Marriage Advice, Lessons on Rejection & More | Premier Gospel Chats

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we all know you for songwriting we all know you for singing we all know you for concert but very few know that for over 20 years you've had your hands in film directing playwriting and the likes yeah tell us a bit about that journey and where we're at now with this series that you're releasing from march the 6th i believe march 6 this saturday that's right um it's uh i've always been interested in always giving the visual you know i've always been interested in telling a story beyond the music um if you for the for the for the old schools that may be watching this or even the new schools that may want to research this um i would i was champion trying to champion um artists being able to you know gospel artists to do music videos from back in the mid 80s you know because music videos was strong you know mtv was burped and bet video soul was birthed but they would never spend the money on us to um you know do a music video and if you go back to the commission album if you go back to uh on the winning side and you listen to right before perilous times i do a shootout and we're acting it out in on the record real quick but i had a taste for it back then and i started researching it you know i loved telling stories um since i was a kid you know and uh even when i got graduated from school i went to i had a film making class in college and i fell in love with directing and and everything else from that point you know just wow this is so interesting so here we are we're looking at uh uh a dramatization a virtual play 6th of may which thereafter people can enjoy it but you write and you direct but also uh the all the kits that's recorded with that's yours the production company is yours you're on the lockdown you had at least 30 or 40 people employed film um how have you kept that on the radar because i mean we know bread of life bread of heaven we know glory to glory we didn't know you were rolling like we knew we knew the harley davids we knew the the hot rods but we didn't notice you know i'm not good when it comes one of the blessings of being with a record company for all those years from 1985 to 2017 was that part of you know promotions and marketing i didn't have to ever worry about it was just plug and play here's the song they tell me where to stand and what to do and then i turn it on uh now i find that i'm not the greatest marketing person for myself you know and like i i i know how to grow a social media page i got a million followers on facebook got 635 a thousand followers on ig and 500 over here and so many over there youtube has this but i don't always talk about the stuff like this until now i'm just like you know i really need to build this up because i believe one of my greatest gifts uh is not my singing voice or my musician skills i believe those are good but my greatest gift is the anointing to help people you know it's easy if if you call all your good friends at all hits and you know if i if i'm like i'm only working with kirk and yolanda and donnie and israel then i'm you know i'm helping them but i'm not really helping them you know but it's something when you can call i have a teaching spirit you know i have one i love to see people grow i love really pouring into folk and um i probably could have been a teacher like just a regular school teacher if i enjoyed school which i didn't but i i'm a coach in real life i'm a team player and a coach when i was in the military i was very leader oriented even though i didn't want to be a section leader um a squad leader i just found myself and it rotated to something like that um i've just always had this leadership that wanted to see people you know see people their people make it and so i've had my my touch the lord allowed me to touch several people who have made it not just the people you know you know the marvin sapps called him at 19 and taught him the ropes and now the israel holton was in the audience somewhere nobody knew his name and i called him up on stage and i looked at him and said you got next you didn't know what that meant um joanne rosario tons of people dawkins and dawkins you know just people that came sat up under me and i taught him and i you know gave him wings and i love that and i'm still doing it now with the with the with these 40 people i have you know and and that's something i i was so eager to to speak to you about which i mean our time is short i'll see if we can get there um and also you will tell us how we can uh actually how can the the the online the virtual play that you have how can people uh uh get to it and how long is it available for well right now we're going to keep it up for uh if you miss it saturday night like at the time the first viewing is live so you're watching with us and you're watching i'm actually watching with you and watching the comments and uh sending comments in and out you know i'm just enjoying it with the people but then after that when that show is over it immediately goes to on demand now it's gonna the first show is gonna lock people out if they don't get in the room by a certain time even if they got a ticket it's gonna lock them out but as soon as that show is over it goes to on demand so even if they had a ticket they couldn't get to it in time when they when they get to it from my understanding when it starts again they can watch it anytime at their leisure it's uh on demand and so it'll be up for at least a week to two weeks that i'm thinking now uh plus i'm going to re-air tickets huh now the tickets go to my real fred h real friend h on instagram real fred h follow me and hit the link in the bio it'll take you right to where to buy the chickens okay 1999 us wow so let me ask you a few other things because there's so much i mean we don't often get the opportunity to to speak to you um you talk about your heart for people and whenever you're interviewed historically you always talk about being real uh you talk about you know your your job is to to speak and be real looking at your life now um i mean you've you've been in the military you've you've had a record label still have a record label you have a production company but you've also known the pain of a a broken relationship and all those things um what do you how did your divorce change you and what do you now say to people who are maybe going through that pain of broken relationship maybe not a divorce but just going through going through the pain of of the heart how did divorce change and what do you say to people now um you know it was one of those things that um it it i let it drive me to be better okay um in my instance my divorce wasn't caused by me just doing crazy stuff i did crazy stuff in my early part of my marriage you know it was you know just and it wasn't like out running around you know corrals and other women it was just i wasn't a good husband you know i didn't know how to be a good husband i didn't i wasn't responsible with money and you know i had a young wife and i wasn't responsible with money and i i didn't know how to be and she comes from a father that she saw a very stand-up person in the community a bishop a pastor who was very responsible and i was not as responsible because i come from a broken home of just the mother who'd never seen a father i knew how to pay the bills but i just wasn't good with money and we you know didn't have a lot of it and i spent it wrong and and i was arguing about it i was defensive about it you know not being a great guy in my first three to four years of being married you know and then it almost died within three three four years of my marriage i just we weren't taught there was no fiscal or economic literacy there was no i had no i didn't grow up around anybody with a father i didn't we didn't have one i didn't grow up to know and um the first four years it almost ended and i was like i mean hey you know it is what it is and the holy ghost pulled me aside and said one thing that i can always count on sorry sir um that's all right that's all right you're back uh one thing i can always count on is that i'm honest with myself you know i had a theory back then like if you're defensive lie to your lie to everybody else but don't lie to yourself if you're going to lie if you're going to tell a lie just go ahead and tell everybody else but don't lie to yourself the biggest lies when you lie to yourself and the holy ghost my my wife left me when i was first four years and i was just there by myself and i thought okay it's over so what i'll get somebody else you know i'm in commission you know there's a lot of women out here i was very defensive and holy ghost said is she right about what she's asking you to do i said yes sir he said so are you going to let this end because she's right no not but i can't go get her now you know i mean if i say you know i'll fix it then it's just gonna just sound like i'm just saying anything to just not let it in and so i just made changes while i sat there in the house for three weeks by myself and i just made changes thought changes you know and um at that point in time i just made the decision to be befriend him and not freddie and when i became that that's when i became a man and she ended up coming back and then the relationship thrived when it broke apart the first time the second time i held on as long as i could and i just made sure that i wasn't in a position to be the person that somebody can point the finger at to say well he's an idiot he's just gonna i hung in there as best i could and i just wasn't strong enough to hold on to something that was pulling away from me you know and if she wasn't carousing the street or doubt with other dudes and nothing like that but there was a power struggle in the home and i was only so strong two visions two visions there you go once you the best way when you if and i want to speak to everybody out there that's married that might be going through if you ever find yourself in that position where the struggle is going on nine times out of ten it's because you have two visions in the home going on and two visions is the latin word you do is die die and envision division in a house divided cannot stand it's the word of god so when you have two visions you have a fractured home the best way to seal that up is to find the one vision and get back on it that's the only thing god will bless you know that's the only thing god had blessed and that's what ended up happening i could not i was saying here's the vision here's the vision but you know a godly woman who felt that she was hearing from god and she couldn't hear from her husband who was hearing from god and we blew it and i just made sure this let me say this though this is most important thing i made sure that after the wreckage even though i was falling through walking through all of the pointing of the fingers and the hair salons and the churches saying oh what a bad person he is he's not they're not in our home they don't know what's going on i made sure of a couple things that i never put the business out there in the street and made her sharing in a dark light no matter what i was facing people were talking stuff they didn't have no clue about we're not gonna if i'm not with him but i'm not buying none of his records they don't know it i said it is what it is i didn't protect myself then the second but most important thing was i made sure they had a safe place to land and all i said was you know i'm gonna love you from a distance since i can't love you up close and you won't let me love you up close then i'm gonna just be over in the wings and i'm gonna make sure you have whatever you need and uh we'll just go our separate ways but i'm gonna love you from a distance and my kids they'll always know i'm i love them and no matter what so that's i mean i mean i could we could talk about that for hours there's so many uh for having followed the story i mean like i said there's there's been times we've been out in africa uh where you you're there with your group and i've been there and heard conversations and known uh some of the things you were saying because what one of the things that was constant that i heard from you were you always said uh my my ex-wife she's a wonderful woman there was never uh any slighting of her but let me let me move forward since our time is is short um when you you have your your flight time experience your uh jimmy jam and terry lewis moment which was a big turning point for you you're in flight time studios and you come out saying god i i need am i able to do something like this for you um tell us that moment how that affected you and is that still a part of your your your head space now have you moved on from that i'm still there that moment was a turning point in my life i actually went to two studios that day one was jimmy jam and terry lewis flight time and i was amazed at what number one two young black men could do and they were doing what they wanted to do uh running their own company but doing what they wanted making great music and i was walking from studio to studio to studio and we didn't even know you could own your own studio we weren't we didn't have any kind of that kind of money um and then i went over to paisley park and it was like 10 flight times and we walked in number one we walked in speaking in tongues because we thought you know devil gonna get us because at that time prince was really mysterious and he was doing all this other stuff but i had to see it like i had to see it and when i walked in they weren't burning candles they weren't you know nobody was having voodoo and nobody was saying witchcraft they were just doing business there was a bunch of people walking around doing business it was a very creative space it was colorful it was this room is this one and this is the this room and this is the white room and this is prince's personal room and this is the warehouse and to this day if you look at it between paisley parking and flight time my operation still looks like that it still looks like that because it's about the creative space what they did with it and what i'm doing with is just two different things but they're still you know i was very glad to see prince turn his life around and go in a more positive direction towards the end um but jimmy jam and terry lewis is still a part of my dna to the state you know so so many of us look at you um and we we look at where you're at now we look at the the car company look at the record label and and and all these things and and i have had people up close and personal uh say to you in press conferences they're afraid i wish i would please lay your hands on me so i can be like you etc except but you tell a story of a journey where uh that's full of rejection in your in your in your early days being kicked out of groups uh uh wanting to do stuff and people not believing in it and and you go through all that uh and actually your journey seems to be full of being the first to do things which means you know it's fraught with with difficulties for those who are not familiar who's just family familiar with the the grammy winning fred hammond what are some of the stories that you could tell tell to to encourage people that rejection is not the end especially if you go back to the early days what are some of the the things you heard the things you were told the groups you were walked out of that you can tell us uh i remember i was with a uh organize a choir organization a very popular guy in detroit and he was on savoy records um his name was donald vales and i remember you know he was the popular dude he was a choir guy he had some great core and the voices of deliverance um and i wanted to be the bass player i was the bass player of the voice of deliverance and i remember going to rehearsals and and everything and um and then getting the night of the recording and there's i walk up and there's another bass player there and that does not even know the material and there are no charts and i knew the material but i think it was a schism somewhere else there was some politics going on that i had no knowledge of and i caught the bus all the way from the west side of detroit to the east side with my guitar on my back in my hand and i sat there the whole time watching this bass player and then they said the record company said it they wanted another bass player and when i talked to the executive producer somehow god put me in the room with the executive producer and the visa no i didn't make that decision he made it and what do you do then in your sadness in your disappointment in your rejection what do you do well i didn't go off i'm not a go off type of person i will if i have to fight for my family but i just was sad i didn't cry but i stayed through the whole thing to show my support and then i got on the bus and i rode it home at 11 o'clock at night you know another one here's a here's a very interesting nobody knows i was kicked out of the original tremaine hawkins band when she went on tour i was kicked out of that band i was the bass player i was i was playing with the whinings and they were had some down time and um i was going to go on tour with jermaine and it was two other musicians and um a good friend of mine uh he played guitar and he's saying higher than i did so we were going to be the base to lead the drums michael williams from commission was the drummer and uh there was another young man as head of the band so when we got there we had rehearsed and i sang my part i'm a singer and i knew my part and when we got to the audition the guitar player who was supposed to sing another part sang my part and he wasn't great at it but he's saying my part he choked and he froze but we boys so i said okay i just i'll just sing the top part i didn't learn it but but i'll sing it i figured you know they know i can sing i'm with the wireless you know that's cool and i'll get it and i looked at the guy and i said hey man you're supposed to sing the top that's what you've been singing this whole three weeks he looked at me saying i've seen this part and he froze wow and so the piano player looked at me and said and instead of getting rid of the guy they called in jonathan dubose to play bass wow and i got kicked out and i was devastated so much so that i that i i talked to a few people and they said well fred feels like he didn't get a good break and so jermaine was there and she came and said okay baby let's go let me hear you and it was so much pressure i started singing and playing and i just folded i put my head down i just shook my head because i didn't remember my part or any other thing and she said but baby this is a business i'm sorry you know maybe there'll be other times and i i got kicked out so listen this is this is but this is you at the at the point in your life where you're working with the legendary whiners you're working with marvin weiners no less who is no he's not uh i mean he doesn't suffer fools at all he only works with what's what's tough and what's working yeah and um you figured i would get credit then the thing about it is in your rejection you know when you're doing your best now it's different when if i hadn't rehearsed and did my part and then i want to blame everybody else don't be that person but when you're really working hard and you're really trying uh and then all of a sudden you don't know that there are other forces at work not just the devil trying to get you out of the group but the devil playing or people with mind games or playing tricks that i i don't want this person there are all sorts of manipulative things that are going on sorry for fear are you talking about you're talking about gospel music that happens in gospel music christians do they that was the church gospel is everything happens and everything you know because we're still people you know the beautiful thing about it was i didn't blame any of them i was hurt i mean i literally my depressions were different my i could function as a depressed person because i was young and i still believed that i'm supposed to be doing something great but i'm knocked me off my feet and i'd love to say that i got the gig back or i went and somebody else heard me and saw me and got me in this it didn't happen for a year they were going out on tour and on the road and michael williams is coming back telling us all about it and commission wasn't strong yet commissioner went no record deal we were just rehearsing in the basement and um you had to sit in that desert experience but they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength so the definition of patience is the ability to remain the same while you wait so in my sadness in my despair i kept pushing i was always positive i didn't want to come across as a hater i didn't mean mug no but i never looked at tremaine as a i was upset i felt treated unfairly but i never let my heart get black about it and i believe that's the only reason i'm here today because there are a lot of people that got rejected early in them days that i grew up they you should know who they are you should know their name because they're amazing talent but the road they took to bitterness unforgiveness and you know you you pride you'll never know their name because they weren't able to transfer but i was able to sit in the middle of the storm in the middle of the embarrassment y'all don't understand how embarrassed i was how did i who had been traveling with the wineries it was an easy gig for me and it was going to make a nice amount of money which i needed at that time and i'm rejected and embarrassed the word is going off red lost the gig fred lost he lost gig and i had to sit through it i had to sit through it but there we go that's right freddie hammond thank you so much for your time but just a couple of one couple of things more i want to ask you um so you talk about that scenario and i mean of course i was suggesting when i say you mean christians do that because some of those story lines you capture in your in your tv series the choir uh which is i think you yourself have described it as a mix of green leaf meets power meets um uh the the lions you know yeah it it it's it is because that's see the story i told you is filled with that what the choir is going to be about is filled with that um they're behind the scene thing but now i'm not it's not embarrassing like you nobody would know what that must be about your main one that must be about the way it's not like that but it is the i believe this now the choir is different from surviving williams so bobby williams is a little bit more you know family friendly it's a little bit more bernie mac it's a little bit more this but the choir is the ratchet part of what is going on in the world and that god will walk into the ratchet god ain't afraid of the ratchet only we're afraid to tell the story of the ratchet but the bible gives us the clue in the dna that the way to righteous is through the ratchet as david as abraham asked them all but fred when were you able when were you able to come to that point because for some they walk through those parts of the christian world or the gospel music business and it it broken them it corrupted them and they themselves started i mean you have seen enough pastors and some of the things that go on there for you to be able to tell some some stories for ages but clearly your position is that hasn't blackened you you come to a place where you say you know god is at work within this when did you arrive at that or were you always like that and from i just always had a dna you know i was raised by a great woman who made a mistake who i would never talk about in a negative way i'm a mistake you know i i i'm a mistake i shouldn't even be here my parents were both appropriate in two areas they would i wouldn't even be here if number one they were married to other people and number two my mom had an abortion that did not work she didn't have a thought and then run out it they performed it and it didn't work so now i'm now you found this out just months before your mom passed away right a year before she couldn't when she told me six months later she couldn't talk no more it was over she could not talk she had a stroke and god allowed her to tell me in a way that just unlocked the truth of who she was but that was my mom and i loved her i had a passion for her you know and i just i loved her and now nobody better not talk about it it's like and now i realize that there are so many people there are pharisitical people and then there are people like jesus it's it's those are the two it's you the either one or the other and those that stand on the religious rock and say you know what those are the people that if the woman of that woman that was found in adultery had been before them she would be stoned so that they can prove themselves to the people around see i'm on your side whereas jesus that was a mark against him when he basically forgave her in front of everybody and they could not cast his own so i've decided if i'm gonna follow jesus he was radical that's why i got the name rfc radical in my thinking not radical am i jumping around you know and radical in my ability to jump high and do px 90 praise radical in how i think i go where places that people won't go i'm a peterish type of person i will get off the boat and i will go where people need me most even if it doesn't look that great the good shepherd will leave the 99 and go after the one and it ain't always that popular to go after that one now i can't let it influence me and do it period of time it probably could have took me one way or the other i ain't gonna lie and i just made a decision i'm not gonna let this affect me i'ma always fight to do the right thing even against my flesh even against everything else so fred hammond you know we could we could talk about that you've got so many stories beyond your 60 years i mean just the story of your your knee replacement alone that's a testimony by itself uh we haven't even talked about the music the story behind the songs but one final thing i want to ask you just for the record uh you recently were very uh magnanimous um in pointing to bishop marvin winans and saying listen my my mentor when your mentor sings your song and you put up a video of him and donny and jay moss in singing one of your songs and that i mean that was a hair-raising moment but for you i know that uh the journey of israel houghton started with you he talks about playing guitars for you i know that marvin sapp he's he's spoken many times about getting a call from you and and thinking it was a prank and saying no yeah whatever you know um i i know that even bishop john france is here in the uk and he was eager for you to sign him to your label i wanted you so bad what are some of the some of the people that people may not know who are connected to you and i know you probably feel a little a little reluctant thinking i don't want to boast but you know just for the record do a a journey for us and talk about people who are connected to fred hammond uh who you were part of their their journey that we may not know and i i tell you one of the reasons i ask there are people there's a young man who i spoke to just yesterday and someone who i know was a part of his journey actually paid the bill for one of these big concerts and you know the the young man had forgotten forgotten that but the man was a key part of his journey so it dawned on me that wow uh the people who set you off on your way are not always remembered because people just go off into the light uh but i am a big one of telling stories of and and narrating the journey this is where it came from so are there any that you feel comfortable if you don't mind telling us just for the record so we know that the uh uh the dna as it were we say of the people who helped me get there or people i helped to get oh no people that you helped people that you helped get to where where they are well people know out of the journey came out of our journey out of you know fred hammond's band came out of your production companies and where they are um this would be one of them things that when we get off the phone i'll say oh i should have said so and so oh i should say so and so because you don't think about it usually after you do it those people come up to you and say yo um and you're proud of him he's like oh man yeah i remember when i did ask cap as fred hammond the bmi awards of the ascap awards and they were honoring marvin winans and i sang long time coming but now i'm platinum for it and this that another and i got up and i said i hope i made you proud and then i did long time coming and i just saw his face like it just came full circle like this is what i was supposed to do i was supposed to help you get where you were going so if you look at it the recent aaron lindsey producer aaron lindsay who produced never would have made it reduce israel hold and produce all of these great hits over the last six or seven years and he's a great record exec record company exec himself yeah and he came to my uh he came up under my camp you know i brought him to the studio and we the other student i taught him this and i taught him that rodney jerkins will tell you he came to my studio at 13 years old and he wanted to be a rapper and we immediately i was working on the very first dawkins and dawkins album and um rodney jerkins at 13 years old walks in with his brother freddie and they come through and they're talking and i asked him what do you want to be said i want to be a rapper and i said well they'll go jump on that track and he went in there and did this track i remember some tribes and perfect huge person losing there but they should never do what they had to do and he went in there and slated and then you know we just every time we see him we just he said i'm gonna be a producer one day huh watch watch watch watch and he recently came to me and said um i dissected all of your stuff like king of glory blows my mind it blows my i've dissected do you know how to use a lot of that stuff this is rodney rodney jerkins that went on to do michael jackson he went on to do i mean at the point rodney jerkins was was costing half a million half a million dollars to to produce i know because i was working the record company and some of the artists were being sent to record rodney jackets yeah and so rodney you have that one and that's a he and i talk to this day i'll go over his house when i'm in la we sit down and talk about this and that he's one of my favorite people um christine bell i'm not sure if you guys are all familiar with christina bell christina bell i took her out on tour with me donnie um charles jenkins and james fortune and i did a play inside of the music inside of i did a musical called the festival of praise and uh i took her out on the road and she was a part of this group called ziel way back in the day and but she had a look and i wanted her to play a role and she she didn't know if she was going to do it because she didn't know if she could travel she worked it out and she went out on the tour with me for the festival of praise now people know her as twinkie in the clark sisters movie you know and what she just told she said don't put me out on this one and like i said a lot of people i'll forget even when i'm watching their success that i'm connected to them because i don't watch it from like i did that look i did look at me i don't do it i don't look at it like that i had to even remember somebody said remember she was out yeah christina did you think that helped her get this part i i wouldn't think so she's just you know so it's so many people and there are people that are not stars that are not on the record monica coates now the head of motown gospel she was my assistant for six years seven years you know making 350 a week as my assistant you know and she was an amazing person that got me on track kept me on track she was always diligent well now she's the head of motown gospel just you know in the last year or so she was she was uh put in place when she last year or two couple years couple years yeah but she had been with verdi and she had gotten jobs that you know based she was able to grow after me but she cut her chief with me you know i just did a zoom with her and she just really recanted a lot of the things uh very proud of her kevin wilson good friend my best friend he uh was with me forever he came in as a intern he didn't even get paid for a year he just wanted to come and sit under the room and now he runs a major mega ministry in charlotte the park and he's the head of media over that whole thing kenyan pam kenyon can you help me you know she has gone on to do things now she's down with her with her husband bishop cortez bond and they're part of a ministry in florida and the list goes on because when you come through if you listen the holy ghost will talk to you through me it won't always be what you want to hear but when you get finished if you stay the whole operation if you stay and get the whole haircut it'll look good a lot of people's problem is they have an agenda and they wanted you to they want you to do how they want you to do it so it's like this it's like getting a haircut that first initial if you stop saying huh i'm getting out of here you're gonna look stupid but if you let that barber finish everything when he's finishing he pop that towel it's that first cut though and same thing with the surgery you know the first initial decision decision hey doctor you stabbing me in my chest rip your chest open if you get up off that table or try to you're gonna die let the process happen and those that have done that have gone on to do great things fred hammond thank you so much for speaking to us just one final time just remind us of of the uh the the williams family uh when it is how people can get tickets and uh uh yeah please fam yo i'm building again i don't want to be building i'm building yet another mountain decline but i love the passion of it i talked to devon franklin yesterday you know devon franklin absolutely keeper keeper a hollywood agent man pastor love of god but he's very connected he took out 40 minutes to zoom me and talk about my project and what to do and he said something most profound he said to me fred don't lose the passion even if the business side ain't there and the next exact same thing don't lose the passion for creating he said i hear it in your voice i see it you're you're editing you he looked at me and said you're editing i said yeah i mean i don't have a big staff now it's got to be me he said so you direct you write and you have to edit man i got to do it all and he said so how do you feel about that i said man i got to be honest with you i love it it's like it's it's a passion i just needed to need the money side to catch up with you now because i'm 60 so i ain't got that long mountain but he said don't lose the passion and i i agree i do love it i i hate it in the middle of the night i'm glad i caught you because i went to bed around seven after being up from about three in the morning to seven and i'm gone you know and i happened to reach up and say oh my god i gotta catch my call so um surviving williams surviving william family go to my page go ahead and follow me if you're not at realfredh on instagram at realfredh on instagram and my fan page is fred hammond fan page um but i do most of my connection through instagram that's where you're going to see most of it at real fred h hit the bio in the link it'll take you right to the tickets it's this saturday it's going down it may be a little late then where you guys are but you can watch it in the morning or the next afternoon it's on demand but those of you that do want to stay up because i'll be in the first chat room i see people from london it's two o'clock in the morning and they're like fred fred london here red fred and we're just going back and forth so real fred h go to the page hit the link and it's only pop thank you so much thank you so much [Music]
Channel: PremierGospel
Views: 166,685
Rating: 4.8917146 out of 5
Keywords: premier gospel, christian music, new christian music, christian debates, christian encouragement, christian radio station, fred hammond, fred h, fred hammond divorce
Id: Mlg5ucYjnow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 18sec (2598 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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