Marketing is different Now! Philip Kotler

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this is Philip Kotler and you know I've been in marketing for over 50 years and please understand that marketing has been changing very rapidly what I wrote in my 1967 walk the new marketing and that's what we're really talking about the modern marketing worked very well for a long time but now we are at a different stage we are in a world of digitalization we have so many new information sources for both listening and learning that basically we have to always relearn our marketing we actually have to forget our old marketing and relearn our new marketing and it turns out that the most basic thing is that the consumers are a different breed today the consumers are so much better informed information is available to them instantaneously about the prices of different competing products and the even the behavior of the companies that make these products so you have to really commit to your company to one that will understand its customers individually and in groups and will prepare and commit their particular needs as the needs change so there's a whole new consciousness that marketers need to have about first of all collecting information on every target customer and adapting their means of reaching and influencing their customers according to the best social science understandings of what's involved so it's a new marketing maybe I'll call it a new new marketing period and there's new technologies there's new information sources and tools even the mathematics of marketing have been improving and there are some very interesting ways to analyze the data on our customers to get more insight and penetrate with more with more successful those strategies so make sure that your marketing is up to date and that's the purpose we have at the world marketing summit and the result is many countries with the top experts newest and latest thinkers in the field of marketing they're likely to help you be with many new ideas that you will go back to your companies and research and start implementing in order to do a better job than competitors so keep learning the new marketing thank you [Music]
Channel: Yousif Solangi Official
Views: 2,518
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: sales, marketing, digital marketing, philip kotler, philip kotler marketing
Id: S_UWzR_dPeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 26sec (206 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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