Marriage* | Ron & Teddi Sylvia | Week 4

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well good morning welcome to the springs we are so glad you're here my name is jimmy i want to invite you to stand and sing with us today come on [Music] you see a mountain [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] for jesus [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] the battle belongs to you [Music] you [Music] [Music] you go before us nothing can stand against the power of our god you shine in the shadow you win every battle [Music] [Music] nothing [Music] stand against did i [Music] [Music] all belongs to you yes it does [Music] me [Music] just one word the darkness has to retrieve [Music] just one [Music] my heart [Music] that [Music] just one word [Music] just one touch [Music] just one touch my eyes were open to see [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we can't break through there's nothing that our god let's see that i will believe i will believe for greater things there's no power like the power of jesus lifting through eyes let all agree there's no power like the power of [Music] greater jesus there's no power like the power of jesus [Music] of jesus there's no power like this [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's nothing that our god [Music] there's nothing he can't do [Music] [Applause] [Music] would you pray with me this morning father we're so grateful for the power that you have and we just declare here and now that you are our king and that we just worship you and you alone in this place it's in jesus name i pray amen sing this with me let the king of my heart be the mountain where i run the fountains [Music] oh this one [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] you're gonna [Music] you're never gonna let me down you're never gonna [Music] you're gonna [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're good [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you're [Music] you are [Music] your cause [Music] [Applause] [Music] i [Music] then through the darkness your loving kindness tore through the shadows of my soul the work is finished jesus christ [Music] [Applause] [Music] the cross has spoken i [Music] forever jesus christ [Applause] [Music] hallelujah jesus christ who set me [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] the christ your buried body begin to reel out of the silence the roaring lion declare the grave has no claim on messing it again [Music] [Music] [Applause] jesus christ [Music] hallelujah [Music] jesus christ [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] jesus christ jesus christ jesus christ it's been still great to sing with you all this morning you can go ahead and take a seat good morning ocala campus and good morning to all those watching online or from our other campuses my name is nicole parker and i have been a part of this amazing church for the past 19 years i know it's crazy that i've been here since i was five ish plus okay you know that doesn't matter what matters is how i first got connected and that was by simply filling out this connect card that you each received when you came in it does exactly what it says it connects us to you so whether this is your first time here this morning which by the way there's a box that you need to check it's my first time or whether you've been coming for a while and you're ready to take your next best steps but this card is also for all of you who hear this every week and you're already plugged in and you're like me and you've been coming for many years because there is a section that says we can pray for you for example by the end of this week many parents are going to be home with their cute little blessings all summer long i'm mentioning that for a friend but however this card applies to you just don't forget to fill it out and turn it in at the end of service in the meantime though watch your screens because there's going to be a very hilarious yet very real depiction of what it's like to be in a relationship enjoy the service what do you want for dinner i don't care you pick lasagna no curry uh tacos burgers no how about fish no chicken ham bacon you said you wanted me to pick yeah but you haven't picked the right one yet let's watch that movie the one with that that guy huh you know the guy with the hair can you be more specific he's an actor and he has the hair and the eyebrows you know i don't know he's in that movie with jennifer lawrence everyone's been in the movie with jennifer you're just being i hate it when you get like this so hey um are we like okay are we hurt are you did you sleep okay did your shoulder open i mean do we have a problem with like an injury that is preventing you from shutting anything hey before you leave before you leave hey so we talked about this a couple of times it's okay we're just looking refresh your memory boxes when you don't break them down you can fit like three of them maybe it's like a psychological thing like a fear of commitment like closing the door on our options to our future you get about 17 boxes a day right right you do you do amazon that comes here all the time it's maybe something happen in your childhood but like closing a cabinet oh man how many of you saw yourself in any of those not your spouse i'm talking about you right it's like yeah i was kind of in all of those i think right baby but we're we are landing marriage rx today and you know today we're talking about how marriage is such a journey and uh yeah it is i mean it's kind of like taking a journey to a foreign country so let me ask you this how many of you have ever traveled internationally raise your hand right a lot of you how many of you like to travel foreign internationally yeah and we we've taken four we've taken four yeah we've taken four uh with the first one well early in our marriage we went on a mission trip with our church at the time to england and scotland and that was really fun and then we waited 39 years before we did the next one and uh that that was the mediterranean cruise right that was our celebrating yeah and then we went to copenhagen our church plant copenhagen straight from there so that was a lot of fun that was awesome and then we did argentina you did argentina i didn't go oh that's right um that that was an awkward trip because i i went uh rick warren had written purpose-driven life and and he asked me to go to argentina to train pastors and when it first came out and i i'm not very comfortable when i don't know the language and so when i got off the plane it was like all the words i didn't know where anything was i didn't know what it meant nobody spoke english i didn't even know where the bathrooms were and i get out of the airport and i'm walking and i'm like and someone was there to pick me up and they had my name on the sign and it's you know ron sylvia went oh good i said hey i'm ron and they just looked at me and i'm like oh they don't speak english so this young couple we we get in the car and i'm in the back seat and they're in the front seat and we're going down leaving the airport and she reaches under the seat and pulls out a bong and i'm i'm like are you kidding me and then they they light it and they pass it to me and i'm like no no i no way i'm not and they both really they they just stared at me and and we get to the the house and i looked at the people i told them what happened they went that's called a friendship pipe it's it's what they were extending their friendship to you it's a tradition of the country and i went and i offended them right but you called me frantic that night because i had not gone i was home with the kids and he called me so he was so stressed out already and the conference hadn't even started yeah and then when it started it got worse because i mean i'm up with with an interpreter for the first time and there's a thousand pastors out there and i'm i and i'm sitting there looking at my notes as worship is going on and everybody's singing and i looked down and i realized they gave me the wrong notes i didn't have the notes that they had and i'm having i'm going to step up and wing it with an interpreter in front of a thousand people and i mean it was just like stress through them through the roof right right i mean just uh uncomfortable and then we took a break on the second session and everybody they handed the books out the purpose-driven life and everybody rushes the stage with the books and i looked at my interpreter and said what are they doing he said they want you to sign the book i said i didn't write the book and he said it doesn't matter so for 45 minutes i'm signing books you know god's best rick warren no i'm kidding i didn't i didn't yeah but but here's the deal i was frustrated i was confused and and i think so many people feel like they're in argentina in their marriage i mean you've you're married and you feel like you've taken this trip to this foreign land i mean you've entered into this journey of conflicting cultures and different languages and it just causes so much stress and pressure but so today we want to talk about how do we learn the language of marriage do you know that 85 percent of all marriage problems include some kind of communication breakdown for example the typical couple spends four minutes a day in meaningful conversation yet the same couple spend 28 hours a week watching tv so it's no wonder that we struggle with communication we're not really talking you know but you know good communication it's a skill and it's something you and i we have to practice to to get good at it we all need to learn uh marriage speak you know it's the language of love and we're this one we're going to land this with some real practical of really what we've learned through over 40 years of marriage right right and i'm still learning but but the first take away if you jot down notes it'll be in your uh bible app you can put this one down don't drive through communication we you know communication takes time and we try to push through and just get it over with and and that's not it matter of fact everything i learned about communication i learned at a drive-through right because you were raised going to drive i was i was we ordered by numbers and that's that was life and i but the first thing it was like speak clearly you think about it you pull up to a drive-through speak clearly i mean i i i do that i mean how many times have i pulled up to a drive-through and given the order and and that's really stressful for me i know i've got issues on this one but if i'm with him i have to crawl over him to place the order it's it's i can order for myself but when i'm ordering for somebody else and they're saying hold the pickle and only put the lettuce touching the mustard and you know all these weird orders i stress out that and and so i mean and and then inevitably you give the order and man when i give the order and i crush it i nailed it and and then and then you hear i'm sorry could you repeat that which they all sound like that by the way which uh which means which means they weren't listening so you you go and then the second thing is you you speak clearly the second you repeat what you heard and and you know and every every drive-thru does that they repeat what they heard oh this is what i and they usually repeat it incorrectly because apparently tomato and lettuce sounds a lot like mayonnaise and joe they repeat what they heard and then you explain what you said you speak clearly you repeat what you heard and you explain what you said it's like no and for me that usually means no that's not what i said what i said was and you know how many times have we gone through drive-throughs and we literally after we get past the speaker experience we're turning the corner and we go you know what we're going to take whatever they give us that's right and which is a pretty good philosophy for a drive-through not a great philosophy for communication in a marriage no and because communication and communication timing is everything i mean it's uh when you say something is as important as what you say ecclesiastes 3 1 starts out and says for everything there's a season a time for every activity under heaven and then verse 7 says there's a time to be quiet and a time to speak and you know in the we get that mixed up we think oh no communication is always about talking and i got to get my what i think and what i feel and what i want no no there's a time to be quiet i mean have you ever said the right thing at the wrong time anybody yeah i mean have have you ever uh have you ever spoken when you should have listened have you ever have you ever said something and then wished you could have had that sentence back in your mouth that's happened to us there was one instance a long time why don't you tell them about that time that you wish you could have had your words back tell them just tell tell everybody about that all right we're just going to unpack it all right now all right well okay we're going to go back there we we will i mean the it was staff retreat uh i was out with a group of staff where i don't know where what city but uh we're driving around in the car and our song i mean every couple has a song right right if if i mean how many of you you've got a song maybe you're married you're dating it's like i got a song right we do we had a song and it came on the radio and i was like this is awesome and i told i i told him i got to call teddy we cranked the speakers up and i i said hey baby baby they're playing our song and i took the phone and i put it in the speakers and it was crickets man i mean it was like the phone disconnected and it didn't say anything and then eventually you you spoke up i said baby that's not our song that was your song with your old girlfriend it was still the one by orleans which is our song today right baby no okay all right well anyhow enough of that i mean you know communication is more about listening though than speaking but we don't listen because we're moving at such a fast pace in our marriages we're going from event to event we don't have time to listen and that's what we call a rolling stop we don't stop long enough to listen rolling stop have you ever have you ever done a rolling stop no no let me phrase that have you ever been pulled over for doing a rolling stop i once i didn't even get a ticket but oh it doesn't count right it never happened you're getting off point right there okay but we don't stop long enough to listen we don't really listen we just want to give an answer and especially as women we have a lot of answers we have a lot of wisdom to impart but james 1 19 says understand this my dear brothers and sisters you must all be quick to listen slow to speak and slow to get angry so here's the process be quick to listen be slow to speak and if you do those first two then number three is automatic if you're quick to listen and you're slow to speak then you will be slow to get angry and there's so much anger in marriages right i mean you and that's the that pattern if we just follow i mean basically what james was saying was engage your brain before you open your mouth how many times have we seen people open their mouth and it was obvious they didn't engage their brain i mean this would solve a lot of problems in marriages but you know why we don't do it because listening takes time listening is counterintuitive so how do you listen more effectively don't just listen with your ears listen with your eyes because so much of communication is tone of voice and body language matter of fact 93 percent of communication is tone of voice and body language not words that's why i always told our boys growing up it's not really what you say it's how you say it and you know that that is if we could learn that if we can just say you know what think through everything you're going to say before you say it and right and then you know when so when you slow down on the communication process you take the time and i think the speed of life and the speed of relationships and the speed of families really work against communication because we don't have time and it takes time you got to make time and when you do that when you start slowing down then the the second takeaway that we've learned is that we have to master the art of understanding and and understanding is hard work because you're you're learning somebody who's different than you and uh and you know guys i i found a quote that maybe when i'm trying you try to understand women um this okay this is the one i found trying to understand women is like trying to explain what color the number seven smells like simple and and here's the deal if you're struggling with understanding that statement you get it it's you know most of us give up trying to understand our spouse because it is so overwhelming i mean it and yet the biggest communication problem really is that we don't listen to understand we really just listen long enough to make a to make our point so proverbs 16 21 says but the wise are known for their understanding so how do we understand you know in our culture uh we we know how to master the art of understanding because we google we google everything that interests us everything that we're curious about places we want to travel hobbies we want to take up so that that is a way that we can master the art of understanding yeah because google is like it's research right it's like you're studying okay i got to find out we googled things and what did we do without google that's a big question but you know here's the other thing i just fun facts to learn no i looked at the top google search it wasn't how to communicate with your spouse it wasn't yeah i mean okay number one last year this was the number one why women kill you can't make this stuff up it's true but it wasn't me no i don't know if that was like a pandemic question or like who's asking that okay sorry that had nothing to do with anything but here's the thing if you're going to grow in wisdom you have to learn how to understand your spouse and we have to understand the differences between men and women we talked a little bit about that last time because and there's so many great books and so much you know great conferences and videos to watch but here here's one book that we've found through the years it's called men are like waffles and women are like spaghetti and if you can pass the title and the bad book cover there's some good information in it right that kind of looks like their grandkids dad why don't we draw the book cover um but it's what it the premise is is men are like waffles which means men are more compartmentalized in our thinking that you know and when we get we think in boxes you know the boxes on waffles where we think like those and and when we get in one box it's hard to jump into another box quickly because we're in that box i think it's just hard for men to change gears because you're in that little compartment or box of the waffle let me just let me just illustrate it this way how many women how many of you women have said to your husband while he's watching tv especially a sporting event you said something and they act like they not listening to you i mean how's that work for you but it's it's easy to understand he's he can't hear you because he's in the tv box and so don't expect anything you say in that moment to be remembered i'm watching god it's unfocused right and it's not that he doesn't love you it's not that he doesn't want to be helpful it's just that right now he's trapped in the tv box and he can't get out yeah i mean and so contrast that with teddy when i'm sitting there we're watching tv together we're watching tv but teddy i mean she's making a shopping list she's texting her kids she's you know talking to me about my week and she's also catching me up on the plot of the show that i'm missing because she's talking to me about other things and and then she's also given me some of the sidebars about some of the actors in their personal life and what you heard about them and i'm like i how wow but it's because women are like spaghetti you know how with a plateful of spaghetti every strand touches and connects with another strand and so everything in our lives is when everything touches and connects nothing is independent of anything else so and we're constantly processing about our life and about our world and this is just bonus material ladies when i ask ron what are you thinking about and he says nothing i mean it it's true i'm not thinking about anything and and she can't understand that but there's nothing there i mean guys have you been there like we're just zoning we're chilling we're i mean we've parked our brains but and but you know ladies could never fathom being able to think about nothing we kind of wish we could but we're not as like those strands of spaghetti always connecting and touching we can't think about nothing and we do it all the time so but you know here's the thing we would practice romans 12 10 uh we'd begin to our understand the art of understanding romans 12 10 says it this way love each other with genuine affection and take delight in honoring each other you know that honoring that honor means to treat something as valuable it means to esteem it means to ascribe worth it means to respect the flip side of that dishonor you know what dishonor means dishonor means to treat common or ordinary and if you want to have a common or ordinary marriage don't take time to honor your spouse and it'll come naturally i mean treat them as common tree take them for granted and that's the default that's the thing that happens through the years you know and when when you think you need to think about the things you did at first in your marriage that's what honor brings me think about when you started i mean you were opening the door you were buying flowers you were writing notes you were speaking words well i mean like ron for instance the one way he shows me honor and he does it in a lot of ways but one way he always shows me honor is he opens the car door for me he he has since we dated and that's never changed and when we're with people the guys always look at ron like uh what are you doing the guy's never liked that because they just got in the car you know and i'm like dude it's like i mean yeah she she is so valuable to me and for me i always want to treat it with honor and you know and so you've got to think through that because here's the thing honor always elevates it always adds value and marriages go better with honor families go better with honor i mean honor honor builds someone up if your marriage is in trouble bring honor back that that will elevate that that hold your spouse as valuable peter wrote about it in uh first peter 3 7. he said in the same way you husbands must give honor to your wives treat your wife with understanding as you live together we i mean that understanding literally means live knowledgeably with your wives know them study them i mean when you signed up and said yes and said i do you agreed to become a student of that spouse for the rest of your life and you know and then when you start to understand and and learn your spouse then you you've got to tap what we call tap into the power of encouragement because nothing brings power back to a marriage like encouragement i mean you know for me a couple of months ago something significant happened in my life i i became a police officer and tell him the rest of that oh okay well a friend of mine dennis drow is uh chief of police of the williston police department and he asked me to stop by the office and uh he made me an honorary policeman there there's the moment right there i graduated top of my class [Laughter] and he gave me this i mean a badge man and i when i got it i said do i get lights from my car i mean what what else comes with this and he when he saw my questions he quickly said let me give you the ground rules of this uh you're number one you're not allowed to arrest anybody i'm like really and then he said and you're not allowed to boss teddy around with this and i i use this a lot around the house you know i keep it close by but you know but basically what he was saying was this badge has no power it's just for show and so many marriages have a badge with no power you have a piece of paper but you've settled for an average marriage and you know encouragement changes all of that that's right you know encouragement is so life-giving in a marriage it's it's the oxygen for somebody's soul in all my years of working with people i have never met anybody that said please stop encouraging me please i've had it with encouragement don't do it anymore but in our culture of sound bites and sarcasm and the i feel like the power of an encouraging word has just never been greater but so seldom used if you if you look in social media for example if you're especially if you're on twitter you can go on there and see so much hate mongering so much discouragement so much self-righteous indignation but how i think we have to stop and say how well am i doing in the area of encouragement words are so powerful and they can either build up or they can destroy somebody's hope yeah and that's what first thessalonians 5 11 says so encourage each other and build each other up just as you're already doing encouragement in building their they go hand in hand i mean it is that the quickest way for you to put spark back into your marriage is start affirming your spouse again about the strength in their life not the weaknesses don't point out the weaknesses point out the strength you know encouragement means literally it means you come alongside someone you you you come alongside them and you're giving courage to them you're installing courage into their life by speaking words that that affirm them and and people are crushed by discouraging words be an encourager man the world has enough critics you know you know we're called to build each other up and you know and that that's a you know for us it's like and here's the thing i'm going to talk to guys for a second we're typically we're not good at this uh and and we have to think i know i do i have to think encouraging words i have to think i see things but i don't say them you know teddy walks in the room and she looks beautiful i love the the shirt or the dress you know i said baby yeah i'm thinking she looks so good or she does something i'm so proud of her and i i just man i i'm proud to stand next to her i'm proud to put my arm around her i all of those things if i just thank them and never say them they're worthless if you think it say it now here's the deal not everything there's only the good stuff yeah there's some stuff you're thinking you should never say uh but you know and and then you know it's a practical and proverbs 12 25 says worry weighs a person down an encouraging word cheers a person up it always elevates but i mean the most encouraging thing you can do is express appreciation everybody needs appreciation to appreciate means to raise in value so when your home appreciates it raises in value it's the opposite of depreciate when you depreciate something you put it down you devalue it so whenever you increa whenever you appreciate your spouse you're actually increasing their value and it's such a powerful tool in marriage it raises your spouse's value not just that but it raises the value of your marriage yeah and and so when you're tapping into the power of encouragement let me give you the last takeaway that we get we've learned and it's simply this forgive like your marriage depends on it we we withhold forgiveness amen you you need to just excel in forgiveness i mean it's the in marriage forgiveness what we're asking you to do is forgive with reckless abandon i mean because forget resentment doesn't work forgiveness does and you know oftentimes when i when people are struggling with forgiving somebody i'll i'll typically have the conversation and say well then i want you to do this if you're having a hard time forgiving start praying for that person every day pray for them and and because it's hard to be angry with somebody you're praying for and and i did that i remember there's a guy uh at the springs and he was struggling with forgiving his ex-wife he was really angry and bitter and um and i told him that and i said start praying for your ex-wife anyway ah i said no that'll change your heart and he's okay i'll try well two weeks later he comes back to me and goes ron i've been praying for my ex-wife and i think it's working and then they're going he's growing this is awesome man this is a victory he said yeah i have been praying that my ex-wife would get everything that's coming to her i said no man that's not what i was talking about it's like but but you know one of the most difficult decisions you and i are ever going to make is to decide do i want to get well and healthy or do i want to get even you can't have both and unforgiveness wrecks more marriages in relationships and you know sometimes we intentionally hurt each other sometimes we unintentionally hurt each other sometimes we don't even know that we hurt each other and ephesians 4 31 and 32 says this way get rid of all bitterness rage anger harsh words and slander as well as all types of evil behavior you know how do you get rid of bitterness and anger well i i think a lot of times you know we have to remind ourselves stop looking for a reason to be angry set your spouse up to win stop hoping he or she are going to forget something really important remind him help him set him up for example it's your anniversary in two weeks or it's your birthday next week and you're thinking oh i wonder what he's going to do man if he misses this i'm not going to say a word and if he misses this did he is dead i'm that's it and you're looking for a reason to be angry and that is not of god i was you know what i say about that is two weeks before your birthday say hey babe birthday's coming up here's a link for it with a few things i'd like or here are some places we could go stop set your spouse up to win and that way that gets a rid of a lot of bitterness and anger that you that you were sort of thinking you might have that's good and then the the verse goes on though to say instead of that be kind to each other tenderhearted forgiving one another here's the qualifier just as god through christ has forgiven you you will never have to forgive anybody any more than you have already been forgiven and we forget that we we think that we're all that in the bag of chips and you know are we we're great you know everything i mean look at them they're they're screwing up no no no you did and god said and i love you just the way you are and that's a qualifier for that forgiveness and you know and then here's the deal ephesians 2 16 says it this way as parts of the same body our anger against each other has disappeared for both of us have been reconciled to god and so the feud ended at last at the cross i mean most marriage conflicts could be solved overnight if both husband and wife said yes to god that's where the feud ends that's where it changes you know and we started out talking about that marriage is a journey it is marriage is i mean it will give you the highest highs and the lowest lows there's an ebb and a flow there are seasons in every marriage and the greatest lie of marriage that we've all heard is that love is all you need that if i could just find the love of my life i'll live happily ever after and that's a lie you know you you know some of you bought into the whole uh who was it that great theologian tom cruise with the the ultimate chick flick right jerry maguire movie you complete me and you love that line but it's not true and if you ever hold your spouse up as they're the one that has to complete you you are setting them up for failure and setting your marriage up for failure now no one will ever complete you only god is the one who completes you and makes you whole now only a relationship with him in a and yet you know when i think about most weddings that i've uh officiate there's some time in the wedding where i will have the bride and groom in front of me and i'll say something like this you walked in here as two individuals but the miracle of the day is that you're going to walk out of here as one in christ and and that means that in your lives together you are saying jesus christ is the center of our home in our lives that changes everything that that one moment that and paul said that's the mystery of marriage and you're connecting your hearts and lives around that and for some of you you've never done that that's why you struggle with encouragement that's why you're finding failures and you have a hard time forgiving what what you're doing today what you're doing online you're you're gathering with a group of believers you're saying i need to grow in my relationship i need to but you know what it starts at the cross the the feud because when you do that then you have a shot at living happily ever after but for some of you it's a matter of saying jesus i need you to take take leadership of my life you can do that right now right today let's go to the father in prayer you bow your heads and close your eyes if you're here today and say i want to begin that relationship i want to ask jesus to be leader and savior i want to take what was done on the cross he died for my sin and apply it to my heart and life tell them that you could pray this prayer not out loud but between you and god you say dear father thank you for loving me thank you for sending jesus to die for me to pay for my sin to give me forgiveness so that i can give forgiveness today jesus take my life lead me and i ask and pray all this in jesus name amen amen thanks ron thanks teddy let's thank that for a great message once again this weekend praise god listen if you took uh the time to pray that prayer with ron just a moment ago and commit your life to jesus christ i want to take a moment to congratulate you my name is brian i'm one of the pastors here on the team and you know we at the church are passionate about helping people take next steps so if you prayed that prayer a moment ago i want to encourage you to grab that connect card that nicole told you about earlier and check the box the second one down that says today i committed my life to christ now we would be honored as a church to begin praying for you and help you take some next steps that ultimately will help you get started in that relationship with jesus christ and like she mentioned earlier if there's any way that we can pray for you or questions that we can answer or ways that we could potentially help you take some next steps whether today is the first day that you begin following jesus or not we would be honored to do that so make sure that you complete that connect card and then on your way out today there will be some ushers at the doorways you can just drop those off on the way out those of you watching online are online hosts we'll drop a link to the connect card in there as well a digital connect card if they haven't already done so so once again thank you in advance for doing that also if you'd like to give to the springs if you kind of notice the ways that our church is radically blessing our community putting church planners all around the world and reaching people who are far from god and you want to be a part of investing in that and helping that movement continue i want to encourage you to check out a link on our website the slash giving once again that's the giving there are a number of ways that you can contribute to the springs and invest in the many ways that god is making this a hard place to get to hell from lastly this is a unique weekend because this is the weekend we're celebrating our graduating seniors at all three campuses at the 10 30 service and uh we're really excited about what's happening and one of the things that we try and do with our graduating seniors each year are sort of like exit interviews um i want to know what ways they individually have encountered god we call our student ministry here at the springs encounter for a reason we try to create environments where it's likely that students will encounter the lord in various ways and so one of the ways that we we often hear our students say our seniors say that they uh where they really found jesus and for many of them where they gave their lives to jesus for the very first time was a weekend event sort of like decrease you may have heard of decrease it's an in-house youth conference that we do or camp gnar which is our beach conference well obviously with everything that happened with the pandemic we had to press pause on both of those and we decided to get creative and so we have another one of those events coming up june 11th and 12th just a couple weeks from now and it's a a weekend event it's a friday and saturday deal no overnight thing at people's houses or anything just we want to do this as safely as possible um but i'm telling you if you have a young person if you have a teenager living in your home either middle or high school they need to be at this event because this is the kind of weekend event where lives get changed take a look [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so we've been talking about this on wednesday nights lately but uh parents listen i know how it is when you expect teenagers to get something home and actually communicate it to you which is why i'm communicating it to you this weekend if you're interested you can do one of two things either one you can go to the freedom everyone say freedom easy word to remember the freedom or at guest services right across the lobby you can pick up one of these it's a little promo card has a qr code on it you can scan with your phone camera it'll take you directly to the registration page and the website so parents make sure that your students don't miss out on this it's going to be a powerful weekend listen y'all we love you and we're so glad that you're here with us we'll see you next weekend same time same place god bless [Music] you
Channel: Church at The Springs
Views: 279
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: kFnJF9jJmH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 19sec (4339 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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