Martha Stewart’s Springtime Favorites | 8 Seasonal Recipes

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foreign [Music] both sides they'll go in the oven okay about 375 degrees for you know three or four minutes just so they're lightly browned and then the morale they're aren't they beautiful right now they're they're perfect they're these are the really one of the some of the first of the Season I'll put this in the oven to you okay tell how you clean them that's I think that's the biggest problem for most people is how to clean them okay well as we know mushrooms are mostly water so uh water and cellulose so what you want to do is uh if on the outside you just brush them with a paintbrush or a light brush yeah um trim off the very end if it's Woody and split them in half to make sure that there's no little creatures do you wash them I don't wash them I just brush them with a paintbrush oh okay you know so here we have a whole cup ready for you and we have some butter that's already melted so we're gonna add put this up a little bit it's going to add the morels that we've cut in half the shallots so just like a tablespoon of Shallot yeah so the season for these beautiful little gnome-like mushrooms is uh April through June yeah um and uh I love finding things like that I have a little patch of those in my Woods too I'm not telling you where those are nope it's really special we'll have to follow you yeah and just season it with a little black pepper and a pinch of salt so they exude a little bit of moisture don't they a little bit um you want them you know that's one of the great things about when you're buying them or else you want them to be not dried out but you want them to be firm if they're too wet then they they also have a they get a bitter flavor and they also let out too much moisture and then I like to deglaze it with cream sherry as opposed to some of the other wines and the reason for it is that the cream sherry has a nice smokiness to it oh you know I have forgotten about cream sherry I used to drink this I did I thought it was so good what's the famous one that I guess it's this yeah Bristol Cream I forgot all about that and then once it comes down and you see it anymore excuse me if you don't have Morels you can use any mushrooms any wild mushroom you could even use some of the wood type cultivated mushrooms like shiitakes um I'm just going to add just a little bit of cream cheese so you call them Jim yes and uh and I remember meeting him and uh and talking to him he was such an enjoyable character full of information and joviality wasn't it and the most generous not generous person with knowledge that you I think you could ever meet the um you know he just he just loved talking to people so we're going to switch over to here which is the Morales with a little bit of green that's been added to them which we're going to add just a little of this cream okay and then to this we're going to add the fava beans so why do chefs love fava beans so much it takes so much preparation they're just tasty right well and we have people that do it for us oh really don't be afraid if you see a fava being in the store it doesn't look anything like that because it's in it's encased in two skins thick one and then a thinner difficult one to remove right okay and then what it was oh that was oh that was I'm sorry and we added the round rims which have that wonderful sweet garlic flavor and then what we're going to do here is we have the finished product yep um the toast I just took it out we have the toasted crostinis so we're going to put those down we have the spoon this just goes on here so tasty and a little bacon on top well it depends if I'm making it for my daughter she's a new vegetarian so we don't get bacon I won't have any bacon on mine but what is this cheese this is a Vela Jack which is this great cheese from the Sonoma Jack from The Valley Cheese Company oh okay and it's specially aged for about 18 months Swiss chard has large green leaves sometimes ribbed with red sometimes with orange yellow rainbow chard it's called very very delicious summer vegetable and combined with slow roasted caramelized Tomatoes feta cheese and onion Swiss Chardon makes a delicious filling for a frittata which is one of my favorite brunch dishes and I make frittatas over and over again let me show you how cherry tomatoes make sure none of them are too soft one teaspoon of fresh thyme leaves two cloves of garlic smash just put those right in the dish salt and pepper a little bit of brown sugar for caramelization just a half a teaspoon and two tablespoons of olive oil and balsamic vinegar now these go right into a preheated 325 degree oven for about 40 minutes and now you can heat your pan this is a 12 inch non-stick frying pan and you need a lot of oil for a frittata soften the onions in about two tablespoons of oil and I'll probably add a few more so heat the oil slice your two big white onions approximately a quarter of an inch thick these can go right into your skillet I like big chunks of onion and I frittata you don't want to Brown them you want to soften them don't forget to sprinkle always with a little bit of salt and freshly ground black pepper looks like a lot of onions they cook down now the Swiss chard a stem should be cut into about half inch pieces and keep those a little bit separate they're going to go in first and then the leaves themselves are just cut into about half inch pieces too you can make spinach frittatas you could do kale but the Swiss chard has a very nice flavor all its own and while these are cooking now break your eggs now are you ready 18 eggs for this size pan oh and I even have some guinea fowl eggs look at those very different from a chicken egg see how pointed the guinea fowl egg is perfectly interchangeable with regular chicken eggs so just whisk this up but you don't want it too frothy you want a fluffy but not necessarily frothy omelette for the fluffiest frittata whisk together the egg mixture just before making the filling you don't want your eggs sitting around that looks good so for this particular frittata we don't want to really caramelize the onions you could but I like the little bit of crunch of the onion and these are such sweet onions they taste really good just cook like this now add your Swiss chard first the stems and let those cook for a minute or so now add your Swiss chard leaves it's about six to eight ounces of Swiss chard including the stems so just let the leaves Wilt a little bit you don't have to cook them way way down there that looks really pretty and now all 18 eggs if you want to set the eggs in the bottom of the pan a little bit more salt all together you're going to use less than a teaspoon of salt in this frittata and a little bit of freshly ground pepper and you can take a rubber spatula just pull the edge of the frittata away from the pan so a little bit more of the a goes down the sides in Spain where I learned these techniques it was over a big wood fire in the yard of the hotel we were staying in so delicious that looks very very good now place your Tomatoes right into the egg these are the cooked tomatoes you want these everywhere so that every slice will have some tomato in it and the feta cheese and I'm using about three quarters of a cup of feta cheese let that cook a little bit your oven is preheated to 425 degrees and we're going to put this right in that's going to take 15 to 20 minutes to cook yummy yummy yummy that is a frittata colorful and extra tasty now frittatas can be served hot right out of the oven warm or at room temperature a lot of people even like them cold now take a sharp knife and cut into wedges and serve oh doesn't that look really good so you can serve this for breakfast lunch dinner any time of day or night frittata will be welcome in your kitchen this smells so good I'm standing here smelling this fantastic lamb now what cut of the Lamb is it that you're using this is the shoulder uh we're gonna use the shoulder cut uh still has some rib bones in there which is great it's the ideal cup for this you know there's plenty of substitutes we could use a piece of leg or even a shank but uh this yields really great results and and delicious it's tender isn't it so this is the shoulder uh and what we do is we're just going to add a little bit of paprika fennel seed and Nutmeg into some canola oil oh okay yep so I'll just put pour that in for you now um what was your inspiration for this particular spring menu well you know lamb is uh everybody loves lamb uh and I was just kind of looking for a little bit of a diverse uh kind of uh cut and uh technique to uh do you serve it in the restaurant yeah yeah so so this is uh we serve this in the restaurant you know lamb chops are lamb chops but I wanted to do something a little more exciting a little different uh so we kind of Incorporated this technique with this cut so it's not a fatty cut it's a very nice cut yeah and you know it has a little bit of sinew and everything in there and you know it kind of yields a lot of good flavor yeah very nice so how long do you let it sit sit like this just like that it's fine we just want to quickly uh marinate that and basically we have a hot pan here okay what we do is uh I'm just going to take this yeah and basically we want to sear it on all sides okay I'll pour this on this side too yeah yeah don't waste this fabulous stuff okay yeah so basically we just bring this in here we'd sear it on all sides which would bring us to this let's see okay so uh so how long does that take like five minutes or something yeah I'll probably take like uh 10 to 20 minutes depending on you know the size basically you can just put this you're gonna use this pan for everything you can keep reutilizing the pan so you kind of develop all the flavor in the bottom so uh we're gonna remove this really quick and instead of using like a rack or something like that we're just going to add all of our vegetable and aromatics it's going to add flavor it's going to caramelize some sugar some carbs onions we have celery lots of red onions so do you like red onions I do I do I think that uh they add a little bit more oniony flavor to everything yeah we have some times breaks and I'm gonna go with some beef stock here we can use chicken stock with b-stops a little heartier uh you know lamb has a little more of a strong flavor now I love the flavor of lavender in the springtime and and the way you mix it with all the vegetables the fava beans and the onions and the wraps and all those things it's a it's really delicious it kind of stands up to everything you know it's disgusting and people like to have a rusty cut of meat actually I think I do personally I think it usually yields more flavor uh and you know you can you can make this a day ahead of time so you know you can prepare it's a little less stress you know if you're going to prepare this so what we're going to do is uh we're going to kind of like the classical technique we're gonna lard this okay so we're just going to make little incisions uh like two inches apart so Lord if it not with lard right just larding meaning we're going to insert some uh flavor inside the meat and we have some Rosemary and I actually brought some spring garlic at home you can replace that for uh regular garlic but you just kind of want to tuck them into the little incisions and you don't have to do it it doesn't have to be very uniform and it looks pretty too so we just kind of want to we're gonna lard that and we're going to add it back oh right on top yeah right on top okay and uh we're gonna bake this in an oven we're gonna bring this up we're gonna bake it in an oven we're gonna start at 400 degrees uncovered but no we have this wonderful Martha wrapped yeah you like it this is great I love how it has the the foil and the parchment built in so basically what we're going to do is we're gonna we put the the uh the stock in there to kind of it's going to evaporate so the Fat's gonna drip out of the Lamb it's gonna evaporate it's going to create flavor moisture Vapors so we're gonna bake this in the oven for 400 we're going to turn it down to 300 and it's going to take three and a half to four hours and we've got to let it rest for at least two hours very crucial parts to let it rest a little juices recirculate okay two hours okay yeah they have to really plan your roasting time so that you don't have people sitting around for four hours waiting for dinner the check that this is planning ahead yes so we're going to add onions and fava beans and other nice spring like additions so um so yeah so we're gonna start with spring I'm such a huge fan of onions they just they have so much flavor yeah so many different elements of flavor and uh I think it's you know that one some something over there is clearing that's good so basically we can take these we can leave about an inch inch and a half on the ground and we would just quarter those It's always important to look for uh a variety some red some chipolini some spring onions and while you're doing that I'm going to peel some fava beans I have a unique way of the way I like to peel them oh yeah so you peel them raw yeah I like to peel them raw take them out of the skin you're having a big dispute yesterday about this so yeah you just want to kind of get in a little Nook there you just dig out the skin okay and these are these are an amazing Bean they taste so so delicious but but it's not the whole bean that you eat you only eat the inside of the green so this this casing goes away and then we're where's the little nook and cranny a little Nook right there right there yeah like a little okay because we parboiled them and they seem to peel faster but you don't like to do that no because you know the least cooking possible the more sweetness they retain so okay there it's uh okay okay maybe it is where that little Nook and crannies the secret yeah so okay so here's some onions so we have the onion so we have a nice hot pan uh a little bit of canola oil and basically we kind of want to char and caramelize the onions Okay so now do you do you have a wood burning stove in your restaurant or we have uh no we have uh kind of like a hearth so you do actually want a hot pan okay like a smoking hot pan the reason we use canola oil because olive oil might burn and what we're kind of looking to do we're kind of looking to uh get a nice hard caramelization almost to the point of charring uh Without Really uh kind of burning them so kind of this is like the perfect look how beautiful yes I mean the color the flavor you start to develop the sugar in there how long do they have to cook though because you really don't want them raw right so we would caramelize them in here it'd probably take like uh three to four minutes maybe five minutes at home okay uh we get some color and we're gonna we're gonna the cooking really is going to be done in the oven so when they're at this stage uh we take a little bit of honey I learned a trick today yes isn't it great yeah um and pretty much we would just try to caramelize the honey which would take like a minute or two and then almost like a guest streak we're gonna add some acid to it [Applause] yeah so it's a little bit of champagne vinegar okay so we'll add our stock so we're gonna watch this the oven because this actually has to bake in the oven oh okay yeah for 10 to 20 minutes oh and look at the look at those fantastic fava beans yeah so take a nice hot pan again a little bit of shallots [Music] we're gonna caramelize the shallots really quickly and we're gonna add our fava beans we want to get a little bit of color on there so beautiful nice shape too yeah a little bit of salt and pepper I remember the first time I ate a fava Bean was in England at the River Cafe oh wow they made a whole bean pea salad which was so amazing this is beautiful so we're looking for a little conversation kind of like we have here uh we had some sun-dried tomatoes that have been hydrated and kind of just a little bit of sweetness because father beans can kind of be very earthy and uh fabulous yeah they can be sweet as well and essentially we add our onions these are our cooked onions we add them back in with all the juices right yeah and a little and some mint some fresh chopped mint lemon mint we're not doing the Old Mint jelly so we're gonna incorporate them in this way and that's pretty much it that's that's our father bean and roasted onion salad gorgeous beautiful yeah okay here's our finished product so you know it looks different than a leg of lamb and uh has all these bones but so succulent right yeah so uh you know kind of falling off the bone uh remove this one right here you see It'll peel right away you see all the juice that's the shoulder blade yeah so juicy and so delicious for two hours yeah okay and look it comes off when it's well cooked it comes right out right yeah look at that so we'll uh you know what we'll do if you want to put a little bit of our veggies yeah veggies right on there and instead of like slicing this because it's kind of like a braised slow roast uh we're just going to cut off a nice large piece you can see the color like it's like a lamb pot roast almost nice oh wow let's just color right there and uh a little sauce yeah a little bit of the this is the natural Jew left in the pan afterwards yeah when did you first come up with this idea for the potato for the asparagus flan well basically uh asparagus is the one of the very first vegetables coming out of the ground so automatically and then somebody asked me to do an appetizer but without flowers and so I was thinking about a tart or so and so on and why not doing the floor from the asparagus a little custard exactly asparagus Custard with asparagus on top on a small little Porsche the quiet legs on top of it right and Pier is uh just a genius at making the small individual hors d'oeuvre which are quite filling and if you eat six or eight of pears hors d'oeuvres yeah yeah and so what else would you suggest uh serving for a great outdoor party well basically you can do I like to do a bean salad as well on a croutons or whatever you can prepare in advance as well because you don't want spending your time in the kitchen in the kitchen once you have a party outside right so it's all little chicken chicken with a plenty of herbs and everything served on croutons or things you can eat basically it's handful and yours are a generous size without being too big they're all bite-sized they're bite-sized and they are utterly delicious and up here um collaborated with me on my new entertaining book which is coming out in November November 1st uh you're all going to just oh be so excited when you see this book aren't you going to be excited definitely I can't wait it's like me having another baby it's really an amazing amazing accomplishment and your recipes and all the food that you helped me prepare just so beautiful Pierre thank you so much so um is there anything you should avoid making for an outdoor avoiding as well is definitely uh things who don't Can't Stand too long outside neither or warm food or food or different fast so basically you have food after a couple of minutes they fail it don't look that nice so uh you know it's very it's mostly food you can stand uh a little while exactly not in the bright any any food in the bright Sun I just I'm always moving umbrellas around people's tables so let's get started with the fly so we're going to do the floor so basically we have a bunch of asparagus in the approximately 16 asparagus in a bunch like that they're medium size we're going to cut them in three uh different uh so we're going to have the head of the asparagus the tips yep that's because we're going to decorate with uh with those then we're going from all sauce yeah and we have plenty of beautiful what do you call the ship of these fairies exactly yeah so the middle part I would say something look at the two inch uh two and a half inch of the middle of that spot is nice green part we're going to save them and cut them in small little pieces the ant part we're going to just chop them in big pieces something look like a half an inch uh and we're going to do the flower with the Dual spot okay very nice part you're gonna you're gonna puree that exactly okay we're going to but only the green Parts exactly plus they're white asparagus and you could do all white as well exactly yeah the tough part basically this part you eliminate it and you have approximately yeah this one so if you need a bit more you need approximately a cup of this one we have nothing so we're just going to put them in all of them in olive oil okay no it's not warm so we're just going to sear them a little salt and pepper and salt yep we're just going to see them basically give them a nice correlation once it's a those are already done so that's taking approximately I would say that they could like that but we're going to uh we're going to add a cup of water to help them boil as well um once this one is done after two minutes that's approximately the result you have you're going to have cooked asparagus okay with a tiny little bit of uh liquid uh remaining on the bottom so what we're going to do now is the flour we're just going to add a half a cup of milk oh and a half a cup of heavy cream a half a cup of heavy cream and then we're going to add a whole cup of the spinach or parsley but spinach is better it's mostly for the color as well it's going to hurt the flour to stay nice beautifully on green so we're going to cook that for real just the leaves pretty much exactly exactly so we're just going to cook that for approximately three minutes and then we're going to chili down on Ice okay so it's easy enough and then I'm just going to show you how we cook the vegetables here uh we're just going to cut this asparagus lens wise okay I can do that and we're just going to do tiny little dice like that oh and where does that go and that's going to be oh in the custard it's going to be on top of the custard so we go to the I'll start the steps that we go to Branch later on and we're going to have the little pieces here as well that's the result basically of uh should I just do that to the rest yep but just here we have the the floor with in cool down we're just going to uh put it nice and smooth so it's going to be nice and smooth is either a filling for like a quiche or it is a custard for creme caramel or uh the the nice part of it is that you could use this floor in a towel as well you don't have to do it in a in a yeah we can make a quiche out of this one or a little Tarts and then here we do it with spinach but you can do it with uh with this we can do it with the carrots with broccoli with any vegetables you want basically so we're just going to add the eggs uh down here and smooth this nice green custard again seeds are so good don't you love that oh it's great so that's a great Vitamix is definitely and it's going to smooth to have a nice very nice smooth puree so what we're going to do now is we're going to fill up this little that's okay we're going to fill up all this little Glasser hmm it's also good when it's cooking too really on the automatically it needs a little bit more salt we have to rectify the seasoning as well so you can always taste that and see if it needs more salt and pepper on those we go to Branch them later so basically this one I'm going to feel that and meanwhile if you want you can put a little bit of water on the bottom of the of the dish so you're making a little band memory exactly a little hot water bath exactly and we're going to bake those in the oven so Pierre uh when he comes to my house he goes to my wonderful um Pantry in the basement where I keep all my dishes and uh oh yeah let me spilled a little there okay um and finds all the little things that that make such beautiful you could even put that in a smaller pour and just you know work works as well so this one we're going to bake them so preheat your oven about 375 375 only takes to approximately 18 to 20 minutes to to bake okay great we're back with Pierre Shetland who uses a tiny quails eggs these beautiful little quail eggs for inventive garnishes and for this asparagus flan they look so pretty poached though so want to show how to poach yep definitely oh yeah this is Pierre's way rather than doing them individually and painstakingly watch this so so basically what you're going to do I'm just going to just to show how to open that quietly because aquatic it's not uh you shouldn't crack it right yeah you can crack it because of the inside is kind of a little bit stronger than a regular egg so basically what I'd like to do is just put a serrated knife like that and you play like uh okay and it works quite a while so it's much so you do that that's mostly in a restaurant Dutch can always play with a little knife all into a bowl like that like with the whites just like like that 16 together and the way we're going to do it here we have some boiling water with some vinegar white vinegar white vinegar exactly and then we're just going to give a kind of a wave to the river and we're just going to put all the all the cookies now this is make magic and basically they all separate very easily and then we go to let them cook for a minute and a half okay and you take away all that that's all the excess we're going to clean them once they're in the cold water it's much easier to walk themselves exactly and Meanwhile we're just going to blanch the the asparagus tips so it's a water we salted we're going to add the the asparagus tips on the dumb board for two minutes and we're going to do exactly the same thing once those are cooked with the the dust package that you've done for how long this one for two minutes on this one for two minutes as well props a bit less I know you want them yeah not too overcook so a minute and a half nice nice and crisp you can cook those props a little bit longer look they're all cooking so they're all cooking you want the yolks to be soft in the middle exactly so that's why a minute and a half it's just perfect you can do big eggs like this too um the same method but in a bigger pot with a bigger pot or even pot right exactly what you want is enough water uh so um you want a little bit of movement as well that you give with the so that the water is going to separate the egg yeah automatically yes it's done right yeah once they're nice and soft yeah once those are done so nice straight away into the cold ice water exactly ice water is cold you don't have to say cold ice water right no oh and look they're so cute and so some of the white goes away you're going to choose every time you go to trim them later on by taking the interview by hand and moving the excess white plate okay once we are there there we have some asparagus who are cooked on here that's going to and we that's the one we're cooked we're just going to cut them into lengthwise so we can like that yeah and we have them already and we're going to now that we have these both uh asparagus or the cooked we're just going to season them with a little bit of salt and I must tell you that when you pick asparagus from your own garden like I do they cook in even like half the time half the time absolutely longer the vegetable stays more you lose water and then automatically the longer it takes tools to cook so we're just going to season a very simple each of these asparagus just a little bit of drape of a very nice olive oil on a little bit of vinegar you basically like just a tiny little bit and here we go we're just going to season both of vegetables and salt and pepper exactly pears vegetables are Always ultra delicious because he takes the time to season each one separately individually and uh and it's it's good yeah so here's our flan so here's our flan exactly who came out as well so here the the the asparagus that the pot the eggs that we clean so just take them out between them even more with scissors you can't clean them with scissors exactly I do it by a hand little okay yeah yeah you don't want any of these little drippings exactly so basically once we are here we have this flower just came out of the oven you want to let them set for let's say 10 to 15 minutes to just get to room temperature or you could serve them cold as well it will just as well now I'm just going to decorate this little flower with some of these asparagus that are on top see how pretty these are and then you must have little spoons you can use little bone spoons or even a little um I love to use those mother Pearl spoons oh definitely yeah it would work perfectly for that if you put the little eggs each time like a little nest in the middle and you can cut them as well so the the nice uh all yellow part nice and pretty oh gorgeous I'm just going to play afterwards with this little asparagus like that and we just have let me cut that one exactly color comes nice and uh so beautiful so here you have the so we have Target which are perfect and what a great first course this is too for a luncheon you could do um double um the amount in a slightly larger or something so even so he doesn't appetizer in a bigger board right and eventually put a a chicken egg and put more we're having dinner for my friends from Thailand they're going to have this definitely could be a good deal definitely good ideas thank you we're back with Joey campanero of the newly opened Kenmare restaurant where they have a wonderful salad on the menu made with artichokes and hearts of palm my daughter ordered it I ordered it we loved it so Joey's agreed to show us how he makes it now this is um both raw and fried artichoke slices exactly I want I really wanted to emphasize the difference in textures and raw artichokes have this texture that is just a bit resilient and once once you break right through it um it's I think it's a very unique texture for a salad and to add crunch to it we also fry the artichokes look at this and Joey's going to be making this salad for the christening of his new nephew Michael Michael and he's The Godfather so congratulations thank you so tell us about your menu at Kenmare while you while you prepare your artichoke there I always try to let the season dictate the menu and always want to offer seasonal vegetables and and and seasonal fish so you're trimming the stem you're trimming the the whole bottom of the artichoke well the outer the outer uh dark green Parts what do you think of the artichokes this season they seem very nice um I think this this is a great season for this great year for artichokes yeah how are yours doing at your home well there's still tiny little plants so the next the last year we had a great crop and this year I expect even better ones because the weather is already so warm you know it's gonna they're gonna grow like crazy when I cooked in California I always dealt with artichokes and you know people in the kitchen are so competitive so we used to actually race to see who could who could clean the artichokes the fastest I was never a winner in that category you're doing a good job but you see how how a chef does treatment artichoke this is quite impressive and uh and you wonder what happens to the rest of it what does happen well usually artichokes can be cooked cooked whole yeah and then this is the edible part that's my grandmother and my mother always used to yeah used to serve for lunch and and this part is the stuff that made artichoke so you don't want to eat that one so we take this let me take a spoon or you can you know use the knife and and cut that out right and I just try and keep the knife um in one spot and and turn the vegetable and that's a good tip it's a likely less likely chance to get cut so that's all the stuff that made artichoke so we want to get rid of that and now the oil is olive oil this is a canola oil which gets which which also has a higher smoke point and it's and it's a little bit less expensive than grapeseed oil oh okay you wanted about 360 or no it's about three I like to fry it actually oh yeah I like to fry artichokes or at a lower temperature like three three fifty three hundred okay and then what I have here is Miss mandolin and we slice the artichoke oh so that's going to be in the salad this is going to be in the salad and then once we get to where are you getting your hearts of palm from these uh hearts of palm I I get from my my produce purveyor it's called Baldor they deliver to a lot of a lot of restaurants in the city and and also in Boston as well so those round Parts is where you're going to fry right and so I get to these sides and then and then we saved some of the artichokes for the salad and then the rest get into the fryer and this goes quick and then you know there's always continual cooking process so we'll take them out right before that they're right before they're golden brown and then once the oil drains off um they'll get they'll get crispier okay and so we are almost there yeah and while those are gone I'm going to continue with the salad which is hearts of palm now hearts of palm usually come from the uh peach palm tree in um Costa Rica and South America but these are farmed these are not the wild exactly okay oh look how pretty this is and they and they firm up right they firm as the oil yeah drains and then always season with a little salt right while they're hot still exactly so the salt sticks yep and then in the salad I add some picked parsley leaves this is flat leaf parsley or Italian parsley in there butter lettuce right butter lettuce and then also we have this is lemon juice and extra virgin olive oil salt just simple it's a very very simple salad and I really wanted to use the bib lettuce because it's very neutral flavor and so you can really taste the artichokes everybody loves bib lettuce anyway you know they just love it I don't know anyone who doesn't like the lettuce um there we go so we lightly dress it there and then you really want to get the so the lemon juice keeps the artichoke from browning exactly when when certain vegetables hit the when they hit oxygen they begin to oxidize right and they turn brown like apples do it and pears exactly artichokes and then with this is this one serving or two that's two servings okay well I know you like the salad so we can make it that's mine and then a garnish it with the fried artichokes look how pretty oh so you have big rings and you have more frizzled right how about the frizzles we'll use the ones you made they look yeah and so you really have different textures that is what you want to serve your guests or your family that is that beautiful for more of Joey's fabulous food I suggest that you check out Ken there or of course The Little Owl or Marca table thank you very much beautiful [Music] yeah when cooking with radishes did you know that you can use not only the beautiful radish but you can also use the radish greens these are very similar to mustard greens and the radish greens have a Tangy flavor that combines very well with potatoes and I'm going to show you today how to make a very delicious radish greens soup I'm just cutting off the greens right at the top of the radish we'll use the radishes in something else later on but these greens which should be unblemished they shouldn't be brown they should be nice and fresh and green and crispy these are going to now be washed you'll give the soup a kind of pale green color and you can just coarsely chop the greens get some cooking well and in a big stock pot add four tablespoons of unsalted butter and we've peeled and chopped one large white onion and you don't have to kind of chew finely quarter inch dice is fine [Music] we want to kind of sweat the onions many soups are started this way it's very nice to really cook the onions down just a little bit get out any harsh flavor have ready about one quart of really good chicken stock so there the onions are just turning translucent and we want them like that and now add your radish greens and these are the radish greens from about two bunches cook this until it's wilted and I have the potatoes already there's six medium potatoes these are the baking potatoes and they cook very nicely in soups and there's six of them and I've peeled them washed them and I'm cutting them up into about a half inch dice add to your pot [Music] you can stir these around with the onions and the radish greens just until they're warmed and you can add your chicken stock four and a half cups you can add a little bit of salt and a little bit of freshly ground pepper too bring it to a boil turn it down simmer it until the potatoes are really tender about 35 minutes we have one already cooked here and it does smell very very good you can see that the greens have turned a dark green the potatoes are tender I'll just poke it with a knife so that you can see just very very tender and they're ready now to put through a food mill I want to show you in two steps how to make a very very fine soup this is the way the French chefs do it they will pour their soup first into a food mill and run it through this is a great tool to have in the kitchen fit the mill with a fine sieve not ultra fine because you want to get through as much as you can [Applause] well we're done I think scrape the bottom of the food mill so you can see you can serve this as a wonderful vegetable if you like or just enrich it with a little bit of heavy cream or half and half but these pureed soups taste much better with a little bit of heavy cream so I'm going to add a half a cup of heavy cream and if you find that is still a little bit too thick for your taste thin it out with just a little bit more of your chicken stock this looks like a nice consistency now you can heat this up serve it just like this or put it through the very fine cone shaped chinois you can use a rubber scraper or wooden spoon that helps push but this is coming out oh very beautifully look how nice and very silken the resulting soup is and while I wait for it to warm I'm going to create my garnish I already have picked some chival leaves from the stem you could use chopped parsley or even basil if you like and I have my radishes here and I'm going to grate my radishes making sure that I get lots of the red skin and this will be beautiful topping the soup smells very good make sure you make lots of grated radish and now before you put your simmering soup into the terrine warm the terrine it's just a nice little thing that I always make sure I do so that the soup stays piping hot just fill your terrine with boiling water cover the terrain if you like let it sit for a few minutes dump out the hot water and pour the beautiful simmering soup into the terrine and take it to the table so then when you lift off the top of your terrain not only does the aroma come out but a beautiful cloud of steam most delicate and flavorful radish green soup sprinkle a few Turtle leaves here and there and a little sprinkling of radish you have a beautiful flavorful delicate unusual radish green soup next I'm going to show you two more very simple radish recipes into some salted water put one pound of linguine I like dried linguine this wonderful the checko is great A nice imported pasta and for Springtime I can't think of anything better than making spring vegetable linguine with fresh peas and fava beans all the things that are really good in the early spring garden and this one's enhanced with fresh ricotta cheese and some shavings of Parmesan it is a really good pasta and if you got it in any restaurant you would be thrilled so why not make it for your family it's really good now you're going to blanch in some salted water about one cup of fresh peas this is one pound of fresh peas shelled and it comes out to about a cup and I always put oh about less than a teaspoon maybe a half a teaspoon of sugar in the pee water it just does something to the flavor we've already cooked our fava beans fava beans are a shell Bean let me show you what they look like this is what they look like when they're really nice at the grocery store if you see these big beans they look oh gosh what are you going to do with these well when you open these up and it's kind of fun everybody was in the kitchen showing the beans yesterday you shell them like this they have a hard shell kind of tough shell and you parboil them and when you finish parboiling they look like this these are still not peeled then you slip off the Skins inside is a shiny dark green tender Bean these are delicious the peas are almost done I think that's [Laughter] they're tasty they're al dente I can just add them too the fava beans now we're going to start mixing in this bowl our one cup of ricotta cheese try to get ricotta cheese that is freshly made if you're on a diet you can get the reduced fat ricotta but the whole is whole milk is really tasty and you want a half a cup of grated Parmesan cheese mix this together if you find that this is a little bit thick you might want to add just a little bit and I think this is a little bit thick I'm going to add some salt and pepper but you can add a little bit of the pasta cooking water to your cheese I'm just going to dip in here and just get a little bit start with a little you can always add a little bit more that's better better consistency and then of course you can add some freshly chopped mint I like to use just the leaves about a quarter of a cup very tender and nice you should always have some sort of controlled area in your yard where you grow yourself a bed of spearmint and a bit of mint I must say with the fresh springy Taste of the peas and the fava beans really really good and here is our mint that looks like about a quarter of a cup stir that in lovely now we're going to drain our pasta we don't want to overdo this linguine well I think we can drain it when you're draining pasta by the way I don't know if you do this but run the cold water in your sink it'll cool off the drain as you're adding this very hot boiling water plus it will prevent you from getting a steam burn now I never rinse my pasta after I cook it like this I don't want to cool it off so I just like to shake it dry see how pretty it looks really a beautiful variety this linguine add this to your bowl you really want every bit of pasta to be separate and now just sprinkle it with a little bit of olive oil about one or two tablespoons will do you can now add your ricotta mixture and add your peas and you're going to want to add a little bit more parmesan cheese in the shape of curls or strips for additional flavor but if your cheese is well flavored peas and beans well cooked you will certainly have a delectable pasta I like to serve it from a big platter like this and a couple curls of Parmesan cheese and you can do this right at the table too if someone wants a little bit of extra cheese you just use a little vegetable peeler like that and what I like to do too is a few pieces of mint so everybody knows that there's mint in there and there you have a springtime pasta a garden linguine that may just become one of your Springtime favorites I think it will if you try it yeah so what do you start with rhubarb we're going to cook our rhubarb first and foremost we're going to add a quarter cup of sugar okay and then we're going to add just a little bit of water just to moisten the whole mixture just to get it started on the stove and we're going to add one teaspoon of lemon juice and we're just going to cook this until it softens basically and it takes about five to seven minutes um and you really we just want to take the rhubarb down to the point where it's it's just complete mush so like this exactly because what we're going to do now is we're going to um we're going to go ahead and put it in the okay in the blender right here thank you and then you have to start heating the cream too right yes and and we always like to cook our fruit whenever we're making a fruit based ice cream we always like to cook the fruit down um to get rid of some of that water content right even though we started with a little bit of water just to moisten it that'll cook out really quickly and then that'll reduce the water and the ice cream and it'll make a creamy rice okay and then after that's Blended up we would just put that in the um in a container and chill it down in the fridge okay we're gonna um heat up uh one and three quarters cup of heavy cream okay and then we're gonna add three quarters cup of milk and in this recipe we're actually using half a cup of honey um we don't always use honey in our ice cream recipes but I felt like this was a really nice combination of honey and rhubarb and we actually uh I think when there's a picture somewhere of uh the hives that we have on our Rooftop at by Rave Market uh yeah right in San Francisco right in the middle of the city yeah it's great and we start out with two hives is this your honey that you brought um it isn't I should I should have thought too I should have I know I'm sorry I will send some along and then we're gonna how do we do it oh you already added it I'm sorry I added the salt so basically we're going to bring that to a simmer um and then we already have a simmer going right back here and we're gonna bring this over should I put it on the pad um scoop it in yeah and we're just gonna what we're gonna do now is what uh we call tempering our eggs okay you can whisk and I'll pour yeah and so I've got five egg yolks right here and we're what we're doing is we're slowly raising the temperature of the egg yolks so that we don't curdle them when we cook them over the stove so we're just bringing up that temperature just a little bit at a time and then that's probably good and then what we can do is we'll just put this back onto the stove oh and cook it until custard yeah we would cook it until it's a custard and what you're looking for when you're cooking a custard is you want this to be thick enough for it to coat the back of the spatula right and we have that here yeah and then do you think people really understand what that is so when you do this you just take your finger and that does not close up that's exactly that's what they're talking about their path yes yeah okay okay so the next thing we're going to do is um we would have gotten two cups of rhubarb puree from this amount we're gonna use one and a half cups um to add to our actual ice cream base and then we're going to save that last half cup as a swirl at the very end oh okay so this one looks like it's ready for the swirl yeah exactly so how long did it take to freeze um you know it usually takes about 15 minutes 15-20 minutes on a tabletop machine um oh look how good can we put that in there um we what we're going to do is we're going to put this in our chilled container and then we'll swirl it in oh okay so just take the yeah we're just gonna put that in there and after you put all the ice cream in then so what do you freeze your ice cream in what's what shape in what shape yeah um well we we serve our you make it at home like this you usually put it in a in a loaf pan like this um yeah that's pretty support container from the you know I have access to a lot of court and paint containers with Creamery so okay so but that's a great shape and then add a little bit of your room and then swirl that in and that just gives a nice reinforcement of the flavor yep and keeps stacking it up exactly exactly so beautiful and here we have one that's all ready to scoop great for our Martha Sunday um so this is fun too to have the right ice cream scoop and this one you know do you know that that your hand actually warms it this is the scoop that we use at the creamery actually yeah and I believe that everybody's getting one of these getting a beautiful soup [Music] perfect I know it looks so pretty with that swirl isn't that nice yes and so and then we're just going to do some strawberries on top and then um we just toss the strawberries with a little bit of Honey um and then I like to leave that at room temperature just to really uh bring out the juices and it just adds so much the strawberries ripening in California yeah they're starting just starting and then we're gonna do um some whipped cream and we've added a little bit of vanilla bean to this yes how pretty which is really nice if you go to buy right do they do they get a discount we didn't think of that where you can raise the price and then give them a discount there you go that's there you go nice this is good
Channel: Martha Stewart
Views: 221,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Springtime Recipes, Springtime Desserts, Martha Stewart Springtime Recipes, Martha Stewart Favorite Spring Recipes, Martha Stewart, Martha Stewart Living, Best Spring Recipes, Best Springtime Recipes, Martha Stewart Roasted Spring Lamb, Roasted Spring Lamb Recipe, How to Make Rhubarb Ice Cream, Rhubarb Dessert Recipes, Martha Stewart Rhubarb, Seasonal Spring Recipes, Seasonal Spring Dishes, Martha Stewart Seasonal Recipes, Seasonal Recipes for Spring
Id: PtnKUkXJ_yM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 38sec (3398 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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