Martin's Big Words: The Life of Martin Luther King Jr.

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welcome to teacher reads I'm miss s today we are going to read Martin's big words the life of dr. Martin Luther King jr. written by Doreen Rappaport and illustrated by Brian Collier everywhere in Martin's hometown he saw the signs white only his mother said these signs were in all southern cities and towns in the United States every time Martin read the words he felt bad until he remembered what his mother told him you are as good as anyone in church Martin sang hymns he read from the Bible he listened to his father preached these words made him feel good when I grew up I'm going to get big words - Martin grew up he became a minister like his father and he used the big words he had heard as a child from his parents and from the Bible everyone can be great he studied the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi he learned how the Indian nation would freedom without ever firing a gun Martin said love when others said hate hate cannot drive out hate only love can do that he said together when other said separate he said peace when others said war sooner or later all the people of the world will have to discover a way to live together in 1955 on a cold December day in Montgomery Alabama Rosa Parks was coming home from work a white man told her to get up from her seat on the bus so he could sit she said no and was arrested Montgomery's black citizens learned of her arrest and made them angry they decided not to ride the buses until they can sit anywhere they wanted for 381 days they walked to work and school and church they walked in rain and cold and in blistering heat Martin walked with them and talked with them and sang with them and prayed with them until the White City leaders had to agree they could sit anywhere they wanted when the history books are written someone will say there live black people who had the courage to stand up for their rights in the next 10 years black Americans all over the South protested for equal rights Martin walked with them and talked with them and sang with them and prayed with them white ministers told them to stop mayors and governors and police chiefs and judges ordered them to stop but they kept on marching wait four years I have heard the word wait we have waited more than 340 years for our rights they were jailed and beaten but they kept on marching some black Americans wanted to fight back with their fists Martin convinced them not to by reminding them the power of love love is the key to the problems of the world many white Southerners hated and feared Martin's words a few threatened to kill him and his family his house was bombed his brother's house was bombed but he refused to stop remember if I am stopped this movement will not be stopped because God is with this movement the marches continued more and more Americans listened to Martin's words he shared his dreams and filled them with hope I have a dream that one day in Alabama little black boys and black girls will join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers after ten years of protests the lawmakers in Washington voted to end segregation the white only signs and the south came down dr. Martin Luther King jr. cared about all Americans he cared about people all over the world and people all over the world admired him in 1964 he won the Nobel Peace Prize he won it because he taught others to fight with words not fists Marton wet wherever people needed help in april 1968 he went to Memphis Tennessee he went to help garbage collectors who were on strike he walked with them and talked with them and sang with them and prayed with them on his second day there he was shot he died his big words are alive for us today the end I hope you enjoyed reading Martin's big words with me today please subscribe to the channel and write in the comments section which book would you like to see next thank you for listening
Channel: The Teacher's Library
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Keywords: Martin Luther King Jr children books, Teacher Reads Channel, Martin Luther King jr, Martin's big words
Id: Rc39Ka8ut6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 15sec (375 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2016
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