"Marriage Has A Problem Part II" | Pastor Henry Wright

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[Music] we thank the choir for their rendition yes put your hands together and praise God I'm in a teaching mode today and running about ten minutes behind schedule so it means I will run ten minutes over schedule well I wasn't apologizing just announcing that's what's going to be the day is very serious on the fourth Sabbath of the month next week is Youth Sabbath on the for seventh of the month I will get into the crippling effects of this planet on under privileged people I will deal with the black family in particular but also with families under pressure whatever the race we will go into Genesis 3 and look at the first family and how destructive sin was on their relationship Adam and Eve and move from there to some other things as well I want to begin today and the Austrians now come Thomas please please please they're passing out a handout I'm going to trust you not to sit and read it till I get to it I'll be to it in about 15 minutes you're getting a handout that describes the four temperaments the choleric the melancholic sanguine and the flag mattock temperament and the weaknesses and strengths of both now while you're getting that let me explain to you that when it comes to temperaments is everybody listening when it comes to temperaments there is no good and bad in terms of a protector of a temperament per se a sanguine temperament is no worse than a melancholic temperament but all temperaments have strengths and weaknesses is that understandable the premise of the sermons this month is this you can't be one with any body and terrible you've become one with yourself and that oneness with self is only achieved in the same degree as you're unified with Jesus Christ that makes sense well whether it does or not it's the truth it's just the plain old truth most people who can't get along with other people are people who really can't get along with themselves and that listen to me their conflicts with other people derived from the conflicts within themselves a person who is mean and hard to get along with is really mad at themselves they've just never admitted it the insecure person in relationships who's always trying to pull from another person their self-worth and let me tell you right now you want to avoid like leprosy getting tied up with anyone who's insecure because they will always be digging their emotional fangs into you trying to get self-worth from you that they don't have in themselves such a person is an emotional parasite and they will destroy you but it's self understanding I am convinced from these years I have pastored and from many many counseling sessions particularly marriage counseling sessions that conflict between spouses is because of conflicts the individual spouses have never solved within themselves and now they're beating up their partner with their brokenness one of my frustrations is that so often when couples come to me for counseling the problem is they usually bring come to me for counseling wanting me to get their spouse straight they'll sit there piously and say now pastor I'm not perfect but they should just stop right there I'm not perfect no but after it because until you can deal with your own imperfections how dare you demand perfection of somebody else so it's a serious presentation today and before I'm done some will feel quite uncomfortable but that's the work of the Holy Spirit not the work of Henry right shall we pray bless us today Lord and what we seek to do in Christ's name Amen wanna just recognize someone who's been listing a brother Daniel Christos P Rho hope he's watching now he watches us from Australia and has been thanking the pastors for these sermons on oneness and I want you to know Daniel that we're praying for you and the things that you shared with me and the email open your Bibles please I'm going to begin this sermon by reviewing I got fussed at all week by email by text and by call because I did not really do all six of my points last week I'm going to review them in five minutes put them on the board please up on the screen first read it marriage requires two singles who are trying to reflect God's image that was number one and the text we used there was Genesis 1:26 number 2 no we're not gonna read it brother and go back to number 2 read marriage needs two people who know how to partner and we stress sharing sharing marriage demands that you come out of yourself and give firstness to another person now remember when I presented these we're saying this is the kind of single person you ought to be before you consider being married I'll say Amen for you number three from next last week's sermon read marriage needs requires someone who knows marriages priorities and the priority of marriage is putting another person first this is why marriage is the one relationship let me repeat myself that the Bible consistently compares to God's relation with us because to have a relationship with God you must put God where first but don't just apply to marriage in a friendship in a buddy ship that's the opportunity to practice putting another person first if you have to be first all the time then just stay by yourself don't plagued me with you number four read come on marriage is for someone who knows how to stay with it its commitment though marriage is not an experiment we stand before the pastor all pious she's dressed in white he's dressed in black was the more modern marriages now they wear anything but in the old days lord help the old pastor but but but but but but you don't want to tell death do us part we say it everybody says hey man don't death tell death death between breathin no more that's when you're out of the marriage now sometimes Selma nice guys sometimes you have no choice sometimes the death of the marriage is before you stop breathing see somebody just breathes a sigh of relief because they've been divorced they just felt real bad now I'm giving you relief sometimes the marriage is dead before you are let the church say Amen Oh everybody's my buddy now number five read marriage needs maturity to understand that always agree in other words the essence of marriage is understanding now agreement Henry right Carol right were not the same we don't always agree even after 50 years of marriage we don't always agree but she understands me I understand her enough to know when to shut up and move on out of the room go find something to do let the Brethren say Amen you're not gonna win not go in that brother just find something to do go go do a jigsaw puzzle do anything but that's over the understanding not agreement understanding that's the key then number six marriage requires two people who can withstand vulnerability and we talked about the fact that this so now you got all six we talked about the fact that in a any in any kind of friendship especially marriage you must be able to be vulnerable see tall dark and handsome and quiet ain't good you need to know what this person is thinking I'll say a man for you so if you're not ready to be vulnerable if you're not ready for a person to see you as you really are stay single don't try to be friends because relationships require exposure and so that's why we say and I told you last week uh you know I don't if you come to me for counseling and relationship counseling you've only known each other a few weeks just don't call me because you don't know enough to receive counseling you need to be with this person for a file in that right see them when they're angry see them when they're just off from work see them when they forgot to brush their teeth see them see them and be able to ask yourself see now here's the key here's the key here's the key here's the key balcony here's the key ask yourself this question if the worst thing you know about them never changes for 50 years are you willing to live with it you got to marry choir what is not what you hope is and so a person must be willing to be vulnerable in that right that's what Z and that Betsy that's why that's why I like the church my brother because the purpose of the church is to remove all pretense come on somebody remove up just come in here and be as we are in Christ broken fixed strong weak we ought not ever have to pretend in church but that's what we do okay that's the six now let's move on let's talk about the brain and its structure take your fists take your fists both fists come on car show them how to do it and do this okay do this do this you're now looking at the front of the brain it's called the frontal lobes frontal lobes okay he's just there if I with Nick balcony fists this okay here we go now the brain has four quadrants how many okay the upper left the upper left let me get my brain picture up their brain picks your brethren or ill get up to in a minute they're working on it the upper left is the quadrant that prioritizes prioritizes upper left prioritizes okay the lower left move your finger down the lower left that's the quadrant that organizes with me the left side of the brain is the decision-making part of the brain it's called the cognitive side right brain let's go over there the upper right visualizes what does it do what is that for left do huh and then the lower right lower right haven't done that one yet the lower right harmonizes what does it do let's review upper right visualizes upper left lower left lower right so the brain has four main functions to prioritize to organize to visualize and to what harmonize now you did that this morning means I dressed for church because when you woke up you decided what was the most important thing to do didn't you most of us have a routine and so Heskey when I got up to my knees pray thank you Lord you woke me up one more time then I went to my worship books did that then from there from there while doing my worship I shifted to the lower part of my left side because I have to organize how I'm gonna do my worship I'm gonna read the devotional book first I'm gonna read my passage of Scripture second and then I'm going to take notes third so I both prioritize and organize are you with me so far okay then I went from there to visualize it I go into the bathroom and there I've got to get myself ready for church okay so I visualized myself in a grey suit with a white shirt the lavender okay and the Hegarty with the stripes yeah yeah I visualized it far put on visualizing are you looking so far yeah yeah did pretty good didn't and then and then and then from there from there before it's all done I harmonized it in my mind I went into the room sister right I showed her three times which time would you pick so you pick this one give her a hand yeah and now I'm harmonized now you do this every day without thinking don't you you shift from one part of the brain all the time prioritize organize visualize I mean let you do this every day some people do that when they eat every day everything you do you use these quadrants are you with me so far everybody listening now the next part I'm going to teach you some folk disagree with this that my experience in counseling has told me this is valid studies are showing that each person has a lead quadrant and that lead the quadrant determines their temperament okay now some of you've heard this before it's old happen just stay with me cuz I'm headed somewhere some people by nature tend to be a prioritizing person and people who are that way let's shift to the next slide that defines these and now you're looking at your sheet people who who lead with that upper left they are called choleric what are they called they're choleric people who lead with that lower left the organizing quadrant are called melancholic what are they called melancholic people who lead from the right upper the quadrant that visualizes they're called sanguine what are they called sanguine and people who lead most of the time from the lower right people who tend to be more harmonious and gentle they're called phlegmatic where they called phlegmatic every person sitting in this room has a lead quadrant and a secondary quadrant your pastor is melancholic choleric I'm an organizer all you have to do is this to me preach a sermon all my sermons follow the same pattern if you really listen now those who have never really listened to me don't know that but if you really listen I organize things that might hit first then I prioritize what I'm going to do with it but because I'm a melancholic choleric that is produced in me certain kinds of tendency look at the sheep look at the sheep so the melancholic person looked out the Sheep you see on the positive side I work well alone I'm a planner I like charts and graphs organized I like quiet I like quiet it's very unnatural for me to be standing in front of you and preaching this is the Lord in me I'd rather be sitting up there in that balcony quiet by myself now I am true hey watch me now I'm proof that when God gets in you hey he can override the temperament somebody say hallelujah I do my temperament does not belong up front don't like it thank you so much America for the word of encourages that do a good job praise God God gets all the glory this is not naturally me growing up at home you couldn't get me to stand up in front of people and do anything I'd be so nervous I couldn't see so I am proof that your temperament doesn't have to be your master Jesus is your master I'm also my secondary is choleric besides been organized I'm a person who's an activist I'm decisive I love challenges that's why I'm passionate to come of our church I like challenges give the Lord a hand huh yes leader organize that's that's the positive side oh but look at the pastor's negative side you're praying now praying them melancholy look at their easy to press I never experienced that naive idealistic can be threat you to extremes yes yes I watched the money you've seen that in church haven't you pastor has you look at that grass i watch the money doesn't do well under pressure then the ply to me I do quite well under pressure these time to do things kinda hard to please sorta self-centered can be pessimistic sometimes moody can be revengeful watch me now okay okay now here's the thing here's the thing choir I'm taught alyssum they'll get it when you look at those negatives of my main quadrant what does that tell you I need to be in the hands of Jesus in that right choir see see folk listen to me now I'm getting it to the sermon part I'm trying to show you today that sake Satan was watching when God formed the human brain he knows about the quadrants he knows how to tap you see if you study Moses Muslims of melancholic was a melancholic you don't mess with Moses that's why he killed a man he killed him and don't mess with Moses he'll take you out and yet jesus said talking about mo talking about the power of the Holy Ghost Jesus called him the meekest man that ever lived give God some glory I'm trying to tell you you got to take that stuff and give it to God so whatever you found about yourself that they don't get discouraged get on your knees so these are characteristics I have to deal with how many of you gonna pray for your pastor and pray for me now I have confessed publicly publicly see so you know now like in the board meeting board members if you see me getting a little quiet you need to pray cuz I'm rested with Henry right see because I can come out of my can I can get sharp on the I get sharp my tongue can become a razor you see that happening sister clerk Romania she sits right by Bazemore bidding just put your hand on mine but your hand on my on my arm pray Lord keep him holding brothers and sisters until we can trust each other with each other how can we be one see rather than talking about folk pray for people that a lot of times when husbands and wives are going at one another they need to shut up and pray let me say it's softer a lot of times when it's rough at home what y'all need to do is stop discussing that thing cousin ain't going nowhere and pray a lot of bad stuff would never happen at home if the two people would just shut up and pray would somebody please say Amen see the problem is here's the problem here's the problem and you single folks keep this in your mind see people get caught up in trying to win you can win an argument and lose your marriage winning ain't everything Jesus lost his life and saved the planet come on now so look at this look at this now look at yourself find yourself if you were an accountant sense with me you'd have to take this sheet and circle everything that applies to you I'd give you five minutes to do that and then I have an evaluation process I go through so take the seat home and don't lie no don't don't don't circle decisive when you can't make a decision just don't circle that be honest go and buy yourself and circle what applies is that all right if you're married you and your spouse together do it and then Shrieve the sheets and see what you see because here's the thing here's the thing my brother until you can face how you are then you're never going to be safe in a relationship so so let's keep going so with with with with these with these with these brain leads and you can see some of the key things that that go that go with you now I need everybody's attention your temperament listen listen your temperament your brain lead is the reason why you're having trouble getting along with certain kinds of people let me explain it to you my wife is a phlegmatic sanguine so we both lead from the lower part of the brain both of us love quietness were joined there both of us loved the read were joined there my wife's an accountant we're both organized that's where we join that's where we get along that's where we have a good time but she's also a sanguine and I'm a choleric so when brothers at the right shift gears to the upper part of the brain choleric and sanguine for the pastor is more difficulty more difficulty now stay with me because we've been married for 50 years we've learned something here's what we've learned don't try to change what God created let me tell you choir why most marriages fall apart in the first five years because they spend the first five years trying to change what God created see one of the first things I asked when a couple comes before me but with a marital problem and Czar complained about particular thing in their spouse the first question I ask is what they'd like that before you marathon well yeah in the session you Meredith what do you want me to do I ain't God I didn't create him you don't say what I'm saying yeah but I but I thought and here here it comes here it comes and I don't want to offend anybody dumbest thing that comes out of a married person's mouth yeah but I thought I thought after they that we married they change what you did if they have not first given themselves to Jesus Christ if he has not controlled their whole life how in the world you think you're gonna do what God has not done is he's up pray because until they choose themselves to give themselves to the Holy Ghost all your complaining fussing threatening intimidating is not gonna change them are you with me so so so we have a problem see there there there for instance melancholic people are very irritated by sanguine people because melancholic people are on time organize come on y'all sanguine people time time and they're not bothered you know I'm telling the truth not bother I'm running a little late they come in you know and the melancholy should go on how many y'all know I'm telling the truth so there's no way for these two people somebody has to pray phlegmatic people are very turned off by clerics like Maddox are recessed they don't like to take charge and so if we manage consider clerics to be bossing and so when the choleric is up front taking charge the film attic is saying I just wish they would shut up and sit down I'll come y'all laughing together what I'm talking about yeah just just just you know the flickers of magmatic this is and the phlegmatic did not see the choleric the choleric they're upset about everything nothing's right gotta be straightened out it's like manic is saying would you please take a deep breath inhale and that like move on it's because of this plague Maddox make excellent parents see my three sons they grew up in our alive because I'm married to a phlegmatic because melancholy choleric I got one question do you want me to take you out right now or in the morning just the right bless their heart I just love her honey they're just boys they're just children well if they gonna become men they need to get out of my sight right now now think about that's right now think about think about think about what about marriage God put me with the perfect mate yes it's the right a hand perfect maybe because there are times when my decisiveness and take charge was a blessing there are times where in boys your times the boy needs to hear this far no further no negotiation sit down shut up and you have that posture O'Neill that says sit down shut up now in that moment just to write is praying she's praying we've become a team there the boys know at a certain point don't try to get around dad and because we're a team don't vote a mom to get around dad Jovie is we've learned they come to her with certain things you need to talk to your father that's not what they want to do but now they know they can't get around there are times when my nature they come to me you'd talk to your mom because we're the same to me makes no sense at all none go talk to your mom and then she'll come to me and explain why this craziness should be permitted what I'm saying you focus you need to give thought seriously why you're single as the weather you match up because love alone will not keep a marriage alive good sense will they don't get that now we gonna read some Texas scripture I'm gonna let you go home take your Bible John 16:13 the text I used at the beginning of sermon one but now you'll understand it in a much different light John 16:13 what does it past to say let's read it again together come on y'all I'm enjoying it so much you've been such a good class come on everybody together however when he the Spirit of Truth people pause I taught you last week that text means guided all truth about what yourself yourself the first thing the spirit does before you choose a mate or before you form a deep friendship Nicole the first and the spirit does is reveal to you yourself so you know my brother who you are now listen to me there are folks you could be friends with but everybody you can be friends with is not somebody you can marry why agreed the choir agrees with me this flower agrees with me okay so he reveals to yourself this is why we have church this is why we have positions in church this is why we have various as the choir has for parks because most parts of cars no sing bass anymore which offends me deeply that's the whole nother that's old another pet peeve of mine about gospel music saying some base but anyhow okay but but but but the fact the choir has three or four parts you mean you do best when you sing the part your voice fits okay so you do best when you marry the person that fits with you and that takes time what does it take okay spiritual this come he will not speak on his own authority but whatever he hears about you he'll reveal to you and show you things to come let's go to the next text next text this time we're going to lamentations 340 lamentations a little book after Jeremiah Jeremiah lamentations lamentations three what verse forty ah ah you see that text you like it that's read to come on let us search how and turn back to the Lord let me translate it for you let us search Lisa to know who we are finding out let's take who we are back to the Lord why are there some people in church you can't get along with do not be too quick to blame them because I'm convinced that Lord has placed every person elder O'Neal in the church as a tool to shape their pastor yes ma'am I believe that I believe that and I always thank God for people in the church that it's more difficult for me to get along with because those people if I learn will get me into heaven the fact that I can get along with you does not prove I'm saved when I can get along with the person I don't like now I know I'm saved come on somebody and the stake we make in church is Robert Smith we we pal up we pile up with the folks we like that's not Christianity and cliques and groups in the church based on sameness are not truth that God is in this place but we can cross lines and races and nationalities and languages and power up then this church is on its way to the kingdom of heaven this business of my circle of friends I got nothing against it and against it Jesus have three disciples he kind of kept close to him but brothers and sisters and this why we're doing this kind of work this thing of us getting know each other didn't know each other start with a person's name shake hands with everybody let's read that text again come on let us search out and examine our ways turn back Matthew 7:5 Matthew 75 whoa whoa okay so Jesus talking now read it hypocrite not all stop stop I want him to call your name one more time come on read it come on hypocrite read on first remove the plank from your own eye then you will see clearly to remove this pack get that two before out of your own eyeball now you know if you thought you've got a two before and your eye you've got some work to do can I get a witness first place your face is all messed up but you got a two before burn up in your eye what Jesus is saying is the energy you spend working on somebody else spend that energy working on yourself and folk the young people of the church need to see this out of us adults how dare you sit around your children and criticize people in the church how dare you sit around in the house and criticize even the pastor and then wonder why the young folk don't join the church when the pastor makes an appeal you told them at home at the pastor ain't got no sense why would they join the church into somebody you ain't got no sense no no mean no members don't talk about me like that you see my point we can't be singing these songs in church law of law of law when the young folk of the church see other stuff the indicates were just singing love means embracing and accepting am I telling the truth and keep in mind that all these different temperaments brother Calise all these different folks you both at least the person he works with the homeless that means brother police has a non-judgmental spirit he goes out and shares and gives and gets people dignity and a sense of acceptance this is the work of the Holy Spirit so the person you meet at Takoma Park Church that you find it hard to like God sent them to the church just for you it's the truth isn't it it's the truth Oh precious folk I love you so much we got to Ken yes we have to stop faking it in these pews our hearts and the doors of our hearts must open up we have to stop here McGuire we have to stop even lightly joking about and making fun of people in the church a lot of stuff said around the supper table after church is ashamed before God and we think we have the right to kind of make little jokes and funny statements brothers and sisters some of these people were making fun of or going to the kingdom of heaven you're gonna live with them for eternity my final text I didn't give this to you I changed the sermon see how quickly you can get to Matthew 5 verses 23 and 24 there we're done I cut a few things out I think we got the full message here are you with me so far okay let me show you how serious God is about us getting along in the church Jesus is in the midst of preaching the sermon on the mount and that brother like Jesus can do he hits he gets all up in our stuff and leaves me speechless and ashamed Matthew 5 all right come on Jesus help me here now I've been feeling good this week and I'm getting tired but I gotta get this text ok 5 ah they got it come on y'all let's read this come on therefore and whenever Jesus says therefore he's making a point let's read therefore if you bring your gift to the altar pause remain ready to leave yet oh we can't get to leave we got to get this go back to the other go back to the other now notice Chris the wisdom of the language see if I had written the text I would have said therefore if I bring my gift of the altar and there remember that I have something against my brother it makes me responsible for my brother's feelings in other words Jesus says you can come to church Kevin and the feeling just fine great had a great week but you remember that your brother is upset don't come and worship keep your tithe in your pocket leave your with your good feeling doing fine self and find your broken up hurting brother take responsibility for their pain though you have no pain at all how many times if I had couples come before me and one will say look they got a problem I'm doing just fine am i no wait a minute you two or one they got a problem you're just fine and you're one if they got a problem then you've got a problem how can you be doing just fine with someone that you're one with and they're upset how can you have food and your neighbor has none how can you have transportation to church and your neighbor can't get there are you listen to me Jesus is saying if you're doing so great in church ready to worship and remember there's somebody at TPC who was scuffling and broken and afraid and alone and angry Jesus said maybe that day don't you go to church go visit that person whom I brought to your mind and help them get straight then walk in church and sing praise God from whom all blessings flow my final point today is simply this God makes you rich responsible for the temperament of the person you worship with find a way just as I am find a way find a way find a way to be one [Music] maybe as a result of the day's message you understand yourself a little bit better just a little bit not a whole lot if I was giving you the same instruction in my office as a counselor we would have spent two are together on this [Music] helping you to see who you really are helping you to stop fighting against natural tendencies and just give them to Jesus folk we're all messed up some kind of way we're all messed up there are things about my temperament I can't stand James Armstrong is a sportsman right I don't like I don't like my stubbornness I hate it [Music] I don't like my impatience natural Maori for a choleric to be impatient I don't like that part of myself I'm like being pushy [Music] and everyday how often did I say talk to me how often I say I've got to give that stuff to Jesus growing up Chris I'd never liked that part of me that can hold stuff it's a natural part of a melancholy you do me I'm gonna do you may take a year they take 10 here I come the Lord had to give me victory over that folk how's the Lord gonna take somebody like that to the kingdom of heaven you listen to me if you're not willing to admit your brokenness you cannot be saved so if you set through this sermon patting yourself on the back well I'm not this I'm not that you're probably lying every adult sitting here has got something broken something that needs fixing something does not yet bent and bowed to God everybody sitting here should have seen themselves under the microscope and said lord have mercy on me [Music] here comes Jesus dawn come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy-laden don't you like him take my yoke upon you and learn of me and ye shall find the rest of your souls learn from the Jesus who had the power to wipe them out let him slap him let them kick him let them spit on him learn as this Jesus who is Almighty choleric and almighty melancholic a sweet sanguine and a peaceful phlegmatic learn this watch dis complete Jesus work his way around all those tendencies inherit from that horrible lineage that he had watch Jesus just keep subduing and subduing and on the cross Satan could not tap one negative thing beat upon talked about mistreated young man Jesus held his temperament in check by the power of the Holy Ghost I got a show Henry that you can take it father forgive them they know not what they do and I can see Satan say man I thought I had him I thought that power and majesty would break through instead he's forgiving them [Music] some spouse is sitting here need to lay it down some stuff you did to lay it down lay it down and some folks sitting here who've got issues with parents lay it down parents got issues with children lay it down church members got issues which lay it down give it to Jesus work on yourself pray for the offender but either going to be Christian or we need to close this big stone building up and go on to hell or big Christian really Christian practice what we preach or stop preaching it so just I am just as I am without one plea so before the unit comes before she sings hear me there's some brokenness there's some stuff about how you are as a person that this sermon kind of stepped on and you need prayer today's appeals are not about joining anything it's about joining Jesus there's some brokenness there's some aspects of yourself you've been making excuses for and you know it want me to pray for you get up and come down here now you can say you'll come [Music] faster Chris come and stand with me please I need all my elders up here stand beside me and pastor Chris Jent he'll become a senator beside us every elder [Music] the sermon has showed me Lord that I got a I got a choleric streak that's not under your control sermon has shown me Lord that there's a flick paddock phlegmatic part of me that's destroying my relationships with others a sermon has shown me Lord that there's some sanguinetti and me that I need to stop making excuses for and deal with the sermon has shown me Lord there's some melancholic traits that if I don't overcome I will not get to heaven you need me to pray for you you don't want to come stand again get down here then stand stand God will honor your standing as if you came I know it's too far for me to come and stand and no be ashamed if you don't stand Saul right not to stand it's okay it's okay by elders to reach out and touch somebody and then once you're touched reach back and touch somebody behind you what on back leads to somebody behind you in touch tell everybody is being touched in the aisles touch in the balcony touch [Music] I need help Avondale I want you to come down these steps and you folk on this side follow him to real all touching we got to connect with the balcony come out on this side help me help me on this side move this way fire you're touching we got to connect with the balcony come on someone someone someone on the balcony move toward Avondale till we're touch I want the bottom connected to the top please help me I need a line touching along this side we will be satisfied till the bottom is connected to the top come on go back there I need to help move this way move this way please help please help please help the faster we got a touch all the way through that's it yeah you got a connect here I'll connect there stretch till we connect [Music] beautiful they're doing it for me now I'm satisfied [Music] thank you that's precious up there thank you thank you [Music] what everybody repeat after me I am made in God's image but sin has messed me up fix me Lord fix me Lord don't stop til you fixed me Lord now you're silent I will pray Lord the pastoral staff has set a very very bold goal that the church can be won today we have seen all the differences in us that make that a challenge how can a melancholic get along with the sanguine not without Jesus how can a plague matic become uh near 't ated by a choleric not without Jesus not without Jesus because sin has emphasized our differences we learn from pastor Jeff this morning that we can be one in you and and as as bodacious and impossible and beyond comprehension that seems you prayed you pray that we would be one therefore it is possible there may be some broken brokenness and some marriages here today and and the problem with marriages Lord as you well know folk live together so long they just give up and they just exist there's no real love is no real communication they just they just they just get along seems to me Lord like something as wonderful as marriage should be more than just getting along there's some young person here who has who has not seen very much love in their home and and they become cynical about it and they they just wonder if this whole thing about loving and and being married and and being United is just a joke help that young person know today that they don't measure God by human brokenness there's somebody here in the sound of my voice listen to me online who's hurting who's angry who's become cynical about the church they see all of us as a bunch of hypocrites and they're right about that part but they forget the church is God's fixing place and so we admit the members of Takoma Park Lord we admit today we're not finished yet we're still a work in progress but we are by the grace of God making progress [Music] somebody listening online somebody in this church right now needs to say the magic words I'm sorry and then somebody else need to see say those words even more difficult than I'm sorry I thought in that rips my heart out because when I say I forgive I'm submitting I'm letting it go and I want to see some blood the only blood that counts as the blood shed on Calvary [Music] so let not Lord this church be hindered by the pastor's delivery for the pastor's fatigue by the pastor not feeling that well today let the word be empowered by the Holy Ghost who knows no fatigue who has never been sick let the word invade Minds in this place may at least one person go home today saying by the grace of God I come Oh Lamb of God I come just as I am trusting you to receive me and being so thankful for being received I now have joy in receiving others to this end we have prayed this end we have given thanks to this end we have joined and touched [Music] and all God's people said amen we turned your seats
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Keywords: Sabbath Worship, TPC, Takoma Park SDA Church Live Stream, TPC Live Stream, SDA, Seventh Day Adventist, Seventh-Day Advenist, Sabbath, #TPC, Pastor Henry Wright, Pastor Jeff Taylor, Pastor Chris Cheatham, Pastor Will Smith, Pastor Kosly Joseph, Pastor Anwar Ottley, #Connect, Pastor Gary Patterson, Pastor John Nixon II, Takoma Park, Takoma Park Church, Takoma Park SDA, Pastor Wesley Knight, Charles Wesley Knight, Henry Wright Sermons
Id: x5B0_1BXMM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 21sec (3921 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2017
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