Eternal Splendor | Juleen & Jeff Wedding Video | The Palace at Somerset Park, NJ | HAK Weddings

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[Music] there's a calm surrender to the rush day when the heat of a Rolling Wind can be turned way an enchanted moment and it sees me through it's enough for this Restless Warrior just to be with you and Can You Feel the Love Tonight it is where we are it's enough for this why I had wonderer that we got this far and Can You Feel the Love Tonight to I was led to [Music] it's enough to make King in vagabonds believe the be [Music] [Applause] [Music] bear there's a time for everyone if they only learn that the twist in collidoscope moves us all and turn there's a rhyme and reason to the wild Outdoors when the heart of the Star Cross Voyager beats in time with yours and Can You Feel the Love Tonight it is where we [Music] are it's enough for this wide ey wonderer that we got this far and Can You Feel the Love Tonight Tonight how it's led to [Music] rest it's enough to make Kings in vagabon believe the [Music] [Applause] be there's a time for everyone if they only learn that the twisting collidoscope moves us all and turn there's a rhyme and reason to the wild Outdoors when the heart of the Star Cross Voyager beats in time with yours and can you feel feel the love tonight it is where we [Music] are it's enough for this wide ey wonderer that we got this far and can you feel Feel the Love Tonight Tonight I was L to R it's enough to make Kings and Babs believe the [Music] very it's enough to make Kings and vagabonds believe [Music] [Applause] [Music] the when the vision you bring tears to your eyes know that suround you our secrets tonight I'll be your strength I'll give you hope keep your face G the you should come standing and I will take you in my arms and hold you right where you until the day my life is through this I prise you I love you forever [Music] before and I promise you now will you hurt anymore I my word I give my heart this is a battle we with this now forever has [Applause] now [Music] till the day my life is through this I prise you this I promise you over and over [Music] n n the good guys dress in Black remember that just in case we ever face to face and make contact the title held by me and my means what you think you saw you did not see so don't blink be what was dead was now going black suit with the black r on walk a shadow move a silence guard against extraterrestrial violence but we ain't on no government list we straight don't exist no names and no fingerprints so something strange watch your back cuz you never quite know where the m is at [Music] uh love you because you love me you love me and I Found Love In in [Music] you and no other left will do every moment that you smile chases oh my pain away forever and while in my heart is where you'll stay woo this is why I love you oo this is why I love you because you love me love me this [Music] why no oh okay you may be seated friends family we are gathered here in the presence of God to witness and bless the marriage of Jeff and Julene marriage is a gift of God sealed as a sacred Covenant and we acknowledge the gift of human love given that two people may know each other with mutual care and companionship sustaining them in heart mind body and spirit so that they may be present present to one another over the course of their lives and in every changing circumstance of life Jeff and Julene wish that all present may share their Joy today and in this service this service we unite them in the name of God who gives this bride away I do can step on up brother step on up slide over just a little bit dress right all right deep breaths all right it's good as you stand in the presence of God together with family and friends I ask you to remember that love and Trust are essential for a sound and Lasting marriage today as you make this formal commitment to marriage the future stretches before you and all its mystery and all of its surprise and I say to you today trust God trust God trust God the Apostle Paul describes the nature of love when he writes to the Corinthian Church love is patient and kind love is not jealous or boastful it is not arrogant or rude love does not insist on its own way it is not irritable or resentful it does not rejoice at the wrong but rejoices in that which is right love bears all things hopes all things endures all things love consists of this that two solitudes protect and touch greet and support one another in love guard this intimacy as your most precious possession I understand that you have written vows that you wish to share all right well Jeff I ask you now to share your expression of love for your bride Julene thanks for showing up I vow to put you first even during basketball season I promise to keep a smile on your face on your hardest days I promise to show my love in your favorite ways I can't promise will never fight but I promise to fight fair I promise I'll still be around when you have gray hair [Laughter] bars I promise to provide lead and protect I promise to bring home that check uh I honestly promise to be the best husband I can be I'll be your best friend your motivational coach your partner in crime and anything you need me to be I promise to always be a safe space and remain true I vow to kill any bugs that come within 5et of you thank you you're welcome I promise to love you forever and ever and ever and ever that's all I got [Applause] mine wasn't nicely typed like yours I had actually never celebrated Quanza before but four years ago Jackie said let's do Quanza CW I hesitantly agreed to go I was having a mostly terrible time there but then a tall dark and handsome man wearing some sort of leopard shirt walked right up to me and said hello and that was it I've never told you this but I really liked your shirt and also I knew there was something different and special about you I don't want to be cliche and say it was love at first sight but maybe you were intentional and consistent and weren't ever afraid to show me you cared you said you would call and you did you said you would plan dates and you did I shared my goals dreams wants and you listened and you did your best to make many of them happen I also realize you are a total clown and I absolutely love that about you quirky dancing to living room versus battles competitive taboo Ludy and your favorite qu I have smiled and laughed more after meeting you than I have in my entire life I imagine us growing old and laughing together catching our Dentures as they fall [Music] out I promise to do my part to keep us smiling to keep us talking and communicating even when it's hard to do I promise to love you with my words as well as actions and to show you love in the way you best receive it I promise to remember that I'm a Christian that God loves me unconditionally and forgives me 70 * 7 that you are hand chosen for me and to keep this love in my mind and my heart pray pause breathe and remember that we love each other I'm grateful not just for you but for your amazing family and your beautiful children and I'm looking forward to our life together I love you thank you for loving me [Applause] I'm looking at y'all y'all a little mistyy out there right catching dentures and even in the midst of basketball season that's love that's love beloved at this time we're going to invite uh our maid of honor and our best man to come they will sign the [Music] certificate [Music] so here's what we're going to do you're only going to find one four of I'll find you right after the ceremony [Music] de my eyes to the pr name [Music] he [Music] coming from [Music] you my peace you me in time of the star are you are the source of my [Music] Str you are my of my life and I lift my hands Soul praise to you wow you are the S of my you [Music] are so now we're at that moment and I need you to be loud about it when I ask the question I want you to respond and say I will as I trust in God Jeff will you take Julene to be your lawfully wedded wife to have to hold and cherish until death do you part I will as I trust in [Music] God Julene will you take Jeff to be your lawfully wedded husband to have hold and cherish in good times and bad until death do you part I will as I trust in God Amen praise God I understand there are rings than thank you [Music] let us pray gracious god with these symbols of love we give you thanks just like the ring has no beginning and no end so is your love towards us and so shall it be with Jeff and jolene's love toward each other bless these symbols for your glory in Jesus name we ask and pray let the people of God say Amen all right take the ring place it on her ring finger not all the way and repeat after me got to take that off first I take it either way it's not going anywhere keep it on Julene Julene with this ring with this ring I the wed I the wed I it yeah let's make sure it's on there yes on his ring finger repeat after me Jeff with this ring Jeff with this ring I the wed I the wed that's not coming off that's all right family let us pray gracious loving and wonderful God we want to thank you for this day we thank you God for this Union and God we just pray in the mighty name of Jesus that you would watch over them family here we now commit to their joy and to their success friends here we now commit to their joy and to their success so God bless this Union we pray for your glory in Jesus name let the people and Believers of God together say Amen let me ask the family very quickly to stand I'm going to ask the family if you will bless and support this marriage and I hope that you will say we do family you are here today will you bless and support this marriage amen you may be seated friends who are gathered this great cloud of witnesses would you please stand I will ask you if you will bless to support this marriage and I expect you to say we will family cloud of witnesses will you bless and support this marriage amen you may be seated it is now my wonderful blessing and privilege by the power vested in Me by almighty God that I can be the first to declare anywhere anywhere Jeff and Julene Augustine husband and wife you may salute your [Applause] [Music] bride o [Music] [Applause] [Music] oo this will be an everlasting love this will be the one I've waited for this will be the first time anyone of me I'm so great it's found me in time and I'm so glad that rified my mind this will be an everlasting love for me you it's kind of wonderful because you shown me just how much you care you've given me the thrill of the Life Time and made me believe you've got more PS to spare oh this will be can love yes you brought a lot of sunshine into my life you fill me with happiness I never knew you gave me more joy than I ever dreamed of and no one no one can take the place you this will be you and me yes Sor eternally huging and squeezing and kissing anding together forever through great whatever you and me so long as I'm living love I'll be given to you I'll be serving CU you're desing you're deserve yeah yeah love [Music] from now from now [Applause] [Music] on anybody travel from out of town to be here today anybody from out of town I mean way out of town anybody travel from out of town to be here today where we travel from where Orlando in the house shout out to Orlando I like that you could get a house for like $40 down there that's what's up North Carolina in the house shout out to everybody from North Carolina anybody else where we travel from Houston you really travel to be here shout out to Houston in the house anybody else Boston in the building Boston in the building y'all might come second in the NBA this year let's go what's it Jamaica in the house anybody here from Jamaica anybody from J all right I hear people saying when you say Jamaica I hear people saying yay no Jamaican don't say yay what Jamaican say anybody from Jamaica here br br br where my Jamaicans my Jans Make some noise I know we have some Haitians here Sak to my Haitians do we got anybody from Brooklyn in here anybody from Brooklyn anybody Trav from brookin to be here all right anybody from the Bronx where the Bronx okay hide your wallet from them hide your wallet from those guys over there we got a few Islands any other Islands here any other Islands what other Islands we miss what other Islands we got Trinidad and Tobago big up to my trinidadians where Barbados in the house anybody else I said Trinidad already Guyana well y'all are definitely Caribbean don't cancel me big up to all the guy them in here big up to the GT them shout out to all the GT crew we missing one Island we missing a couple Islands anybody from Rikers Island in here Rikers Rikers one two okay two three okay three from Rikers all right I definitely definitely big up to Mah Haitian so one thing about every wedding that I go to there's always a table at every wedding that I call my energy table table that table always has a lot more life than every table in the building I call them my turnup table my energy table right where is my energy table in this room today I'm trying to see where my energy table is at in this room where's looking like notorious my engy table is on this side it's looking over here or it's looking like it's over here it's looking like it's over here it's here yeah let me hear it let me hear it okay let me try something all right y'all still on Instagram I'm going to give y'all some time I'm going to give y'all some time I'm going give y'all some time is this table right here my energy table on the count of three I want you to Make Some Noise one 2 [Music] 3 is that my energy table is that my energy table what you say notorious is this one we ready all right so here's what we're going to do we are getting ready to introduce our bridal party in just a few notorius give me like two nice I want two nice slow songs right two nice slow jams all right first I'd like to introduce the groom's parents please make some noise for Marie and er [Music] Augustine next next up I'd like you guys to Make Some Noise for the bride's mother and stepfather Make some noise for Jennifer and [Applause] lray make some noise for Jennifer and lray sing [Music] it can you please make some noise for Joseph Johnson and Peggy no [Music] Make Some Noise with jph and [Music] Peggy all right now want you guys please make some noise for our ring SEC the flower girls and the daughter of the groom Make some noise for Cameron Eric Jaden galani Naomi and jayen come on come on y'all make some noise Make some noise Make some [Applause] [Music] noise Make some noise I just want to r i just all right are you guys ready for my bridal party Make some noise I can't hear you where's my energy table on that side of the room I can't hear you where's my energy table on this side of the room over here I'm looking at you you better make some noise all right I see you I see you make some noise for my bridal party please make some noise once again for Michael Katrina y'all ready y'all ready I'd like to introduce Michael and [Music] Katrina Make some noise for Christa and JZ [Music] I please welcome Harold and janal come on Make some noise for [Music] har next I'd like to introduce Errol and Justine Make some noise for Errol and [Music] Justine next I'd like to introduce Jason and jaquel Make some noise for Jason and jacel come [Music] on and of course I'd like to introduce the best man of Made of Honor Make some noise for ero and Janelle Make some noise for ero and Janelle [Music] hey [Music] hey with and let's take a j [Music] everybodyy come up hey hey hey I come toy with my up all right all right all right all right Make Some Noise once again man for Ursa and Janelle ladies and gentlemen this is the moment you have been waiting for I'd like everyone to please get on their feet please get on their feet please get on your feed if you got an iPhone take out your iPhone if you got an Android take it out take some gorgeous pictures and if you have a Blackberry just throw it away um it is the couple of the moment ladies and gentlemen now if you know the song that's playing I got to let you guys know when they met they were having such a great time they were having such a great time they said this absolutely has to be the song that represents them make some noise for Mr and M austa hey come on y y'all make some noise let them feel that love let's [Music] go make some noise for y'all I can't hear you I he what do but you know going do what [Music] what we be forward [Music] justup [Music] don't all right once again Make some noise for Miss Mrs Augustin Young [Music] I will never find another sweeter than you than you and I will never find another prous than you more precious than you the girl you are close to me you like my mother close to me you like my father close to me you like my sister close to me you like my brother you are the only only one you my everything and feel the song I sing all my life I pray for someone like you and I God I all my I someone like you and I hope that you feel the same way to yes I pray that you do love me I [Music] alling I promise to never fall in love with the stranger you're all I'm thinking of I praise the Lord of for sending me love I cherish every H I really love you baby pray for someone like [Music] you I pray for someone like you oh that you feel the same way do yes I [Music] pray once again Make some noise for Mr and Mrs Augustine before you sit down your wife has your first of many surprises for [Music] you as long as this [Music] word keeps on spinning around I'll keep hanging on to This Love that I found I won't let go cuz I know I have something that is and I will never ever quit loving you there will be days when you get down and you got to find to your feet on the ground but honey please remember even when I'm feeling BL that I will never ever quit you in Crazy Times Like These there's like your love to put my soul [Music] at every time that you come around whole world seems to slow right now that's just keep hugging and kissing oh love me like you do and I will never ever quit loving [Music] you and we and kiss him oh love me like you do and I will never ever quit loving you oh I will never ever quit Ling [Music] you never quit Ling you [Music] give it up didn't she do a wonderful job guys didn't she do a wonderful job for all the joy you brought to my life for all the wrong that you made right for every dream you make come true for all the love I founding you I'll be forever thankful baby you're the one who help me up never let me fall you're the one who saw me through through it up you were my strength when I was weak You Were My Voice When I couldn't speak you were my eyes when I couldn't see you saw the best there was in me lifted me up when I couldn't reach you gave me f cuz you believe all right give it up give it up give it up give it up for the groom and his mother it must have been cold there in my shadow to never have sunlight on your face you are content to Let Me Shine That's your way you always walk step behind so I was the one with all the [Music] glory while you were the one with all the a beautiful face without a name for so long a beautiful smile to hide the I know you guys know this song sing it for [Music] me did you ever know know that you're and everything I would like to [Applause] be I Can Fly High than an e you are the wind that's right give it up give it up give it up the briide of [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for the bride and her stepfather Just Dance I know you're like what is going on right now you guys could go to the middle of the floor a little bit more if you want when the night now has come if you've been married for about 45 minutes to an hour sit down 45 minutes sit down okay [Music] only good no I W now if you've been married for one year or less sit down I have a feeling who's going to be getting off this dance floor soon stand by so if you've been married for 2 years or less sit down give him a round of applause get him a round of applause stand by stand by a round of applause now if you've been married for 3 years or less sit down did we get anybody 4 years or less sit down 4 years years I won cry I won I don't think they can hear me did you guys hear me say four years you guys hear me say four years yes cat cat years cat I said you heard me no all right 5 years or less sit down 5 years anybody else give them a round of applause over here 5 years tumble give them a round of applause right here 10 years 10 years oh they just made it out of 10 look at you give them a round of applause over there 12 years sitting down oh I have a feeling who going to win somebody just entered the dance floor I have a feeling who's going to win 13 years sit down I have a feeling who going to win give him a round of applause 14 years sit down 15 years oh get them a round of applause over here 15 years sit down 16 years sit down oh she looking like you coming up next 17 years sit down I don't need to ask this right but we're going to keep going where did we stop 16 17 years sit down 18 years sit down give him a round of applause and is 19 years sit down give them a round of applause hold on look at them they look like they just met today what's the 20 years sit down hey give him a round of applause 20 years 34 years sit down look at them look at them 35 years sit down 36 years sit down night 41 years 42 years 43 3 years how long have they been married 43 44 how long you been married 45 no I won't 46 be afraid oh I don't say it don't say it not yet Bea wow 47 48 49 50 years come on y'all make some noise for 50 years of marriage 51 years [Music] 51 72 7 you said 19 51 52 years come on ladies and gentlemen stop some of you guys are not even 52 years on this planet they have been together for 52 years together but a night for a night for a night oh gosh for a night I feel good but when you're wrapped up in my arms Dan sing to a reg song feel good feel good I feel good cuz you perfume isn't loud and only I can talk about feel good feel good you feel like there it's rubbing over my skin and when your hair dances under my CH wish we were baby just the two of us yes every move you make gives me a rush wo oh wh some more show me that love unconditionally make believe we alone just you and me take the problems leave them behind don't let it show Go Baby Go Baby Go Baby Go baby go I feel good when you're wrapped up in my arms dancing to a this song feel good feel good I feel good cuz you perfume isn't Cloud that only I can talk about feel good feel [Music] good what a night what a night what a night what a [Music] night I'd love to WIP the sweat off your face but it looks so good I might have to replace this moment is magic so I leave it alone until you say h time to go home oh oh oh some more and show me that love unconditionally May believe here alone just you with me take the leave that behind don't let it show Go Baby Go Baby Go Baby Go baby go I feel good when I'm wrapped up in your arms dancing to a song feel good feel good I feel good because your perfume isn't loud that only I can talk about feel good feel good oh what a night what a night what a sweet sweet night full of vies oh what a night what a night is [Music] for straight out of come on y'all make some noise I can't hear you I can't hear you I can't hear you my boy girl make love you on the dance Flor girl me make love the dance Flor me on the dance [Music] Flor are you ready I'm about to give her that go special are you ready you going to watch me like nikk after this go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] first [Music] all right once get Make some noise Make some noise come on y'all let's [Music] go uhoh I think they ready come on y'all CH boy CH boy let's go [Music] [Music] sing hey hey [Music] hey come on y'all I want you guys to come and join the bride and go on This Dance Floor come and join the bride and goom on this dance floor I know you know how to do the dance do it do it do it drift drift drift drift drift drift dri you ready Bust It Down sing [Music] mece [Music] hey I [Music] hey dri I want more people in this dance for we don't have enough people on this dance floor yet man I want y'all to bring somebody on this dance floor I know we got more people that know how to do this dance right here I know we got some more people that know how to do it right [Music] here [Music] it Grace and peace family can everybody quiet down just for a moment so we can have a word of prayer quiet down just for a moment just for a moment I'll get you to your food I'll get you to your food I'll get you to your food every head bowed every eye closed every heart stayed on Jesus gracious loving and wonderful God we thank you for this time God we thank you for the blessing of this day and God we thank you for the food we have received the food we are about to receive the hands are prepared and even the hands that'll clean up long after we're gone so God continue to have your way in this celebration in Jesus name we ask and pray let the people of God say Amen good night everybody I'm here Joseph Johnson the Father of the Bride how you doing congratulations to Jeff and Julene love you both Jeff first time we met we clicked instant like you understand know say you going to be the one see from the night remember we eat me you and Julet right like that budo make me proud yeah man I feel good to see you in this position all right all right yeah man we have some nice times together growing up from the very first time we see you right you know me know you a long time you know yeah watch your bar and all that you know that a good thing first kid you know H big stuff you understand my friends them puff up you know have a kid you understand and you make me proud all these years and some artices too you going to Alpha and you alone walk home when you about 5y old know you remember never like that but dead yeah man I know you have potential a long time you know what she used to do Jeff when she go Primary School when the teacher write the work on the board you know would go and rub it off you know and she write what she think teacher should have write so the mother off as a problem child but there was a smart teacher who come and said no man this kid know what she doing unfortunately for us this teacher was a friend of my sister they went to Teachers College together but she didn't know Julie and she rescued her and she know so well no kid is smart you understand lot of potential when you come here to America it was a hard time getting her into school because she already at age 10 she finished the first Farm in high school already you know and they wanted to put her in grade six and I had to fight with the Department of Education and eventually they put her into the gifted program and she make the school shine when all the spelling B and all them thing and she didn't advance to the to the finals because she had chicken par right but now she's in college still understand let me PR again baby love you all right Jeff you take with a girl you know pleas sh everything man all right all the best long life Together live long and prosper PR first and foremost let me say thanks to almighty God for guidance and protection and brought us here tonight this is my first time I want to say in behalf of my families and friend to mister and mistress as te to the brid mides and groom men and all those who participated we thank you for this event tonight that is so successful and all my families want to say congratulation to you to my family and friends good evening to my Haitian family my [Applause] bu well I traveled to the West Indies sometime and I observed them building a structure a house and I observed while they were doing it they use some materials that were prep appear for any circumstances because in the West Indies you know that there are hurricane season and if there is an hurricane season there must be a storm so therefore sometime we do not know where the storm coming from can be internal it can be exteral but because you have Lain a foundation then it will passes over you is the same situation when you are dating you get the materials together and you build a foundation therefore you know when the Storm come it won't rock you that much Julene and Jeff tonight I like this atmosphere and you must maintain it the only way to maintain it is to re charge your relationship and if you do so you will live and have a beautiful relationship it's a journey that you will take sometimes it's a rocky Journey sometime it's a beautiful Journey only you and Jeff can decided what Journey you want to take and I'm saying to you I know soon and very soon that you are going somewhere in honeymoon but while you're going in honeymoon Jeff ask me to give him a speech of powerful speech brother I'm saying to you tonight when you are packing your bag walk with your faith walk with hope walk with peace walk with joy walk with friendship walk with compromising walk with forgiveness and you will make it when you reach your destination you will simply say to Julene we have overcome and Jeff will said Julene we have made it there are two small words I want to leave with you tonight we us God taught us about us let us do things let us do this no one man both people decided to together realizes tonight you and justff sit there I'm a distant so you and Jeff work it out good night take care yourself and as about to say take my seat [Applause] [Music] buz good evening family and friends of the new Mr and Mrs Augustine And to clarify it's a u u s t i n n no e welcome Proverbs 18:22 says he who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord I love the New Living Translation that uses the word treasure the very first time that I met Julene I remember telling Jeff that she was a breath of fresh air I meant it then and I mean it today Julene you are a breath of fresh air in the very same way I know your family feels about Jeff I knew that Jeff found a treasure in Julene when I saw that she was a co-conspirator in his Tom Foolery she matches him in every way and he compliments her in the best way I've never been shock about saying how proud I am of you Jeff you've taken today on a role as husband and your role as father is exemplary you have solidified the man I've watched you grow up to be Julene you too have found a treasure I'm sure that I can speak for everyone in here that has witnessed your union this couple is a treasure together today begins a new chapter in your lives nephew and niece may God bless this marriage with continued love respect adoration a lot of laughs and offsprings thank you and I love you all right hello everyone uh my name is Aral I'm Jeff's uh older brother um we have a older brother um ero I'm right in the middle um baby bro uh this right shoulder this right shoulder was the same shoulder that you slept on those bus rides to Canada to and from Canada plane rides all our long commutes this was the right shoulder that I kept up even when I was tired I stayed up to make sure this shoulder was was there to comfort you when you were tired right today I see you growing from a boy to a man and I'm extremely proud to see where you are today as a man um I'll say to you Julene my sister you are getting the absolute best version of Jeff and we all know Jeff could be a little you know you are getting the absolute best version of Jeff that's 100% oh I've watched Jeff grow right before my eyes I'm proud to say that Jeff you're a great brother um a great father and I'm sure he'll be a great husband and to my new sister I'm here to keep him in line and I'll make sure that he's the best version of himself from this day forward [Applause] all right good evening everyone my name is ernel Augustine I'm Jeff's oldest brother and I like to say you know growing up we've had our tough times and we've always had close relationship with each other and in the recent years we've got even closer speaking about life realities of um the the black community parenting our kids and making sure that we give the best to our kids so I'm happy that you know I'm able to share what I can with you and to see that you've grown to the person that you are right now and to see that you want to continue to grow and you continue to ask um for information you continue to try to seek Enlightenment and also you know as we're in relationships ourselves you ask about you know how is this happening how is that happening it's good to communicate it's good to be open and it's good to be vulnerable it's good to put everything out there just ask how right to make yourself better and I see that in you and I'm happy I'm able to share what I can to help make you better help make us better make help make our kids better and with that Julene you know Jeff found someone that you know we all felt that you per you're perfect for Jeff right we're all very comfortable with each other this is a perfect union and to see you two together here right now I think you guys are on the right path you have the right support system and with the love from everyone in this room I want to cheer to you two for forever black love good evening everyone okay maybe not good evening everyone for those of you who do not know me my name is Janelle White and I am the maate of Honor Jalene and I have known each other for 20 plus years now I would give you an exact amount but I'm sure you're going to start doing math um the bride and I are also some years apart mind your business about those specifics as well I'm sure when she met me at the tender age of six as amazing as I am now I'm sure sorry as amazing as I am now I was still the typical tagalong that your mom sends everywhere with you to decrease the likelihood of you getting in trouble or tattling on you if you did something naughty fast forward to today while writing this speech I recognize I could not simply call Jalene my friend she is family and not just in the Caribbean sentiment that out of respect you address friends and family as Auntie or Uncle I mean she is simply my big sister she's been my manager and an amazing one at that she's an incredible lactation consultant and known to some of us as the titty Ambassador she's been a nurse for over a decade and she's been my nurse inserting a Foley when she realized my nurse had no idea a what she was doing and yelling encouragingly of course to me for me to push my son and her godson into this world she has three awesome God children by the way April Kaden and Liam that goes to show you how much we trust her even with our children's lives she is a woman of Integrity who you can depend on she's intelligent creative beautiful and I mean have you seen that ass I know Jeff did I think that's enough to show you that I've been around a while when she introduced me to Jeff I was cautious to say the least Jalene is describing this night and telling me about this tall handsome funny man who she met and vibed with at Quanza K Quanza a fun night of bar hopping and drinking H let's see what's wrong with him so I got there that night right ready for my detective work I challenged his wit during game night and Jeff surprisingly met my challenge with one sarcastic retort after another all while smiling keeping cool and and proceeding to tell me a story about him fighting a lion hence his Lion's tooth necklace I left that game night optimistically cautious after a few more game nights and hanging out with Jeff I stopped being cautiously optimistic and started to just be optimistic Jalene gushed Over All the Small Things he did for her how thoughtful he was how protected she felt how she blushed and bamed when she said or even heard his name I saw my friend being loved the way she needed I saw the bride feel safe with the man who she knows is going to come through for her I saw the families Embrace each other with open arms and H Hearts I watched jelene fall in in love with Jeff when Jeff told us he was going to be making Jalene his wife I was overjoyed because I knew my friend had found the one so can you guys raise your glasses please as you embark on your journey of love and life I raise a toast love is a friendship that has caught fire so may your love burn bright for you years to come he's to my best friend and her new best friend I love [Applause] you on behalf of my wife and I I would like to thank everyone who rzpd on time [Applause] just kidding y'all know I'mma put everything on paper uh I'd like to thank everybody for coming out um we have people who travel from all over the world to be with us today we have people who traveled from [Music] [Applause] Canada from [Applause] Florida [Applause] California Jamaica wagan and the [Applause] Bronx I before I get to my speech I'd like to thank a few people first I'd like to thank my mother for having a third kid you did an amazing job raising me and my brothers uh if anyone speaks to my mom for more than 5 minutes she'll tell you that I was severely bowlegged and she fixed it by taking me to the hospital and getting me good and I'm a tall handsome man today because of her I'd like to thank my kids Jay and Cameron for being open and accepting Julene the way you have I don't think Cameron fully understands weddings yet he asked me Friday uh will there be a park at the wedding sorry kid I'd like to thank my father for always being a true example of manhood strength and guidance throughout the years I like to thank my brothers going by y speech early you would think y didn't bully me but I'll put that aside um you guys always set great examples for me since I was a kid always strive I always strive to be as good as you too and everything that basketball y'all can't see me we don't really do too much of the mushy stuff but I can honest he say I'm proud of you guys and a man you've become and it's an honor to be a little brother also thanks for the bachelor party them boys got [Applause] money I'd like to thank my aunt Marin for serving as a second mother us since we were kids my aunt too for being an example and setting the tone for education and success in our family Mr T Mr T you're always giving me good advice one that sticks out in my mind is when you told me the grass isn't green on the other side the grass is green where you water it I'm here to tell you I'mma keep my grass green Mrs Taylor if you see a woman in here in a cape a green cape that's my mother-in-law right there thanks for welcoming me with open arms if Julene looks half as good as you in 25 years I'm a lucky man Mr Johnson one of the most entertaining men in the world if you've met him you know I thank you for welcoming me from the very first time we met I look forward to many many more times of us hanging out and some quick shout outs Jada aunt tuy and Amanda thanks for helping me pull off a wonderful surprise engagement party for Julene it was everything she [Applause] deserved for the rest of my groomsmen Mike thanks for your dedication and consistency during this process no matter what you was going through you still hit me up every day saying yo we going to get them suits my boy Jason them therapy sessions at Buffalo Wild Wings is priceless appreciate all the good convos and keeping me on point saying stuff like bro stop calling her your girl that's your fiance now now you have to remind me she's my wife all right my cousin H you was always like a fourth brother to us things are always showing up and showing love and always being there my whole life let's not forget the gro G Christa where you [Applause] at wait hold up Christa called yo Christa called me a groomzilla all right back to the speech krsta you know I would have never graduated college without you she was the best math tutor I ever had you never stopped supporting me since then I'm a have your back for life this next one's for Jackie jaie Jackie you dragged Julene out the house the night we met you totally could have been a hater when I approached you that night but instead you joined us and had a good night and look at that 3 years later I married your friend there's a lesson in there don't be a hater Janelle you know I owe you some if there's one friend that I know that'll sit in jail for Julene with a smile that's you you're true definition of r or die and I'm happy Julene has you in her corner you helped put out many FES in preparation for this wedding without telling Julene so she could keep the little bit of Sanity she had left I appreciate you for that and I want to give a shout out to the rest of the beautiful bridesmaids Julene couldn't have picked a better group of women to be surrounded by when you guys steal here for weekend brunches I won't complain I trust y'all I trust yeah all right um any Zetas in the [Music] building what's that little sound y'all be making there we go shout out to the [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Zas I was a little [Laughter] [Applause] extra all right are we done all right so you can ask everyone in this room who's known me for a while what my stance on marriage was let's just say it was not high on my priorities list until I met Julene that's right within a year of meeting her I started planning my proposal this is a testament to how amazing of a person Julian is I admire your drive your intellect your beauty and everything about you you told me all women aren't the same they compassionate you're funny they smart hardworking nurturing fair you take accountability you apologize for months when we first met for months I thought this was a setup and you couldn't keep this act up for too long now either you're a really good actress or you're the perfect person for me right although you do have all these sweet qualities you balanced that out with very with a very strong sense of self from the very first time we met you held yourself to a certain standard and you always knew your worth message I always found that sexy I know I couldn't come into your life and play games because I'd only be playing myself so because of that I'll continue to meet meet your bougie [Applause] standards if everyone can raise their glass while I stunt for Julian a little bit this toast is for a daughter A Nurse A lactation consultant a business owner a future doctor a damn good but more importantly my [Music] wife a toast to Mrs Julene [Applause] August [Music] feel [Music] all the ladies hwn boys kicking it with my boy L for the 93 you know what I'm saying cuz we will be knocking the bo come on y'all y'all make some noise Make some noise oh she got a big old smile she got a big old smile know what I'm saying hey yo check the verse I the when we make goodoo listen [Music] to oh she got a bigger smile now she got a bigger smile now come on y'all make some noise Make some noise he's getting it he's using No Hands uh-oh all right he got it he got it he got it oh he broke it uh-oh ladies are you ready one 2 3 [Music] hey 1 2 3 pick it up man pick it up there you [Music] go oh you got y'all Che him on hey hey hey hey hey do it slow come on let's [Music] go oh you got to give her some kind of dance or something you got to give you got to shake it a little bit for her something [Music] she said keep going she said keep going hey all right all right get him up get get a round of applause with hearts we PR for you each day you always stood for the right for the we will love you and forsake you never whens will answer one and [Music] all we love you so very name says heart you are PR and you will see that [Applause] meory [Music] you in the miror like what I look good nobody like I could yeah okay I got a little F but my sure they me that like it like that I'm happy another be [Music] I'm I see y'all moving I see you moving I could tell who was a number one in here I could tell I could tell let's go come on I live in a baby I'm sorry but I'm sexy to all my all my come on [Music] with that's right jov it I see you hey it's all about me I want to talk about it if you like to hear it here it go I talk about see I look too good to be and I [Music] look IOP my moving theic he's watching me I'm out of control with it it it up slow it out n with it my my Sho with it you in the belly and all I see Let It Go it go let let [Music] [Music] I she [Applause] [Music] got [Music] when I wake up in the morning low and the sunlight hurts my eye and something without War love best heavy on my mind then I look at you and the world all right with [Music] me just one look at you and I know it's going to be a [Music] [Applause] [Music] lovely [Music] [Applause] [Music] when the day the LI h of me seems impossible to face when someone else instead of me always seems to all the way then I look at you and the world all right with [Music] me just one look at you and I know it's going to be a [Music] lovely love love [Music] [Music] love when hey yeah yeah [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] J [Music] [Music] Now give me your hands look into my [Music] eyes [Music] you have our own world just you and me baby in our own world we make some cutie babies in our own world together baby we can build our own world come come on I want to take this I want to take this I want to take this I want to take this yeah I want to take this I want to take this I want to take this I want to take this see you see you me let's go I you and me baby in our own world we'll make some cutie babies in our own world together baby we can build our own [Music] world ch [Music] ch
Channel: HAK Weddings
Views: 17,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Hox8DDjZ0AM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 15sec (6075 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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