping back to his native reality not only jumping back to his reality but resetting everything rebooting every thing now initially the Illuminati do what they can where they can but understand this is read right whether it's the ultimate Universe version bad version of read or the good version of read he accounts for everything and so what he does here is he opens up a portal right to basically jump through and to send himself back to the Ultimate Universe and you literally have like blackball who screams because you know that's all they can do I just scream like a little girl and then you've got the other members of the Illuminati who were all using their powers it doesn't do anything right the building gets leveled the whole nine yards nothing happens Reed even looks at them right like maker looks at him it's just like you guys done you guys finished because I mean I've got I got places to be so if you guys are done I'm gonna go ahead and Jet That's how little he cares about the situation and so one of the last things he does is he asks main Marvel Universe read if you could do it all over again if you could go back to the moment when the molecule man gave you that power to reset the entirety of the Marvel Universe if you had that moment to wipe me from existence would you do it and the response of read is yes I absolutely would have and the maker says I'll keep that in mind and so with him jumping through the portal the superheroes the Illuminati are helpless to stop him there's nothing they can do and so what this does here what this does ladies and gentlemen what this does is this switches over to a field trip oh it switches over to a field trip right like a science trip right you've got Peter Parker and you've got Liz it's the origin of Ultimate Spider-Man right like it's the origin of Ultimate Spider-Man they're there they're looking around they're doing all the kind of stuff that you would normally expect Peter's taking a look at everything and the radioactive spider makes its way down and it lands on Peter Parker's hand and the maker plucks it off he takes the spider off of his hand he prevents Peter Parker from becoming Spider-Man that's that's literally he's just like reworking and restructuring everything I saw this and I was like there's no Spider-Man in this universe like the makers reworking and just restructuring everything he's rebuilding it all it's crazy with that being said guys we're gonna bring this video to an end now you know what this means right we gotta cover the Ultimate Universe thank you all for watching and I will catch you on later peace
Channel: Comics Explained
Views: 284,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spiderman, spider man, marvel, miles morales, spider man across the spider verse, across the spider verse, spiderverse, superhero, comics, marvel comics, comics explained, comic books, across the spiderverse, spider man into the spider verse
Id: Uc8eZq9ze3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 26sec (1226 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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