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all righty here we go we got the dry shaft made i'm very happy with it what i have done is i've taken a piece of paper i'll show you exactly what i've done i took a piece of paper should have been ready i should have been ready i should have been ready sorry for that sweetheart for that i took a piece of paper and uh shoved it on the end of the transmission just shoved it on like that shoved it on my hand pushed on it did whatever i had to do to get a 3d print 3d readout print of that and that's what i did cut that out with a pair of scissors wanted to check it out see what i had to do to the end of the of the yoke here and come to find out i tried come over this way baby come to find out i cut it out and it fits perfectly fits perfectly so 19 i don't know whatever your jag that is fits perfectly on our end of our drive shaft today is the day they're getting married just there yes they are holy matrimony i think i'll let jim be the best man and uh joey can be the best woman and i'll be the i guess i'll be the the god that married so we're going to put this back in there what i have to do or what i want to do is i want to put the dry shaft in to show you and me what it looks like it's funny you know gentlemen overall jim's place got the heat and banged in the in the studs or whatever in the yolks there banged them in and uh if if i did not show you the process you would never know when i handed you your drive shaft and so here you go and you go down the road and you're happy as a lark you never know but anyways as i've done that i'm going to try to shove it in the car i'm going to take the clips off the back i want to thank jim for throwing out a little bit of heat there appreciate that appreciate that and uh that's that's just kind of the guy i am i try not to let things like that slot stop me or slow me down um if that stops me and slows me down then i'm then i'm slowing down the process of getting it done and i do not want to do that no not really not really see what happens here let's just go slow so i'm going to drop this car down on today we get to see what's going on right there we get that in place look at that get that in place i had to clean these up a little bit it was not was not ready for this but i cleaned her up and got it ready that's what i did i'm just trying to get that started i wasn't holding my tongue right i guess there's one i'm going to try and do this as quick as i can trying to get it try to get something done in the hour did not like leaving yesterday but it was sure nice to go visit jim you know just hope for a visit he had the heat i know he did because i was talking to him about his window when he when he walled up his window so uh it's the first place that was on my mind and all he charged me was a good time what a baby huh that's all you're turning is a good time get this in there like that and the front is amazingly the same as a 1935 hop the yolk in the front is the same as a 1935 hop and i know this because of that just putting that in there put this in there everything's still going to have to be going over but i really have to put it together to say i've built the car to mock it up they really have to you have to build it and then take it apart and finish it and i'm thinking that jolene's going to be happy going down the track i'm thinking i'm thinking and this driveshaft's the first step to take her down the track baby we're hooking the power to the rear end right at the present moment and we're doing that just for you for jolene joey and me it's all an adventure basically we want to go on an adventure and this is the one that we're using to go on it we're gonna have a hell of a time making memories making adventures like that building something like this and taking it somewhere filming it at the same time awesome i'm gonna [Music] we're gonna leave that like that for now that's fine we'll go with that we'll save the back's in that's what i'm saying i'm going to the front also that now good good you can see where i've got my my uh um universal joints aim this way same as this one we got on the end of this one i mean the yokes are pointing the same way so we got it nice and straight let's see if we can get this mounted on this thing does it go this way which way does it go baby go that way i have to get in the right right direction first i guess that's right looks right baby come on baby hoping that's right my beautiful assistant's handing me nuts thank you i hope i got done the right way and i think i do right now would you [Music] damn check it down i'm going to do that now grade 8 bolts i can just tighten that up at any time i don't want to get them all in hold my tongue right um come on now baby come on baby all right we got that one started one more where'd i drop that sucker at what's that baby then that's right okay thank you see if i get the last one in and then i'll be able to tighten that up and say the dry shask completed there we go all four nuts are on just tighten that up slip yoke will come up come out now the rear end is bolted in driveshaft does not hit on this piece i can take a look take a look and see if i like the the pinion angle on the rear end at any point in time i can change it a little bit if i want it up a little higher make it look a little straight a little turned up like that i can we got to remember though that this that's pretty well straight on looks pretty nice we got to remember there's no suspension in the rear end the reason is no suspension in the rear end is because we're running down an eighth mile track for a flathead basically all the holes are for weight and artistic expression i guess that's basically it just trying to trying to mimic what they used to do or think what they used to do and do it my way so basically we've got a drive shaft in it now so if downtown john started that engine now or if i started it we clicked it in gear it's taken off basically we've got it in neutral right now because i could turn that in shaft of the transmission but now right now it's telling me that the drive shaft i'll just take a look at it i don't really have to make much of a tunnel for it uh just back here i just need a little tiny bit up here above the rear end for the floor on the floor i'm going to use i'm going to try to use aluminum again to make it as light as possible i'm trying to make all the floor pans out of aluminum and i'm going to go from there but this part right here as this is welded on the outside sealed all these holes in it basically they're there to hold the car from going apart the a pillar and the b pillar have braces on them that are going to sit on this part and and the outside still is going to weld onto the outside square tubing to hold the car from going this way the a and b pillar are going to hold the car from going down too far so basically we're ready to marry it um the reason i'm going to marry is because i'm going to use aluminum on the floor and i'm thinking that i'm going to put a couple square tubing outriggers here a couple of riggers there from this square tubing to that square tubing on the outside of the car and i want to be able to weld it and put it on before i lay the aluminum down because the aluminum will interfere with what i'm doing so basically um i've got it mocked up to what i want when i get it on then then there goes more that i'm gonna have to mock up there we go baby huh look at that would you see that see that see that dry shaft turn never not touch that now i have to line this back up i'm going to have to get joelene to help me again to put this down on it's going to take a little bit to get it centered up yes it is and that's what goes on when when when two parties get married takes effort and work and all that stuff to make it work so it's no less or no more with two cars coming together it's work it's work i'm gonna start putting it down on i guess and see where we're going all right drive sassing baby i gotta thank old jimbo for the use of the torch and his time taking this off hard to believe i was out here late at night here just a while yet the other night because i thought it might have got windy and blown the car off the hoist i wasn't really see with that let's sleep with that see if that happens here we're going to let it down a little bit more just trying to line her back up again all right jolene i think it's i think i might need you sweetheart i need you every day but if you know what i'm trying to tell you i think i might need to help me put this down on hey what am i doing here what's going on there taking it off and on sometimes is you know it's hard but um i'm going to actually that one's on there that one's off there i'm going to take this one off i'm going to lift it up and let it down slowly and i want you to yeah just pull that out awesome what it's okay we're gonna have to clamp the front down and it's not right where it's supposed to be you're gonna come ahead somebody looks things but we'll get it down on all righty sweetheart i want you to put the camera down i'm gonna actually i can let this down a little bit further then i'll get you put the camera down and put the back down watch myself hey what's going on there i'm on something i'm on the wheel are you able to put the camera down and help me out joey's going to be kind and help me pull the the hoist out so i can marry these two people these two people taking too serious and a baby huh taking it too serious you're going to the other side do the exact same thing can you get it can you pull your red thing there you go awesome let's bring her ahead we gotta come ahead sorry fina i need you to stand in front of the frame we please we are just actually i just put something in front of the frame or the wheels i just want to push it ahead some got another inch to go probably all right now hold that over here for a second get some vice grips clamping down the front here get it where i want to be make sure it is where i want to be hard up against that it is it is it didn't work they did nice girl can't see any place to clamp that the present moment ah oh my scriptures these ones better basically what i'm going to try to do is this bar here i got it's tied up to the engine there's a bar going across there it's always it's been tied up to the engine every time i've been playing with it so i put it back and that's that bar right here it's always been tight to the engine i'm going to cut that out of there when we're all done but that was always been tied up now we just want to measure side to side see if we got the same and that we have not i know where the same is right there oh that's where the seam is in it baby huh now the vice grips fit good there let's go look it in the back nice i want the back over a little bit i'm just looking at this right here down the middle thread of that here go just a little teeny teeny bit and then center that and that just did over a little top of that looks good to me looks good to me down in the front okay i like it i like it in the back i'm just basically trying to center it up i know i had the rear end centered so i'm just basically going by that and we're going by the front now the point of that gusset is right on point that gussets right on that one's there is nice all on there the back's nice checking it over a little bit more center that engine's cut out nice don't have to use a tape measure here or do not and the only reason i'm saying that is because as long as it looks good that's all it matters the other side of that that's in there that gussets are right at the point of that huh why can't i get that back down oh hey why can't i get that back down oh because it's where it's supposed to be that's why hey how am i gonna do that now ah how am i gonna do that now hey there it's hooked on something that's why it was hooked on something man i think i can do it now i think i can do it now haha here we go [Music] and the point on the tip of that it's up against the motor one two line showing there printer on the third two where's the welder at let's marry them in holy matrimony that's what i'm going to do it's right there it's time to weld them on doing a little work on the cab over today jolene had a little meeting today with her friends and and uh i got to do a little work on the cab over got the roof filled got some filler on the roof took me some time but i got it done got it done this is exciting baby the floor after i'm done this will be part of the car and will hold it together and death till to do it part you know floor is going to hold it together now basically what i'm going to do is i'm just going to come up here and tack it right on the skeleton itself from the a pillar down it's got that little bracket that comes out and it's got a gusset on it and it welds to the square tubing itself and i'm gonna plant it down now i'm gonna pull my vice grips out of there hold that right along alrighty i think it's time to put some glasses on just because it might go better for me not so bad just going to tack the other side down tight now use the vice grips um now that i'm putting this together i'm welding the square tubing and putting the body on if the body is in any way you know over one way or out of shape then you can put shims on it shim it up if you want to you know it's basically it's pretty basic stuff you know build it and if it's not quite exactly right you're allowed to put a shim in it they did for years [Music] they did for years a little more weld on that [Music] we got her attack down there i'm gonna go on the inside i wonder if i can get that we'll run her up one side i'll go on the inside get on the step ladder and i'll get inside and then we'll tack the back and i don't think we need the stepladder right the present moment we've got the hoist who's your daddy huh about the speed down some want to turn that speed down sweet a little bit sweetheart what's the speed on the seven can you turn down to six and i wonder it's going so fast good [Music] oh i love you so much better [Music] jolene knows wire spade [Music] do them on i put a seat in the steering wheel on this thing you can go down the down the grass i don't know if we want to do that quite yet but it's true [Music] one more and she's on for you know more to the to the end they're saying their vows right at the present moment and after this she's all said and done awesome she's on baby hope she's not she's we haven't moved anything i don't think all the braces can be cut of the outside there's probably a couple couple things i'm going to do come take a look if you want sweetheart and i'll just talk it through here you can see yeah come on up come on up baby baby's hair looks good today nice and straight beautiful and blowing uh you can see how this cross member has been inside the wheel well to wheel well i've cross braced to the square stock i'm going to keep all the square stock i'm going to keep all the square tubing once i cut it out of here i'm going to use it again no doubt in my mind but at the present moment now see i can come up here to there here to there completes the floor in the back and holds it in and i also go up from that corner that corner that corner to that corner when that when i say the square tubing now i have the square tubing in here and i have the new underneath seal here now i have a chance to run some square tubing from here to that square tubing on the outside maybe one where you can't see it above below the hole so i can put a little strength in that to help hold it up and hold it from going apart so i'll run some square tubing in there because i want to lay my floor down over top of it i do i'm not going to see the holes they're going to be underneath obviously just like the holes in the frame underneath can't see them unless jolly runs over top you i hope she doesn't do that anyways as i put the floor on we're going to put aluminum floor on this i'm thinking then we can set our floor on top of that so you can't see it and also we'll have something to connect it to i'm planning on we'll see but anyways the car is married to the floor now when i go to pick the car up the floor is going to come with it um that's all there is to it it's welded on it's in place where we want to be and i did it by eye i light it up on that side i ended up on that side went to the front of the motor ride it up on that side it looks good i'm going with it if i have any problem with anything looking good well then you can add a shim when we put the floor back on so we got the steering left i got to put steering column in and basically left that because them steering columns you have to the steering columns and those things you are what the steering column does not come out of the steering box it makes it difficult sometimes i've got i got my inch gap i need good good good good ah now where that's on there see i have my rear end in place because i had to put my drive shaft in and we know the drive shaft ran crooked because that's what i did when i look back here i see two and just going over the thing when i look back here i see two beautiful love it uh basically what i'm going to do now is i'll be able to take the plasma cutter and cut that off and tack that to the outside sill stops the car from going apart the a-pillar and b-pillow are the ones that stop it going down and they are married they are mad i'll start the plasma cutter out cut them outside pieces off just to get started and what i mean cut them off to get started is i'm going to weld them to the square stock on the outside which stops the car from going open it's a beautiful day here in nova scotia off and on off and on off and on so i'm going to end up taking the body off again and getting you know doing a little bit because we're going to put aluminum floors in it i'm thinking we're going to put aluminum floor we're going to put whatever we can to make it as light as possible to make jolene have the best experience as possible that's what i'm going to do that's what i'm going to do i'm going to grab the air here and turn that on lights on i wanted a pair of gloves done had a new pair here somewhere oh i got them i got them we'll cut the outside sill off and the holes that i put in the outside sill where for just just being creative why not like it's like you know it's going to be running down an eighth mile quarter on a track it's there's we're not driving in the mud and the rain the rent in the water this is basically uh basically a race car of its time what i mean by its time i'm building it if it's a flathead you ask you must admit that we're thinking about the 50s all right it's about flat of its time now i've got to bring that up and it welds on there tight like that and take a pair of vice grips nope c-class c-clamp actually i just run that along there we'll just get it started because we can run it along there just like that and then you can see what it looks like [Music] whatever's not cut off far enough we'll just flap or wheel it so it is [Music] [Music] [Music] so timber so now we're going to bring that up there what i'll do is i'll bring that up tight tack it on and then i'll have to do care tack one on push it up tack one on push it up tack one on push it on tag it up and go that way with it and then i'll grind it off so it looks nice yes i will take this to the other side jolene has stuff on the facebook that we don't get to see on the youtube it's too much to upload sometimes and that's why it's done that way but we want to thank everybody for all the good comments and everybody watching all the new people that come i hope that the people that have been following fill them in but if not we're building this car for fun for pine tree jamboree it's not it's august next year we want to i want to get jolene to race this car in the flat head one one-eighth mile um it's basically a you know a tractor race but we're gonna go have fun and the experience of doing it we plan on building what we've been building this truck we've been filling it out off and on but basically what i'm trying to do is to show you my daily process i must we can't show you everything but we show you an hour at a time and i hope that you appreciate we show you real that's what i hope that you appreciate you basically don't know unless you've been shown you know if like like the drive shaft let's take that for instance if you have never built one or cut one apart not much should come from that gallery you know what i mean like it's kind of you have to really do it to know i've done it enough i've banged on them it doesn't hurt them none i've never had a problem i guess no i haven't and i can't see having a problem with that one either i know the titanic has sunk but i'm hoping that one's a good one [Music] [Music] basically here it goes there she is on the handbag now i'm just going to come along there that one seems to fit up nicer than the other side but that's okay it's okay i could have that one pointed down it's only a sheet of metal with some holes in it so what i'll end up doing is pull it up nice and tight and with that pulled up there nice and tight you can see where we're going we're looking good jolene looks better though alrighty she's married in holy matrimony until probably def do it part i've got some square tubing that i want to put in from the rear and the rear of the floor up to that square tubing that's in the in the wheel across the wheel well there then i can cut oh after i connect this up after i connect that i can cut all the inner support out of it because we've got it so it can't come apart now we got it because it's tied here the roof's tied together can't come apart the roof can't compare at the bottom it can't go down over the floor or down over the frame because we're on top of square tubing that has one two three four five five five cross members so you'd have to drive them cross members down to the floor to drop the car down everything's going good um they are married and i think they're going to be very happy in life because we're going to look after it hurry baby we'll give a hat a shirt let's give away a hat or shirt oh rad that went good i like it i like it and the reason being i didn't do the floor right now you could have or i could have done the floor and put all the floor panels in and then weld it on i want to do the aluminum on the floor and basically that's it and i do not want to interfere with with whatever how much time baby oh wow i could have went a little bit longer i could tack them up i can tack them up with one go the other side and attack them on let's tack them on let's go actually let's start on the rough side let's start on the rough side that's the side start right trying to get done early boys trying to get away early no no not getting away early got 15 more minutes in here let's put them up there make sure it's married together forever i'm going to tack this on and wherever whatever's left over hanging off is i'm i'll bust that off with the feather wheel bust that off the feather wheel then i'll come back and do and tie it on tighter and basically what i'm going to do here is i'm going to get half smart i'm going to start from the center that way there if there's any problems i can if there's any problems we'll run them at the end if that makes sense [Music] nice square stock to weld to on the bottom so i'm not real scared of warping things up but it listen it moves believe me and when when i say there's not much to worry about there's still movement there's still movement in there baby yep my baby said so that means there isn't and i can tap that with a hammer if it's not tight somewhere really well done i'm glad that i it's nice right underneath there i like where it's at i like it [Music] about the pounded are we this is where the bend goes like this and then up so we're going to have a little bit of a an issue there because the metal wants to do something funny obviously and i'm just going to put it up weld it at the end of it put it up and weld it basically what i'm going to do is i'm going to stretch the metal and make it go where i need it actually it wants to be shrunken but under pressure boys that was under pressure i don't know if i like that anymore that piece holding it off yeah i can get it good awesome wow that made that some strong you see how it's yeah it's cool looks good that looks good awesome [Music] this is what we have come along there and grind that off looks good underneath there that so made that so strong wow going to the other end probably could have done something a little different here with the voice but [Music] so you know little slag busting [Music] he says i'm getting out of here man he's welding us [Music] now it's it'll be flapper wheel [Music] to get it down where it should be and then we'll reconnect it awesome so i'm gonna have to come in there with the flapper wheel knock that back so it's nice to weld on there that's cool now i can run some metal metal uh braces on the inside from the floor square tubing from the floor over she looks like i don't know looks like some kind of shark or something with all the openings underneath you know just from this can you see it to commit things from here you have to take your camera off ruby yep koy slick man slick going to the other side i think that was a good move well i know it was a good move running from the center i know i got a mess going on there i do i know but i'm going for it and we'll clean it up after okay i know this one on what's this we heard cool she's gonna let me go boys let's give away a hat or a shirt let's do it let's do it see that's what she's gonna do she's gonna save a little bit for facebook because facebook is another crowd that we entertain and get to um judge me and it's all good let's let's let's get in this computer and give somebody a hat or a shirt just to show appreciation we're going to have to somehow switch it up a little bit and give facebook a hat or a shirt we appreciate it a whole bunch we do we appreciate everybody following and watching we have married the car we basically now we need the steering column put in and that's basically going to be put in where it needs to be and then i'll weld it to the frame somehow wherever it needs to be welded in at and then it needs a maybe a set of breaks not really but maybe there's a lot of stuff that has to be tidied up and uh winter's coming soon so i'm going to have to pick my poison because winter's coming we're going to go to the front of the garage trying to get some internet we are stick with us we're going to give away a hat or a shirt and the reason that we give away our hat or shirt is because we appreciate we appreciate the comments and the time that someone takes to give us a comment you pretty well have to do that to show appreciation [Music] 478 comments that's a good one man thank you very much i remember when we were at a thousand now that was that was that was then and this is now so we got we gotta muster forward somehow hell no no how quick thanks generally for the extra little videos he must be talking about facebook he must be talking about facebook because jolene put some extra little videos on there and the reason being is that she can load them um quicker than she can or smaller ones on and it's for mobile like that's what she's saying for mobile like the phone a lot of people wouldn't don't have the computer or not on the tv and they want to watch on their phone that's what facebook's good for if you want to watch on your phone she puts little ones up and down so it gives you a full screen smart lady she is smart lady i gotta congratulate her on how smart she is and then i'm gonna pat myself in the back for being mine that's what i'm going to do teamwork they call it teamwork thank you very much how quick you deserve a hat or a shirt of your choice and you must comment you must comment i don't know how you get on there you have to go off the live chat to comment or like ring my bell let's go forward let's keep building this car we'll see you tomorrow
Channel: Bad Chad
Views: 77,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cars, car restoration rust repair, car restoration, automotive sheet metal repair, auto body panel fabrication, auto body patch panels, automobile, automotive, automotive engineering, auto, used cars, autos, mechanic, vehicle, automotive news, auto shop, car news, automotive industry, rust repair, antique car, hot rod, old car, parts, auto repair, driveshaft, classic cars, automobile repair shops, marrying the body to the chassis, 1935 hupmobile, 1935 ford, car, chassis, body
Id: MTD2qUkKok8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 33sec (3093 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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